Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

I've worked in posIT >20years. Shali sounds like he's doing some of the same Sisyphus-ian rock and roll that I was doing. At a certain point you realize at MSPs (and others, probably too) "Reaching out" is something IT does a lot: it means something like: find out whose-it and call'sems so that so-and-so can be guided about that thing that they have an issue with and you don't have any intuitive training nor expertise about. That way, if you can't get collaborative help from "co-workers" (que the black girl: "aint got time for dat") or "sink or swim" then whatever you did or didn't do is a paradox of failure to the client and/or to your self respect. No wonder the average length of employment is down to about 2 years. They're all scared to death of wasting money on REAL sabbatical-like integrated knowledge/usage; instead they pay $ubscriptions for video and on-line product features "training."; and then it's wash & repeats as talent goes on auto cycle racing out to the next prospective dupe of an employer. One SOP for all. All for none -- behavioral standardization where anything that is not "the one" answer is "a bug" in the brain, protocol, and system. What Youtube is doing in the virtual is happening in its real-world digital twin.

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As SIM above - so SIM below....

I have the misfortune of interfacing with Cussed To Mur Serve Vice way too often to find that I know more about any given operation or system or machine than the apes that man (or woman) the phones.

Of course Man means hand/work so I don't know why people freak about about it. To Manure the soil is to work it.

Poosh dat rock up dat heel.

Homey doan play dat !

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Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

Have you ever thought of a different venue? Rumble, for example?

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Substack (owned by Goog Hell) now offers audio and video uploads.

I'm a very impotent man so I must budget my time, therefore I don't have time to create NEW content for SS (interesting initials) let alone re-upload 180+ truth enemas for a world that is this side of unworthy. Some fine folks that follow me have indeed uploaded videos to Rumble and Odd Eye See (is that the one with block chain that I would NEVER participate in?) and others with:

{please note the scientific notation of the metrics}


Bitchute is just an Aunty Shem Emetic hate-fest zone that spewed hate at me (probably the only person that could help them) so those are the open head-wounds that you just walk by as you pass their soon to be Corp Saids on the road.

I'm glad that I didn't waste a single moment of my time that I could have better spent on the toilet placing things on alternative-AlterNOTive media that is at the end of the day ALL controlled opposition.

So, as our beloved folks in the Antipodes would say: Been there - done that.

I'd rather pull Poison Ivy by hand - witch reminds me... I've got a date with a vine...

Hugs. (OK, hugs BEFORE I put on my decon suit and nitrile gloves).

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Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

I am something of an innocent when it comes to tech. Stay with Substack.

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I'm a rather Out-No-Scent when it comes to millie tarry pincer movements.

SS took down without notice my subsidiary Vaccine Fraud site when I lost access to this current one. So the same draconian totalitarian jack-booted thuggery is afoot with this outlet as well.

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Perhaps change the title of your Fraud site.

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Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

And hugs to you

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Bitchute is all psy-ops within psy-ops-within conspiracy theories. Like all of them right?

Do you really pull poison ivy by hands?? I heard only 50% of population is susceptible to “Urticaria”.

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I'm being stupid again for effect.

Yes, I pull it 'by hand' with elbow-length nitrile gloves over a level 2 biohazard suit, rubber boots with goggles AND a face shield BECAUSE I've slapped myself in the face with vines before.

Here's the thing about Hypersensitivity Reaction IV = contact dermatitis...

It is also the IMMUNE RESPONSE TO TUBERCULINUM TOXIN. So, do only the people who have the TB miasm or the TB test or the TB vaccine react to poison ivy?

how can other mammals eat it with no problem but in man it causes autoimmunity?

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I was hoping you did not think it was a stupid question on my behalf. My husband is very susceptible to poison, ivy-oak and sumac. Stinging Neetle is the closest European counterpart….but not really botanically speaking…. has some beneficial properties too actually.

Very interesting about the TB toxin immune response.

So Urushiol seems to be the cause of this immune reaction. Now with a name like that….UR sounds very Sumerian.

Urushiol is present also in Mango skin and cashews.

I found this study saying that Urushiol V is anti-tumor (for colon cancer). Note that this is an in-vitro study.


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hmmm ….crater earth Belgian guy was completely booted out from youtube and went to Rumble. He had to reload all the 43 episode. Problem with Rumble is that has a problems loading ….a bit a lot slower too. It is like been back to 10 years ago.

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digital twinning as Ms. Allison Mc Dowell described it.

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The entire web is milliscary controlled including substack. The jokes on us. I appreciate all those who keep exposing the evil, but knowing the details, what does it even matter... Once you know its all evil...

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Pre-scisely and Post-scisely.

This is why I'm backing away.

The reason for estrogens in the food supply and lopping off people's privates is the emasculation of the single gender that wouldhave/shouldhave done something about it.

There ain't none left.

The Truth will not set you free: ACTING on that Truth might.

A big might since inertia has kicked in on this rocket sled ride to Hell in a non-asbsestos handbasket.

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Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

Glad they don’t censor the word “fuck”... you’d be fkd on the I n T er net! Brilliant mind!!

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I'd turn my crap into a culinary show and make Fudge! all of the time, darn it.

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