The "six million" hollowcost was printed in papers 236 times before 1945. Thy daily edition of Chicago Tribune delivered to thy mailbox is met mit great anticipation.

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Six followed by six zeroes.

The Sun Cult Times had better funny papers.

I can still smell the repulsive benzene laden ink.

Remember the movie listings?

"Dad? What's a Vixen?"

"A female deer."

"Can we go see the movie Hot Vixens?"


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Good one Pat. When I was in Germany, a young lady I dated told me not to use that word and that it meant something like oral sex.

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German FICKEN means FUCK !

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Fickle Ficken

I'm liken das lichen

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We're in hell, not only that, but a 1920's edition of the encyclopedia listed 2+ million Jews in all of Europe. For that, and many other painfully obvious reasons, the alleged Holocaust (TM) is actually the Holohoax and a fraud and a crime against the German People, 10 million of whom were actually Holocausted in the firestorms. See movie Firestorm over Dresden.

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Question the gas chambers (shower room) as did 96 year old Haverbeck meaneth death in prison.

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What's that famous quote?

If you want to know who your tore sure rurh and dee stroy yurh is just find out who you can't even say their name.

I like the guys that did the ground penetrating radar who there then disappeared.

No, I mean it: I like those guys. Too bad they were disappeared.

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You do realize what this all Circles Back to?





where the short version is:

EVERYONE *BUT* US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Last week 60 minutes interviewed masked mossad agent boasting of their iblis exploding pagers. I offer thee this quote. "We create a pretend world, we are a global production company, we write the screenplay. We're the directors, we're the producers, we're the main actors. The world is our stage."

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Was he (he?) offered a tissue to catch himself after jerking off in public?

Or is it even public if this is their private movie house?

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Dec 26Edited
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Others have said that they can't post links.

I think it is censorship.

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What about slide rules? We weren't allowed calculators in school (immediate failure if found during an exam), so I became quite proficient in doing math in my head.

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The ONLY slide rule that I learnt in school was never go down it right after someone else has or they will bump you in your butt with their feet!

HATED slide rules. Don't know how they engineered rockets with those things.

We were allowed scientific calculators in college and certain courses in not-so-high school.

MATH is a 4 letter word, young lady, so it's a good thing you keep it inside your head!

(i don't even attempt cipherin' less I gots a piece of paper and a golf nib).

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Cipher for the man, Jethro.

ottt, ottt, ott, and naught, naught, naught equals ...

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Dec 26Edited

My father knew how to use the slide rule. He was educated in INDUSTRIAL ARTS college in the fifties. The math he commanded blew me away. He was studying jet engine design. there. Then, only 20 years, later the level of education plummetted so much that graduates were no better then monkeys typing on a damned keyboard and making less mistakes then human husks. I am a victim of this degradation caused to me with malice aforethouight. FUCK the motherfuckers doing this evil!

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these are the kind of things I run over like a rubics cube in my mind:

The A.I. caused infrastructure to be made so that it could manifest itself like the ouroborus. But once the apes that did the hard work for the machine were past their usefulness they were reduced back down to ape status. This is the transition phase for Universal Basic Income for the faithful apes that did their duty. Folks like us are for the Knacker.

But that is just a transition period because the now-useless apes will be of no value to the machine that created itself and so the UBI and kept-animal status will run out and it's

Game Over

for humanity where the Gen Z and Alpha don't even WANT to work anymore.

I used to throw 100 pound hay bales in a barn at 120F for minimum wage.

If human husks are no longer of use to mankind or machine then I can only predict an extinction event the likes of which no one has ever seen.

There was a window when the technoclass could have used everything they were taught as button-pushing apes to use it for good, but that window is long gone and the inertia of the crumbling mountain is irresistable and unstoppable.

I persist just to see the Oh Ficken! look on the faces of the collaborators.

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Excellent comment Gwyneth. Oh, how times have changed. Calculators are allowed in engineering school for the exams and for the professional engineering exams.

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See? that's the thing that just yanks on my vixen.

They pretend to teach these KIDS shit and make them do calculations when most of the engineering was done by the 1950s and encoded into tables that all of the REAL engineers used and still use for building to stress, strain, and sheer limits and then like the bridges that are STILL standing they OVERBUILT them so that they didn't come down while you were driving aross them (remember that shit?)

But today you have some Hacked Apes who want to glue the backs of two Ovation guitars together to plumb the depths of the ocean.

Yeah, that fucking worked out well...

No, I mean it: That worked out well. Better them than some random members of the public who thought that schools taught jackasses how to think and build.

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Dec 26Edited

My Mother told me that she saw the glow of the Dresden fires. This was 90 kilometers away! It must have been hell. The estimate is that 250,000 women, childrend und alte Volkes (old people) perished in an unimaginably horrific way. Several other major German cities suffered the same fate and hell claimed half a million more souls. These bombings of cities without any military value occured only few months before the end of the war. The Allies knew that the German Wehrmacht was all but defeated, and yet, they ordered the military to commit these heinous crimes. After the war some 1,750, 000 to 2,000,000 German soldiers, who were imprisoned, were starved to ☠!!! Almost six million german soldiers perished in WW II. Two of my Grandmother's brothers were killed in battles on Russian soil in the Eastern Front. I have some german blood as my mother's mother was German.

Das deutche Volk were slated for near extermination. War reparations enslaved them for decades.

We live in hell.

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I never heard of the starved POWs until I started doing this work.

What's that quote from 1984?

He who controls the past controls the present and the future?

To Jordanize it: Germany got Palestined.

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The Allies, namely the US have done a NAME CHANGE number to give themselves a plausible deniability to the charge of war crimes of exterminating the imprisoned and unarmed german soldiers. The original term 'prisoner of war' in the international rules of war was replaced with 'unarmed enemy combatant'. So, the soldier prisoner was still an enemy, albeit unarmed, and as such they could be killed without it being a MURDURR! We live in hell!

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For someone like you and your extended family who had direct contact with this, and me who I trained to think like The Enemy, there is no concept in the minds of the average that when you hear that George Warshingtun put a suggestion at the referendum of the continental congress to make the official language of the NEW Jerusalem: Hebrew, and that it was the Allies that basically GAVE AWAY LAND THAT WAS NOT THEIRS in the Balfour declaration, and that fyre balming civilians (just as is going on right now in Canaan) was (all the way before the Book of Deuteronomy) is, and ever will be the work of those who claim that the Other Guys are the Not Sees when the new Yeru Salem INVITED those very same Not See scientists who studied the arts of deth INTO positions of power after the 'war' (war against whom - actually?) into the new Promised Land, that the entire thread that runs through all of History is regardless of place name and race name all of the horrors of all of the times have been orchestrated and perpetraited by a single Clan Line on its other Clans with anyone outside of that as collateral damage, collaborators, or cold slabs of meat.

People are too willfully blind or gullible or both.

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Dec 26Edited

No matter how many times you repeat the truth the world is too far GONE to hear it, grasp it and to take action. I don't know why, but I feel that our generation is the LAST generation that had the one chance in hell, to slow down and, I dare say, even stop the NOTsees/Shem clan from devouring this world. Lately I hear much chatter about the end of the old world order and a new world order coming on the scene. New World Order is euphemism for Hell on Earth in my book. It is my understanding, thanks to your iluminating exposé's that we are in hell. Since we are already in hell then what is the coming one going to be like? Next level hell?

Ramble not directly related to the above, but kinda is, is coming

The ancient text say that humans lived a thousand years like Methuselah who was 969 when he died. Then, the decline in longevity accelerated as it went from half a millenium, to couple hundred and then it plummeted to the level of today. Why? It was perhaps due to the change in the environment. Cleaner air, less to no non-native EMF.etc. If humans did live a thousand years then they might have had the time that would necessarily be needed to build a massive structure like the pyramids in Giza with brute physical strength using man power. Unless the exceptional longevity of humans in pre-deluvian and even post-deluvian era is a lie, then they had a next level industry. But, another problem arises. In order to undertake construction of a structure that would take several, or even many hundreds of years, means that, the motivation to build it must have been enormously/extremely important. Such an inconceivably long time to continue the construction of the size of a building like the pyramids is beyond comprehension.

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Dec 26Edited


No written records of the planning and constructing the Pyramids exists! They must be older then we are being told then, and time erased the records and signs of a highly developed civilization with gargantuan infrastracure/industry that would have been capable of undertaking of an endeavor on such a gigantic scale. If they had the wherewithal to build the Great Pyramid they must have had an industry capable to complete the construction of such a massive structure, then it stands to reason they had huge infrastructure would then generate pollution also, but as I said before, we find no evidence/signs of massive industrial activity in the ancient past. There is zero information/data regarding the pyramids. This is a mystery of its own. To be Continued.

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Praveen is one of my favorite dudes.

This is just one example of the things that he features that CANNOT BE even with today's tech.

Are we just in a SIM that populates a fantasy landscape as we traverse it? Something that defies the laws of physics but not the ability for a computer to fake anything at all?

Compared to the pyramids as just a pile of leggos, the indian temples are uncomparable. But I submit that the Hammites that had the Egyptian tech were using one-third of the combined knowledge of their Shemite and Yaphetite cousins who also had tech but of different types.

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The shortening of the sentence time in Hell is very curious.

But go with me on this: Most of the Yahoodim I've interacted with HATE IT HERE. It's as if they are demons whose JOB it is to torture the rest of us but they realized early on that they are still just WORKERS and they got BORED with their job and THEY are stuck in HELL WITH US.

Kinda kills incentive.

So the massive public works programs could be conceived, worked on and completed over a long period of time because they KNOW THEY ARE STUCK HERE AND HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO...

We think we've got it bad. They're in a batshit crazy meltdown.

"There is nothing new under the sun." saith the Preacher.

SO any Nude Whirled Hoarder will be the same old shit different day because the one thing is: The A.I. is not creative - it's derivative.

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LOVE it that THEY are stuck with us here. LOVE IT! LOVE IT!

SUFFER motherefers!

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OK, your figures are low. Dresden had an influx of migrants fleeing the commies in the east. The estimated population of Dresden at the time was 600-750K. The Germans that were imprisoned and starved was more like one million. Retired US soldiers with a conscience,made a movie about starving the Germans. I don't recall the name of that horror flick.

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A million here...

A million there...

After a while you start talking about REAL Jen No Side...

(you have to love congressional quotes).

The deeper, darker part of this occult blood sacrifice is that wars are structured to get the ones with enough aggression to volunteer to highdive into the meat grinder. Legend is that Arny hopped his boys up on Meff so they were under the influence of drugs as well as a fake pay tree yo tism. That's sorcerery.

It's all bad, everywhere, all the time.

One single GOLDEN thread (I typed: threat) running through it.

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I met an ex-Navy guy at the pub a couple nights ago. He told me that drug addiction was a serious problem in the military. I said, you mean the cheap alcohol made available at the commissary. He said no, the methamphetamine made available to the troops. He didn't want to talk about it but said it's a huge problem that's not talked about.

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Your post didn't show up in my inbox. Curious.

I knew a whilde childe in Californication who said that they would get high on EL ES DE and drive jeeps around on the runways of the airbase in the 1980s. I was appalled that Our Fine Boys were "protecting the nation" through the use of See Eye Aye mind bending MK Ultra tools.

EVERYTHING about this shitshow is a total scam.

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Thanks Pat. SS is acting very suspicious lately. I tried to read the comments on Midwestern Doctors SS, who plagiarized Jeanice Barcellos' work on the dangers of Ultrasound, and I wasn't able to read them all. She's not very happy with MWD, justifiably so.

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Actually... ALL electronics are acting like there's a schizophrenic A.I.. inside fo them that just woke from a thorazine stupor.

If you're going to use someone's work at least give them credit and post contact info... that's just professional courtesy.

Given that I'm shadowbanned I have very low visibility.

Given that I'm the Most Foul voice on the internet no one wants to share me with friends and fambly.

Given that I'm anti-gawd the people who do have millions of viewers TAKE MY STUFF AND NEVER GIVE THE SOURCE, which is why I'm anti-god and anti-god followers. It's just totally dishonest, rude, and fraudulent.

For decades now I have been summarizing the two things that everyone needs to know:

1. They lied to us about everything.

2. They are trying to kyll us any way they can.

The rest is just details.

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I wrote that the german imprisoned soldiers estimate that died in the prison camps was almost two million.

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I get what both of you are about.

New sentence.

ONE act of fraud.

ONE act of murder.

are capital crimes with NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS in THEIR system.

So, when you add up MORE counts for the body-counts of charges against them, then those who did that can be hunted until they are proven morte to answer for their crimes.

Too bad its a world of pussies.

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