Exactly, Maxx, the key word, “vaporized “. And those still missing? Are nothing more than “dust in the wind” and will never be accounted for.
This was not a fire, it was a deliberate assassination of the innocent people for a piece of land! I really really want to see the perpetrators heads on a pike at this point!
but what was going on with the displays on London Bridge is that the heads of the ones that opposed the tyranny were made an example of by the tyrannts.
It's impossible to fathom that people didn't return the favor...
Protocol 3:16. At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other States. It is the bottomless rascality of the GOYIM peoples, who crawl on their bellies to force, but are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the violence of a bold despotism - it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence. From the premier-dictators of the present day, the GOYIM peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings.
It's kinda like John 3:16 in Opposite Day: For the Yahoodim so hated the world that they wiped out all of the native sons, that whosoever shall not bow to them will have extinguished life.
St Ambrose (Italian, ca. A.D. 340–397): “The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ, and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them.” Ouch!
...I'm posting this here because I don't know if my emails go through anymore. YT is scrubbing my posts, F them.
Someone sent me this about Karen Kingston who was missing and then this video came up. A woman who was told not criticising Robert Malone note please—when the link is clicked, a video Kingston made dated August 6, 2023, begins playing https://gettr.com/streaming/p2nnc6713be
It really doesn't matter if they hired a toddler with a fag or used their billion dollar toys - either way this was domestic tear your ism. So it can be In Gene Eared either low tech or high tech.
Personally, I think the toddlers are running the joysticks.
"Viruses Don’t Exist psyop that was IMPLANTED in people’s minds ..."
Patrick, I'm always open to the notion that something's a psyop but I fail to see how "viruses don't exist" or rather - and it's an important distinction - "viruses haven't been proven to exist" is a psyop when:
--- the people making the claims include scientists, doctors and well-versed independent researchers who - at least in some cases if not all (because they have to have their agents at every level of truth to try to screw it up somehow) - seem to have no ulterior reason whatsoever to push it
--- they methodically show how the scientific papers showing isolation of alleged viruses don't follow the scientific method in their lack of use of controls or alleged controls that aren't really
I can only infer that you think people such as Sam and Mark Bailey must be agents because Mark has independently gone through scientific papers himself to call them out and thus he cannot be said to be misled by others.
Can you please explain why you think the claim "no virus has been proved to exist" is a psyop?
My Ewe Toob videos are 6 years old but I've been on the trail of Bacteriophages since 2008.
Research is NOT reading a paper!
I've got receipts for 500 books that I borrowed from the University of ILL Annoyed that I read cover-to-cover and have consumed probably a terrabyte of electronic data. In 23 years I have read probably 5 papers that were actual Science.
You covered it in your comment: "They have agents at every level of truth..."
So what NO ONE is considering because it is too terrifying is: What if they were lying about lying about Viruses?
There is a current psyop that I call: Disbelieve Everything.
I have no insider knowledge of such an operation except what I see on the ground. I invented the name for it.
If you have ever had contact with Narcissists: they use confusion and lies to keep you imbalanced so they can control you. Why wouldn't genetic liars lie about EVERYTHING just to keep us off balance?
So here is what I put to the Baileys and Lanka a long time ago:
Address Bacteriophages.
No one has. I don't trust anyone who has anything to do with the extortion called psychology or psychiatry so Kaufmann is right out. Cowan just repeats the Party Line on the topic and other people have presented my material to these players but no one will address Phages.
In 1930 Cold Spring Harbor discovered restriction enzymes from phages that led to Molecular Biology that led to Genetic engineering.
CRISPR was discovered by Dupont in their yoghurt division when studying how bacteriophages can ruin a 3 story tall stainless steel vat full of product by turning the bacteria toxigenic. Bacterial genes respond to viruses infecting them by a defense mechanism that is a programmed cassette of instructions. IF big industry (Dupont started out and remains a munitions manufacturer) thinks that viruses exist, and think that viruses can fuck up millions of dollars of product, and think that a DEFENSE MECHANISM TO VIRUSES can be cross-applied to fuck with the code of Life Itself, then I think we need to pay attention to what THEY are paying attention to.
Because otherwise: You CAN'T have nanotechnology since that too was learned from the Tobacco Mosiac VIRUS SELF-ASSEMBLING. If I called Viruses: Self Assembling Nanomachines would it be any more or less pallitable than calling them Viruses?
Because if you take away viruses then you HAVE TO jettison: molecular biology, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. You can't cherry pick what you think is real or is a threat. THEY ALL AROSE FROM THE SAME SOURCE: Bacteriophages. Which is why I think that all of these people are either Useful Idiots or paid Agents.
Here's what I put out on substack more recently than my pre-saging this psyop 6 years ago on Ewe Toob:
Here is how I evaluate the abject NONSENSE that "no virus has been proved to exist" is the greatest squat with liquid diarrhea being shit right into the brain pans of everyone who stands under it:
Stefan Lanka CLAIMS TO HAVE BEEN THE FIRST PERSON TO ISOLATE FREE-LIVING VIRUSES FROM SEA WATER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let that soak in for a moment. So, how do we go from FREE-LIVING VIRUSES being demonstrated by the guy who is the Poster child of VIRUSES DON'T EXIST?
See why I call it the Disbelieve EVERYTHING psyop?
The whole stage show with the German Government and the Measles nonsense is easily explained that if the MASTERS OF DELUSION want people so confused on which way is up they have NO INTENTION AND NO OBLIGATION TO ANSWER Lanka's CHALLENGE OR CLAIMS. The Govern Mentes are in CONTROL! Their lack of response doesn't PROVE anything except that they ARE in control and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it outside of "DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH" as opposed to just reading some dumbass "expert's" paper on it.
I may seem harsh in my reply but it is not directed at you. My entire life for the past 15 years has been predicated on this topic being resolved to our advantage so it is critical that people are not deceived from the outside but they also don't deceive themselves.
That town was vaporized in seconds while Scott cried his yiddish crocodile tears
Exactly, Maxx, the key word, “vaporized “. And those still missing? Are nothing more than “dust in the wind” and will never be accounted for.
This was not a fire, it was a deliberate assassination of the innocent people for a piece of land! I really really want to see the perpetrators heads on a pike at this point!
ah... the Good Olde Days...
but what was going on with the displays on London Bridge is that the heads of the ones that opposed the tyranny were made an example of by the tyrannts.
It's impossible to fathom that people didn't return the favor...
Protocol 3:16. At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other States. It is the bottomless rascality of the GOYIM peoples, who crawl on their bellies to force, but are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the violence of a bold despotism - it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence. From the premier-dictators of the present day, the GOYIM peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings.
It's kinda like John 3:16 in Opposite Day: For the Yahoodim so hated the world that they wiped out all of the native sons, that whosoever shall not bow to them will have extinguished life.
Loved that last paragraph, you nailed it!
St Ambrose (Italian, ca. A.D. 340–397): “The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ, and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them.” Ouch!
"God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them.” 👍
Love this guy. I couldn't have said it any better.
spot on
When genius talk wise,; better listen...
I enjoyed this one. Clarity beyong what is easily found around most other corners.. .. from a true thinker..
A great write up Patrick!
...I'm posting this here because I don't know if my emails go through anymore. YT is scrubbing my posts, F them.
Someone sent me this about Karen Kingston who was missing and then this video came up. A woman who was told not criticising Robert Malone note please—when the link is clicked, a video Kingston made dated August 6, 2023, begins playing https://gettr.com/streaming/p2nnc6713be
All engineered...Thanks Pat
It really doesn't matter if they hired a toddler with a fag or used their billion dollar toys - either way this was domestic tear your ism. So it can be In Gene Eared either low tech or high tech.
Personally, I think the toddlers are running the joysticks.
"Viruses Don’t Exist psyop that was IMPLANTED in people’s minds ..."
Patrick, I'm always open to the notion that something's a psyop but I fail to see how "viruses don't exist" or rather - and it's an important distinction - "viruses haven't been proven to exist" is a psyop when:
--- the people making the claims include scientists, doctors and well-versed independent researchers who - at least in some cases if not all (because they have to have their agents at every level of truth to try to screw it up somehow) - seem to have no ulterior reason whatsoever to push it
--- they methodically show how the scientific papers showing isolation of alleged viruses don't follow the scientific method in their lack of use of controls or alleged controls that aren't really
I can only infer that you think people such as Sam and Mark Bailey must be agents because Mark has independently gone through scientific papers himself to call them out and thus he cannot be said to be misled by others.
Can you please explain why you think the claim "no virus has been proved to exist" is a psyop?
Hi Petra,
I've been on the rampage attempting to make the 'researchers' actually do RESEARCH.
My Ewe Toob videos are 6 years old but I've been on the trail of Bacteriophages since 2008.
Research is NOT reading a paper!
I've got receipts for 500 books that I borrowed from the University of ILL Annoyed that I read cover-to-cover and have consumed probably a terrabyte of electronic data. In 23 years I have read probably 5 papers that were actual Science.
You covered it in your comment: "They have agents at every level of truth..."
So what NO ONE is considering because it is too terrifying is: What if they were lying about lying about Viruses?
There is a current psyop that I call: Disbelieve Everything.
I have no insider knowledge of such an operation except what I see on the ground. I invented the name for it.
If you have ever had contact with Narcissists: they use confusion and lies to keep you imbalanced so they can control you. Why wouldn't genetic liars lie about EVERYTHING just to keep us off balance?
(great substack by our friend Arnie covers a different type of genetic lying https://liarsworld.substack.com/p/genetic-liars )
So here is what I put to the Baileys and Lanka a long time ago:
Address Bacteriophages.
No one has. I don't trust anyone who has anything to do with the extortion called psychology or psychiatry so Kaufmann is right out. Cowan just repeats the Party Line on the topic and other people have presented my material to these players but no one will address Phages.
In 1930 Cold Spring Harbor discovered restriction enzymes from phages that led to Molecular Biology that led to Genetic engineering.
CRISPR was discovered by Dupont in their yoghurt division when studying how bacteriophages can ruin a 3 story tall stainless steel vat full of product by turning the bacteria toxigenic. Bacterial genes respond to viruses infecting them by a defense mechanism that is a programmed cassette of instructions. IF big industry (Dupont started out and remains a munitions manufacturer) thinks that viruses exist, and think that viruses can fuck up millions of dollars of product, and think that a DEFENSE MECHANISM TO VIRUSES can be cross-applied to fuck with the code of Life Itself, then I think we need to pay attention to what THEY are paying attention to.
Because otherwise: You CAN'T have nanotechnology since that too was learned from the Tobacco Mosiac VIRUS SELF-ASSEMBLING. If I called Viruses: Self Assembling Nanomachines would it be any more or less pallitable than calling them Viruses?
Because if you take away viruses then you HAVE TO jettison: molecular biology, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. You can't cherry pick what you think is real or is a threat. THEY ALL AROSE FROM THE SAME SOURCE: Bacteriophages. Which is why I think that all of these people are either Useful Idiots or paid Agents.
Here's what I put out on substack more recently than my pre-saging this psyop 6 years ago on Ewe Toob:
This should autotranslate from the Japanese:
Here is how I evaluate the abject NONSENSE that "no virus has been proved to exist" is the greatest squat with liquid diarrhea being shit right into the brain pans of everyone who stands under it:
Stefan Lanka CLAIMS TO HAVE BEEN THE FIRST PERSON TO ISOLATE FREE-LIVING VIRUSES FROM SEA WATER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let that soak in for a moment. So, how do we go from FREE-LIVING VIRUSES being demonstrated by the guy who is the Poster child of VIRUSES DON'T EXIST?
See why I call it the Disbelieve EVERYTHING psyop?
The whole stage show with the German Government and the Measles nonsense is easily explained that if the MASTERS OF DELUSION want people so confused on which way is up they have NO INTENTION AND NO OBLIGATION TO ANSWER Lanka's CHALLENGE OR CLAIMS. The Govern Mentes are in CONTROL! Their lack of response doesn't PROVE anything except that they ARE in control and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it outside of "DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH" as opposed to just reading some dumbass "expert's" paper on it.
I may seem harsh in my reply but it is not directed at you. My entire life for the past 15 years has been predicated on this topic being resolved to our advantage so it is critical that people are not deceived from the outside but they also don't deceive themselves.