THEY don’t like lists.
Just like with Timelines…
…it’s easier to see the patterns.
On the contrary, though, it is perfectly fine for THEM to make lists to celebrate their DOMINANCE in every aspect and every power structure of what is called society.
Adam Sandler’s Hannukah Song:
Here's a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me
[Verse 2]
David Lee Roth lights the menorah
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah
Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli
Bowzer from Sha Na Na and Arthur Fonzarelli
Paul Newman's half Jewish, Goldie Hawn's half too
Put them together, what a fine lookin' Jew
You don't need "Deck The Halls" or "Jingle Bell Rock"
'Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, both Jewish
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Nicki Minaj
O Holy Night
Christmas Songs
Silent Night
Christmas Songs
Put on your yarmulke
It's time for Chanukah
The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs
Celebrates Chanukah
[Verse 3]
O.J. Simpson, not a Jew
But guess who is? Hall of Famer Rod Carew, he converted
We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear Abby
Harrison Ford's a quarter Jewish, not too shabby
Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is
Well he's not, but guess who is, all Three Stooges
So many Jews are in showbiz
Tom Cruise isn't, but I heard his agent is
It’s not above or below them to lie: O.J. is Yahoodim. ONLY Family is allowed in these positions of money, power, and priviledge. Tom Cruise OBVIOUSLY is, just by looking at him, which is why my Tribal Selfie Portrait Stack is overdue. I’ve been meaning to do a photo montage? collage? for decades. I just finished The FAMILY Tree that will leave NO DOUBT you are absolutely surrounded and OUTNUMBERED by a poor, oppressed, minority of the menorah.
So what about lists? They are helpful in that once you see that the Opposite Day is:
There’s More Of Them, Than There Are Of Us
then the Short List would be: Who Isn’t Them?
Legend is that to avoid the Hounds of Hell coming to collect on what you did, that changing your name puts them off the scent.
For you Old Folks, the actor Tony Randall is: Aryeh Leonard Rosenberg
Josef Stalin The Man of Steel is: Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili
That means Yosef Jew’s Son.
Stalin? Baldwin? They’re ALL COUSINS.
FDR was Rosenfeld not Roosevelt. Beverly Sills was Silberman = Silverman.
Henry Kissmyass born Heinz Alfred Kissinger on May 27, 1923, in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany; so there was a slight Babylonian Name Change but the one thing that never changed was terminal ugliness throughout his 100-year reign of Tear Your.
What are they running from? Who are they avoiding?
The need for the label that I came up with of: Yahoodim is because whether someone is full, or quarter, or half, there will also be the gene lines of those that Josephus said were either subjugated, voluntarily mixed with, or war-raped into Family Lines. Exactly like a white plantation owner who would father mixed-race SLAVES to cause even more division among the field hands vs. the house staff. Collaborators with the Planetary Military Occupation renders ANYONE even if they were White Purity zealots to be Yahoodim defined as The Children of Ea-Hu.
If you follow the Demon Lord Ea-Hu then you are one of them even if you were a PureBlood which is another fucking myth that I destroyed with a couple-hour-long video that has never been released to the public. Private viewing only. Odd thing is, the top people who saw it said it was pretty tame for the kind of thing that I put out.
I’ve gotten TOO MUCH SHIT from White Purity people for pointing out that NO ONE ON THE PLANET of any ‘color’ or ‘race’ could ever be anything but a Donkey on the way to a Mule (sterile) because of what they shot into us with vaccines containing the CANCEROUS CERVIX OF A BLACK WOMAN; cultured on the foreskins of unknown race babies; and polluted with feces (polio is an enterovirus); and the aborted tissue of unknown races of boys and girls that alone account for ‘Genderfucking DIS For Yah’.
The hatred directed at me by White Purists as the Messenger of something they are INCAPABLE of hearing will never be tolerated because these posturing fools never did a goddamned thing to STOP the pollution, so they are religiously-deluded useful-tools of controlled opposition.
This late in the war, there might be those less-tainted who maintain their genetic inheritance of resisting Evil so as to distinguish themselves from the Taint. I’ve got 300 subs on this Stack but personally know only ~30 living beings on this planet that are the best remaining vestiges of Purity of Soul.
The name: Yahoodim covers all three Clans of Noea along with willing collaborators such as Joe (I secretly am Family) I-want-to-be-a-Szionist Biden. Like he got to be Head Puppet without being Family! What a crocodile of bullshit!
Let me introduce you to the Yahoodim here with The FAMILY Tree, and in the future with a photo collection, because the world at large has been hypnotized to welcoming Them into their living rooms by radio and later by TV so that they can’t distinguish a “J”ew if one crawled up their ass and died.
There was no “J” before 1600 AD so there never was, is, or will be a “J”ew.
The success of The Wizard of Odd was that the hooked-nose Ashkenadzim were portrayed as The Enemy so that is all that people know or think of when they are TRIGGERED with the word: “J”ew.
Feel stupid now?
You should. Misdirection is used in both Stage and Black Magicks and you fell for the ILLUSION of being given an enemy to hate without the first fucking clue of:
Please let me know if the resolution on this is good enough to read if you magnify the screen for details. The parent image is ~12 MB and is available for anyone who wants or needs it, but I decided to put a 2 MB image in this Stack to see if it was sufficient.
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was invited by Jeanice Barcelo to talk about:
The “J”ews. I started to give the Biblical History of the Yahoodim and she rudely shut me down live on air because I wasn’t telling her what she wanted to hear ---
--- I was telling her what she NEEDED TO KNOW.
I claim that I am the smartest man that ever lived (Gilbert Ling has passed may he rest in peace; and Ken Wheeler has been demoted). The smartest man that ever lived giving a GIFT of my time and my genius to be cast into the mud for the pigs to eat is something that will never be forgiven. Compounded by the fact that from 2011 until 2016? when Clint Richardson picked me up on RBN, I had been banned from alterNOTive media for this sole message that was revealed to me when I was studying the works of Francois Lenormant and the fictitious Josephus:
THE THREE CLANS OF NOEA came Down From On High after ‘The Flood’ to murder, subjugate, mix with or war-rape all of those who were left.
Yes, according to Joesphus there were devastated remnants after the cataclysm.
The King James sychophants just had a stroke, because the whole whirl was ‘possed to be wiped clean like a baby’s ass.
Ham, Shem, and Yaphet Clans divided up the bedraggled world just like when those same cousins in the future fomented World War 2 to have their descendents of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin divide up the Game Board once again.
Reset, after Reset, the Yahoodim = Children of Ea-Hu are always at the heart of it.
Call them Ham = Men; Shem = Elves; Yaphet = Dwarves and all others are Hobbits = Halflings, put it in a ‘fiction’ book and have YOUR FAMILY MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON A MOVIE OF THEIR HISTORICAL ALLEGORY; BUT A PIG WITH ANY OTHER SHADE OF LIPSTICK…
… is still a Kosher Pig.
The REASON why Christianity, Islam, and Yudaism are called the Abramic Religions is… well… LOOK AT THE FAMILY TREE FOR GODSSAKE!
Abram + the Hammite Egyptian princess Hagar = Ishmael = Islam
Abram + his Shemite Witch half-sister wife Sarai = Isaac = Judaism
Abram + the Yaphetite Troglodyte Keturah = 6 offspring with the most notable being Aphra from whom the continent of Africa got its name and spawned the legendary Hercules as well as the OLDEST RELIGION IN THE WORLD: Voodoo.
It doesn’t stop there.
The Apiru of India = Hebrews; just like Iberia in Spain = Hebrewia. So the Brahmins = aBRAHaM as well.
As you can see I have gone to great lengths to show that if you have been TRICKED into chosing ONE bedouin religion over another. You were just a pawn in a game of:
Choose either Ham, Shem or Yaphet - align yourself with them! go to WAR for them! and reject all others even though: Terah (the first tear your wrist) was a FASHIONER OF GODS and Magi in the court of Nimrod therefore Abram being in the Family business would be a god-inventer and Mage and his half-sister wife would be a Witch but all of that is OK because they’re working for the Good God while ALL OTHERS ARE BAD.
Good is Evil and Evil is Good. That’s the Satanic Creed. What team are these players on?
When you finally chose sides, they will then provide reasons for you as their proxies to kick the ass of their cousins, because during a particular audio-visual hell lucy nation session one of their earlier versions were told to kill their cousins for a landgrab…
Through all of this I STILL WANT YOU LOOKING AT THE MAP: THE FAMILY TREE TO SEE THAT IT ALL CAME FROM THE SAME ROTTEN SOURCE: The First Man with the First Female Demon: Lilith the Lilituv = Lilu = ILU = ILI from which Babylon = Bava ILI the Gate of the Great God ILU is named.
Because a Christian will never crack open a Luciferian Grimoire because they have their own Grimoire Spell Book in the form of the King Haime Bible, no one would ever know that the Gnostics (from whom the NAME of Christ = Kristos, therefore Christianity was derived) are the only ones that had it right:
Yahweh = Yaaldabaoth The Child Of Chaos is just a Demented Alien Mind Parasite pretending to be G-d.
The vowel is missing because also in the Gnostic tradition the utterance of Vowel Sounds (sounds like cymatics) SUMMONS THE ARCHONS of which this temper-tantrum throwing Chaos Baby is the Chief.
Follow the tangle of that rotten tree to find that Abram spawned them all.
13 Tribes of Arabs.
There were ALWAYS THIRTEEN ZODIACS. It was always covered up.
Isn’t it interesting that 2024 is the Chinee Year of the Dragon?
The 13th Zodiac is the Ophiuchus the Serpent (poisonous snake) or DRAGON.
13 Tribes of Israel.
The Koestler MYTH of “The” Thirteenth tribe trying to blame the Khazars = Caesars = Kaisers = Tsar = Czars is DESTROYED BY MY RENDITION OF THE FAMILY TREE.
Just because Dinah of the line of Is Ra EL was raped and disappeared from the historical record doesn’t mean that that family line is not in play.
The TWIN brother of Yakob = THE DECEIVER, was Esau = Edom = Iudah = JEW.
We’re back to square zero: You were trained to hate The Jew but no fucking buddy can tell what a “J”ew is. There you go. The gift from England (Angel Land) that was patiently given to me is now passed on to you. While you were THINKING that it had something to do with green-faced hooked-nosed Turks from Khzaria I just gave you:
13 Hammite tribes + 13 Israeli Shemite tribes + 7 MORE Edomite Shemite tribes that are literally called The Jews and were credited with ‘Killing “J”esus’.
There was no “J” until 1600 AD. Therefore there never was, is, or will be a Jesus.
Ea-Hu Shu-Ah maybe. But never a Jesus. But Herod - A Jew - set out to stop the legend of the Warrior King through the line of Judah (NOT THE SOURCE OF THE WORD: “J”ew) by killing all of the babies in Bedlam (Betyl Hem). That didn’t work so they had to move to Plan B From Outer Space with Bela Lugosi:
HEY! What’s that STAR he’s wearing?
Yeah, thought so… They are EVERYWHERE in EVERYTHING. Just because Lugosi and Soros SAY that they are FROM Hungary doesn’t mean that they are not Yahoodim. Place does not = Race.
Abram was called The Star Child which is why everyone in Hollyweird are called Stars.
The FAMILY Tree I made for you was cobbled together from many sources over many years but you can see clearly that Christianity arose out of what is called Judiasm that DOESN’T COME FROM “J”ews. In fact the “J”ews sought to wipe out Christianity that arose from Israelite “J”udah where Yudaism has nothing to do with “J”ews that might well be those elusive PAGANS that everyone talks about but can never IDENTIFY.
During WWII the US sent out teams of soldiers to inventory historical sites like cathedrals where they found that BENEATH the Catholic Altars were intact PAGAN altars. Think about that if you believe that focusing spiritual energy can affect the phsical world. It was being CAPTURED AND RE-DIRECTED, yet only adepts would have known that before the Shemites balmed the hell out of Your Rope.
Even Wicked Peed On Us throws some curves on Names and Origins:
During the time of the Hasmonean ruler John Hyrcanus (134–104 BCE), Judea conquered Edom (Idumea) and forced the Edomites to convert to Judaism.
The Edomites were gradually integrated into the Judean nation, and some of them reached high-ranking positions. In the days of Alexander Jannaeus, the Edomite Antipas was appointed governor of Edom. His son Antipater, father of Herod the Great, was the chief adviser to Hasmonean Hyrcanus II and managed to establish a good relationship with the Roman Republic, who at that time (63 BCE) extended their influence over the region, following conquest of Syria and intervention in a civil war in Judea.
There are differing genealogies for the dynasty, depending on the source. According to Sextus Julius Africanus, Antipater's father was named Herod, and Epiphanius of Salamis writes that this Herod's father was named Antipas. It is Josephus who states that Antipas fathered Antipater, without further delineating his ancestry. This model is usually acceptedby scholars.
Make no mistake: Josephus said: Romans = Jews. Greeks = Jews. Any nations or peoples after The Flood = Jews. But what the hell did HE (or his lame-ass translators) mean by the word: Jew? But what we can see is that the Edomite Jews were still in powerplays with the Shemite Romans who - to this day - are still trying to conquer Syria.
My conclusion is that since this shit is as simple as falling out of bed and I COULD teach it to Turd Graders, and that Franny is a GENIOUS LEVEL THINKER in all other topics… then:
So let me break it down for you again:
The ISSUE (meaning what flopped out of the uterus of Sarai) ended up spawning BOTH the Israelites AND what are called Edomites = The Jews. TWINS. COUSINS. A Loving Family where one faction tries everything it can to wipe out the other, despite a public service announcement from god - oh, sorry: G-d:
Deuteronomy 7,8. Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.
Butt Weight! The Edomites like Herod who started out as a “JEW” but was forced by his equally Shemite Israeli TWIN COUSINS to convert to…. Judiasm??? was trying to wipe out said cousins, long after those cousins descended into the Promised Land full of mixed Edomite Tribes:
Exodus 3:8. And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
Now the reason that I’m so TEDIOUS ABOUT THIS is because the Devil is in the Details and… IT’S ALL DETAILS. When people ZONE OUT ON ME like an MK trigger has switched off their brains despite me laying this out having done ALL OF THE HEAVY LIFTING; it sometimes makes me want to say Fuck It All and walk away from the half-assed awake and the drunkenly aware.
Hivites and Hittites and Canaanites mixed with EDOMITES were ALWAYS THE TARGETS OF THE ISRAELITES.
Now, let me hold all of your heads down into your own poo, because you were forced too and you chose to Hate The Jew:
Lettuce let Brittanica fuck your minds even more!
Herod was born in southern Palestine. His father, Antipater, was an Edomite (a Semitic people, identified by some scholars as Arab, who converted to Judaism in the 2nd century BCE). Antipater was a man of great influence and wealth who increased both by marrying the daughter of a noble from Petra (in southwestern Jordan), at that time the capital of the rising Arab Nabataean kingdom. Thus, Herod was of Arab origin, although he was a practicing Jew.
Where are the Fact Fuckers? But this kind of confusion is engineered in. You are NOT supposed to make sense of it. You are not supposed to understand it. You are not supposed to see the Patterns (the test for genius) because then their entire Mafia Family Empire would be revealed to you and you can’t UNSEE IT.
We go first to Wicked Peed On Us to see that the fiction: Josephus STOPS his geneology with Aunty Patter - and the scholars (who the fuck are they?) accept it. Where did the progenitors of Herod come from?
Then we do a time-jump back to Rule Brittanica to see that a SHEMITE {there is no fucking thing as a ‘Sem’ite - if you miss that Shibboleth then they will slit your throat and you lose before entering the Promised Land} is being called an ARAB?
An ARAB? !!! ???
Converted to Judaism? Whateverthefuck that means?
And and already-JEW (Edom = Iudom = Jew) is a PRACTICING JEW?
OK, all is forgiven. Your embedded MK that blanks your mind aside; when confronted with this level of fuckshit - I can see why people just walk away, BUT THAT IS WHAT THEY WANTED YOU TO DO. Accept the Enemy that we gave to you. Never mind that there are three clans: Ham = Arabs, Shem = “Jews”, Christians, AND PAGANS, Yaphet = Voodoo; and for godssake don’t QUESTION when we tell you that Shemites can be Arabs that convert to Judiasm to practice as Jews.
Edom = Iuda = Jew. An Edomite is ALREADY A FUCKING “J”ew !!!
How could you NOT be a practicing Edomite = Iudomite = Jew if you were from the line of Esau? What is the definition of Judaism?
Who would you focus your hate on?
I’ll make it easy for you. The Israelites practicing Judaism have been always killing “J”ews with the reciprocation that the “J”ews practicing Paganism have always been killing the Israelites. Based on My Three Sons. All in the Family. I can hear Archie Bunker now.
The Current Jen No Sides are with the original inhabitants of the Land of Canaan attributed to the Hammitic line, but as we have seen
the Shemites were still killing fellow Shemites over real estate.
So, if you were going to take sides as they want you to: Would you take sides with ONE FACTION of Shemites against another FACTION of Shemites? or would you pick out ONLY the hand-rubbing, hook-noses with green skin? or would you just stick with the Arabs (can’t Shemites BE Arabs and Judaism-converts to practice as JEWS?) ???
Or… would you shift your attention to the Yaphetites that don’t get much press. Now, I wrongly attributed the Catholic murder-mill to the Troglodytes of Keturah in my earlier work. After Abram was done with her he shipped her off probably to the volcanic pumice caves of Cappadocia. Trogs being the archaic word for cavemen.
Protocol 9:13. You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail - the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.
My view is that the Elders of Szion are Shemites (whateverthehell that means) but that doesn’t mean that they could have inherited or TAKEN OVER the Undergrounds, the caves, the networks beneath cities, possibly dug by the Trogs as is found in New York and Chicago and now the DUMBs in Colorado.
The Underground. The Hidden. The SHADOW government.
Add 6 Yaphet Tribes to the mix + 13 Hammite Arab Tribes + 13 Shemite Israelite Tribes + 7 Shemite Edomite Tribes = 39.
I always look forward to Our Lady of Sardinia and other Gematrians to give some insight on what 3 X 13 = 39 might mean.
It’s 4:44am Grain Ghetto time. I probably could have been more coherent and convincing, and I always feel like I’m missing something, but in the view of being given ONE nebulous Enemy in the form of The “J”ew, and being lied to by a “J”ew about some fantasy 13th Tribe when THIRTY-FUCKING-NINE were hiding in plain site in front of you ALL OF YOUR LIVES IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE BRAIN-SHACKLES PREVENTING YOU FROM LOOKING, then if I made mistakes or missed a point, or didn’t expose every piece of fuckshit LIE that they spawn about themselves, then I could still sleep easy (that’s a joke I have nightmares all night every night…. AND THEN I WAKE UP TO A NIGHTMARE) knowing that I have finally filled my promise of The FAMILY Tree so that VISUAL LEARNERS can get past my endless diatribes where all of these years since 2011 I have been stupidly been using ONLY words to convey a topic so important that it kept me out of pubic media for 5 years and permanently damage my associations with other people.
That chart is coming up on being - are your ready for this? 13 years overdue.
I say this with no guile or malice that if, after having seen the chart that you STILL DON’T GET IT, then seek professional deprogramming help because it can’t be made simpler than this:
How much do you want to bet that vaccines contain the recombinant DNA of jew rabbinical jiz ? Sort of akin to a pissed off cook at KFC wacking off in the batter.
I think the real purpose of vaccines is to inject you with Jewish DNA. They are creating a Jewish chimara. It's just another way of inseminating you and fucking you. They are omnisexuals and they will f anything. It's this satanic sodomy that imbues everything about them.
These people are so repulsive I cannot come up with the word low enough to define them. Parasite is about as close as you get. Cancer is another one.
These parasites are so toxic that being in close proximity and sharing their toxic pheromones is dangerous. I truly believe that. They need to be fumigated.
I have never had any difficulty accepting your explanation of the tribes as one has only to observe that all of mankind wants to kill all of mankind, forever. It really is quite psychotic.
As for the number 39, it represents the Knight of Wands/Rods in the Tarot. It falls under the influence of Jupiter/Yaweh.
"energy of an instigator, a fire-starter, a feisty and easily provoked character who is liable to attack first and ask questions later. This energy is quick to anger and enjoys a fight -- so much so that the thought of a diplomatic solution can provoke a secret disappointment! His vices are bossiness, paranoia and a tendency towards overkill."