If the keepers of our hell cast spells, why can’t we do the same?

Would it make a difference?

I’ve been seriously pondering that.

Being raised Christian anything like that is labelled occult and evil.

So best not to even read a book about witchcraft lest you taint your soul.

(True story I was told that as a teenager)

Also, your stack is indeed blocked from showing up in my email or ss feed so I just check daily under your name for what you post.

I am thankful I can at least still find your posts that way.

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Sometimes I wonder if I should be flattered that I'm persona non grata with The Machine since I have such limited reach.

I was raised with the bullshit notion that you shouldn't study the occult or anything BUT the King Haime DiVersion of the Grimoire. I call it that because when I read The Book cover to cover three times I started calling it the Yahoody's Little Book of Jen Oh Side. Catholic iconography could be turned into Death Metal album covers.

I had a Revised Standard Version of The Book that really made the elders upset because there were scholar's footnotes that Cain left Eden with Lilith for the Land of Nod, and that the 666 could also be rendered 616. (both spell out Nero in gemmatria).


I recently decoded from the Satanic Creed:

Good is Evil

Evil is Good

That in the qaballah that Good is one of the 72 names of their Hive entity. So, if Good is Evil and Evil is Good then God is the Devil and the Devil is God just like the Gnostics said. It is the Gnostics that talked about Kristos the consort of Sophia Gaia that was to set things straight after she fucked them up, hence the legend of the Krist. So a Christian is a Gnostic.

All of this is blatantly obvious when the MK shatters, but not a single 'christian' (gnostic) could hear it because they were taught to NEVER study the occult or anything other than what their TV preacher begging money from them had said.


Because of the same reason the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL was restricted from Hadam and Chavah: Good and Evil are the SAME THING.

DON'T study the occult because you might find that all 4+ of the Abramic religions are all based on Black Magicks.


When you look at the world with an unbiased view you see that EVIL is the most powerful thing here. They hold all of the force and riches. So, in that sense it is 'seductive' to a small mind. It might tempt the small mind to attempt to practice it if they were to read the grimoires and spellbooks, until you find out that those were written with booby traps in them to weed out the adepts from the wannabes. And it only works in the original languages it was written in. It is reasonable to study the works in the same way that you would study your enemy's millie tarry Field Manual if you happened to secure a copy.

To know their tricks, tactics, and how to fight the bastards!

Given that Evil is Good then it's not a stretch that you are studying THE SAME THING so it really doesn't matter what you read they just want to polarize a dialectic, make you chose sides and never have the eye-opening experience of eating the Forbidden Fruit.

Given that The Book is the most sold (not read) book in the world I would say Mission Accomplished for the spellwork in that book.

Thanks for adapting to Them making life so difficult that you have to monitor me instead of getting notices.

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