There are some places that even Virgil would not lead Dante into.

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Though all of the madness reported by the Poet, I was surprise and am still that when the demons at the boiling pitch started chasing themselves they had to slide down the rubble made by the earthquake to get away.

None of that: "This has been willed where what is willed can be accomplished." BS.

Just Dodge, Duck, and Hyde.

Good on you for even knowing that!

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Thanks for the “Memes”, Patrick.I needed a good laugh today.

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For me: that's not a smile that's a grimmace.

And a hearty sardonic laugh.

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Wait....why did you posted this Patrick?

I hope you are NOT THINKING to leave substack.....m

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I get stuff from Sandwich Lady every day.

I was just in a mood to share the mood.

If a Gila Monster bites you and you cut off it's head, you still have to use pliers to get the jaws open. Even if you get the jaws off the bite is poisonous.


(that almost sounds like an existential statement...)

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I thought you were saying goodbye cuz you got tired and were using memes in a puzzling manner to see if someone would catch on it.

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Old Pharm saying:

You can wrestle with a Pig in The Mud -

but after a while you get the feeling that the pig kinda likes it.

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My favorites in descending order best to excellent...

Hair Spray and Cigarettes

Internet then and now

Alien/human technology

Sinking Titanic.

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anything with Vogon Destructor Fleet in it makes me smile.

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Made my day... especially the bouffant hair do.... I had one of those without the cigarette! ICD 999 was given to me by a friend! I read it and have never looked back... fell in love with the book and with you! Keep ‘em comin’,

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Glad you had a figurative Blast from the Past.

I always thought that a bouffant was a French Pastry.

I had a sigerhet but I didn't inhale.

ICD 999 when viewed upside down on your coffee table is 666 DCI, but you should stop spilling coffee on your table.

I rarely look back unless I can afford a chiropractic adjustment.

Love at first fright if you're referring to me. I've been calling nine-elleben whenever I get out of bed and look in the baffroom mirror!

You're a saint.

Great Grand Mother Superior Donna of the Leonard Convent.

Ya'll ort to have a CONVENTion.

I know that most nuns are sequestered but I still don't know how they get all of those little shiny disks on with one thread.

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I am breaking my self-imposed temporary timeout because of me breaking my own rules, but when you set up these quotes........I gotta lay them on ya cowpoke(that is not a bestiality accusation).

"Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gunna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Cause if you lose your head and you give up, then you neither live nor win. Thats just the way it is".

"Dying aint so hard for men like you and me. It's livin that's hard when all you have ever cared about has been butchered or raped".

We didn't start the fire my skinny amigo but there is NO escaping it, so..........only thing that makes sense to me is to try to put it out. Fire bad.........M'kay. Wouldn't it be great if the fake aliens that aren't coming were once the tortured goy from their planet and they wore the correct "They Live" glasses and told us to hold their beer while they burned all the "yahants" with their futuristic magnifying glasses? Oh shit a man can dream......

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I like Swarmi too....

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Fuck no is my button of choice. You made me laugh with the cigarette lady and the can of hairspray.

All you can do is shake your head in wonderment.

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I knew a guy with emphysema on oxygen who smoked to 'relax his lungs'.

Burnt himself up.

Got out of the hospital.

Went back to smoking while on the canula.

Burnt himself up.

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