Jun 14Liked by Patrick Jordan

I keep mentioning this in comments sections on VDE. Thank you for the elaboration. Nice work. I may not contribute much anymore but im still following along and continuing my research on inducing lysis in native phages. 1972 who memos have been scrubbed from the internet. Funny how 1973 and the record keeping issues come in right after the memo came out… wonder what other Gems were out there we may have missed..?

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Speaking of this league of extra ordinarily stupid, or maybe there is something to this, I am just pointing to a theory I heard today. the theory that tardigrade's eggs are behind the "virus like" organism that is IN the vaccines. A parasite other than the phages, this theory doesn't deny phages or viruses, just explains another parasite/entity involved in the poisonous vaccines and why ivermectin worked against the symptoms, and brought about healing. These Water Bears are almost indestructible.


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interestingly a Trusted source (sarcasm) says: "while tardigrades profited from the presence of the pharmaceutical. " NIH


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OK... let's do this dance...

or maybe not. I'm old and I just changed my Dr. Scholls insoles.

Do you remember when the Phear Phorn was HYDRA!


Another indestructible organism found in aquariums that people treat with I've Her Meck Ten.

This is easily determined by those with access to equipment and a few brain cells (and probably a level 3 clean room if the shit is what they say it is...)

Get random samples of the agent in question. Do microscopic investigations. Do antibody assay of gene sequences NOT PCR. Demonstrate mechanism of action of how the proposed agent might accomplish what is claimed. Publish. Get fact checked.

If this is just ANOTHER Stew Peter's: Be Afraid! Be VERY Afraid! then I'm yawning and waiting for real science. I've got a notion to show how they faked the nanolipid bullshit, but I've got too much real/practical work to get done.

Should this new threat prove to be true then it always comes back to: Assymetrical Full Spectrum Wharf Air using my meme: ALL of the Above as ways to knock us out so that we can't figure it out or if we do we can't catch up because they have genetically modified Leprechauns in the cloning tanks as we speak to unleash on anyone who isn't Irish.

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I'll go with door number 3

ALL of the Above as ways to knock us out so that we can't figure it out or if we do we can't catch up because they have genetically modified Leprechauns in the cloning tanks as we speak to unleash on anyone who isn't Irish. Glad I am Irish!

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Sure'n it looks good on you, Lass!

What with the Irish in the Coffee and the pot 'o' gold in our closets, the Wee People will pass us by like a passover due to red hair and freckles now, won't they?

Whoops! better wear a Kiss Me I'm Irish shirt in kelly green just to be safe if ye not have the hair, freckles and blue eyes put in with a smutty finger.

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Im a black Irish, with the freckles and FAIR Skin and a lot of red highlights in dark hair probably the italian in me. LOL.. but age stole that from me, NOW I am frosty white. and light Green Eyes.

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Aye, the Ayetralians. No wonder you get along so well with Sister Artermix?

I kenna remember where Jeannette hails from but I hear a lot of 'hells' from her direction so I'm sure the Little People will pass her bye just for their own safety, now.

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We think a like and walked a similar path. Shes a gem and so is jeannette.

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Sep 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

Oh! So there are no LNP's in the shots?

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Nanoparticulates are not visible in a light microscope. The big BUBBLES that were being paraded by the female doctor could have been anything from soap to fat but definitely not nanoscale and especially at the micelle size that was being portrayed. Brownian Motion and currents of samples under illumination could account for the swirling and 'assembly'.

I've taken so long to do my own microscopic work primarily because I've discovered that shoddy technique leads to corrupted results.

I'm all about scaring peopel shitless to not get shat, but accuracy in science is everything.

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Wasnt long ago Israel crashed a lunar lander into the moon carrying a bunch of tardigrades…

sounds like the opening line to a really good joke😂


Tardigrades are not helminths but somehow susceptible to Ivermectin?

Just found this… “While it's clear their ability to withstand stress is in part due to their ability to turn their insides into gel, the mechanisms behind this act of metabolic preservation haven't yet been made clear.

A new study led by researchers from the University of Wyoming found that expressing key tardigrade proteins in human cells slowed metabolism, providing critical insights into how these virtually indestructible invertebrates can survive under the most extreme conditions.

The team focused on a particular protein called CAHS D, already known to protect against extreme drying (desiccation). Through a variety of methods, the researchers showed how CAHS D transformed into a gel-like state when under stress, keeping molecules protected and protecting against drying.

"This study provides insight into how tardigrades, and potentially other desiccation-tolerant organisms, survive drying by making use of biomolecular condensation," write the researchers in their published paper.” - https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-put-tardigrade-proteins-into-human-cells-heres-what-happened

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they need heat over 180 degrees for a period of time to kill them. sounds like bed bugs.

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I mentioned above that the NIH study actually found them to benefit from the exposure to Ivermectin.

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Now we're in the world of counter-counter-counter spy where the drug that they trick you into using to cure a disease actually benefits something that they hid inside the disease.

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Well muh tardigrades must be living the good life if ivermectin helped them turn a profit. From the link above mentioning slowing cell metabolism it seems like not a good angle of your cells are busy making spike proteins. Seems to me it would prolong the process and your body wouldnt be disposing of the cellular waste as quickly… im reaching and just pulling stuff from the air but interesting topic ill have to dig a bit and find more…

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Sep 7Liked by Patrick Jordan

Bacterio-f’ing-phages!! I’ve been trying to talk about these bastards for a while (as an unprofessional bullshit investigator past couple years)!! Cant wait to read more of your work, but I already very much agree with you..


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I thought I was a voice crying out in the wilderness getting hoarse.

My good friend, please start here if you haven't been there:


I have entire folders on the topic of phages.

If you want anything specific, just let me know. I will look at your substack as time allows.


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Sep 7Liked by Patrick Jordan

I should have noted, I’ve only somewhat recently (approx 2 years)become highly suspicious of these being turned against us. And I am just a jojo shmo.. looking for REAL answers, no expertise in anything but I do still have a functioning brain and trying to use it. What a refreshing read, in a horrible way🤣 I will definitely be catching up and will start with the recommendation! Only so much time in a day is the only problem!

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I've always wanted a personal reader to follow me around and narrate books and other media to me while I'm working.

I'd take an unlicensed, un-degreed person off the street over 1000 academics.

I've been doing this for almost a quarter century but have read only about 6 papers that could be considered legitimate science.

Within 2 years you are decades ahead of the curve.

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

The personal reader sounds lovely❤️ Thank you for all you’ve done, really!!

What started it for me was this smug face.. if that ain’t the “smile” of a bastard up to no good.. idk. This lab in particular is of personal interest.


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Sep 7Liked by Patrick Jordan


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Sep 7Liked by Patrick Jordan

Not a scientist here just play one on television… However, this makes perfect sense because we hear a lot about prions… And certain bacteria and bacteria pages warp 2/turn into/produce/not really sure how the f*ck they do it, turn into prions

And if my memory serves me correctly, there have been reports of prion infection secondary to the Covid injection, and they may be the ones precipitating, the auto immune induced HIV secondary to the injections.

Person myself I’m sick and tired of the do virus exist/do not exist debate

As it gets everyone, jumping down the rabbit holes of germ theory versus train theory versus whatever the health theory of the day…

Because at the end of the day, those injections, along with all other vaccines, have fetal cell line excipient, crap tons of chemicals, a lot of things that were not even even declared in health regulatory agency submissions like SV 40…

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I'm likin' your violin tune my Gypsy Queen.

I'm dancin' to it.

Some samples of the ConYid wax job were sequenced to find that they had PRION DOMAINS, RABIES, and COBRA VENOM as part of the code. Pretty much confirms what you just wrote.

In the days of Darh Puh having table top gene sequencers there can be a Bug of The Week popped out of labs so that our ability to catch up to last year's plague while being kilt by last week's plague is impossible.


Dialectic is based on two choices: Virus/No Virus. Small minds get caught in false binary choices. The big minds recognize the possibility of AND.

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