
I edited the Stack for clarity, since I can project that my opening line could easily be misunderstood by anyone that didn't read to the end, or by anyone who hasn't followed my previous work. I like watermelon.

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Jul 13Liked by Patrick Jordan

And here, at home in America. Trump just shot. Shiva4President.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

Ah... hollywood theater. It's always entertaining.

So, since I was just offered a video in the past week that a Sny Pur never uses a hed shat, then can we assume that this was not a professional?

If it was an amateur did they miss due to a cross breeze?

If not a pro or amateur was it merely to foster sympathy?

This was warned of so was it merely predictive programming like him coming down the escalator in The Simpsons?

Was it a message from Buy Den? After all, he can't put a few words together let alone get the windage right.

Regardless of the details of crisis action, what MAJOR event might this be covering for?

Love the SHIVA reference.

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Jul 13Liked by Patrick Jordan

As exceptional as your usual writing is, in my humble opinion you have excelled yourself with this poem.

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You are too kind.

As Virgil was Dante's muse, so was Dante my muse.

I'm quite familiar writing about Hell.

My problem is that I know and can vicariously experience pain. One day Fran Zetta was describing a Canaanite (might as well put it into immediate use) girl who had her jaw blown off.

Fran said: "Are you still there?"


Fran said: "You're feeling what its like to have your jaw blown off - aren't you?"

"You know me too well."

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Jul 14Liked by Patrick Jordan

Off topic.

The last email notification for your stack

was July 9th.

The last vaccinefraud1 to show up in my substack inbox was on the 10th.

Since then I have unsubbed and resubbed with no luck.

Updated the app with no luck.

Restarted my phone after doing both of those with no luck.

I have to click your name to see what you’ve posted.

I’m going to unsub again and wait 24hrs and see if that works.

To be clear, it is only your stack that i’m having this issue with.

If your view rates are lower than normal it’s probably not just me experiencing this.

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Thanks for the headsup.

Early on both Fran Zetta and I could not believe that we had been shadowbanned. So, I would post a comment on Ewe Toob and it would show every time I went there. I had Fran and other Hens look for the comment:


They use the same technique on ALL unsocial media. Substack is a Googhell product so they are just exporting their censorshit to a different venue. Meet the New Boss same as the Old Asshat.

Sorry this is happening but there is nothing us Users can do about it. They took my other Substack down with ZERO warning or explanation.

We are in the middle of a communist purge.

The purge has been going on a while. I subscribed to Truth Stream Media and Stop The Ride YEARS ago but never got a single notification of posts. If it wasn't for Sandwich Lady sending me the releases I would have thought those channels had gone off the air.

A quote on the contents page of my books:

"If you can't cuss and curse in Hell - then where can you?"


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Jul 15Liked by Patrick Jordan

As soon as I read “my three sons” a big grin appeared upon my face.

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I wrote that just for moments like this.

Ham, Shem and Yaphet divided up the post-diluvial whirled.

FDR, Stalin, and Churchill divided up the post-WWII world.

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Jul 18Liked by Patrick Jordan

Thank you. Your poem is great. I also did not know there are so many names, Palestine = Philistine = Canaan = Levant = Phoenicia = Land of water melon. There are so many names just to corn fuse obvious.

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Trump is Drumpf, Obama is Sotero (sp?), and Nutty Yahood is Milekowsky.

Once you start accepting and arguing about FICTIONS then there is no foundation.

Call it something other than Canaan then you've just erased from memory the Canaanites.

Syria means: God's Country. A good reason it seems for the Is Ra ELi (he struggles with god) crowd to want to wipe it off the map.

Words clear up everything but folks got to start learning how to speak, spell, and think.

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Jul 19Liked by Patrick Jordan

So what you mean is that in order for a country to be a good in-depend-ant raw-man call-on-me, it accepts a fiction, in dis example, Canaan men accepts Paul-of-stain name and then in good intentions fights for its fiction to be a member of all the ape-probe-pride organ-is-actions of the raw-man in-power. And fine-analy when granted and the memory of not-hives is erased and the land is taken, the not-hive name and stories are erased from raw-man by-bile witch could be a.i-did-it again as in the case of Rus and many others leaving behind only you-knighted natio-anal states of mind. Yet what all Canaan men should be fighting for is the respect of Canaan land, its people Canaanites and referendum to get away from all organ-is-actions of fiction. Then I see Canaan-land is part of Levant include-ink most of middle east such as God's country fiction, Isnt-real fiction, Uruk fiction and others.

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Got it in ONE.

It is really gratifying and relieving that there are the few, like you, that can get it.

I tried to express the same thing to the Lakota Nation. I wrote to the Oglala chiefs and headmen telling them that they had to stop calling themselves by the names GIVEN to them by the occupiers (seeing a theme?). The Lakota Sioux is in all of the documents because when the US military asked a rival band of indians who that large nation was the response was Sioux = The Enemy.

The point being that the Lakota were calling themselves The Enemy.

This is the height of Mind Control and Legal Fiction for the victim to label themselves.

The next step was to document and use ONLY THEIR REAL NAMES.

I tried to do this slowly and gently so that they could see how they were being handled but that didn't get through either.

The example (to not use their 'real names') would be like me being called Patrick Dark Cloud. That's whiteman talk. What would have been my name in the Lakota language? But then that is one of the pillars of getting rid of a people: Destroy their culture and language.

Here's the other secret to why I do what I do:

"Say it like it is - then there is no debate."

If we pushed to call them Canaanites then somebody, someday might hear that popping sound of their head coming out of their ass to say: Who are the Canaanites? That would bring them to a Clan of Ham. Then they would find that these three clans have been fighting each other from the beginning. That would set up the dynamic of the Noetic Clans that would show the entire pattern of control around the world.

One single entree to the secrets by one single word.

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However, I can also comprehend why not-hives are afraid to call them selves who they are. For example, Rus in the river of slave-cia means a syphil-alien of Rash-ian feed-your-duration, it does not matter that officially it is defined as Ruskii in the river of Rash-ians, no body gets it because we know how these ruski soul-dier syphils raped and pill-aged when coming home from wars in the old blocks. And there is no way to diff-and-rate-she-ate when you do not take that extra care. I can imagine Canaan or Lakota could be shamed in the very similar way among their people.

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