Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

I’m not sure whether to laugh, cry, panic, shout…. Please stay in touch, please don’t leave us. F*ck em all!

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Never forget my new meme:


That's why I gave my email contact if if comes to that.

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Yes thank you noted and stored 😊🤞

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

Last week I sent you a screenshot of your VACCINEFRAUD 1 SS site had been 404

error or does not exist. WTF is going on? I'm sooo confused. Now 2 is screwed & 1 is OK?

THIS is why we should trust the cyborging of humanity ?? Ahhh, Implant the shit on a chip & you can't lose your credentials.... I see the endgame, loud & clear. No Thanx,

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I'm sorry if I didn't respond, but I checked BOTH sites at that time and there was no error. I ger 404 occaisionally and a lot of time-outs. It seems if your machine or connection is not up to the fake 5G standard the beast machine doesn't want to bother with you.

Butt. #2 is gone forever. Not even a notice - unless it came through my Gee Mail that is not used. See. Ex-Fucking-Store-Shun.

Shit on a Chip.

This world NEEDS to end. There is nothing 're-deem-able' here.

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No probs it was just a "heads up" email :)

No worries, It will ALL burn. ...Shit on the chip included!

In the meantime, I choose to run with scissors & play in traffic!

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

😞 I am feeling your pain. Some of us just belong to a different world. When I say 'world', I mean the human constructed social world. Not the natural world. That is where I am one with everything. It occurred to me very recently that this is how it has been the entirety of my lifetime...I have only one ambition now...and that is to fight for my children

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Even in my haunted dreams I knew that we didn't belong here.

I have always held our ancestors accountable for letting it get this far. Ours is the last of the human gene line. We either fix it or it is gone forever. The kids can't fight or fix it themselves.

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I agree with you, The only remnants of truth left here is in the Natural World deep in the forrest in the mountains, in the rivers in the animals that have NO connection to technology, yet are being destroyed by the frequencies. it's the one thing the fuggers can't truly copy and turn into a technical digital nightmare. You remind me too of this need to fight for my OUR children.

I want to do a stack on the all the people who refer to their parents as breeders. thanks for reminding me.

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Radiation? What radiation?


I blame our ancestors for letting it get this far.

If this is not stopped then the only natural human children left will be the last generation so they will not have the luxury of looking back on history to blame us.

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I learned this YEARS ago about the lead paint lie.

WE all have to unplug.. we are participating if we don't. back to the tell a talk aka telephone... or telepathy... possibly OUR TRUE inheritance/capability.

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What if we could run through the bamboo like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? could make 600 volts like an electric eel and read and speak into other's minds?

That would make the machine envy us and since it is only a replicator try to copy what we once were:

Drones that fly


Mind reading mosheens.

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I've been getting a lot of 404 not found, when I follow an email notification to someone's stack,

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Apr 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

SS be GLITCHY AF !! :) It's all googler related.

The end is near.

The end of what tho ??

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I was hoping that it might be my Stickman butt that caught up with me.

I would have sewn it on like Peter Pan's shadow.

Oh well, another disappointment in life.

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Apr 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

LMAO .... cuz I have some to spare ! LOLOLOL !!

Not laughing AT you...Laughing WITH you!

You ARE laughing .....RIGHT ?? <grin>

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It only hurts when I laugh.

I laugh all the time.

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That happens often and then you try again and it sometimes appears.

All this is happening maliciously because if it wasn't then there would be hope for mankind that a machine that fucked up could never take over the whirled. But even if it were that fucked up it could so cripple the world that nothing would function and it would STILL win due to the disaster capitalism principle.

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Wow good old phone call seems the best reliable way so far

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

It's no coincidence that you can't get anyone from an organisation on the phone anymore.

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I can get plenty of people in call centers with names I can't pronounce speaking with accents I can't decipher offering nothing that I didn't already know along with more background than their scripts can provide them. Everyone I know is pining away for the 1970s

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

...kids, I wouldn't be surprised if soon we would need to provide a SS#.

1. In 2004 I've signed up on azet.sk (a Slovak version of a FB). In your account you could store pictures, imbedded YT videos, create private or public chatrooms, instant messaging, internal email (within azet members) and then general email to connect with everybody else.

2. A couple years later I got a notification that to see who's looking at my profile, comment on news articles affiliated with azet and other "perks" I had to pay for subscription. No, I pass.

3. Few years later you got a notification that videos will no longer be stored (due to digital storage space). FINE! I downloaded my videos (mostly passing YT video links about quakes, HAARP, Corporation Nation, Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccination and some of vaccinefraud's videos as well (Henrietta Lacks: At Your Cervix as my favourite).

4. Few years later, I got a notification that they'll need my phone number otherwise I will be able to receive, but not able to reply. No, I pass.

5. At the beginning of April of 2024, I received a notification that in order to retain my email account and account with azet in general, I will have to provide my phone number otherwise my account will be closed after one year of no activity. No, I pass.

Within several hours I have combed through more than 5000 sent/received emails. Categorised them by "from" and "to" specific recipients (yep, generalportal55 was the priority) AND by ATTACHMENTS, because there was either important PDF or pictures I didn't want to lose.

I was able to take it down to ZERO emails in my folders! GFY!

I wonder how long I will remain on guhell. Looks like I may go back soon to phone calls and letters only. I even have two typewriters at home, just in case. Oh and plenty of paper, pens and pencils.

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

2 cans & a string....BEST technology out there!

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Street drug dealers say: First one's free.

They get you hooked and then they extract from you.

It's not enough that they have access to all of your exchanges and network diagrams of who you're connected to, and selling your info to third parties. They want EVERYTHING like a tapeworm that doesn't stop eating.

Since I used that analogy it is important to reinforce that you CAN'T starve a tapeworm. It will kyll the host before it dyes. More drastic measures are needed.

Possession is 9/10ths of demonolgy. If you don't have it offline - you don't have it.

Ink pens can dry out over time so I keep my spares in a sealed plastic bag.


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I mentioned that I wasn't sure if dealers even knew if fentanyl was mixed in to the drugs. while knowing which pills were specifically fentanyl.. I have been listening to Sam Quinones who claims they do know... I mentioned that what the dealers do count on is that if you survive your unsuspecting dose of Fentanyl... YOU WILL BE BACK for more..it is immediately addicting.

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When I heard that the govern mente was behind all of this then for all we know they have rfid tags in the poison.

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

So, I was dangerously THINKING about the crash & burn scenario of this realm. Remember when somebody would bring a magnet around your VHS tapes & everything would go to hell? OR your credit card? OR your computer...

Do we all NEED to carry large magnets to bring down the evil AI or the web/net?? Could THAT be the way OUT? Demagnetize the hell realm!

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I am of the opinion until someone gives me facts that the EMP is an urban legend.

But de-guassing with high powered magnets is as you say a demonstrable thing.

Lodestones it is!

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Apr 24Liked by Patrick Jordan

I am sorry to hear THEY are at it again. The Egg god never plays fair. GOOG means eGG and El means god. That's a lot of FMic G's. Actually three G's and G is the 7th letter. Again, THey show the hand of the Royal Arch Masons.

There is a fellow on YT who also considers this place Hell. He goes on and on about coming back after leaving the meatsuit and shutting the entire planet down, forever. Anyone stuck in here at that point in time....tough shit.

THey are irritating as hell, but we carry on. We will all stay in touch with your email if necessary.

I am really sorry it is happening again. Chaos is what THey seem to do best...arseholes.

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nice breakdown.

How does a non-corporeal being shut down a physical construct?

If it comes down to email then it's email.

If not... then we'll bite their legs off.


From Chaos - Order. is a dialectic. They CREATE the chaos then come in with their preplanned dialectical solution to impose order.

To mirror an opponent in a fight is a strategy. What if WE create the chaos?

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Apr 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I have no idea how he plans on doing it but he is verbally assertive of his intentions. After watching that little clip, a non corporeal being would not have those physical problems.

Yep, THey create the chaos, without a doubt, so as to bring in THeir solution.

I have often wondered about our creating the chaos. The problem that I foresee, would be it would have to done surreptitiously and everyone involved would have to be vetted to make sure there are no double agents, if you know what I mean. The second THey get wind, my nod to the wind zars, THey have THeir zar agents intermingled on both sides. How many times have we seen protests where the innocent Naturals get blamed for the crap THeir agents instigate. It reminds me of trips to Mexico in my youth when I saw a Federale pinch the bum of another Federale and then blame it on an American and he was then hauled off to jail.

I keep waiting for THem to make a HUGE mistake. It seems like it has to be in the cards at some point in time. I await the "apocalypse", the REVEALING, in hopes that it opens the veil so that the majority get a glimpse of what we have all seen for so long.

That false flag with the Francis Key Bridge.....note the FRANCE IS KEY language hidden within. involved the vessel named DALI, a SURREALIST painter. At the time, Simon & Garfunkels song Bridge Over Troubled Waters, rang through my mind. "

"Sail on silver girl, sail on by

Your time has come to shine

All your dreams are on their way.:"

That incident happened on 3/22 Skull & Bones Day and the metals have risen significantly although the past two days have dropped just a bit. Dali's first name was Salvador meaning SAVIOR. There is the flower DAHLIA that is from Mexico. Mexico is the worlds largest producer of silver. Idk, I just keep trying to put the breadcrumbs together into a story that might make sense. The financial system is going down, that appears to be a given. THey appear to want a invisible digitized form of what THey call money. With the France is Key phrase, it was the fall of France that brought the US into WW2. Could THeir story be on some form of repeat? Today there was the painted to look like blood horse incident. The headline I found had the word SURREAL in the title. We truly live in a shit show.

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You seem to be a conduit for the system showing you all of the inside jokes.

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Totally get you!!! I am in Oregon. Lets fuck shit up

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I can't help thinking Joe Spenner and the Rockefeller Regionalism when I hear or see Oregano.


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Apr 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

They picked the wrong person. It's supposed to be a Divine Comedy and 99.9% of the time I am not amused.

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I'm thinking that Dante was referring to God laughing at man.

A Talmudic meme is: Man plans - God smiles.

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what substack am I on? JM just sent this notice to me... I thought I have always been on VF1, this is the one I recommend on my own ss.. BUT, now that this is on my radar, I realize that I don't get notifications and think You've been absent for a while, yesterday I checked my junk folder and found a recent stack there.

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Where we are right now is the first substack that I created before the unGreat unReset.

it is under the ancient email of generalportal55.substack.com

I created another stack that we call VF2 and that got hit by a beam from the SPAMorgrifier.

Don't be too concerned about missing notifications. It is the habit of all things Goog Hell to mess with people's subscriptions for a shadowbanned participant.

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Frater's Fables: The Archons

How an interdimensional species imprisoned humanity

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Language is something that must be paid attention to:

Inter dimensional.

What does that mean?

Clint Richardson and I deconstructed the notion of 'space aliens' and 'EXTRA terrestrials' with the notion that you need not see a spidery scorpioney organism burst out of the chest of someone infected with an 'alien' when a simple MICROBE can take over the central nervous system of an advanced being.

This was the wink and nod of the TV series Brain Dead. Yes, there was a meteorite (Betyl cult nod) that brought in a BUG that then crawled into the ear (they had to make it VISUAL because people aren't tuned for microscopic) that then took over the brains and bodies of the infected.

This same theme has been used in ALL science fiction that I have studied to the point were I don't think that it is fiction. It's a script.

This is why my breakthrough from the Chaldean Magick book where the evocation called on the names of demons that were the same as the names of diseases was so poignant for those who followed my work.

Bugs (microbes) took POSSESSION (like an evil spirit invading a human) to control it.

Given that they are microscopic they are from another DIMENSION = "A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length." So then what might INTER dimensional mean?

"Between dimensions."

fuck yeah! that helped....

See why I demand that words be defined so that we can arrive at a consensus not based on half-assed assumption of what WE meant using THEIR words that we have no idea what THEY meant?

What if the phyla of spirochetes were here long before mankind?

Pissing rights again, just like the Yewish legends of the demons resenting mankind because the demons were here first. No need for extra terrestrials or green cards for aliens. No need for wormholes or dimensions or any other fancy concepts.

The corkscrews burrowed into the brains of the victims and took them over.

I can never escape the notion of tertiary syphilis leading to what is called praecox dementia.

Dementia before it's time.

Dementia. Dimension.

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I get it about the word inter dimensional.. but the short film makes a good point.

If they were here first then what the hell possessed us to come into HELL in the first place? I think we were here first and these fother muckers invaded.

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