Jun 13Liked by Patrick Jordan

police (n.)

Origin and meaning of police

1530s, "the regulation and control of a community" (similar in sense to policy (n.1)); from Middle French police "organized government, civil administration" (late 15c.), from Latin politia "civil administration," from Greek polis "city" (see polis).

Until mid-19c. used in England for "civil administration;" application to "administration of public order, law-enforcement in a community" (1716) is from French (late 17c.), and originally in English referred to France or other foreign nations.

The sense of "an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, etc." is by 1800; the first force so-named in England was the Marine Police, set up 1798 to protect merchandise at the Port of London. Meaning "body of officers entrusted with the duty of enforcing laws, detecting crime, etc." is from 1810.

In its most common acceptation, the police signifies the administration of the municipal laws and regulations of a city or incorporated town or borough by a corps of administrative or executive officers, with the necessary magistrates for the immediate use of force in compelling obedience and punishing violation of the laws, as distinguished from judicial remedies by action, etc. The primary object of the police system is the prevention of crime and the pursuit of offenders; but it is also subservient to other purposes, such as the suppression of mendicancy, the preservation of order, the removal of obstructions and nuisances, and the enforcing of those local and general laws which relate to the public health, order, safety, and comfort. [Century Dictionary, 1895]

In constitutional law, police power is the power of a government to limit civil liberties and exercise restraint and compulsion over private rights, especially to advance or protect the public welfare. Police state "state regulated by means of national police" first recorded 1865, with reference to Austria. Police action in the international sense of "military intervention short of war, ostensibly to correct lawlessness" is from 1933. Police officer is attested from 1794, American English. Police station is from 1817. Police dog is by 1908.


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I should have known that you would come up with such an exhaustive response.

E.T. on line is my phone home go to place so I did that search myself BUT THIS NEVER CAME UP !!!!!

The writeup swirls around the use as a noun, verb, and adjective like a roller coaster.

Doesn't it figure that the Maritime aspect was the primary target.

I tried to suppress my mendicancy but it about blew my sinuses out.

I can't believe that things were so oppressive so far back: State creates poverty, State punishes the poor.

Nothing changes in Hell. Just go around in circles.

Much thanks.

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick Jordan

"suppression of mendicancy" They have to teach their pets not to beg.

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick Jordan


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Not once I thought there was a team of elves in white coats, taking random samples of diseases injection serums to analyze them for quality assurance.

Maybe the pharma whore multinational had those people I thought …once…. heck no.

But us the public …..we dumb and stupid because we believed this crap since birth. Well I did because I was brainwashed with that ideology by my own parents.

Records are hard to relocate because there is no records. The only people I know anal enough to leave records were the Germans apparently left detailed records of human atrocities. Now, me thinks that records can be created too. No?

Let's also not forget why the Corvelva group had such hard time to find an analysis lab that would literally run samples of the content of the MMR “vaccines”. Sounds like everyone knows the truth but everyone is afraid to speak up.

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Are you familiar with Tree Man? The indonesian guy whose skin looks like bark from HPV. They offered to cut off the bark for FREE! They even said it would grow back because they can't stop the virus...

Immediately Rebecca Carley said: They're harvesting their handiwork for analysis and to have a lifetime supply of the virus they created !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if the Azetecs and Maya actually practiced bloody sacrifice or if it was something that the Jesuits made up themeselves? I don't read those ancient pictographs. How would I know if an SMOM was telling the truth or not?

The Not Sees may have thought they were untouchable by having records of their experiments or, maybe, since they were IMMEDIATELY spirited away in Project Paperclip, the US was in on the whole thing because there are no nations. Nuremberg was said to be a hoax. the ones they claimed were hung were supposedly spirited away at the last moment and substitutes put in their place.

Everything is a lie. I take nothing at face value.

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The pirate flags remind me of the Jesus story when he was arrested at the park with the boy child in the tent. Jesus started screaming.." I'm not a PIRATE/ child trafficker."

Then they hung him with the other 2 criminals when they found out that his disciples were children.

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OK. That bears some more elucidation, and after you're done with that some more explanation.

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