There are times when the comment sections are just not enough. There are profound revelations that need to be made into their own Stackments.
Christine the Strawberry Girl
Noahide is fast approaching. Check out ICD10 Y35 legal beheading is already written into law but waiting for trumpy drumpfy to enact.
Patrick Jordan
OK, that's just damned creepy.
From Urban Legend to something that the U.N. gets paid for every time someone writes that code in a medikill record.
It was the Yahoodim Bush that made Noahide part of the Satellite State. Even Joe Sixpack LOVED these creatures.
It has to be either iron-clad Mind Control or a need for the Predator-Style getting one’s head out of their ass/chiropractic adjustment for ANYONE not to see this to reject the Cousin of the Bush as well.
But then when he aligns himself with a Tear Your State, with that smug Rich Boy face and attitude then, ANYONE that fauns over him is best cast as an extra in the Alien movies.
Bibi hasn’t done enough.
That’s not Accessory After The Fact - that is Prinicpal To The Crime.
Christine the Strawberry Girl
All churches (and all RE-LEGION’s) were infiltrated long long long ago. Of course they are encouraged to live like a Babylon whore. Noahide will be beheading anyone who does [not] bow to the chosen 1’s.
Patrick Jordan
You have closed the loop on what I read YEARS ago that the UN was going to make Blasphemy a crime. The Noahides hold that as a capital (capitus = head) offense worthy of having your capital cut off. Then the UN comes in with its ICD code remuneration for being the octopus that coordinates the ritual slaughter. Stackworthy.
Thanks, Strawberry Girl. So, here’s our stack. You are given a choice between a Yahoodim Family Member or a Yahoodim Family Member to be the commandant of a continental prison camp. They have openly stated that they will Dalek-style EXTERMINATE! ANYONE who gets in their way.
Vote harder.
Prey harder.
Perhaps the strain of it like trying to birth a turd on the toilet will finally pop that aneurysm and save us all a whole lotta grief.
Devils are not red, horned, spade-tailed, winged. They wear 3-piece suits and look just like you.
OOOPPPSS! That was a turn of the phrase - but you might want to have a look in the mirror now - to be sure…
I mentioned re-LEGION recently on one of your stax. I AM LEGION.
Anyway, Didn't Strawberry Girl just say to me Anything is possible in a Dream?
THIS IS NOT A DREAM... but if it is, then let's all just wake up, and end this nightmare.
This is a great video showing that Coco Chanel built smart guillotines for ushering in Noahide law. CC is the 33.
1995 guillotine provisions submitted
These are Universal laws .. Bush signed them in has every president since.