2013: “Instagram user Rachel Celler posted a headline from a website called Evil News, noting the social media platform was blocking the site's link: "BREAKING: Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR."

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Thank you, dear.

I try to get Stacks out to fast because what I SHOULD have done is expanded in the REASON for the use of Gill Low Teens.

Seems like a new Stackment is in order.

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This seems like it may be a reason .... Sephardic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi calls for the GENOCIDE of 6 to 6.5 billion Gentiles as ‘idolaters’ under Noahide Law against idolatry.

It's always THEM, stirring the pot.

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Isn't that Anne Haighte Speech?

Shouldn't they be cardiac arrested?

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Cuuuute ,,,,cardiac arrested. I would like that for them.

They want laws against idolatry ... ok fine...THEM first.

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I call that mirroring the laser. If you point it back at the source the source will burn up.

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That works for me. Let's light em up!

Have laser ... WILL point!

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Exactly. You can call out their anti-white/white-hating asses when they ask or accuse you of being anti-semetic - a no-thing, a trick, made up non-sense bullshit.

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Laws for thee but not for me. Those rabid rabi fuckers should be tarred and feathered and ran out of town. A law still on the books in some states?

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A curious thought for which I have no answer.

Lettuce coin cider that laws take their authority from govern mente that is predicated on the power of God.

Habeus Deus.

Show me that sky fairy. Other than them exemplifying the God Of Death/War there is no evidence that their BASIS for Law even exists.

When you peel it back to its rudimentary principles then NOTHING stands.



Anne Archy.

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Exactly. There is no law except the Law of the Jungle, which is killing or be killed. Non-compliance is our only option. Keeping your head down and your mouth shut got us here and this world is a fucking dumpster.

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This is a great video showing that Coco Chanel built smart guillotines for ushering in Noahide law.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oqcu7ZUef9A CC is the 33.

1995 guillotine provisions submitted

These are Universal laws .. Bush signed them in ...so has every president since.

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Oct 26
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Nice catch Justin!

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See? I thought that ZZ-Top taught that it meant nice clothes.

weight... that was SHARP dressed man.

Engrish is so corn fusing.

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When you are a gang of psychotic biocidal maniacs who think that they are god and own the universe, then, yes... they ARE universal laws.

Not from any universe that I'm going to tolerate.

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It's Universal studios Live Action Role Playing.

Just say NO to LARPing!

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And: Save The Lobsters!

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Haha, Diva just said to me:

"They want us all dead ... it's why we can't have nice things"

I reminded her ....

We want THEM dead .. so we CAN have nice things.

AND: Save the Lobsters!

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I mentioned re-LEGION recently on one of your stax. I AM LEGION.

Anyway, Didn't Strawberry Girl just say to me Anything is possible in a Dream?

THIS IS NOT A DREAM... but if it is, then let's all just wake up, and end this nightmare.

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I really like the RE-Legion.

While we are stuck here, before we take over, our goal should be being The Devil to Those Devils. Might as well fuck up their day and make their 'lives' unbearable.

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Exactly. Fight fire with fire. Respond to a hit with a hit and a kick with a kick. Play dirty and kick em' in the balls. It's high time to make yourself dangerous.

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if this really works, it's probably the reason WHY Buddhism was invented. Then there is that idea, that if you pay attention to something you are giving your energy to it which increases it. That ole saying WHAT YOU RESIST PERSISTS.

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I like it. My brain says persist to resist. Don't back down now. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Get your pitchforks, golf clubs, baseball bats, bow and arrows, vats of hot oil, catapults, etc. at the ready.

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I'll bring the oil !

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Real eyes that these days those elites who you wish to delete. Can manipulate your thoughts with frequencies.. So you turn that persistence on yourself. But i like your idea.

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I need more: If WHAT really works?

WHY was Buddhism invented?

The folk saying seems to arise out of a culture of hand-flapping incapacity.

There's a leak in the roof. Ignore it - maybe it will go away.

Take the effort to FIX the roof, then it won't rot out and collapse on you.

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WHAT: that we can bring down the evil system by fighting it.

Why: Buddhism makes sure we sit and hand flap as you say, and think the leak away rather than get up and do something about it.

but you DID already KNOW what I was saying!

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I twern't quite sure because the paradox oscillates in my mind that Buddhist martial arts can kyll with a thought or a touch yet they have been forced into the Taoist Do Nothing mode. So, in retrospect this is like giving nearly a billion ghuns to harmericans yet they do nothing with them. If you can have a monk waste their entire life learning the skills of destroy anything but they destroy nothing - not even Evil then it is proof that the MK worked and they will now rush the stores to buy toilet paper!


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"Butt!" says the pacified christian, "If we do that, then we'll be just like them."

Everyone bow their heads, "We thank thee, Lord, for this slaughtered animal that we enjoy for lunch, amen."

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