Jul 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

You crack me up. HA! HA! HA!

YouTube is where your virtual headstone reads:

The Tomb of the Unknown Stickman.

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Jul 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

I'm here with you, friend.

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Jul 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Very good stack my Friend!! I read it more than once in the book ,and see the video at least 3 times...

The image of the climinator 3000 is superb!!!

The way you type this ones are absolutly a must:

Hurry Cain season

Globe Hell Climb At Change

Globe Hell Climb At Change

Goog Hell product

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Thanks. OK said that I was funny too. Then he said that I make good jokes....

Pretty much it is me just channeling my inner Robin Williams who just won't leave me alone:

Write THIS it will be funny!

No! spell it THIS way!

Sometimes I think I have Huey, Dewey and Lewy Body Dementia.

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Jul 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

The details in the image are very very good...

Like they say the Devil is in the detais... or in the sweat...

Write that way acomplish some porpouses... one is the funny part... other is the Jam Ming...

Satans Sweat followed by Freeze like in the Day after Tomorrow to crack this Filty Worms Climinators 3000 con struc Tures and man i pull i Tors beind the curtains.

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that flash freeze was freaky

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In this interview Jim Lee explains that beyond whatever else is happening what IS happening is a corporate carbon credit strategy.

It's like Law: A lie agreed upon becomes and is True: anthropomorphic climate change. That's the racket that they hang their true blue business suits upon. Money for nothin' and their chicks for free.


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Jul 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

… the only change I see is seasons… I don’t buy one or the other side. We have a saying “Where the two fight the third one wins”

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Seasons? Like Paprika and other spices?

It might be your accent. In Chicago we would say the turd one wins.

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Even the smartest of us all is retarded in their own special whey. Tardivism is the order of the day for all the globe hell inhabitants. Escape routes are being collapsed the ones that cannot are heavily guarded and hidden. There is a glimmer of hope…

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Yes let’s talk about the Chem veils leaving their trails of plane ko Cain! But noooooo (in John Belushi voice) they just want to tacks us to fund this form of wharf air.

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I don't think you can talk in the vernacular without being poetic!

Yes, tox doll ears are pernicious but I think the greatest enlistment of self-slavery and self-destruction came in the form of recycling aluminum.

A former Pentagoner reminded me that it is more expensive to mine and produce AL You Minnie Um than it is gold. Industrially they hide these secrets so that they can give the illusion of economy but they easily duped the victims into recycling said DAMNED EXPENSIVE cans and other forms of extruded white metal so that it can be turned into nanodust and sprayed back on us.

It's all OK though. Monsanto (before Bayer) has been developing aluminum resistant crops so that they can feed the crickets the plants that the don't want humans to eat so that the humans can eat the bugs. Life is a cycle.

So were Dante's Circles.


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In the mid-1800s aluminum was more valuable than gold. Napoléon III’s most important guests were given aluminum cutlery, while those less worthy dined with mere silver; fashionable and wealthy women wore jewelry crafted of aluminum.....funny uh??

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Want something even funnier?

The early years of introducing aluminum into cookware led to a lot of people dying fo ALUMINUM POISONING. It's unclear on how the immune system adapted but a lot of 49'ers and common folk were dropping dead from the stuff that STILL poisons people into Al's Hymers and other neurological disasters today, especially if the contents are highly acidic.

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Goodness they put alluminum everywhere.....my mom is a big fan of alluminum pottery.....haargh!!!

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Stainless steel will expose you to nickel = carcinogen, so I use it very sparingly.


is my main cookware but you can't be an idiot ape. If you lapse for even a second and think that you can take glass (fabled to be used as the heat shields on the space shuttle) directly from a 1000 degree electric burner and try to rinse the pan out with cold water you will probably get glass shards in your eye.

Glass heats up fast so you can burn food quickly.

It is INERT to chemical reactions which is why i use it espcially for preparing herbs. Cooking herbal tea in metal is just pure insanity. The ONLY other option is called enameled metal. there is a fine glass coating on metal cookware, but if there is any chip then the metal will still react with herbs or food.

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My main cooking vessel is cast iron. 75% of times...then stainless steel 18/20....and corningware glass ....i refrain from all teflon shit and the likes. I use gas for direct cooking....but seriously all i use mostly is cast iron. I even have cast iron baking pan...

Once in a while I will use other baking trays. Second baking choice is glass casseroles dish...corningware.

I m sure cast iron is not good either.....because it must release some chemical.

I hate plastic in the kitchen.....i use real wood cutting boards for different needs.....specific one for meats or fish ....and one for vegetables cutting and one for fruit cutting.

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CO2 credits.....and tokenization....and value of people backjng up digital currency.

It is the game you will be playing.....unless you die before that.

Enrollment is automatic. You....me.....WE are playing it and do not even know when we got started.

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