A nice offering from Morning Lark (sounds like an Indian name).
Elder Dan (not his Lakota real name) explains everything clearly without calling the English Language Black Magick Spell Work or invoking Trickster Gods (that are part of Lakota legend).
But the result is the same.
The reason for FORCED (mandatory is a bullshit lie) education is to teach all little kids to grow up to be good little akymysts, sorcerers and witches.
If you don’t know how to speak and spell a Spell then you can’t manipulate the physical world with words so what good are you to the Hive/Coven?
I tried to teach the Spellwork tricks to the Lakota such as:
There is no Fiction without Law.
Law USES Fiction to have The Truth.
In Law if White is adjudged Black and Black/White then it is so.
I tried to teach the Lakota that the U.S. Govern Mente labels them as Wards of the State under it’s Tutilage so that until they can prove that they are ‘of age’ and that they ‘understand’ the White Man Ways they will never be let go.
I tried to teach the Lakota that even if they were able to demonstrate what was ‘required’ of them they would still never be let go because there were a thousand more demons with a million more Spells to keep them bound.
Since there hasn’t been a President after 1947 they can’t negotiate that fictional Treaty written on LINED NOTEBOOK PAPER so their ONLY resort is to Sue Congress for Peace; since they were aggressed upon as an Act of Whar and only Congress (the only branch that still exists) can declare whar or cessation of it.
The Lakota are wise people but they were abused by millie tarry intelligence that deceived them and took away their ambition to keep fighting by the time I got to them, so they either didn’t grasp or didn’t care what I had to say.
It’s so late in the game that we are all Lakota now.
If the keepers of our hell cast spells, why can’t we do the same?
Would it make a difference?
I’ve been seriously pondering that.
Being raised Christian anything like that is labelled occult and evil.
So best not to even read a book about witchcraft lest you taint your soul.
(True story I was told that as a teenager)
Also, your stack is indeed blocked from showing up in my email or ss feed so I just check daily under your name for what you post.
I am thankful I can at least still find your posts that way.