Katherine Watt has been corresponding with a reader who is researching the history of US public health and regulatory agencies. Records before 1973 are difficult to locate. However, what has become clear is that the origins of these agencies are not what they make them out to be.
Why are they lying about their origins? Because, Watt says, “they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses … There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment and no sample testing occurs.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
One of Watt’s Substack readers is researching the pre-1972 statutory and regulatory history of some of the USA’s public health agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”).
The reason why 1972 is relevant is that in that year the regulation of biological products transferred from the NIH Division of Biologics Standards to the FDA Bureau of Biologics. “In 1973, FDA published a consolidated set of biological product manufacturing non-regulations in the Federal Register,” Watt explained.
“Administrative rule-making by FDA since 1973 is relatively easy to locate,” she said. However, “administrative rule-making by NIH prior to 1973 is more difficult to locate.”
Commenting on Watt’s article below, Dr. Mike Yeadon said:
It looks like deception may have been going on a very long time before “covid vaccines” were a thing.
If Katherine Watt is right, there are entire administrative processes that exist only on paper, but there are no staff overseeing the technical aspects implied. Effectively, no practical regulation of vaccines (safety, efficacy and quality) has ever existed.
Nothing would surprise me anymore. After all, as I have said repeatedly, there are in the “covid-19 vaccines” numerous, independent, unnecessary and (to those with relevant expertise) obvious toxicity risks, none of which have been evaluated (because they’re intentional, they’re there by design).
Dr. Mike Yeadon on Telegram, 11 June 2024
Below we have republished excerpts from Watt’s article that are relevant to Dr. Yeadon’s comment above. Watt’s article briefly describes the research her reader has undertaken and Watt’s response to one of her reader’s questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Since the advent of electronic filing systems, the application and licensing forms have been filed, transferred and stored electronically, and deleted at regular intervals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Although Ralph Winterrowd was exposing The Administrative State long before I showed up with Rebecca Carley on RBN in 2008, the phrase has been showing up a lot more often lately. I seriously doubt that anyone understands it to the level that Ralph taught. I found it so shocking that I duplicated Ralph’s work to fact-check him not out of malice but if it were true then things were, as they say in the millie tarry:
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.
So, yeah… I went to the government documents section of the Lie Bury of the University of ILL Annoyed and pulled out two copies of The Administrative Procedures Act and scanned both of them.
And, yeah… Con Grease did infact commit Tree Son by pushing through in 1947 what that Trayed Whore FDR started in 1937 to totally ELIMINATE the Executive Branch and turn it into THIRTEEN Agencies.
I’ve been saying for 16 years that THERE HAS NOT BEEN A PRESIDENT COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the US corporation since 1947. The MK is so fucking deep that when I tell that to anyone in private conversation I typically get crickets. I’m thinking of collecting them and deep fat frying them for protein snacks.
(the crickets…)
The Roswell watershed was quite a year: FAKE UFOs, FAKE Govern Mente. By 1948 you had the formation of the Seeing Eye Aye and the State of Is Ra Hell. ‘Discovery’ of the Dead See Skrolls (some say were written and placed by the Seeing Eye Aye). I say that the three letter AGENCY !!!!!!!!!!! was an ancient order that was just renamed for modern usage.
Butt lettuce segue to the FDA that PSYCHOLOGICAL WHARF AIR
that pretends to keep you safe to lull you into a sense of false security so that after your ability to have an erection has gone away and you take a drug that was designed for pattern baldness that happens to raise your blood pressure, you can work one off right before you have a heart attack because… well… the Effin’ Dee Aye was there to CAUSE things like that to happen. That, and to declare other things Safe&Effective.
I’ve known of this scam for forever because industries like drugs and Wax Jobs will do in-house ‘safety studies’ write them up, send it to the FDA for ‘review’. The FDA being funded by the Waxers will then read it and say: “Yup. Looks good. Go Forth and commiteth thou thy murr durr spree.”
And it was good.
Let’s Jordanize this situation:
The chem eye culls called ‘medicine’ are chemical wharf air agents. (nice word: Agent - for a molecule).
The govenment AGENCIES are the psychological wharf air division to oversee the deployment of the Agents.
Agents spreading Agents.
In context: This particular Fuck of the Cloister Cluster is like the pharmacy DEPARTMENT at Walling Mart doing whatever the fuck it wants while getting a cut of the entry fee to the supercenter, while the CEO of the coporation is just another Ass Sew She Ate like the other blue-vest-wearing kuks. Nothing special. Not even an owner of the behemoth organization.
Seriously. The Administrative State is a statement that the millie tarry occupation and takeover of the American continent has been so skillfully accomplished that they don’t need three branches (the illusion that the executive branch still exists is a sustained fraud/fantasy and tree son), and gone with that are the checks & balances (another fraud because that never existed in the first place) so they can run the Corporation like a megacorp shitshow given that there have been hostile takeovers of the continent and its corporate structure since the Revolutionary Whore to the present due to cyclical bankruptcies that led to all going into Receivership.
When you know as much as I do, you take all of this in stride because early-on you were dick-slapped to the face with the reality that in International Law (for the International Yahood) it is clearly stated that if a hostile force takes over a country, continent, or govern mente, there is NO OBLIGATION to tell the inhabitants.
That is why EVERYTHING went Uber Communist nearly in an instant and the North American Continent started looking like PRC version 2.666
When I was in Honolulu in the late 1980s people were complaining that the Chinese were buying up all of the real estate. I was confused back then how a foreign hostile government could own assest in a ‘sovereign’ nation, while getting the ancillary education that according to the Hawaiians they were still a Kingdom that was taken over by… hostile millie tarry action !
So, while the Continental apes are being taxed into an early grave and run around like ants with their licenses attached to them, (traffic infractions are handled through ‘administrative’ ‘law’) no one is noticing that the military operation has gone so smoothly that They don’t really NEED a military since the prisoners police themselves.
Seriously, if anyone can find me the HISTORICAL etymology of the word: Police it would expose what a fraud that has been from the beginning. Must predate 1910.
So where does all of that money go?
Tip O’ the Fucking Iceberg, me Bucko’s!
The Skull and Crossed-Bones (Skull & Bones?) was SHOWING YOUR COLORS (maritime flag terminology) that you were a Pirate, that you will attack, board, and seize anything including the ship and anybody on the vessel and Give Quarter = you will let the crew and passengers live (whether as slaves or ransom).
The Joli Rouge (Pretty Red - no relation to Angelina) bastardized into the Jolly Roger and falsely attributed to the black skull and crossed bones was a beacon that they would attack, board, and seize anything possibly skuttle the ship and kyll everyone aboard = Give NO QUARTER.
This inland piracy is dug in deeper than a Tennessee Tick.
In casual conversation the words pirate, buccaneer, and corsair tend to be used more or less interchangeably. Some people, possibly to prove they paid attention in history class, also throw around privateer. But do these words actually mean the same thing, matey?
Not really.
Pirate is the most general of the four terms. Originating with the Greek peiratēs, meaning brigand, it can be applied to a wide range of nautical misbehavior, including coastal raiding and intercepting ships on high seas. Robbery, kidnapping, and murder all qualify as piratical activities, provided there’s some water and a boat involved. If there’s no water and no boat, you’re just a regular bandit. If there’s a boat but no water, you need to go back to pirate school.
—Any time people have used the sea for military and commercial purposes, there presumably has been some form of piracy.
A privateer was a pirate with papers.
As the name suggests, privateers were
private individuals commissioned by governments to carry out quasi-military activities.
[Blackwater, et. al ]
They would sail in privately owned armed ships, robbing merchant vessels and pillaging settlements belonging to a rival country.
The most famous of all privateers is probably English admiral Francis Drake, who made a fortune plundering Spanish settlements in the Americas after being granted a privateering commission by Elizabeth I in 1572.
[Does Drake refer to a male duck or it is a reference to The Dragon?]
The use of privateers allowed states to project maritime power beyond the capabilities of their regular navies, but there were trade-offs. Because privateering was generally a more lucrative occupation than military service, it tended to divert manpower and resources away from regular navies.
Privateering could be shady business, and this accounts for some of the lexical overlap with the word pirate. Privateers sometimes went beyond their commissions, attacking vessels that didn’t belong to the targeted country. This extracurricular raiding and pillaging was indistinguishable from piracy as defined above. At other times, outlaw pirates would operate with the tacit encouragement of a government but without the written legal authorization given to privateers. In historical settings where these practices were common, the line between privateer and pirate was blurred.
The term corsair is tied to the Mediterranean Sea, where, from roughly the late 14th century to the early 19th century, the Ottoman Empire dueled with the Christian states of Europe for maritime supremacy. On both sides, the struggle was waged with both conventional navies and state-sanctioned sea bandits called corsairs. Corsairs were essentially privateers, although the term corsair carried an added religious connotation because the conflict was between Muslim and Christian powers. Some of the most notorious corsairs were the Barbary corsairs of North Africa, who were aligned with the Ottoman Empire but were often beyond the empire’s ability to control them. On the Christian side the Knights of St. John, based in Malta, harassed Muslim commercial shipping in the 16th and 17th centuries.
[Remember I brought out Blackwater above? The founder: Prince is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The liquidy diarrhea stench and stain throughout history is unmistakable once your nose hairs have been singed.]
As the term corsair is specific to the Mediterranean, the term buccaneer is specific to the Caribbean and the Pacific coast of Central America. The name is derived from the French boucan, a grill for smoking meat, and was first applied to French wild game hunters living in western Hispaniola in the early 17th century. They mostly sustained themselves by hunting wild game, but they did also commit piracy when the opportunity arose. Over time, the buccaneers attracted a multinational mix of adventurers and scoundrels, and they migrated to Tortuga, an island off the coast of Hispaniola, in 1630. The buccaneers’ primary foe was Spain, which formally controlled Hispaniola and Tortuga and sought to expel the outlaws from its possessions. A Spanish attempt to drive away the buccaneers by exterminating the game animals on the islands backfired, leaving the buccaneers more dependent than ever on their raids of Spanish shipping. These raids, in turn, endeared them to Spain’s colonial rivals England and France, which offered various forms of support. When England seized Jamaica from Spain in 1655, the buccaneers resettled there. Colorful memoirs by buccaneers such as William Dampier and Lionel Wafer influenced the depictions of pirates by the writers Daniel Defoe and Robert Louis Stevenson and thus were important sources for the modern pop culture image of the golden age of piracy.
Kidlings… we are immersed up to our earholes in the Golden Age of Piracy.
Beware the LAND SHARKS!
police (n.)
Origin and meaning of police
1530s, "the regulation and control of a community" (similar in sense to policy (n.1)); from Middle French police "organized government, civil administration" (late 15c.), from Latin politia "civil administration," from Greek polis "city" (see polis).
Until mid-19c. used in England for "civil administration;" application to "administration of public order, law-enforcement in a community" (1716) is from French (late 17c.), and originally in English referred to France or other foreign nations.
The sense of "an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, etc." is by 1800; the first force so-named in England was the Marine Police, set up 1798 to protect merchandise at the Port of London. Meaning "body of officers entrusted with the duty of enforcing laws, detecting crime, etc." is from 1810.
In its most common acceptation, the police signifies the administration of the municipal laws and regulations of a city or incorporated town or borough by a corps of administrative or executive officers, with the necessary magistrates for the immediate use of force in compelling obedience and punishing violation of the laws, as distinguished from judicial remedies by action, etc. The primary object of the police system is the prevention of crime and the pursuit of offenders; but it is also subservient to other purposes, such as the suppression of mendicancy, the preservation of order, the removal of obstructions and nuisances, and the enforcing of those local and general laws which relate to the public health, order, safety, and comfort. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
In constitutional law, police power is the power of a government to limit civil liberties and exercise restraint and compulsion over private rights, especially to advance or protect the public welfare. Police state "state regulated by means of national police" first recorded 1865, with reference to Austria. Police action in the international sense of "military intervention short of war, ostensibly to correct lawlessness" is from 1933. Police officer is attested from 1794, American English. Police station is from 1817. Police dog is by 1908.
Not once I thought there was a team of elves in white coats, taking random samples of diseases injection serums to analyze them for quality assurance.
Maybe the pharma whore multinational had those people I thought …once…. heck no.
But us the public …..we dumb and stupid because we believed this crap since birth. Well I did because I was brainwashed with that ideology by my own parents.
Records are hard to relocate because there is no records. The only people I know anal enough to leave records were the Germans apparently left detailed records of human atrocities. Now, me thinks that records can be created too. No?
Let's also not forget why the Corvelva group had such hard time to find an analysis lab that would literally run samples of the content of the MMR “vaccines”. Sounds like everyone knows the truth but everyone is afraid to speak up.