We have some amazing, brave, and intelligent friends in Japan who, to our knowledge have formed the only anti-vaccine group in the history of that nation. I'm comfortable with saying anti-vaccine because that is what I am. I'm against supersition, black magicks potions and spells, fraud, and outright murr durr. From the time that Jenner introduced what was called by the common folke of unMerry Olde England: The Ingrafting of Bestial Disease until today there has ALWAYS been a anti-vaccine movement.
We could go the distance to call it a Pro-Life, Pro-Autonomy, Pro-Sanity, Pro-Purity, Pro-getclosetomewiththatneedleandi'llkickyourass-movement, but I find no stigma about being against something that is criminally insane.
Conspiracy Theory was rebranded as an epithet to pull attention away from the fact that within jurisprudence in order to bring a criminal case you first must have a Theory of Conspiracy.
Making anti-vaccine an epithet is like saying that anti-drunk drivers are racists or non-inclusive or any of the other NWO vomit words. When you pander to insanity you facilitate it.
Jordan Meme: "Say it like it is - then there is no debate."
Bernaise meme: "If you say it loud enough and long enough - then people will believe it."
Ever notice how I take a long path to set up the background before I get to the point like
The English novelist, playwright, and politician Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton used the line to open his 1830 book Paul Clifford.
“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.”
You may notice a lack of periods in that 58-word starting sentence. The rest of the novel goes on to tell the dark tale of a robber who doesn’t know he’s the son of the judge who eventually sentences him to death. The twist at the end is that the robber frees himself and marries his cousin in America.
I feel such a sense of comraderie Eddy. I, too, write sentences that are 128 words long with exotic punctuation and tell tales of cousin-marrying criminals who run the government!
I'm the inventor of Continuum Theory based on the nexxus where any one fact can be traced back to any other fact on an infinite circle that encases an infinite spiderweb of network connections to each of those facts on the perimeter. Kindof like a 6 degrees of separation between human relations. Hell, the boy in the novel marries his cousin. That's barely any separation at all!
... any whey...
The interactions with our good friends in Japan whom I deeply respect forced me to finally codify WHY I thought that the dialectic between those who 'BELIEVE' in Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory was a VERY DANGEROUS PSYOP even if it was proposed Vice Squad Versa as Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory.
Below is the email that I composed on Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 9:39 PM. It was written in response to legitimate questions that MUST be answered if any of us are to get beyond what I call the Disbelieve Everything Psychological Warfare Operation that is at a fever pitch across the world.
Here is what our friend wrote to me:
> As you say, the number of people who believe the "VirusesDon'tExist" meme
> is increasing in Japan too.
> Apparently, the main point of which they claim is "isolation".
> The person most often referred to in Japan is Thomas Cowan.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Cowan_(alternative_medicine_practitioner)
> He often mentions to Rudolf Steiner (not medical professional) , and his
> claim is based on whose said "virus is excretion of cells"
> What is troubling is that he also mentions to Gilbert Ling's "AIH" and
> germ's pleomorphism, which sounds medically plausible.
> But critically, *he never mentions to bacteriophage.*
> This doubtfulness is not limited to him, but it's hard to determine
> whether he is just ignorance or intentional.
> Although it may not seem to important to ordinary people, I feel oblige to
> refute it scientifically.
My response to him follows, which, after I composed it, I was quite surprised shocked and pleased that I was able to do what no one on this planet had done: Harmonized what were PRESENTED to us as a binary choice: you either MUST accept the Religion of Terrain, or you MUST accept the Religion of Germ and you MUST destroy your opposition at all costs. In the Eric Berne transactional analysis this is a dangerous game called: Let You and Him Fight. Most people are not aware of the subtle manipulation that causes them to polarize always on ONLY binary alternatives. An extremely important insight from Dan McCarthy was that even entire tribes of people have culturally been locked into thinking Either/Or, when in Boolean logic there can also be the AND choice. Having a slight background in math and computers (math is a 4-letter word that gives me a rash {another 4-letter word!} and I suck at computer programming) I'm acutely aware of AND, OR, NAND, NOR and Inverter logic gates to analyze any input so I don't allow myself to fall into stupid people traps.
Below is the ONLY answer to this problem. If you don't like it, or don't agree, then this substack has nothing to offer you because my conclusions lead to SOLUTIONS to problems. You must have a goal to work towards to fix a problem so if your religion won't let you work with the notion of terrain and germ being inseparable then we literally cannot work together let alone arrive at a solutioin. The dialectic GIVEN to you to deceive you leads absolutely nowhere other than making people feel smugly good about their unwise emotional choices to align themselves with cult of personality rather than logic, critical reasoning, and science. If you really think that you can extract yourself from cancer or this political hell by clicking your heels together and thinking happy thoughts then go ahead. Just have clinical proof after you've met your goals so that it can be tested and replicated by the rest of us. It's one thing to read a study then get excited about the influence of morphic fields but a whole nother thing to replicate that study in your kitchen. Please send video.
My reply to the above email:
I love your analytical mind that can go to the heart of a problem.
There are a number of people who I think are dangerous either as useful idiots or controlled opposition placed there by the government.
Cowan, Kaufman and Lanka.
Lanka claims to be one of the people who isolated free living viruses from seawater, but then goes on to say that measles doesn't exist.
The best and fastest way to shut these people down is a very simple logical construct:
They say that the corona virus has not been 'isolated'. The agent has been making the news lately that it was created in the lab using gain of function and was released in china. That being said, if it were a weapon made against international convention then that is an act of war so the very people who made it CANNOT be the people that you would expect to isolate it and produce a blueprint of their weapon. That is admission of international war crimes. THEREFORE, the ONLY thing that can be done is for an independent third party to do the science to prove or disprove, sequence or not sequence an agent that does or does not exist.
ANYTHING beyond that is mere speculation therefore MUST be shut down because there is nothing to debate in the absence of proof.
Rudolf Steiner is an embarassment. I don't know of another figure that could generate so much reverence from idiots while having no credentials or credibility. Daily I'm astounded at the child mentality of most of the population of this world.
Dr. Ling's AIH will always be in play because it is how cells work so just citing that does not give credence to another party's claim. I do find it interesting that Ling's work is spoken of. Even Stanford did experiments to demonstrate pleomorphic changes from one bacterial strain to another by changing the nutrient substrate so, again, that is just another scientific given that does not lend credibility to their underlying theory that viruses are nothing but cellular waste being pushed outside of the cell.
Without taking on bacteriophages head-on the virusesdon'texist crowd has absolutely nothing to offer the world.
This is what Carl Zimmer has to say on the matter:
"Viruses are everywhere: scientists have found them under Antarctic ice; they lurk inside your lungs which until recently were believed to be sterile; and seawater, which was once thought to contain very few, has now been found to be teeming with viruses. In fact, they outnumber all other residents of the ocean by 15 to 1. "
"By some estimates, there are 10 to the 31st power phages on Earth. That makes phages the most abundant life form, period."
This is why I'm so adamant about this. IF this is true that there are more phages in air, land and sea than any other living form on the planet and they out-mass all living forms combined but are unseen, then this needs to be confronted head-on by the viruses deniers because phages are viruses and those viruses are bigger than whales and the 'elephant in the room'. It is something that CAN'T be denied but is actively avoided by those who would convince people that they don't even exist. Either they exist or they don't. It can be proven.
If it is proven then it must be discussed. If it is discussed then ALL of the premises of "viruses don't exist" vaporizes over night.
That would leave those clandestine service operators scrambling to find another myth for their followers to rally behind.
Destroying the credibility of a superstition (like vaccines) or destroying the credibility of the promotor of a superstition (like vaccines, or viruses don't exist) works together. If you can accomplish one or the other that is a good start. If you can destroy both then there is nothing but raw and viscious faith in a destroyed religion. Those are not the kind of people that you want to reach anyway. They can't be reached. They can't be swayed.
I feel very protective of the great work that you have started because if the Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka narrative takes hold in Japan then it undermines the True Science that you are trying to bring the country back to. Since it would just be a dialectic: Allopathy and its blantant lies to promote a superstition vs. Alternative medicine narratives created to keep people from looking into the true methods of control that Allopathy has inflicted on everyone. It is the classic Divide and Conquer.
I know that I write a lot but I want to insure that you get a really clear sense of the danger that we're all in if the people we are trying to reach cannot maintain focus on what is called Mechanism of Action.
Bechamps said that Terrain is Everything!
Let's give him the benefit of the doubt based on what we've covered so far!
Stanford said that they could morph one species of Strep into another simply by changing its diet. Pleomorphism is confirmed.
This is a change in terrain.
The bugs merely adapted to keep up with what was available to them.
What if that adaptation was unfavorable for the host?
The the host would get ill.
Did the host get ill because the terrain changed? Yes.
Did the host get ill because the change in terrain changed the species of the microbe? Yes.
See how there is never just one condition leading to a result?
We take this further that perhaps the terrain of the host did not change but the terrain of the hitchhiker (bacteria) changed when it got infected by a toxigenic bacteriophage!
Would the host feel healthy with a nonpathogenic organism? Yes.
Would the host feel healthy after the phage infected the nonpathogenic organism to make the bacteria put off TOXINS? No.
Was there a change in the terrain of the bacteria? Yes. It made a TOXIN.
Was there a change in the terrain of the host? Yes. It was sickened by the toxins.
This scenario fills the requirements of Bechamps for terrain dictating health but it factors in extenuating circumstances of the DYNAMICS of living organisms (humans) hosting living organisms (bacteria) that then host semi-living organisms (viruses = bacteriophages). Bechamps' requirements are filled but it requires the presence of both bacteria and viruses. Nothing happens in isolation.
Toxigenic bacteriophages are what makes the difference between getting tetanus or flesh-eating strep; or remaining perfectly healthy while covered in both parent bacteria that haven't been infected.
Toxigenesis is the EXPLANATION for those who are virus-deniers who MISUSE Bechamps claiming 'terrain is everything' without the first clue of where the toxins/poisons came from that they blame for 'causing' the illness. Yes, toxins can be environmental, but that is only ONE pathway in a world of infinite possibilities, yet that single blame conveniently allows those who misuse Bechamps to DENY VIRUSES when we saw above that bacteriophages outnumber ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET. So if toxigenesis by phage is a MAJOR arbitor of the TERRAIN of the host, then those who say that viruses don't exist are USING Bechamps for a nefarious purpose, therefore are NOT concerned with the truth, therefore cannot be trusted. It's called Cherry Picking Data.
If ever what I'm writing is not clear - never hesitate to ask me to restate it a different way. I've lived with this stuff for 23 years so it has become the way I think. If it is new to some people it takes a while to integrate it into the thought processes of how these mechanisms work and INTERACT.
Can you see the beauty of what I have have done here?
I am harmonizing both Koch (germ theory) with Bechamps (terrain theory) by finding common ground between the two, thus destroying the dialectic that would otherwise divide people like a religion.
I have never deviated from this work for 23 years and am convinced that it is the only answer. If you have rebuttals or hard questions relating to this never hesitate to bring them up and we will examine them together.
For anyone not familiar with Dr. Gilbert Ning Ling who I think is the smartest man that ever lived, then you can find his introductory work at https://www.gilbertling.org/
Here's a Little Red Hen level assignment.
Because I had referenced the Stanford study of changing the nutrient substrate of a bacterial culture that then changed the culture from one species to another, I was asked for a citation. I searched my offline databases with no results. I searched the web that has been gutted to be nothing but a commie 1984 Memory Hole smearing the Party Line over everything so that was a total loss even using a couple search engines including Google Scholar. I know that the paper exists because I read it, I don't make shit up, I have a mind like a steel trap and everyone knows that shit gets disappeared sometimes as soon as it is released. If anyone can find that study then you have our gratitude and I will pass it on to our friends in Japan.
This is what I tell everybody. If you didn't trust Jews you wouldn't be having these problems. There would be no discussion about circumcision or vaccines. We'd be out gardening and doing more productive things instead of pilpulling what's in the syringe and nobody here not a doctor, can tell me what's in any vaccine. The only ones who know are the Pharisee pharmacists who put this toxic brew together.
What idiot allows some Jew to stick a needle in his kids arm? Regardless of what's in the syringe. Children have become walking voodoo dolls with pins and needles stuck in them all because Jews suggest this is what needs to be done. This was long before the covid simulation.
Yeah. Arguing that the perpetrating predators behind the PlanDemic can ONLY be defeated by "no virus" ideology or its opposite, serves the PlanDemic conspirators.