Sep 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

Promoting crypto? No thanks. Moss might not be a conman but he, because he is intelligent, will use his brainpower to elevate himself in the sense of material wealth, at the cost of other less intelligent humans who willingly, albeit ignorantly, will give away their money, i.e. lifeforce in HOPES of making a PROFIT. Only the FAMILY make PROFITS.


I despise anyone not working hard to earn their keep on this rock. Call me bitter, or angry even but that is the core of ME. Work to put food in your mouth, or die. I will not give you nuffin' to keep your ass alive. My life is hard enough without giving away my stuff.

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Bitter Core.

Angry Core.

Sounds like some great names for heavy metal music styles.

It looks good on you.

I could dribble their craniums like basketballs on the sidewalk when they vomit their bullshit about DECENTRALIZED!


You don't get any MORE centralized than that.

I swear humans are the stupidest, self-defeating animals on the planet.

Animal Planet.

You and I were raised with the same ethic:

If you don't work - you don't eat.

Served me well all of these years except for the bit where we're in a rigged game so I never got the compensation that I merit.

Oh, fucking well... I can get by on less. Those who don't or can't won't make it.

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They don"t care because most people will just say there is nothing we can do about it... And sincerely believe that. Who knows? Maybe they are right.. But do you think if even 25% of us didnt go to work for a week and didnt purchase anything. Or pay a bill for a week... These 3 would take notice?

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That's a beg-off on their part. Because when Evil was just a toddler, it should have been snuffed then but our ancestors did fuck-all about it and now it is a hydra with countless heads.

I don't think a work stoppage would matter to them any more than a Boy-George Cottage.


They can print it at will.

The would probably hire entirely new Harm Mes with their newly printed 'cash' and have them take down the ones that refused slavery.

That would be so chilling for the ones that were still slaves that they would NEVER question their lot in the un-life again.

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Sep 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

It's never been about the money?, that's Herod see!

That's what the prophets say,

that's not how you make Buddah!

There's only 10 thousand bananas between Jesus and me... That and my moneykey.

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Herod... like that store in the UK where the boss man was playing Hareem with the female employees?

Oh... the OTHER Herod...

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Sep 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

Ham in Douay Cham (Chaim Weizmann) first Crime Minister in pisraEL. Well known IsraELi Barry CHAMish!

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It was a Linda Blair whiplash to see the smiling Yahood celebrating 'rescuing' the ARAB is ra eli from the tunnels. Uh... they're mission is to wipe at least one line of them out so why the big deal over a guy that embarassed them saying that he escaped by himself and that the IOF didn't even know about the tunnels.


I mention him just briefly but I cover Haimey extensively in my last book.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Liked by Patrick Jordan

Of course YT is part of the international Track & Trace agenda that has been in play for years. Even more so now that the viewer must sign in to access content. They are Making a List and Checking it Twice. They are gonna find out who is Naughty or Nice. So whilst I didn't watch this video, the Gang of Three are at the helm of the asset stripping, wealth transferring, private equity scheme that has already destroyed the economy.

As Wall Street on Parade revealed in 2020, "BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan" at Jackson Hole in Aug 2019. ESGs are the sharp end of the social engineering spear.

The Libertarian BC Warriors are all part of the scheme to normalise the Beast system via blockchain, crypto and CBDCs by any name. These monied tools -some of whom are straight up assets- have made out like the ponzi loving banditos they are. Many have already left the countries they helped destroy and are living in the Global South, which may escape the worst of any WW planned; is resource-rich; and which is already controlled by Tribe. In effect, they have swapped places with the migrants in advance of the shtf.

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"ponzi loving banditos"

the language used in the comments on this Stack have me scrambling to write them down in my Book of Plagerization. PLBs ... brilliant.

There was a video offered to me where some young wannabe said that UBI already failed 'but it wasn't being talked about'. Nothing 'fails'. They will push it through at ghunpoynt or credit score pressure whenever it suits them.

There was another video offered that says there is a cache of your anium and gold and silver in Australia that meets the whildest dreams of a world-dominating megalomaniac cult of metalheads.


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Re: Australia’s Olympic Dam/Mine. It seems the motherlode is mainly uranium and copper.

Agree about UBI. It won’t be a choice: it will be the only ‘option’.

A few months ago George Gammon was in Argentina. He couldn’t find but one place to exchange gold or crypto. They simply didn’t want it. What did they want? US greenbacks.

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I am not 100% convinced it isn’t about the money. The only people who can be ‘care-less’ about money is people who have plenty. Even the control over printing more or damming a river supply requires money…unless you are an otter 🦦 or beaver (or whichever animals actually build dams) and build dams out of sticks.

You can’t just will yourself to control the world. Unless you have powers of mind control (which still requires the resource of money to buy control of the media). Control of people requires control of resources and in our trade system resources require money. So while the intention might not be money itself…I wouldn’t go so far as to say they don’t care about money, as it is an essential resource for their ultimate objective…which I am assuming is control of the way the world works. They are just risk takers who are accustomed to wearing a hit in the hip pocket for their larger, long term, ‘big picture’ objective.

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had to Stack this exchange...


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