The difference between someone like Clint Richardson who is exhaustive in his analysis and someone like me who is just exhausting is… well… I just said it - din’t I?
Among Clint’s many word-deconstructions I remember him in phone conversation being quite pleased at the uncovering of the Exchequer.
That was the singularly unsavory fellow who was the favorite of the King that had an entire TABLE inlaid with the infamous Masonic CHECKERBOARD squares where BAGS of stolen tox doll ears would be placed on the GAME BOARD and moved around like puppeteers putting on a stage play.
Even if you hate math like Fran Zetta and I do, or even break out into anaphylactic rash at just the mention of the 4-letter word, I still encourage you to watch this entire presentation from beginning to end.
I’ve known for some time that the Greeks could do square roots with simple geometry. No matter how things are represented geometrically: whether by stick and string or check her boreds, the results are the same.
The little checkerboard used as a children’s game as a single device is one damned powerful tool.
Here’s the rub and I’ve told this story before: I read a 700-page book The History of Mathematics (yes, it was absolutely painful, I had an epi-pen with me at all times, whenever I came-to under the influence of oxygen it looked for all the world like the nurses and pair of medics were disappointed that I recovered…) because I didn’t understand math since I was abused by my 3rd grade teacher in front of the entire class for not knowing the 9 times table.
Bitch must have been Eastern Star.
Can you imagine what my future might have been like if I didn’t hate math/numbers with the very molten nookier core of my being? I might have been co-opted by those evil fucks to invent In Her Continence Ball List Tick Miss Ailses to harm total strangers whirleds away just because… Numbers.
But here we are, together, on the Path Not Taken where I shine the nookier arc-lamp on the crazy matriarchal intercoursers who war ship Gemmatria and Betrayal.
did I have a point….?
YEAH! My point was, that before I ever started my religion:
I knew that there had to be some Under LYING basis to the math I hated so badly. I had already known that the fuckers were lying to us about everything. When I got to the section in the book that showed the Quadratic Equation forced-feed down the gullet of young minds in Algebra class that was taught BEFORE Geometry class was in-fact a GEOMETRIC PROBLEM THAT WAS THEN RENDERED WITH ABSTRACT MATHEMATIC FORMULAE, the entire circus tent collapsed. Also in that revelation was that a square root was as easy to calculate or appromiate as telling the time of day with a stick stuck in the stratum.
So, since Yahoodim had been rayping tox doll ears for years in programs like Endowment for the Arts and Endowment for Humanities, I took my new-found knowledge that I had happened across during mandatory mid-day breaks and lunch breaks in the book factory I was working in, to my old math teacher at my highschool. You know: back in the days when you could actually walk into the prisons and schedule an appointment with someone in person as an alumni of the hell o’ed halls without being met by a SWAT team and being forced to have a COVID anal swab.
My olde teacher was excited to hear about my idea of how math originated from geometry, and the quadratic shit, and the square root shit, and that if I could just get her written endorsement as a professional within the discipline I could take my idea to the yahood-strangleholded money fountain and make a video on my topic:
… yeah… the honeymoon was over. Because through all of the Yes-momentum excitement of selling the idea that these things were out there for MILLENIUM, the concepts were simple and visual and tactile (if you had a compass and square - Mason or not) she made the acknowledgement that the modern cirriculum was indeed set up to teach the abstract fucking bullshit first: Algebra with meaningless Formulra and THEN they taught Gee Om Met Tree the next trimester so that the baby came out deformed and retarded.
Her entire demeanor changed when I suggested that if a rigid institution designed to stifle true knowledge and creativity simply played Opposite Day with its course work (long before I knew of Opposite Day) that the entire face of math literacy could change.
Is it needless to say that this woman went from smiling enthusiasm, to dropped shoulders, to a direct refusal to sign onto anything that would endorse my opposition to the Yahoodim stranglehold that paid her income?
Of course none of the colorful language or direct accusations were ever a part of our exchange back then, but the implications were as plain as a square root dangling in front of a mule pulling a cart.
See how I can turn any topic into being all about ME!
What WAS the topic?
oh… yeah… humble apple oh geez!
exchequer /ĕks′chĕk″ər, ĭks-chĕk′ər/
The British governmental department charged with the collection and management of the national revenue.
In Great Britain, the Court of Exchequer.
A treasury, as of a nation or organization.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
As I have established many times before:
Time Is Money
is a well known phrase.
When we apply distributive and commutative properties of mathematics we also see that
Time is our LIVES ticking away.
If, therefore, Time Is Money + Time is our Lives then Money becomes the TOKENS FOR OUR SPENT LIFE!
So when some brit-git motherfucker is sliding bags of coins around on his dinner table with a May Sonic Check Her Broad pattern on it PLAYING GAMES WITH OUR LIVES then I tend to get fucking upset (in all-caps).
Govern ments provide NO LABOR.
Govern mentes provide NO SERVICES.
Govern mentes merely move stolen goods around on the gameboard, wipe their sweating brows for the effort, dig into the bags to pay themselves and then send jack-booted thugs to extract more that they can then spread around to their Crowned Knees.
I would never use a checkerboard.
I will never learn an abacus.
I might make the Abbot Cuss.
I once knew how to use a Scientific Calculator for fancy physics and chemistry equations. Once out of the realm of vomiting Yahoody number spells I’ve never used one since.
So, I feature things like this because I appreciate how They have depreciated every single aspect of life and knowledge holding onto it for themselves for the express purpose of Control; so that you can appreciate the depreciation and learn how to defend yourselves against it and teach your children that nothing they have to offer is good, wholesome, or works for any purpose other than harm and deth.
Founder: Church of The Mechanic.
circa: 25 N.E. (New Era)
“Go forth! and cast ye Spanners into The Works, that the great Machine mayst grind to a burning halt or burn to a grinding halt!” Book of Hand Tools, Chapter 4, verse 16.
My Mother told me that she saw the glow of the Dresden fires. This was 90 kilometers away! It must have been hell. The estimate is that 250,000 women, childrend und alte Volkes (old people) perished in an unimaginably horrific way. Several other major German cities suffered the same fate and hell claimed half a million more souls. These bombings of cities without any military value occured only few months before the end of the war. The Allies knew that the German Wehrmacht was all but defeated, and yet, they ordered the military to commit these heinous crimes. After the war some 1,750, 000 to 2,000,000 German soldiers, who were imprisoned, were starved to ☠!!! Almost six million german soldiers perished in WW II. Two of my Grandmother's brothers were killed in battles on Russian soil in the Eastern Front. I have some german blood as my mother's mother was German.
Das deutche Volk were slated for near extermination. War reparations enslaved them for decades.
We live in hell.
What about slide rules? We weren't allowed calculators in school (immediate failure if found during an exam), so I became quite proficient in doing math in my head.