Before ICD-999 was a gleam in my rheumy eyes
I was banned by armed gaurds from my mother’s dialysis unit, so I lived in the loco and one-eyed verse city Lie Buries using archaic things like CARD CATALOGS, MICRO-FILM, taking HAND-WRITTEN NOTES, and using FLOPPY DRIVES to bring home PDFs that I converted to text that I then had to remove the line-breaks to be able to read them.
Whoever decided to make PDF text fit into newspaper column format has a very special place in Hell that I have prepared just for them!
It’s amazing what you can/will do when you love someone like
getting banned from a unit at gunpoint because you told an Evil Corporation in a public meeting to stop killing people, the next day after which they killed a Black Preacherman who was the only one who stood with me…
Removing line breaks from pdfs until 2am just so you might be able to help your mum.
Walking a mile to the lie bury, breathing in life-destroying mold from the bookstacks just for those minor revelations that lead to your first book that led to 17 more books…
I watched the University of ILL Annoyed Lie Bury go from massive card catalogs to web-based searches that anyone could access to pre ConYid paranoia where you had to put in your student I.D. (din’t have one) in order to access key search functions that I had sucked on for three years like a vampyre with stainless steel straws for teeth. Their policy and access probably changed when they were on to what I was doing. You could tell the curiousity in the Government Documents when I asked a lie burian for help on the beginning of Level 4 Biosafety protocols after I explained that scientists grinding up monkey brains for vaccines were dropping dead so Truman gave the equivalent of MILLIONS of dollars to develop Level 4 Labs INSTANTEOUSLY. You would think that it would make people a little less curious about what *I* was doing and focus on a governmente instead of the person investigating the governmente but then no one would be an governmente Hive Mate unless they were part of the Swarm.
Just made it up. I like it.
All of the memes (I altered the first one to tell my story) were sent to me by Sandwich Lady (thank you). This is what is left after 11 (number of completion) years of fighting a cruelly lethal healthkill system before they kilt my mother. I came to the conclusion that The Evil Ones: Eat Love and Defecate Hate.
Nothing likes to live in its own waste product so that is why they have Anger Management and other pacification methods. The idiot gurus who say that anger is a ‘base emotion’ is working for the Evil Ones because Hate, Rage, and Anger (my Trinity) are what kept and keeps me going. THEY can’t stand that because it presents a threat to them. THEY want passive idiots to turn the other cheek and not want to be Like Them. Because if anyone was LIKE THEM then the TOP Predator would eliminate the craven, stealth PARASITES as quickly and as reflexively as smashing a blood sucking mosquito straight to hell.
The Kinder Gentler Daze.
That’s how we git ‘er dun on the farm.
I ken gwar un tee that clock twon’t be no probem no mo’.
There are some places that even Virgil would not lead Dante into.
Made my day... especially the bouffant hair do.... I had one of those without the cigarette! ICD 999 was given to me by a friend! I read it and have never looked back... fell in love with the book and with you! Keep ‘em comin’,