May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

As I was reading this stack a crow or raven im not sure attacked and killed a little bird in front of me the noise all the little birds were making. Thought was weird timing cause of what the stacks about....

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Kara's dark cloud as she was writing it, your black bird.

I call them Omens.

That's where you go: Oh, Man! What's going on here?

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Doesn't the word suffering imply it is not volitional -- not chosen.

So those who say suffering is chosen would be expressing cruelty.

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Triple meaning.

They would be expressing cruelty onto themselves BY themselves.

They would be expressing cruelty as inflicted by the outside.

They would be expressing cruetly by saying: "You CHOSE to suffer, so shut your whining, Bitch!" to others when they vomit this phrase that was given to them by their Bitch-Masters.

Pretty sick stuff.

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Perhaps putting in perspective exactly what "suffering" is would help a lot more readers

We live in times where people think that having to choose between Donkey Doughnuts and Starbuck is suffering......

I meant dunking......

Or that suffering is going on a diet to loose weight......or suffering is not being able to take a shower on a daily basis.....or walking from the farthest parking space to the store entrance......or ohhh......jeesh I have to make dinner!!!

Suffering to me is different than someone else ....

To me birthing a child and then seen destroying his/her own life is a hell of suffering.

Or being forced to accept we are in hell is beyond suffering ....is there a thing beyond suffering??

Seen death of a person with care for, preceeded by their own agony is suffering. Make it double suffering.

Again not everyone is exposed to the same level or intensity of suffering thus weak mind stressors can effect someone more than high stressors.

This can become also a philosophical quest.

The people you are talking about....those who vomit new age words as you said.....often have had a very VERY priviledged life too.....with little or zero suffering (according to my meaning of suffering).

Physical pain inflicted by external factors IS SUFFERING across the board for most. Unless of course .....you are a fan of BDSM.

This is why we ....WE CREATED WARS that come with complementary, after math consequences. We still have 500 years old ruins from the 1943-1945 air rides in my hometown.

Just saying.

Pardon me.....but coming from Europe devastated by two WW caused by the country who wants to gift democracy to everyone.....well I say that the citizens of said country also have seen suffering from a narrower angle.....

Heck the southern states are still suffering trauma from the 1865 conflict.

But do not despair because their masters have applied a different methodology of suffering. You say externally caused suffering? Yes but lets make it a bit hidden.....so that those who suffers feel it is their fault and the system comes out clean....of.....SIN.

Also lets do not confuse "suffering" and place it in the mix of discipline.

Being an athlete I do see this yet under a different angle. My suffering to others it is only training for me necessary to obtain a certain level of ability.....some people might see you working on farm land attempting to grow food as suffering. I am sure it is for many. Yet the perception of yoyr suffering say not being able to grow a dang thing in the past years is not their perception...why would you want to work outdoor with a hoe, showel and under 90F sun or in the cold?

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This reality as i pointed to has many themes, the theme park is primarily based on sadism and masochism. Pick your intensity. Why does the body go through pain to gain? But i hear that reasoning all the time.. Pain for gain... Which then is applied to all suffering. These idioms that just do not apply to all circumstances. You bring up many good points that lead to confusion for many people

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The confusion comes from two things:

Someone with book learning and inculcated thought patterns will fail when confronted with paradox.

Those who have lost their childhood sensibilities no longer say: Fuck! that tain't right!

ANYONE with the sense that godgaveapissant CAN see that the universe as presented to us is 100% flawed. To accept that is a weak, defeated being. To fight it is our DUTY.

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see my email... patterns and paradox, applying techniques that just cannot be utilized by most people..

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Utilize implies a utilitarian FUNCTIONAL purpose other than poking one's head in the sand and hoping the predator gets confused. The things that hunt us aren't that stupid. However the techniques of denial and hysterical blindness and self-hypnosis will fill those non-functional purposes as well... So it's a WIN/WIN for both sides.

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I have nothing to say.

That's rare.

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

Toxic positivity comes to mind. A world in which the Shadow is disavowed.


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Oh, Lordy!

The Morning Lark comes through with an Opposite Day I never knew or couldn't even invent to exist. It doesn't get better than that!

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

By their thought terminating clichés, shalt thou know them.

“Everything happens for a reason”

”Some things you just can’t explain”

“That’s life”

“Life isn’t fair”

“Shit happens”

“Only God can judge”

“It’s all part of Gods plan”

“The Lord works in mysterious ways”

“It was his time”

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Oh my.....Gwyneth.....great list.

I bet each of those sencences has a gematria meaning with obscure connections....

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This is going to be a hoot.

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I've heard christians pray: "Lord if it is your will then please heal grandpa so that he can be with us and be well. But if it is your will, oh lord, then please take him into your bosom."

Gramps got bosomed.

"Lord we thank you that it was your will to take him home."

This is called paradox. In gaming it is hedging your bets. In Life it's called Pure Kaking Insanity.

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May 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

It is the eternally subservient, grovelling Golem, my Precious.

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Oh My Golem!

You are coming up with BRILLIANT INSIGHTS.

Schmeigle did indeed Scrape & Grovel to his Master and LOVED HIS SLAVERY!


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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I'm not here to learn a lesson... Just passing thru & trying to get the f*** OUT without having to do a do-over. What you reap is what you sew.

We don't fight to live another day ...

We LIVE to FIGHT another day.

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I'm not arguing.

Looking for clarification. (Where the hell is Claire when you need her?)

What did we sow?

Every single thing I exam is that we are REACTING to stimuli and situations that pre-existed.

So the notion of freewill is just another mindfuck for the religous.

If all that I'm doing is reacting, then I'm NOT a prime-mover. I'm NOT the STIMULUS.

I have sown nothing.

The only opening for me, then in this Old World ORDER is to sow CHAOS. To mess things up. To make them TRY to herd cats.

I take all of your post as you meant it.

My twist on the theme is: I FIGHT so that THEY won't live another day.

The WHOLE thrust of this Stack was to show that we have had our attention turned inward.

The Wu Shin is the No Mind.

A warrior who is properly trained merely reacts. No thought.

So when they enter the battlefield they already account themselves as dead so that a thought of injury or mortality does not cloud or slow them down. They merely ACT.

Notice I didn't say: React.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

You reap what you sow .... Take your action & get an end result that you can live with...Is MY interpretation.

" I FIGHT so that THEY won't live another day." I LOVE IT!

I bank on waking up dead EVERY day ...IF I don't, I see it as an act of defiance. They can't hurt my feelings with threats of death. Which is WHY I focus on the next step of not coming back to this frequency...I don't want to screw it up due to a technicality. lol

You know, I CAN get on board with NO MIND!

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I'm feeling yuh.

They must really be frustrated. They spray us like roaches but we just keep skittering.

Can you imagine being in front of some bureaucratic board in the afterlife?

We regret that we have to return to you Ea-rth based on a technicality!

Jeannette Warrior Princess.

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May 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

😂 😂 😂 LOL, Yeah, that's just NOT gonna happen. I'm so done with THIS.

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I insist it was never FREE WILL.....but Will to be Free...


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Opposite Dayed right out of the ballpark!

OF COURSE! Sometimes I feel like a simpleton for not seeing this so long ago.

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That would be a GREAT T-SHIRT!

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May 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

Do you any of you guys ever wonder If some of us was ment to be aware of all this stuff? Kind of like if we are forced to be here and keep coming back that some of us was ment to be aware on purpose? It gives the ai god some sick form of pleasure knowing some of us know but we can't change this hell or get out? If evil has always been here and nothing changes?Sorry if seems bit of topic

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Since we are working out what this version of the movie CUBE is, I have been turning the Rubics Cube of these questions over in my mind for some time.

IS there a meaning/purpose to any of this madness (other than madness for madness sake?)


So then we default to the telling phrase: Chance favors a Prepared Mind.

So, is there an intention behind the facts (We're in Hell) being revealed to us, or are we just the unlucky few who are genetically resistant to Mind Control so that we can SEE exactly where we are and what is going on?

Or... are we being breadcrumbed by God/Devil/A.I. as an INTELLIGENCE test to see if we can navigate the maze/Cube.

if so, then to what end?

Who benefits?

Is it just for the amusement of the Maze Master?

"We" can't change this Hell or get out because NO ONE in the history of mankind EVER codified it like I have which is why the Viruses Don't Exist psyop was created to polarize the fake Awake and Awares against us as we hunt and destroy the MICROBE that is the Would-Be god that holds all of the human ape Thumbpuppets in a thrall like the Hive Queen uses pheromones to control an entire Hive.

I have excellent but rare few people who are onboard with me looking for a solution, but the MK is so strong that some of my best people can't even maintain focus that we are on a BUG HUNT *NOT* PRETENDING TO FIND SOME SOULTION FROM GOD/GOVERNMENTE/ or some other crackpot distraction.

Buy The Whey: NOTHING is EVER Off-Topic in Continuum.

You axed the only questions that matter.

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As awful as it is glad to know you dont believe in free will. Ive been questioning it for many years. Always wanted to believe that my pursuits, my joys, everything i wanted and got called to do were my choices.. More and more i think we are forced to play our parts, even the part that exposes this place. However there is an awareness that is me that must experience it all. Like the video you sent me with the guy who's eyes were held open.

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Missouri love company.

Years ago a listmember (Listerine) wrote:

"A thought is an action; unless it is met by another thought that stops that action."

I worked that through my Rubics Cube for some time until I realized that:

Taxation is theft.

If you stopped paying taxes they would take everything you had or kyll you.

It's that simple. One thought neutralized the other thought.


But Paddy Me Bye, that be only one thot me lad!

If you cannot be autonomous in EVERYTHING then you are autonomous in NOTHING.

The ILLUSION of choice and diversity can be seen in a grain wagon when the gate at the bottom is opened where the individual grains come from all corners of the container randomly following paths under the influence of gravity - but the end result is that they ALL go down the chute. Kinda like a toilet. Except for a few annoying floaters like us.

Since we have been doing a lot of work outside of this public forum, I have been running the Rubics Cube on many topics and came to the conclusion that I consume data and try to 'experience it all' in order to gain the power of the absentee god.

Since there is no god here.

Since chaos reigns.

Then something or someone has to stand in the gap.

I guess it is us because no one else is smart enough or brave enough to do the job that was accorded to a fiction that is AWOL.

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Have you ever seen the Documentary My Octopus Teacher?

it is spectacular... there are more of us, outliers, divergents, errants, then you know


When I see an experience like this, I KNOW that there is Truth in Nature, it has been veiled, (Viled?) from us, because everything the parasite does is an attempt to destroy LIFE and hide the beauty of LIFE and LOVE, but it is there, and this is why so many of us can go into Nature, and feel that truth. I am not deluding myself.

Why do you, any of us fight to take down the evil veil of lies? because deep down we KNOW There is a beauty that we came from.

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I am glad you took on that comment.. I pondered all day on how i could be easy on her... Nothing came to mind. Now to re read this. There are so many subjects that follow the Main premise that suffering is good and we grow from it

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

Possibly factoring in the DURATION of suffering is key.

What is this life for if you were born suffering or went to war at 18 & got blown up, but they made you live......The next decades being brutal suffering.

We don't grow from being cannon fodder.... We just remain the pawn on the chessboard till we get taken out for good......Then they reset the gameboard.

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That's how i see it. But many will reason otherwise. Look at memorial day.. Holding on high and worshipping the poor suckers who gruesomely gave their lives for a game of war.. In the sadistic theme park called war for profit.

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I hear THAT!

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

Poor suckers....gave their lives - you wrote.

Who put such notion into their minds that they will wilingly, and with exuberant zeal, go thousands of miles away, with the blessings of their fellow countrymen and their the priests, go and kill without remorse other human beings whom they never met? The soldier was made to think he/she is doing it for God, country and family. They were made to think that the other guy is the enemy.

Who says so? The king? The political leader? The people?

They did not willingly GIVE their lives. No human being will kill another human without a reason. The controllers have made use of the subtle, but fiendishly effective practice of mind control which they have learned from previous generations of psychopaths. They have thousands of years of such practices to draw upon.

The minds of humans are SHAPED/CREATED by various means.

Religion plays a big part in this process. Language, by the use of creating of new terms/words to create new reality, is one of the most used methods.

This post is not the place to delve into details of how this is accomplished.

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Thanks for x POUNDing. On the subject matter.. Mind control manipulation fear tactics religious zealotry LIES ON TOP OF LIES a few examples of methods of accomplishment

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

Hi Kara.

I Googled the following about lies because i think lying is the greatest sin.

Lies and deceit, by their very nature, destroy not only people, but lives, relationships, hopes, futures… They can even rip away the foundation of the past and leave you staring at a gaping hole in your own existence. The most destructive lies are the lies people tell themselves.

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.” ...

"What is the world's greatest lie?" the little boy asks. The old man replies, "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie.

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Excellent deconstruction.

It fits perfectly into the theme that those who adopt the notion GIVEN to them that "we" "choose" to suffer have CAPITULATED TO FATE !!!!!!

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Ah.....fate....destiny....the other abstract word with that foggy meaning.

Fate....trans.....predestined to happen no matter what one does.

Fate= programming language

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Delve away here in the comments unless you want to write your own Stack and then we can put on our dry suits and delve there.

Well said on all points.

There are two kinds of Proxy Kyllers:

Ones motivated by Fear that the govern mente will harm them if they don not harm someone else.

Ones that are just fucked in the head and LOVE a chance to harm/kyll anyone they can.

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Thank you for your SERVICE.

The babylonian and carthegenian temple systems used Sacred Prostitution where women of ALL STATUS from the realm were expected to SERVE at the temple at least once in their lives. The pilgrims to the temple would pay for the SERVICES RENDERED to enrich the temple the the prostitutes (usually wearing blond wigs) would be thanked for their services and they could go home back to their lives with uncounted horrific infections.

Yup. Don't see any difference.

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I'm going to repeat even though it's a well worn out cliche


The psychos know our biology. The innate drive to procreate is used as a weapon. Porn for free and available to the masses at a push of a few buttons makes sense. Don't it?

Deviously clever.

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Never had that drive...

To procreate.....i must be one of them others from that wird planet with nobody on.

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Whether you were a temple prostitute or a soldier you're definitely going to get fucked out of the deal.

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Hey those infections are still around.

You do not hear anyone on their political campaign working to remove those 6000 years old infections!

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I wrote this stack with no personal attacks because comments that use that language DO NOT ORIGINATE FROM THE USER.

This is ANCIENT spellwork, crafted long before the pillow sitters became a social phenomenon.

People who use that phrase have no idea that they are repeaters. It fit their MK profile so they then spread it like a mind virus to anyone who is susceptible.

Problem is that I lived in so much pain for over 40 years that I took Job's Wife's advice to Curse God, but I didn't die, so here I am spreading the Good Spell that Suffering is EVIL.

I took all of my life to decode the 21st Satanic Point that was adopted in its altered form by Christians:

wrong way: That which does not kyll you, only serves to make you stronger.

WRONG! That which harms you ALWAYS makes you weaker.

the way it was meant: That which does not kyll makes stronger.

If you are infected by a virus (I love hitting a hornet's nest) but you don't KYLL IT then it will become stronger, take you over and might even kyll you.

It's all about EXTERNALIZATION which is what this Stack is about. The passive christian thing is about being possessed by demons and then pretending that you are somehow better for that invastion. The Satanic Point is: DESTROY THE DEMONS OR THEY WILL DESTROY YOU.

Kinda funny for Satanists, but the truth is the thruth no matter where it comes from - and who better than them would be able to codify the situation without any of the bullshit Woe Is Me that we are surrounded with.

Or in the Jordan Farm Boy parlance:

See a problem - hammer it until it is mulch.

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That which does not kyll you, only serves to make you stronger.

Idk.....i am on the fence with this one. Bacteria world tell us a different story.

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Tellus what you think about Bacteria World,

But I will say that the folks that study phages claim that the strategy of phages is:

Kyll The Winner.

That's the occult world notion of Last Man Standing.

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I meant bacteria that you do not kill will born genetically stronger to withstand antibiotics until it has acquired resistance. Well I guess this is true for many species in this earth? Only seems with bacteria is a bit of a faster process from a human perspective.

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OK. I was thinking of Bug Wars not the Luminutty crafting of better We Upons. At our level we must at all times keep in mind Lida Mattman saying that antibiotics HAVE NEVER KILT ORGANISMS. Converting them into Cell Wall Deficient EVASIVE forms takes the SYMPTOMS away but leave them STILL INFECTIOUS and therefore able to mutate (for things like antibiotic resistance) and as you say the entire process whether it was portrayed by the myth of antibiotics getting rid of buggers or the actual fact, does indeed make the fuckers stronger.

It was Bearden who said that you can dose the fuckers with UV but it only makes them dormant. Put them in the dark for a period of time and they repair their DNA like a CGI scifi movie and the fuckers are ready for another go-round. I haven't seen anyone outside of him confirm that, but it's pretty grim in that you can't KYLL *anything* !

Lordy, reincarnation never looked so bad.

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan




What all of us as suffered , suffrer now , suffer in the future, X INFINITE FOR ETERNITY !

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I am feeling there is a paradox here. I agree that being pushed down a pit is no choice. But to stay there might be. The choice to stay there requires an acceptance of where you find yourself…but the choice to not stay there also requires acceptance of where you find yourself.

The paradox of acceptance…it can motivate you away from suffering or hold you in it. The latter reminds me of the caste system in India…and mental health labels…and I could go on…

The former reminds me of the map you get in a shopping mall. You know the shop you want to find, but you won’t be able to find it without knowing where you currently are. Then you can move in that direction.

If where you are is in a state of suffering (you were taken blindfolded into the mall and spun around and dumped or dumped down a pit), you can choose to move away from suffering (take off the blindfold and find a map or construct an escape plan like you described to get out of the pit) or you can stay there and wait to be rescued (keeping the blindfold or waiting at the bottom of the pit). Isn’t the response then a choice to stay in suffering, albeit not choosing it to begin with?

A problem is, that not everyone has the capacity to take off the blindfold or gnaw their way out of the pit. Perhaps their incapacity is the result of a long line of ineffective choices. These ineffective choices may have been the result of growing up in a faulty, ignorant and corrupt external environment, none of which was their choice…creating the incapacity that negates their choice of shifting away from suffering. So staying in the suffering can hardly be seen as a choice.

Perhaps a more pervasive problem is, that so many people don’t have the first clue of where they really are. They have the capacity to move away from suffering but they have obstacles (external) to seeing the need to move in another direction…sometimes as a result of being lied to about their own experience or encouraged to mistrust their own experience. They don’t realise they are suffering because they haven’t experienced life without it…without the veil. (Actually…as I am thinking of this as I write…it occurs to me that I think this might just be the majority of the established world).

But then again…I have a particular person in mind…this person has had as close to ideal an environment to grow and learn and be nourished with the protections from the depravity of the world…with support and care…yet in the face of all this experience, makes choices that will inevitably lead to suffering and is in fact already suffering through the process of ineffective choices. Is this not choosing suffering? It could be argued that if the ineffective choice was not available, this person wouldn’t be able to make that choice. But when this person makes that choice and another doesn’t…doesn’t that reflect agency? Of course, this presumes a world where more effective choices are available…and is a key argument for preventing monopolies. This seems to me an increasing difficulty and could be the ultimate argument for why ‘staying in’ suffering can not be considered a choice.

Again I find myself feeling we have a paradox. Optimum (not maximum) Choice is the way out of suffering, where the external environment creates the suffering we experience. But then, an environment that offers means and resources for Optimum Choice suggests that choice is the basis of suffering in the first place. Not because people have a preference for suffering over peace but that their choices are manipulated and limited from the start, leading to suffering.

The ‘choice’ to be injected in a world that won’t allow you to make other choices without it, is the perfect example of all of this…those who are responsible for limiting the choice indemnify themselves and claim you made the choice…and the ability of this to occur across the world is testimony to how pervasive and wretched the parts of humanity have become.

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Channeling the RUSH song: Freewill:

You can choose a ready guide.

In some celestial voice.

If you choose not to decide. You still have made a choice.

You can choose from phantom fears.

And kindness that can kill.

I will choose a path that's clear.

I will choose free will.

Of course: Free Will doesn't exist because we are merely reactors to stimuli instead of the stimuli.


What you are running the Rubics Cube over is the notion of CAPITULATION, ABDICATION vs. Choice. There is no 'choice' to stay in the pit, there is just such demoralization due to the perception of overwhelming force that the Serotonin Swim Test is invoked and the rodent in the water tank just quits swimming.

I've called it Try Once and Go Limp for years before I learned of the test and the role of serotonin in persistance. This is why they destroyed that pathway.

So, the 'choice' is:

Stay in the pit or gnaw your way out to enter the fight raging above ground.

Not much of a 'choice'.

The US Marines brag that they are the only people on earth who run TOWARDS the sound of gunfire. Not many cut out for jumping into an firefight already in progress.

This is what I call the Binary False Choice: You can either be shot in the chest or stabbed in the back. Same outcome. But it's your 'choice'. That's not a choice.

Jean Luc Picard of Star Trek would ask for Options!

One crew member would say one thing.

Another crew member would say another thing.

Then Picard would say: I want more options.

The human beast has been conditioned for dialectic. Either/Or

Never the logic circuit of the AND gate.

1. Stay in the pit.

2. Get out of the pit and fight.

3. Do nothing whatsoever not even cry out for help.

4. Do something so crazy that even the enemy wouldn't have expected it.

What you have exposed with your label of Paradox is the very thing that only a deep thinker would arrive at:

That the 'choice' to embrace, accept, welcome suffering was never a choice to begin with.

The notion that the only other option would be to get out of the pit and enter a full-on war that you never knew was raging, you have no defense, no ability to mount an offense and you don't even know who the Enemy is upon poking your head out of the hole is not a 'choice' either.

The paradox has another layer to it that in order to overcome this dread of admitting that we are fucked beyond all imagination that the one in the pit then declares that THEY *CHOOSE* to stay in the pit to suffer. This is, of course, delusion but that is what allows them to get through the condition that they are in. As you said: Not a Choice.

This is a DISTURBING short fiction film that affected me profoundly. I find it to be the closest depiction that a human can make to the situation that we find ourselves in. If you don't want to view disturbing images then don't watch it. It is the emboidiment of Catch 22.

Damned if you do.

Damned if you do.

Damned if you don't.


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Learned helplessness

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Since I am the SOMATOpsycho guy, yet I recognize the power or behavioral conditioning, I still maintain that physiology is key. Low serotonin is essential in learned helplessness. No wonder they attacked our hormone/neurotransmitter by taking out at least 80% of it by gut dysbiosis. That much or more USED to be made in the gut by friendly flora. A tetanus shat alone can cause permanent loss of microbes. They give those shats at birth because most hospitals are covered in horseshit as they carve babies out of their mothers' bellies.

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Yes! I certainly remember as I covered this as MOST important from your book Legacy!... not only the Somato psycho, but the cyto myto geno... and the tetanus shot during pregnancy and at birth knocking out the healthy biome.

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This is all MALICE AFORETHOUGHT so that if there were any such thing as a justice system then it would be prosecuted as a capital crime to purposely and with full knowledge be knocking out the entire health of an entire genus of lifeforms.

I'll post it here because I've repeated it in my books and other media that the thinkt that led me to believe that Evil could be defeated came directly from bacteriophages.

Phages can either destroy the microbes that make us ill. Phriend.

Phages can TURN bacteria into pathogens. Phoe.

When I discovered the word: Mycophages for fungus, the I realized that had to be the mechanism for toxic mold secondary metabolite production.

Bacteriophages can make bacteria toxic = flesh eating bacteria, tetanus, botulism.

Mycophages can make mold toxic = stachybotris, magick mushrooms, aflatoxin on peanuts.

HUMANOphages must mean that a VIRUS has infected humans to make them toxic against the entire world.

When you factor in that the Is Ra Elis BULLDOZED THREE THOUSAND YEAR OLD OLIVE TREES, when you know that they developed wax jobs for animals with mRNA (and other horrors), when they dumped MILLIONS OF TONS of produce for a fake supply chain failure, they slaughtered millions of mink for a false flag, then it is beyond Jen O Side and become BIOCIDE.


After we're gone then it will be an orgy of them eating themselves because there will be nothing left.

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have at it with this MOFO...

there are no victims you complaining dumbass twats


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I guess it becomes a deep philosophical quest…...

How one get out of suffering of a cancer eating them inside? (physical suffering)

How one gets out of suffering seeing a person they love destroying their lives? (emotional suffering)

How one gets out of suffering witnessing the horror pet animals are constantly under stress from neglect, or forced procedures, or law impositions? (psychological indirect suffering, I suffer seen some other creature suffer).

We could go on and on with various examples where choices are not choices of positive and negative, meaning I pick this because is the opposite of bad and it gets better. Choices become avoidances or self induced brain wash.

I have seen this way of thinking. It works for some people because their “suffering” is maneuverable to a point of tolerance (again it is worth to weight exactly what suffering is).

The bottom line is that for one with physical suffering there is no choice….there is only a make believe situation. OK look all suffering is gone if you start to like the pain of the cancer destroying the body.

All suffering is gone if you stop caring about animal suffering.

All suffering is gone if you stop empathy or loving.

That was easy. This is the psychopath way of thinking.

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All of this is simple:

Cancer is from Wrong Think.

People who have cancer ate all of the wrong things not Superfoods (there hasn't been an undamaged food crops since 1900 AD - motherfuckers!)

Peopel who have cancer didn't get it from a virus or a spirochete shedding a virus or from radiation, but maybe toxic chemicals. Yeah TOXINS are the only thing that causes cancer because Bechamps said so and I believe Beechy like I believe God. So it's STILL YOUR FAULT that you have cancer because YOU DIDN'T DO ENOUGH to detox a world that is *nothing but* toxins!

So, you must When you're dead.

See? Simple.

Watching someone you love destroy themselves is simple too:

First: YOU choose to be affected by it so you must: sit on a pillow, think happy thoughts, eat smoothies, and cremate your care just like at Beau He Man Groove.

Next: They CHOSE to be self destructive. It is part of their JOURNEY so that they can EXPERIENCE the CHALLENGES of life that gives them the OPRAH NUDITY to GROW as a person then MOVE FORWARD. So they have to: sit on a pillow, think happy thoughts, eat smoothies, and then they will be just like you: Dead in the membrane if not physically dead.

See? Simple.

Animals Suffering? Don't be delusional!

I fish can't feel pain when it is hooked on a line. Human babies aren't screaming from agony during circumcision from pain - that's screams of joy just like kids in a playground at recess. Animals aren't sentient - they are just reacting to stimulus. So just stop worrying all of the time. Worry is YOUR problem not theirs. Sit on a pillow, think happy thoughts, eat smoothies, and call animal rescue because advanced civilizations have programs in place to deal with things like irresponsible, non-pillow-sitting, wrong-thinkers, who don't drink smoothies and dump their animals because they are too irresponsible to take care of anything including themselves.

See? Simple.

What it amounts to - and it just came to me parodying your post with Guru Goo, is that the ONLY "CHOICE" that we have is WHICH pie coming off of the I Love Lucy assembly line we try to save BEFORE it hits the floor. Some people are so overwhelmed and distraught that they try to repair the pies that have already splattered on the floor. The most disturbing aspect of this being that the goddamned pies just keep coming.

So, the SOLUTION to the Pie Problem is to shut down the assembly line and put the Pie Maker in a nice Lye Bath to get the filth off of them.

The only other OPTION is to go all bald headed kid in the Matrix and recite:

There Are No Pies.

The sad thing about a human brain is that you can dissociate so suffering is perceptually gone on a surface level but it is merely suppressed and is etching away at the unconscious. THINKING physical realities away NEVER worked, which was the point of my post, so thank you for reinforcing that because often a situation has to be restated many times in many ways for people to 'get it'.


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May 28Liked by Patrick Jordan

I agree that thinking physical realities away doesn’t work. I had chronic migraines for twenty-six years, while homeschooling my four children most of that time as a single parent. In my most vulnerable moment I sought medical help and accepted a diagnosis of hypothyroidism…and the medication that they have coupled with it. I understand the vicious circle it is of trying to relieve your pain, understand your pain, solve and permanently eliminate your pain while your in the state of pain…and mostly by yourself (with the help of the incredible people on this planet devoted to finding the truth about our health and wellbeing).

It was only very recently that I believe I have found the primary issue…insulin resistance in the brain. My brain has been working hard to find answers to this (and peace in the world), and the harder I thought the more blood my body sent to my brain (stimulated by the lack of uptake of glucose).

I have taken nearly all carbs and sugars (including all fruit except a small amount of berries and mango), out of my (already) plant-based diet. Within a week I have a clear head, and it feels like a bunch of fuzz clogging up my insides has melted away. I feel like I have my 18 year old body back (I’m 56). Only this week I have realised how hard I have been pushing myself.

I didn’t give up but it was hard to find the answers on your own and in a world that doesn’t want you to find them. I feel lucky that my body is one that responded to the insults of the world in a way that I could recover from. Others aren’t so lucky 🙁.

It took a long time and it shouldn’t have. In a world that makes peace the priority (my definition is the synchronising of universal optimum needs for all life) pain and suffering would be minimal. That isn’t our world. That is why I have spent the better part of my life working of a framework to get closer to it. You may think the state of Hell the world is in means I am wasting my time. I think a better life for all is worth it.

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I'm impressed that you defeated your ailment.

Migraines are able to be caused by so many things but medical doctors are impotent or malevolent regarding cause and treatment (none if you axe me).

Could be anything from histamine, to toxic bowel (including smoldering appendix) chemical or food allergies, EMF, Fungus that mimics chemical (mycotoxin) or food allergies, lymph stasis, bad liver, etc. etc. etc.

The brain consumes over 60% of total body insulin so it could have been hyper glycemia from insulin resistance where the brain was starving for energy = hypo-state in the cells; or frank hypoglycemia in the blood that would leave the brain starving for energy = hypo-state in the cells. Damned if you don't and damned if you don't.

The garbage can word: Stress simply means adrenaline provocation. Adrenaline raises blood sugar, so the reserves come out of storage and flood the blood. If you are a hyper-insulin producer then the spike of sugar will cause a spike in insulin and you get a sharp surge with a sharp fall. Hypoglycemia results. If you have insulin resistance then despite the surge in insulin the energy STILL isn't getting into the cells so now not only is your brain starving but the cells that sacrifice the insulin into the blood are now starving.

What ever creatures are torturing us - they LIVE on our suffering.

There are two kinds of docked whores:

At the top: ones who might know the answers but will never tell.

At the bottom: idiots that couldn't find their own asses with a chart and GPS.

I've been working towards taking over Hell, raising it to its foundations, and then walking away. After stomping the phoneix worm that might dare to rise from the ashes.


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May 29Liked by Patrick Jordan


I value you sharing all that insight and appreciate all the time it takes to accumulate that understanding.

I wouldn't say completely defeated, but this momentous step feels like a huge victory. It was only recently that I have experienced significant lightheadedness that I believe was hypoglycemia and lead me to my current understanding of what is going on for me (and has been all along). I think the body (some more than others) adapts so well that it keeps you alive albeit struggling and not always allowing you to see the true problem. Adaptation is constant and pervasive and happens on the micro biological level and the macro social level. I started a saying some time ago...'Be careful what you are adapting to'.

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I liked your Like.

Some people are completely unaware of what health is because their entire life they grew up with distorted health so they have no before/after to compare it too. Some of us had to adapt to pains or infirmities on the road to finding out what is wrong and fixing it, and then it's a major shock when those conditions are finally gone. A good surprise.

The problem is that the Controllers are hitting us with relentless and constantly adapting threats so it is a miracle that we made it this far.

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