How much do you want to bet that vaccines contain the recombinant DNA of jew rabbinical jiz ? Sort of akin to a pissed off cook at KFC wacking off in the batter.
I think the real purpose of vaccines is to inject you with Jewish DNA. They are creating a Jewish chimara. It's just another way of inseminating you and fucking you. They are omnisexuals and they will f anything. It's this satanic sodomy that imbues everything about them.
These people are so repulsive I cannot come up with the word low enough to define them. Parasite is about as close as you get. Cancer is another one.
These parasites are so toxic that being in close proximity and sharing their toxic pheromones is dangerous. I truly believe that. They need to be fumigated.
EXACTLY! & the Suicide soldiers may have simply been relocated underground for "Supersoldier" experimental type stuff... WE only KNOW that it's ALL a blatant LIE.
WHERE did all the tent city folks go? WHAT are they feeding the homeless at the shelters , in prisons? We think that WE eat chemical poison...... My mind always goes to the darker questions of "reality"
What's The Payload of this reality? To go to another level, just to get mindwiped? Ever feel like you wake up mindwiped or get brain interference ? THAT is a REAL thing...WHO is intercepting....Or WHAT ?? Now we have the A.I. to contend with on top of the THEY.
That's not organ donation, that's Jewish ritual human sacrifice virtually identical in every way with a modern twist to the "blood libel" they cry about. Ironically the fallacious Holocaust story is blood libel.
They are engaged in human ritual sacrifice called organ donation, when people are actually coerced into the situation it's really heartbreaking if you understand what's going on. So I wrote a little story for you - WARNING STRONG DISTURBING CONTENT but that's the whole point ...
I think it's important for people to go on the offensive. I noticed people argue from the defensive. Which means you are attempting to answer their questions. I answered their question with a question. For example they State there's a holocaust, I say can you prove there was a holocaust? They might say something look at all the pictures on the internet, and I might say something like they look polish they don't look Jewish and they weren't holocausted because a pile bodies is not ashes. Or I didn't make the claim of the Holocaust so they have to prove it. It's not the burden on me to disprove it and it saves you a lot of psychological energy if you think this way. Instead of defending your position get them to prove their position. Psychic jiu-jitsu. You have to break the spell with words and you have to take your mind back. That's why I say you have to go on the offensive.
People need to understand our media pharisee scribes have completely polluted all the words they use this is why we are in a constant state of confusion.
I have to thank Clint Richardson for stealing all his information but I'd like to think I give him Honor by expanding on the information he gave me.
For example Christmas is the Christ Mass and masses are for funerals not birthdays. So we keep saying things like we need to keep the Christ in Christmas. Which means we need to keep the Christ in the coffin. Everyday should be the Christ birth. Then you have the KKK burning the cross which is basically holocausting the Christ. I see things in archetypes and images and symbols and that's from listening and studying all of William Cooper's stuff voraciously. Even Bill Cooper made mistakes. For example he was big on Waco and Ruby ridge and hindsight's 20/20 but I'm saying those are two stage events and nobody got hurt. They had a tunnel leading out of Waco or nobody was in there to begin with. You could never get close enough to the magic trick to see it, which is what magicians do, they hide in your blind spot. Usually you're ignorance.
When we were working on the polio shot history, I postulated that very thing based on the native amerian practice of giving the rider's urine to the horse to drink so that it will return to you.
Yes, there has always been MK and threat of death if the sheep got out of line, but this slavish obedience to a race of thugs has always eluded my higher brain functions for analysis. There had to be something deeper that kept the animals from rising against their masters.
I resorted to calling them Predator Parasites. Many parasites are opportunists, they play the averages and wait for an odd chance of getting a hold. This is why tapeworms make MILLIONS of eggs. But these creatures are the models from which the movie Alien was formed.
I KNOW these creatures can smell US from across the room. Had it happen. Their hate for Not Them is palpable.
The Talmud says that god made goy animals in the form of humans because it wasn't fitting for 'real humans' to be served by animals.
That got me to thinking that if they call themselves human then I don't want any part of it.
Years ago I did the breakdown that Hu was the progenitor God of Egypt. Man in Blacks Law Dictionary is the servant of a feudal lord.
Therefore: a Hu-Man is the servant of the Demon Lord Hu.
Frankly, Scarlett, I don't know what to call us, so I just use: Not Them.
As to Father Abrams Tank:
You can have any color god you want just as long as it's Black Magicks.
That christians can't see through the OBVIOUS occult nature of the entire bible just fascinates me from a hysterical blindness/self-hypnosis point of view.
You have to give them props though for training the goy to fight among themselves so that they NEVER look to the authors of the grief.
Get rid of the syphilis in their brains and then the whole story ends.
THAT is wild Hannah! I Was dragged around to Shriner's lodges on visitation Sundays cuz my folks got divorced. .... Then VFW posts ... which had the same kind of vibe....... It ALL boils down to the same players. THEY fought over who would throw me my 33rd Birthday party , whichk I had at Night's pf Columbus.... Now I get it, But back then I did not. I'm separated from all that Masonic BS now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! It's either gonna get real bad real fast or be better than we can imagine.....
In this SIM...ALL variables are on the table! :) We NEED to be tipping the scales!
I'm not talking Lord of the Rings because that's just the exoteric version of the esoteric family story that goes back to King Solomon (remember Sarumon? they don't even try to hide it) with his GRIMOIRES of the Greater and Lesser Keys to show how to capture demon vampyre genii in brass cauldrons and use RINGS to control their special powers to tell them what to do.
Now... if you can control a GIANT demon vampyre geni with a ring....
Greatest spellbook ever written 2Chronicles 4:16 The pots and the shovels and the fleshhooks and all their instruments, did Huram his father make to king Solomon for the house of the LORD of bright brass. Luther's 1545 german bible has Huram Abif( widow's son in freemasonry) for Huram his father of king Haime's diversion.
So AWESOME that you stacked this! Some of this Trible info was in Your King James Diversion Video...which is no longer, so I am THRILLED to see this info HERE in greater detail and with Jewy TREE! Creepy Voice over sound effects would be cool tho ...... >grin>
Howdy Hannah! I sent Jeffrey, Patrick's Video the King James Diversion years ago ... I wish they would have collaborated way back when. Good to hear that you passed this on to JD.
THEY wouldn't' let this info out unless they KNEW this place has been infested enough to let it burn. THEY played the long game. It's biological now ... & We NEED BUG SPRAY for the parasites! :)
YES! & I'm sure you saw th video of the Rabbis that were teaching students or giving seminars saying they are from another universe & their planet tells them what to do & that THEY have sleeper cells ALL OVER ready to rock n roll.......It's TIME/EMIT frequencies. YOU are totally NOT insane! People are just too content being kept animals to HEAR the FACTS. Pinocchio LOL...My story would be FrankenJeannette !! Patrick would be like the grand Wizzard & Jefferey the grand PooBa LOLOLOL Just kidding! mostly...... xx
It doesn't matter if they really are space aliens.
It doesn't matter if they are clinically insane.
It ONLY matters that they BELIEVE that and that BELIEF drives them to make it so, which then makes them a clear and present danger that are ubiquitous because when we take the charts of the chinese stack that I did and showed how many BILLION are caught in religious delusion of the ones from another universe, then we are outnumbered beyond imagination.
True Tru! It doesn't matter what WE believe at all. THEY believe their EVIL is GOOD (for them) AND every time we beLIEve something....we get screwed. So there's THAT.
Ya know, WE are very few in numbers ... Minority of all minorities ..... next to the spaghetti god worshippers.
This is indeed Clown World if the Psycho Circus was made up of Killer Clowns.
I was forced to the conclusion having read the legends of Hell across the world that we are indeed in Hell and that the psyop is to keep the damned from realizing that, which is not so hard to do because the damned are in hysterical denial of being HERE because they were promised in the psyop that Hell was a maybe future destination if they were 'bad'. But they/we were already accounted being bad which is why we are tormented here. So the ONLY default conclusion is:
We are in Hell.
We don't deserve to be here.
We must destroy Hell to take it over or just obliterate it from existence.
I was raised without religion - lots of love and Ethics, but no religion. And taught that We ALL are the Human race. So I would suggest peace and Ethics amongst Humans. For I do not care what any Other believes or thinks. I care whether They choose Their behavior Ethically.
And killing Others is grossly unEthical unless They are immediately in One's space aiming to harm One. Self defense is Ethical...
I have never grasped the idea that because Others believe differently, that is a pass to kill Them...
Amaterasu, This is NOT about religion ... IT's about a creature race has one thing on it's parasitical mind ...To Subvert, Concur, Mame, Rape, Kill, & Enslave.
This IS SELF DEFENSE. ... They SHOT us first at needle point! THEY robbed us first. THEY orchestrated all the WARS, THEY stole our REAL history & enslaved the whole whirled.
109 countries ETHICALLY kicked them out, due to their behavior.
Oh. So We're going on witch hunts for 15+million working class People? Because some psychopaths in Their group who have money did that? No thanks. Rather just strip Them of Their power tool.
While I agree that We would best defend Ourselves from direct attacks, What You said was, "IT's about a creature race," suggesting that ALL from that group (We're ALL the Human race) are "parasitical." And if that were the case, We might want to exterminate the parasites.
But it's only the psychopaths from that group. And We CAN take Their tool to power away. And that, in turn would not see psychopaths moving in to fill where the Ones We removed were.
YES, The parasites have to go...It is the mind parasite that is driving the body to do it evil deeds.
Once the parasites are eliminated .. There is a chance of living in peace without all the control constructs. There is MAN & ManKIND or kind of man ..... But NOT.
Well.. Good luck with that. I will not partake of anything unEthical, and thereby lower Myself to Their level beneath the beasts. I will not break the three Laws of Ethics... I would strip Them of Their power.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
"The parasites have to go...It is the mind parasite that is driving the body to do it evil deeds."
I know that you are an independent woman with well-considered thoughts based on experience before we ever met, but when I saw you posted this, I felt like a proud parent whose beloved child had come into the fullness of their development:
The Parasite/Host relationship is so intertwined that the infected host cannot survive without the infection. This is the essence of HIVE.
It was/is/remains biology.
To not cure the infection regardless of the outcome is to doom all life on this planet forever.
Hmm... damned to continuously tread the Dante's Circles in Hell, because someone was TAUGHT not to harm the Harmers. Wonder where THAT idea came from?
A round worm will put off acetylcholine while it is burrowing through your flesh so that you feel good while it is swimming through you as if you were soil.
Don't harm us - but feel happy while we eat you!
You will own nothing - not even your own bodies - and be unhappy.
Of course eating meat that was proxy-killed as temple sacrifices made into a retail industry is a whole different arena, because... well...
____________________ insert excuses here.... like ethically-killed meat.
Words and kind feelings for mass murr durr errs never stopped anything.
This is the reality on the ground pay close attention to the dialogue. Heinlein was family. He knew what he was writing.
Zdravia, thank you very much for the tree of (live backwards). Now the image is complete. Each branch of yours I mean theirs has its own circle church dividing and conquering natives based on location of the hill these (an)Gews fell from constantly re conquering natives there. Dis is my down hill: :D When conquered they hit them one against other. The simplicity of it all is beyond belief. I think thats why we are not able to see it.
I have never had any difficulty accepting your explanation of the tribes as one has only to observe that all of mankind wants to kill all of mankind, forever. It really is quite psychotic.
As for the number 39, it represents the Knight of Wands/Rods in the Tarot. It falls under the influence of Jupiter/Yaweh.
"energy of an instigator, a fire-starter, a feisty and easily provoked character who is liable to attack first and ask questions later. This energy is quick to anger and enjoys a fight -- so much so that the thought of a diplomatic solution can provoke a secret disappointment! His vices are bossiness, paranoia and a tendency towards overkill."
Interesting. Try 200mg B1 before bed. Quiets the mind. I think most people innately know that this is a simulated battle ground. We are just the pawns programmed to create it.
If you can raise your awareness, and create what you want, you can live a little more contentedly. We are the energy that makes the simulation. Let’s think of a world without religions or beliefs . The old ones seem to come from Aliens anyway. I wonder if we were ever allowed to set up our own world? That would be fun. We have the technology to clean the earth and do a much better job now. Without ‘religions’ what is our purpose? That would be the first step. 🥰. Thank you for the data.
It dawned on me when I saw that stack I shared with you "How Many Jews In China Are There" how circumcised talmuders have FAR larger numbers in the world than we can imagine. Second big tell is how more than half of population seems to be fine with the c19 mass public experimentation and digitalization which is OBVIOUSLY coming from jews. They are ALL in on it! They support whatever the "ruling class" will push. And they have all the unconscious sheeple shabbos goys kikes and illiterate minorities working for them for handfuls of shekels.
Late stage in war indeed. War which we would already loose if it wasnt for the divine interventions. How else to call this situation?
A martial arts grandmaster had himself blindfolded then attacked by three of his students. He was extremely skilled but failed miserably. His final evaluation: You can't fight what you can't see.
When we are told that there is an oppressed minority that is falsely accused of running the world then apply Opposite Day we find that there is an Oppressive Majority that Runs the World.
Until people acknowledge that openly not cravenly submit to it then it will always be in their control. But even SPEAKING it has been relegated to a crime, which, in itself is testimony OF THE CRIME.
We are the immune system of the world. At most there are probably about 7000 real humans (coincidentally a number give by Ezekiel? Isaiah?) currently on the planet. Is that enough white blood cells to remove the infection?
My estimate is 1 in 1700 is a baddie, and likewise, 1 in 1700 is a goodie. And the rest are midwits. Let's be more general and say 4.5 to 7.0 million are goodies, and likewise 4.5 to 7.0 million are baddies. It's even in numbers, but not in material resources. there's a clue in there.
Since 3rd grade I've always had a problem with the difference between Counting numbers and Real Numbers.
Counting numbers begin with one.
Real numbers have Zero as the origin and go in either direction.
So when you say: Goodies, could it be that Half are Bad =-666, but the other half are divided between 0 and +1? I view good as actually doing something not remaining neutral, i.e. that quote the only reason that evil persists is that good men do nothing.
It’s wild to think about how easily the (not them) get caught up in them and become them by proxy. Even to the point it’s very hard not to slid back into old indoctrination.
When you see it you see it. Thanks for the picture.
We (or should I speak for myself?) were all there at one point.
The reason that I know so much about the bible is that I read it cover to cover for the greatest shock of my life outisde of a 3-point sermon that had only a selected topic to hammer into the skulls of the faithful.
After read #3 I called it: The Hebrew's Little Book of Genocide.
I haven't vetted this but Josephus' book called The Antiquities of The Jews was supposedly tiled The Wars of The Jews. Latter seems more reasonable.
I love me some baby ducks. Cutest things in the world next to baby anteaters and baby sword fish.
But a baby duck will imprint on the first thing that it sees as its Mother.
If all you have seen is Yahoodim then what chance to you have to not back sliding?
It is a MIRACLE that we were able to extract ourselves from the Matrix pods.
Makes me wonder about the indigenous peoples in the americas, tribal peoples on the islands and how they all fit in this mess. At this point most have been deluded and or wiped out.
My favorite part of what I used to call the Babylonian Name Change that morphed into Same Pig Different Lipstick is that some call him Columbo (I wonder if he wore a trenchcoat and kept hardboiled eggs in the pockets?) which just speaks to their technique of changing their names to avoid the Hounds of Hell, or if it was a useless or purposeful occulting of his name for 'translation'.
My name is not PATRICIO. It is Patrick. So, if someone of Spanish language were to call me Patricio, that would be an adaptation not my actual given name.
When we pull down the deflections we find that this PIRATE commissioned by the Witch Queen Isabella was after more than just some black pepper to bring home to keep the parasites at bay. Of course he and his crew got Yaws from the natives to bring home, but in the spirit of giving they wiped out tens of millions with their smallpox.
Which... if we use the work of Mel Thornberg is itself of spirochetal origin, so it is a case of MY Syphilis is Bigger than Your Syphilis...
Fun times with Family Hostile Corporate Takeovers.
"Once you see it, you can't unsee it"...Ab so freeking lutely!
I am a born again believer, and it has been a lifelong jour Knee. I'm also a Reformer. After everything I've learned about the Swiss Bank Authority...and Martin Luther began his Reformation movement in Geneva...? I started to doubt many of the "facts", I thought I knew.
I lived in Tunisia with Arab, Muslims, married one. Long story, but I know more about Islam and the Quran than many who espouse to know. I have a fairly in depth knowledge of the Scriptures as well. The way I understand, from ancient texts, the Septuagint , and The Geneva Bible, which originally had no letter "J" ... the sign above the Messiah's head when hung on the tree said King of Iudea. He was Judean not a Jew. If the Israelites were the Chosen people, they were a people and not a place. Those same people turned their back on, and killed the Meschiach. Their Temple was then ultimately destroyed, and "no stone was left upon another" . Therefore, since that day, they are a people with NO access to GOD. Even those who claim to be not Zionists, but Abrahamic Jews. No temple means, no sacrifice for sin, or anything, No Holy of Holies, no GOD! They cannot keep "The Law" period. If their "Scholars" wrote the Bible, they didn't do a very good job of setting themselves up for being lauded! Not by those who actually read the texts anyway. That's all I have to say about that, but plenty of Christians do not like the way I think, so be it.
What you've written is researchable, all documented,though they don't make the truth easy to I take that back, it is easy to find, if you look. They actually take pride in shoving it in our faces, because we can do nothing about it.
I am NOT religious, I only have Faith w/ discernment and wisdom given me from somewhere. Which keeps Joy and Hope alive, no matter what, or I would fall into despair in this Hell🔥 Hole!
...I do not watch TV, but my husband has to turn it on when he comes home from work, fortunately he goes to bed early! We only have basic Roku, but he likes the 70s and 80s sitcoms mostly. I cannot stomach the Yahoodim "comedy" any more. They were always making fun of us, and we never saw it! All JEWS, all the time! All making fun of the goyim!
I've been watching Juxtaposition1 streams (now on Substack)for some time. He opened my eyes to much of this, and I had to research it. Hollyweird History and US history... "There are no countries, there is no U.S.,there is no constitution,there are no states, there are only 12 (Central Banking) Hunger Games districts."
All Jews, and All Masonic.
Thank you for sending me this link, you filled in some holes for me...and now I have to do some more Sole searching.
I applaud your Mind craft! Isn't that a video game?
Martin Loofa Sponge started out as a Cat Lick Priest. The rotten apples don't fall far from the tree. Folks will have to take that literally because I spent the entire summer through fall picking up rotton appelations on my hands and knees to the tune of THOUSANDS OF THEM. Sure a few might make a basset ball bounce about 10 feet away but those are special.
Interesting about Pilates Sign being different than rendered in the infallible King Haime version.
I appreciate all of your insights. Consider with me if you will: That although the orginal temple is rubble with little gradeschool notes to G-d stuffed in the cracks in the wall... that the Sacrifice system was SUBSTITUTED with the 'meat packing' industry. The Yahoodim maintained a CONTINUOUS sacrifice conveyor when the temples existed and that continuity exists with all kinds of animals all over the whirled. Getting the Goy to pay for it seems like poetic evil. Having "your meat" kosher or halal when it is part of an industrialized Spell Casting Network has got to have them needing oxygen for the belly-laughs.
What we are looking at in modern terms is that previously the system was CENTRALIZED. Now it is DECENTRALIZED the very thing that supposedly gives digital currency strength, had given strength of infiltration by the Diaspora and continues those attributes now as I have described.
When I first saw All In The Family as a young'un, I had no idea that ALL sitcom characters and groups were modeled as Yahoodim. Archie Bunker loved by christians and atheists alike was Yahood. Once you see it you can't unsee it. Once they rub your face in it like Debra Messing (Will & Grace) and Third Rock From the Sun (aliens inhabited a yahood family - HOW CLOSE IS **THAT** TO REALITY?) and the theme of Laverne and Shirley in your face setting up just who they are, and, and, and, you realize that George Carlin (most likely Family himself) was right about that club that we ain't in.
Feel free to post links of your favorite Juxtapositions.
I knew your mind was in the right place for the Family Tree.
I've promised for too many years to post a PICTURE tree of just the 13 Tribes but it is a daunting task and something always comes up. Many people are visual rather than cerebral so that is something that NO ONE can unsee.
The gap in the in the Clan of Yaphet. I started a Stack on the Turanians, but the topic is so deep and convoluted (scholars have a hard time unraveling the ball of yarn that the cat got at) that I also took breaks from that. I'm trying to expose that it is ALL FAMILY ALL THE TIME whether it is Medes, Persians, Iranians, Afrikkans, You're A Peein's, or anyone else. We are outnumbered and outsmarted.
If you read the Protocols then the FreeMasons are the least of our worries except from a logistics point of view.
I think spell check redid your last sentence: What's going on inside my head is a Mine Shaft....
How much do you want to bet that vaccines contain the recombinant DNA of jew rabbinical jiz ? Sort of akin to a pissed off cook at KFC wacking off in the batter.
I think the real purpose of vaccines is to inject you with Jewish DNA. They are creating a Jewish chimara. It's just another way of inseminating you and fucking you. They are omnisexuals and they will f anything. It's this satanic sodomy that imbues everything about them.
These people are so repulsive I cannot come up with the word low enough to define them. Parasite is about as close as you get. Cancer is another one.
These parasites are so toxic that being in close proximity and sharing their toxic pheromones is dangerous. I truly believe that. They need to be fumigated.
Ewwwwwww !! You are probably NOT wrong.
I think this way, while everyone's looking at the fluffy contrails, I'm asking what's the payload?
Those 22 suicides a day everyday in the military? Who said they were suicides?
There is always a cover for something.
EXACTLY! & the Suicide soldiers may have simply been relocated underground for "Supersoldier" experimental type stuff... WE only KNOW that it's ALL a blatant LIE.
WHERE did all the tent city folks go? WHAT are they feeding the homeless at the shelters , in prisons? We think that WE eat chemical poison...... My mind always goes to the darker questions of "reality"
What's The Payload of this reality? To go to another level, just to get mindwiped? Ever feel like you wake up mindwiped or get brain interference ? THAT is a REAL thing...WHO is intercepting....Or WHAT ?? Now we have the A.I. to contend with on top of the THEY.
That's not abortion, it's human ritual sacrifice.
That's not organ donation, that's Jewish ritual human sacrifice virtually identical in every way with a modern twist to the "blood libel" they cry about. Ironically the fallacious Holocaust story is blood libel.
They are engaged in human ritual sacrifice called organ donation, when people are actually coerced into the situation it's really heartbreaking if you understand what's going on. So I wrote a little story for you - WARNING STRONG DISTURBING CONTENT but that's the whole point ...
Thank You Maxx for the Link...SPOT ON!
NOTHING is as it appears in sideview mirror!
Our eyes invert EVERYTHING. If we knew how upside & backwards this HELL realm is.... We'd ALL be perpetually INSANE from all the graphic knowledge.
I think it's important for people to go on the offensive. I noticed people argue from the defensive. Which means you are attempting to answer their questions. I answered their question with a question. For example they State there's a holocaust, I say can you prove there was a holocaust? They might say something look at all the pictures on the internet, and I might say something like they look polish they don't look Jewish and they weren't holocausted because a pile bodies is not ashes. Or I didn't make the claim of the Holocaust so they have to prove it. It's not the burden on me to disprove it and it saves you a lot of psychological energy if you think this way. Instead of defending your position get them to prove their position. Psychic jiu-jitsu. You have to break the spell with words and you have to take your mind back. That's why I say you have to go on the offensive.
People need to understand our media pharisee scribes have completely polluted all the words they use this is why we are in a constant state of confusion.
I have to thank Clint Richardson for stealing all his information but I'd like to think I give him Honor by expanding on the information he gave me.
For example Christmas is the Christ Mass and masses are for funerals not birthdays. So we keep saying things like we need to keep the Christ in Christmas. Which means we need to keep the Christ in the coffin. Everyday should be the Christ birth. Then you have the KKK burning the cross which is basically holocausting the Christ. I see things in archetypes and images and symbols and that's from listening and studying all of William Cooper's stuff voraciously. Even Bill Cooper made mistakes. For example he was big on Waco and Ruby ridge and hindsight's 20/20 but I'm saying those are two stage events and nobody got hurt. They had a tunnel leading out of Waco or nobody was in there to begin with. You could never get close enough to the magic trick to see it, which is what magicians do, they hide in your blind spot. Usually you're ignorance.
"Look at de balloon mon!"
When we were working on the polio shot history, I postulated that very thing based on the native amerian practice of giving the rider's urine to the horse to drink so that it will return to you.
Yes, there has always been MK and threat of death if the sheep got out of line, but this slavish obedience to a race of thugs has always eluded my higher brain functions for analysis. There had to be something deeper that kept the animals from rising against their masters.
I resorted to calling them Predator Parasites. Many parasites are opportunists, they play the averages and wait for an odd chance of getting a hold. This is why tapeworms make MILLIONS of eggs. But these creatures are the models from which the movie Alien was formed.
I KNOW these creatures can smell US from across the room. Had it happen. Their hate for Not Them is palpable.
Can I toy with words without being annoying?
The Talmud says that god made goy animals in the form of humans because it wasn't fitting for 'real humans' to be served by animals.
That got me to thinking that if they call themselves human then I don't want any part of it.
Years ago I did the breakdown that Hu was the progenitor God of Egypt. Man in Blacks Law Dictionary is the servant of a feudal lord.
Therefore: a Hu-Man is the servant of the Demon Lord Hu.
Frankly, Scarlett, I don't know what to call us, so I just use: Not Them.
As to Father Abrams Tank:
You can have any color god you want just as long as it's Black Magicks.
That christians can't see through the OBVIOUS occult nature of the entire bible just fascinates me from a hysterical blindness/self-hypnosis point of view.
You have to give them props though for training the goy to fight among themselves so that they NEVER look to the authors of the grief.
Get rid of the syphilis in their brains and then the whole story ends.
"You can have any color god you want just as long as it's Black Magicks."
Must be WHY the Masonic lodges don't care which Satanic or Jewdeo Bible you swear in on , as long as you pick one.
THAT is wild Hannah! I Was dragged around to Shriner's lodges on visitation Sundays cuz my folks got divorced. .... Then VFW posts ... which had the same kind of vibe....... It ALL boils down to the same players. THEY fought over who would throw me my 33rd Birthday party , whichk I had at Night's pf Columbus.... Now I get it, But back then I did not. I'm separated from all that Masonic BS now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! It's either gonna get real bad real fast or be better than we can imagine.....
In this SIM...ALL variables are on the table! :) We NEED to be tipping the scales!
Ever hear of the Rings of Power?
I'm not talking Lord of the Rings because that's just the exoteric version of the esoteric family story that goes back to King Solomon (remember Sarumon? they don't even try to hide it) with his GRIMOIRES of the Greater and Lesser Keys to show how to capture demon vampyre genii in brass cauldrons and use RINGS to control their special powers to tell them what to do.
Now... if you can control a GIANT demon vampyre geni with a ring....
what do you think you can do to a puny human?
If you havent seen them, check the two pastors I have included in this stack.
What they say is VERY important in today's world. Freemasons are everywhere!
Greatest spellbook ever written yet people rally behind it with military fervor that the spells created in them.
It's a self-iterating fractal.
Greatest spellbook ever written 2Chronicles 4:16 The pots and the shovels and the fleshhooks and all their instruments, did Huram his father make to king Solomon for the house of the LORD of bright brass. Luther's 1545 german bible has Huram Abif( widow's son in freemasonry) for Huram his father of king Haime's diversion.
The planet of the apes. The apes are Szion. It took me 40 years to figure it out.
So AWESOME that you stacked this! Some of this Trible info was in Your King James Diversion Video...which is no longer, so I am THRILLED to see this info HERE in greater detail and with Jewy TREE! Creepy Voice over sound effects would be cool tho ...... >grin>
something like this:
It's gonna have to be women.
Men have been chemically castrated.
Thanks for the contact.
I'll check it out and report back.
Howdy Hannah! I sent Jeffrey, Patrick's Video the King James Diversion years ago ... I wish they would have collaborated way back when. Good to hear that you passed this on to JD.
THEY wouldn't' let this info out unless they KNEW this place has been infested enough to let it burn. THEY played the long game. It's biological now ... & We NEED BUG SPRAY for the parasites! :)
YES! & I'm sure you saw th video of the Rabbis that were teaching students or giving seminars saying they are from another universe & their planet tells them what to do & that THEY have sleeper cells ALL OVER ready to rock n roll.......It's TIME/EMIT frequencies. YOU are totally NOT insane! People are just too content being kept animals to HEAR the FACTS. Pinocchio LOL...My story would be FrankenJeannette !! Patrick would be like the grand Wizzard & Jefferey the grand PooBa LOLOLOL Just kidding! mostly...... xx
Here's what I had to confront in 2008:
It doesn't matter if they really are space aliens.
It doesn't matter if they are clinically insane.
It ONLY matters that they BELIEVE that and that BELIEF drives them to make it so, which then makes them a clear and present danger that are ubiquitous because when we take the charts of the chinese stack that I did and showed how many BILLION are caught in religious delusion of the ones from another universe, then we are outnumbered beyond imagination.
Call me the Wizzer of Odd.
Piss on 'em.
True Tru! It doesn't matter what WE believe at all. THEY believe their EVIL is GOOD (for them) AND every time we beLIEve something....we get screwed. So there's THAT.
Ya know, WE are very few in numbers ... Minority of all minorities ..... next to the spaghetti god worshippers.
Lol Yer Funny Mr. Wizzer of Odd :)
This is indeed Clown World if the Psycho Circus was made up of Killer Clowns.
I was forced to the conclusion having read the legends of Hell across the world that we are indeed in Hell and that the psyop is to keep the damned from realizing that, which is not so hard to do because the damned are in hysterical denial of being HERE because they were promised in the psyop that Hell was a maybe future destination if they were 'bad'. But they/we were already accounted being bad which is why we are tormented here. So the ONLY default conclusion is:
We are in Hell.
We don't deserve to be here.
We must destroy Hell to take it over or just obliterate it from existence.
You talk as if you are subscribed to all the right substacks... lolz
You should hear the creepy voices inside my head. Worked on it all night. I'm still up.
Need a life.
Send reinforcements.
Send refreshements.
Send in the clowns.
THIS is your life! Mwah ha ha .....
HELL needs your voice(s) of reason.
Time to go to dreamscape!
I'm sending xx HUGS xx :)
Hugs are good.
No taxes, fees, customs or duties.
I was raised without religion - lots of love and Ethics, but no religion. And taught that We ALL are the Human race. So I would suggest peace and Ethics amongst Humans. For I do not care what any Other believes or thinks. I care whether They choose Their behavior Ethically.
And killing Others is grossly unEthical unless They are immediately in One's space aiming to harm One. Self defense is Ethical...
I have never grasped the idea that because Others believe differently, that is a pass to kill Them...
The Humble One (article):
Amaterasu, This is NOT about religion ... IT's about a creature race has one thing on it's parasitical mind ...To Subvert, Concur, Mame, Rape, Kill, & Enslave.
This IS SELF DEFENSE. ... They SHOT us first at needle point! THEY robbed us first. THEY orchestrated all the WARS, THEY stole our REAL history & enslaved the whole whirled.
109 countries ETHICALLY kicked them out, due to their behavior.
Oh. So We're going on witch hunts for 15+million working class People? Because some psychopaths in Their group who have money did that? No thanks. Rather just strip Them of Their power tool.
Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article):
Amaterasu, I NEVER said THAT. Witch hunts is what THEY do to US.
I DID say that we need to DEFEND ourselves against the parasited creatures trying to unalive us. Whatever it takes.
While I agree that We would best defend Ourselves from direct attacks, What You said was, "IT's about a creature race," suggesting that ALL from that group (We're ALL the Human race) are "parasitical." And if that were the case, We might want to exterminate the parasites.
But it's only the psychopaths from that group. And We CAN take Their tool to power away. And that, in turn would not see psychopaths moving in to fill where the Ones We removed were.
YES, The parasites have to go...It is the mind parasite that is driving the body to do it evil deeds.
Once the parasites are eliminated .. There is a chance of living in peace without all the control constructs. There is MAN & ManKIND or kind of man ..... But NOT.
Well.. Good luck with that. I will not partake of anything unEthical, and thereby lower Myself to Their level beneath the beasts. I will not break the three Laws of Ethics... I would strip Them of Their power.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
"The parasites have to go...It is the mind parasite that is driving the body to do it evil deeds."
I know that you are an independent woman with well-considered thoughts based on experience before we ever met, but when I saw you posted this, I felt like a proud parent whose beloved child had come into the fullness of their development:
The Parasite/Host relationship is so intertwined that the infected host cannot survive without the infection. This is the essence of HIVE.
It was/is/remains biology.
To not cure the infection regardless of the outcome is to doom all life on this planet forever.
Hmm... damned to continuously tread the Dante's Circles in Hell, because someone was TAUGHT not to harm the Harmers. Wonder where THAT idea came from?
A round worm will put off acetylcholine while it is burrowing through your flesh so that you feel good while it is swimming through you as if you were soil.
Don't harm us - but feel happy while we eat you!
You will own nothing - not even your own bodies - and be unhappy.
Of course eating meat that was proxy-killed as temple sacrifices made into a retail industry is a whole different arena, because... well...
____________________ insert excuses here.... like ethically-killed meat.
Words and kind feelings for mass murr durr errs never stopped anything.
This is the reality on the ground pay close attention to the dialogue. Heinlein was family. He knew what he was writing.
Zdravia, thank you very much for the tree of (live backwards). Now the image is complete. Each branch of yours I mean theirs has its own circle church dividing and conquering natives based on location of the hill these (an)Gews fell from constantly re conquering natives there. Dis is my down hill: :D When conquered they hit them one against other. The simplicity of it all is beyond belief. I think thats why we are not able to see it.
I'm glad you posted your Stack. I just subbed.
It will take me a while to catch up (I prefer ketchup) because I'm so behind, which is odd for a stick man who has no behind.
I have never had any difficulty accepting your explanation of the tribes as one has only to observe that all of mankind wants to kill all of mankind, forever. It really is quite psychotic.
As for the number 39, it represents the Knight of Wands/Rods in the Tarot. It falls under the influence of Jupiter/Yaweh.
"energy of an instigator, a fire-starter, a feisty and easily provoked character who is liable to attack first and ask questions later. This energy is quick to anger and enjoys a fight -- so much so that the thought of a diplomatic solution can provoke a secret disappointment! His vices are bossiness, paranoia and a tendency towards overkill."
You never fail to impress. I was expecting Our Lady of Sardina to reply with numbers explanations but you are almost always the First Responder.
Makes Perfect sense: By Jove (Yoveh) !
It's the doctrine of First Blood.
The Aggressor is the criminal.
"...liable to attack first..."
My animal spirit is the Black Mamba.
Among the most poisonous of the cobra family, fastest and longest; the black refers to it's mouth that it opens to signal it's intent.
Signal first, strike next. No second chances.
I find mambas and rattlesnakes to be noble creatures because they GIVE YOU WARNING.
Interesting. Try 200mg B1 before bed. Quiets the mind. I think most people innately know that this is a simulated battle ground. We are just the pawns programmed to create it.
If you can raise your awareness, and create what you want, you can live a little more contentedly. We are the energy that makes the simulation. Let’s think of a world without religions or beliefs . The old ones seem to come from Aliens anyway. I wonder if we were ever allowed to set up our own world? That would be fun. We have the technology to clean the earth and do a much better job now. Without ‘religions’ what is our purpose? That would be the first step. 🥰. Thank you for the data.
A really cool stack Patrick.
It dawned on me when I saw that stack I shared with you "How Many Jews In China Are There" how circumcised talmuders have FAR larger numbers in the world than we can imagine. Second big tell is how more than half of population seems to be fine with the c19 mass public experimentation and digitalization which is OBVIOUSLY coming from jews. They are ALL in on it! They support whatever the "ruling class" will push. And they have all the unconscious sheeple shabbos goys kikes and illiterate minorities working for them for handfuls of shekels.
Late stage in war indeed. War which we would already loose if it wasnt for the divine interventions. How else to call this situation?
A martial arts grandmaster had himself blindfolded then attacked by three of his students. He was extremely skilled but failed miserably. His final evaluation: You can't fight what you can't see.
When we are told that there is an oppressed minority that is falsely accused of running the world then apply Opposite Day we find that there is an Oppressive Majority that Runs the World.
Until people acknowledge that openly not cravenly submit to it then it will always be in their control. But even SPEAKING it has been relegated to a crime, which, in itself is testimony OF THE CRIME.
We are the immune system of the world. At most there are probably about 7000 real humans (coincidentally a number give by Ezekiel? Isaiah?) currently on the planet. Is that enough white blood cells to remove the infection?
I don't know.
But I will never stop trying.
My estimate is 1 in 1700 is a baddie, and likewise, 1 in 1700 is a goodie. And the rest are midwits. Let's be more general and say 4.5 to 7.0 million are goodies, and likewise 4.5 to 7.0 million are baddies. It's even in numbers, but not in material resources. there's a clue in there.
Since 3rd grade I've always had a problem with the difference between Counting numbers and Real Numbers.
Counting numbers begin with one.
Real numbers have Zero as the origin and go in either direction.
So when you say: Goodies, could it be that Half are Bad =-666, but the other half are divided between 0 and +1? I view good as actually doing something not remaining neutral, i.e. that quote the only reason that evil persists is that good men do nothing.
It’s wild to think about how easily the (not them) get caught up in them and become them by proxy. Even to the point it’s very hard not to slid back into old indoctrination.
When you see it you see it. Thanks for the picture.
We (or should I speak for myself?) were all there at one point.
The reason that I know so much about the bible is that I read it cover to cover for the greatest shock of my life outisde of a 3-point sermon that had only a selected topic to hammer into the skulls of the faithful.
After read #3 I called it: The Hebrew's Little Book of Genocide.
I haven't vetted this but Josephus' book called The Antiquities of The Jews was supposedly tiled The Wars of The Jews. Latter seems more reasonable.
I love me some baby ducks. Cutest things in the world next to baby anteaters and baby sword fish.
But a baby duck will imprint on the first thing that it sees as its Mother.
If all you have seen is Yahoodim then what chance to you have to not back sliding?
It is a MIRACLE that we were able to extract ourselves from the Matrix pods.
0:57 sec
"You saved yourself."
Makes me wonder about the indigenous peoples in the americas, tribal peoples on the islands and how they all fit in this mess. At this point most have been deluded and or wiped out.
Thank you for this Pat.
"Converted to Judaism? Whateverthefuck that means?”
It means you are served a kosher meal on Delta and they let you check it to make sure is under the strict rabbi code.
I am seriously thinking to convert ;)
AND the last 3 letters of my surname are “GIU” pronounced soft J….so I say I have RIGHTS to call the 72 names of the gods.
I converted to Rice.
I took on the name of Uncle Ben.
You could always start your own religion...
very nice selection of words …I chime late in this posts
Of course, Christopher Columbus couldn't be a Sephardi?
My favorite part of what I used to call the Babylonian Name Change that morphed into Same Pig Different Lipstick is that some call him Columbo (I wonder if he wore a trenchcoat and kept hardboiled eggs in the pockets?) which just speaks to their technique of changing their names to avoid the Hounds of Hell, or if it was a useless or purposeful occulting of his name for 'translation'.
My name is not PATRICIO. It is Patrick. So, if someone of Spanish language were to call me Patricio, that would be an adaptation not my actual given name.
When we pull down the deflections we find that this PIRATE commissioned by the Witch Queen Isabella was after more than just some black pepper to bring home to keep the parasites at bay. Of course he and his crew got Yaws from the natives to bring home, but in the spirit of giving they wiped out tens of millions with their smallpox.
Which... if we use the work of Mel Thornberg is itself of spirochetal origin, so it is a case of MY Syphilis is Bigger than Your Syphilis...
Fun times with Family Hostile Corporate Takeovers.
"Once you see it, you can't unsee it"...Ab so freeking lutely!
I am a born again believer, and it has been a lifelong jour Knee. I'm also a Reformer. After everything I've learned about the Swiss Bank Authority...and Martin Luther began his Reformation movement in Geneva...? I started to doubt many of the "facts", I thought I knew.
I lived in Tunisia with Arab, Muslims, married one. Long story, but I know more about Islam and the Quran than many who espouse to know. I have a fairly in depth knowledge of the Scriptures as well. The way I understand, from ancient texts, the Septuagint , and The Geneva Bible, which originally had no letter "J" ... the sign above the Messiah's head when hung on the tree said King of Iudea. He was Judean not a Jew. If the Israelites were the Chosen people, they were a people and not a place. Those same people turned their back on, and killed the Meschiach. Their Temple was then ultimately destroyed, and "no stone was left upon another" . Therefore, since that day, they are a people with NO access to GOD. Even those who claim to be not Zionists, but Abrahamic Jews. No temple means, no sacrifice for sin, or anything, No Holy of Holies, no GOD! They cannot keep "The Law" period. If their "Scholars" wrote the Bible, they didn't do a very good job of setting themselves up for being lauded! Not by those who actually read the texts anyway. That's all I have to say about that, but plenty of Christians do not like the way I think, so be it.
What you've written is researchable, all documented,though they don't make the truth easy to I take that back, it is easy to find, if you look. They actually take pride in shoving it in our faces, because we can do nothing about it.
I am NOT religious, I only have Faith w/ discernment and wisdom given me from somewhere. Which keeps Joy and Hope alive, no matter what, or I would fall into despair in this Hell🔥 Hole!
...I do not watch TV, but my husband has to turn it on when he comes home from work, fortunately he goes to bed early! We only have basic Roku, but he likes the 70s and 80s sitcoms mostly. I cannot stomach the Yahoodim "comedy" any more. They were always making fun of us, and we never saw it! All JEWS, all the time! All making fun of the goyim!
I've been watching Juxtaposition1 streams (now on Substack)for some time. He opened my eyes to much of this, and I had to research it. Hollyweird History and US history... "There are no countries, there is no U.S.,there is no constitution,there are no states, there are only 12 (Central Banking) Hunger Games districts."
All Jews, and All Masonic.
Thank you for sending me this link, you filled in some holes for me...and now I have to do some more Sole searching.
I applaud your Mind craft! Isn't that a video game?
Well, that's refreshing.
Martin Loofa Sponge started out as a Cat Lick Priest. The rotten apples don't fall far from the tree. Folks will have to take that literally because I spent the entire summer through fall picking up rotton appelations on my hands and knees to the tune of THOUSANDS OF THEM. Sure a few might make a basset ball bounce about 10 feet away but those are special.
Interesting about Pilates Sign being different than rendered in the infallible King Haime version.
I appreciate all of your insights. Consider with me if you will: That although the orginal temple is rubble with little gradeschool notes to G-d stuffed in the cracks in the wall... that the Sacrifice system was SUBSTITUTED with the 'meat packing' industry. The Yahoodim maintained a CONTINUOUS sacrifice conveyor when the temples existed and that continuity exists with all kinds of animals all over the whirled. Getting the Goy to pay for it seems like poetic evil. Having "your meat" kosher or halal when it is part of an industrialized Spell Casting Network has got to have them needing oxygen for the belly-laughs.
What we are looking at in modern terms is that previously the system was CENTRALIZED. Now it is DECENTRALIZED the very thing that supposedly gives digital currency strength, had given strength of infiltration by the Diaspora and continues those attributes now as I have described.
When I first saw All In The Family as a young'un, I had no idea that ALL sitcom characters and groups were modeled as Yahoodim. Archie Bunker loved by christians and atheists alike was Yahood. Once you see it you can't unsee it. Once they rub your face in it like Debra Messing (Will & Grace) and Third Rock From the Sun (aliens inhabited a yahood family - HOW CLOSE IS **THAT** TO REALITY?) and the theme of Laverne and Shirley in your face setting up just who they are, and, and, and, you realize that George Carlin (most likely Family himself) was right about that club that we ain't in.
Feel free to post links of your favorite Juxtapositions.
I knew your mind was in the right place for the Family Tree.
I've promised for too many years to post a PICTURE tree of just the 13 Tribes but it is a daunting task and something always comes up. Many people are visual rather than cerebral so that is something that NO ONE can unsee.
The gap in the in the Clan of Yaphet. I started a Stack on the Turanians, but the topic is so deep and convoluted (scholars have a hard time unraveling the ball of yarn that the cat got at) that I also took breaks from that. I'm trying to expose that it is ALL FAMILY ALL THE TIME whether it is Medes, Persians, Iranians, Afrikkans, You're A Peein's, or anyone else. We are outnumbered and outsmarted.
If you read the Protocols then the FreeMasons are the least of our worries except from a logistics point of view.
I think spell check redid your last sentence: What's going on inside my head is a Mine Shaft....