Yep, My focus is on getting OUT & not repeating the process.

This is THIER realm.....NOT mine!

However I got stuck here, It was under duress and/or false contract.


Your neighbor is a Deutch Bag.

Yep, They've Won.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

Got the same problem here. I get my seeds up and growing inside, once they hit the outdoors, zap ⚡️ they’re toast. Riding a John Deer? People still buying those pieces of crap? Nothing better than having a tractor that you need to get permission to start, lol 😂.

Yet, today growing things is not the problem of the day. My problem is the evil Duke energy company has informed me my meter cannot be updated? Really now?

I’m told I must install their new smart meter or have my meter manually read each month???? I said not a problem, I told them I sleep from 8am to 6pm and that I have 3 Rottweilers that really hate black folks and that I would not be held responsible for any bloodshed. So, have at it. I’m a sporting gal, lol 😆.

Then after this happy horseshit, my even billing bill goes from 203 to 270?

The fun just never ends.....

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

I’m so old it used to be called Duke Power named for Doris Duke family... “Doris Duke

American billionaire heiress, philanthropist, and socialite (1912–1993)

Doris Duke (November 22, 1912 – October 28, 1993) was an American billionaire tobacco heiress, philanthropist, and socialite. She was often called "the richest girl in the world". Her great wealth, luxurious lifestyle, and love life attracted significant press coverage, both during her life and after her death.”

See how it works... billionaires control the seed, the land, the water and the sky! Then they kill the seed with that same control all the while setting up foundations so the IDIOTS who bought the seed will donate to support the billionaires so that money will never be taxed and they in turn are called philanthropists ! Oh yeah, then there’s the tobacco heiress part !!

Naaa they don’t want to kill us!!

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Put your Dukes up!

Like on a gallows or pike.

I've been called a Miss Anthropist, but never a Phil.

I'm a bit corn fused here: are they saying that she was born in a tobacco patch? How else could she be a tobacco HER-ASS?

I was found in a cabbage patch - that's why I'm a Sour Kraut.

They really don't want to kill us - at least not outright. They like to play with their food like a cat with a mouse in a bathtub.

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The PharmWhore frogs were cooked slowly. First it was GPS in climate controlled cabs where the only thing the 'driver' had to do was throttle down and turn at the end-rows. Now they can't even work on or start their machines without a breathalizer and permission. Soon they will be declared redundant and be replaced by robots and there will be no private ownership of land.

In the 1970s we used to read our own meters. Are they saying that they don't trust us?

Clint Richardson came up with a unique insight/phrase: The Creator Controls. They came up with the power and distribution. I wish I was never addicted to the stuff. I would get out in a heartbeat but the cost of cutting the leech off is prohibitive which is the OTHER thing that they engineered.

Folks like us should have had parallel industry millennia ago.

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well luckly he did not show up with one of those annoying, sound polluting leaves blower….

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leaf blowers are for city folk. Out here a slight 30mph breeze takes care of the leaves.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

There is some credence to the thought that Earth is an insane asylum for the Alien races where they drop off their psychopaths.

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That credence has some pretty clear-water revival to it.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

Welp, that explains the situation in my town. I thought it was khemical damage from the mill, but your theory makes more sense.

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Please more details.

When you say mill: do they make flour? Do they make steel? Do they make flour out of steel?

I uncovered that herbicides are really human drugs that have the added benefit of killing weeds. So we have the legacy of industrial ag chemicals, but then you figure in chemtrails, and all of the air and water pollution that made that Indian cry in that 1960s commercial and there is no limit to what the biocide agents are.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

That comment was meant to be a reply to Gwyneth and the alien drop-off theory. They make electrical and stainless and steel here. People have joked for years that half the town is nuts due to the mill.

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With the chromium alone half the town should have cancer.

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they have become mutants. Only without upsides…only downsides.

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in PA they could only make steel or something else damaging…..like tomatoes soup, or Alluminuim alloy, or vaccines at the Salk institute.

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All three sound good! Can I get that to go?

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

The amount of ignorance and overall stupidity is exasperating and amusing. I often wonder if each of us are systematically placed in geographically regions where our misery is intensified to the extent that we must question our own sanity. Daily, I wonder when will I find people outside of the Internet ghettos to fraternize with and have an adult conversation about the reality of this existence. In perpetuity, my optimism has been replaced by the folly of such ineffectual thinking. Instead of finding like minded individuals to talk with (face to face), I find that I have to continually dumb myself down in order survive (because they will kill us) invariably because the mind control is so pervasive and so ubiquitous that it is an exercise in futility to even try and have legitimate and thought provoking conversations. It is amusing sometimes though, when you catch people off guard, there is this "glitch" in their programming and this dull, glazed look envelopes their eyes, almost like they are being reset like a computer because the overload of what this reality truly is becomes abundantly clear. In that brief moment, I wait with baited breath for them to look at me and say "I believe you, what the hell was I thinking all of this time?"...But alas, they reboot and go back to their usual programmed behavior...sometimes they become especially volatile, as if possessed, and use personal slights and gaslighting in order to discredit what you have just said and make your comments seem like insignificant "conspiracies". At this point in my life, I am almost immune to it, however, sometimes, I get a glimmer of hope, just to have it dashed in a matter of seconds. In my estimation, there are a plethora of reasons for their behavior and their resistance to it...This would be the following: 1.) The worthless education system that programs people at a young age. 2.) Cradle to grave vaccinations. 3.) Electricity and electro-magnetic radiation. There is no doubt that this technology entrances and reinforces their other programming via books, movies, social media, music and video games. 4.) Genetically modified foods that destroy gut health. 5.) Pharmaceutical drugs that destroy the gut and shut off parts of the brain (the zombification of the slave if you will). 6.) Illicit drugs. 7.) Separating people from the ethereal only to focus on the temporal and corporeal, leading to a complete disconnection and to reiterate, that "you only live once" mentality that permeates modernity. 8.) The dissolving of the family unit through hook up apps and culture, pornography and illicit drug use.. 9.) Chemical trails that compound the aforementioned usage of pharmaceutical and illicit drugs. 10.) Perpetual distractions, via their programming apparatus that facilitate fear or ecstasy, because of this, people are never able to be relaxed, instead they need their next stimulant hit in order to feel "alive". I agree Patrick, this is all by design as they feed on our misery and labor. I digress, all I can do is "keep the faith" that there is some greater purpose for my being here and keep pushing on until my inevitable demise and hope that on my way to that end, I have planted some thought provoking seeds into the minds of the people I have interacted with.

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Glad I stayed up past my usual shut down time and read this.....thank you!

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See what you gone and made me do?

I'm going to stack this work of art.

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(Banned)Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

The fable of The Emperor's New Clothes was just a reworking by Hans Christian Andersen published in 1837 and apparently there are various versions of it dating back centuries. What is extremely obvious is that those in power understand the limitless elasticity of the ENC effect and have supreme, clearly justified confidence in it ... and have relied on it for centuries. I highly recommend reading this fable even if you're familiar with it because what it shows is that reality plays no role in making people believe things, it's all in the propaganda ... which in the ENC takes the form of pre-emptive gaslighting.


They also have us extremely well-profiled in general according to our inclinations to believe and target their propaganda accordingly. Thus my feeling is that what's happening now in terms of people's responses isn't massively due to anything about our present circumstances and in the past in similar situations people responded in the same way.

What I find interesting is that our inclination-to-believe profiles don't seem to follow clear demographic patterns. You get siblings disagreeing, children and parents, friends with similar backgrounds, and so on. It seems similar to the way births tend to work out 50/50 male and female, it's kind of random but there must be something governing it. I have an identical twin - so same nature and nurture and although we are both equally willing to disbelieve the authorities and both disbelieve many things the authorities tell us there's something very fundamentally different about the way we believe and one event we vehemently disagree on is the moon landings - I believe them and she doesn't.

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I hadn't heard this story for decades. It's important to revisit things as adults.

At the end they doubled-down on their insane bet which is exactly what the CDC the NIH and the rest of the fools did when they were caught in FRAUD.

All of my life I had rejected the notion that belief was of any substance. I did not believe in belief. But I came to the hard realization that it didn't matter what I thought. Other fools believed things that they then inflicted on the tangible world by actions so belief DID have a place in the physical reality.

I hated that notion then, and I hate it to this very moment.

I know that science can mature so whatever is taken as a fact today may be discounted in 50-years so I operate under the assumption that a premise might be valid until proven wrong. Believers are so dogmatic that there is no debate there is no growth there is only stagnation and death.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

Brilliant post. Thank you and you might add fluoride poisoning, used by the Nazis in the concentration camps to passify the prisoners with the added benefit of lowering IQ.

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I'm not discounting what you wrote.

New sentence because I don't like showing my butt.


That is one of those urban legends that I could not substantiate. I spent three days in the Senior Stacks of the University of ILL Annoyed Lie Bury system tracking down the supposed testimony to Congress of John Goff and scanned in the entire session to keyword search it but could find no reference to the Fluoride discovery of how to make numbnuts in three easy steps.

If anyone has any direct links to those discoveries I'm still interested after 15 years.


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"The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany's Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission. (Ref. book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin.)"

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See page 3 first paragraph. You will have to translate.


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Here is the translation.

The psychic effects of fluorine have been demonstrated for their part, by scientists in the pay of the Third Reich. Hitler6,12,20 ordered the I.G. Farben chemical works based in Frankfurt to produce fluorine in large quantities. This had to be mixed with the drinking water intended for the prisoners of the stalags. The purpose of this distribution was to maintain discipline in the camps and to calm the ardor of the prisoners trying to escape, thanks to the sedative effects of fluoride. The use of fluoridation by the Nazis to reduce resistance to public control was confirmed in 1954 by an American chemist, Charles Perkins, in charge of administering the possessions of I.G. Farben after the war.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

thanks. It brings us closer to the primary source material. None of those names were mentioned in the early years of fluoride being outed in the alterNOT media.

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IG farben was a Jewish corporation. They actually built all those camps in Poland. It was one of the few industries that wasn't bombed. They talk about this fluoride but I've never come across it other than this Jewish guy writing about it. I know it's ubiquitous in America now. It wreaks havoc on your endocrine system. Your pineal gland your thyroid your testicles. Fluoride was used as rat poison.

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The “you live once mentality” allows the psychopaths to do whatever the please, harder and better.

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I'm conflicted on that. An Indigo Child told us that they feed their bone marrow to chosen babies so that the race memory will transfer. They don't live for 1000 years in their original bodies but the essence of who they are is transferred. They really do fear extinction so that's a good thing.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

You know by now optimism is not my greatest strength. They are dominating at will and the movie as you say IS "in the can" but they haven't released it yet. It ain't over but we are in the next to last (slow motion) scene where they are loading it in to the projector. In the movies this is where the hero shows up who has no quit in him/her........they/it. Just like you, I don't even hear crickets. Come quick ninja Grannies.......come quick

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Ninja Grannies.


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

Dude, you just explained the unexplainable existence that is my life. WTF is this? What a f**k story. I am sorry to share the misery of this existence with you but It helps knowing that I am not alone. I am sick of the bulls**t. I only wish to exist to see how much stupider this world can get. That is my amusement. If one tenth of the effort into evil was done for good we could have had wonderful lives. I think this place is hell.

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Fellow dude. I feel your pain.

Allow me to suggest that you might have stuck keys on your keyboard or screen.

The words are:




I only exist to see the total extermination of those, who as you exquistely observe, are the solitary reasons why things couldn't be PERFECT.

I was at the height of my ability to grow food but by the year 2000 all of the farmwhores had converted to Roundup Ready crops and my ability to feed myself and my family started diminishing. I've kept notes since 1973 so it wasn't an impression it was an actual count. I figured that if the world when to Hell in a non-asbestos handbasket that I could still feed myself. But the primary state of an Archon is that of Denial. If you have something they will take it away, if you need something they will prevent you from having it.

I CAN NO LONGER GROW MY OWN FOOD! How Archonic (ironic) is that?

Increasingly the phrase that we use is: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY.

In fact Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars said the same thing:

"In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a matter

of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia."


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OMFG …he gave you the “it is all in your head and you are creating the lower vibration”…..I wish I had laser eyes, or some other STFU superpowers when I hear people blabbering that shit.

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Where did a non-original thought like that come from in a hick that only graduated highschool? These memes are already embedded like viruses in their base programming that assert themselves where there is a trigger to bring them into RAM.

If I had laser eyes I would have split the planet in two and then we would see if it is a pancake or a bassetboll.

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