I cannot find an option to choose paid subscription to help out?

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Thanks for caring. Everything that me and the Little Red Hens do is to fix things. We don't expect anything in return although there have been some very generous people over the past 16 years. I never monetized Substack because the bulk of the people who love The Truth are disenfranchised and broke. Plus I don't like the intrusive money-changers attached to this platform. That being said, I have an old account with one of the most eggregious of the batch: Paypal that is there for folks who don't break out in a rash using that platform. Another way that can help out both Fran Zetta and me is to buy books. Those are the only things that we don't offer for free since it is a tangible article.


They are ranked in order of publication so if you want to help a momma feed her child then the Fran Zetta titles are at the end of the endless scroll. I split the book profits with her on those titles. All of the other title revenue goes to me. Lulu, in its wise sagacity will then release the funds after 47 days. All praise american commerce!


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What is the email for the PayPal please? I will take a look through the books too, thank you.

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You are too kind.


should get you in. If there are any problems at all please let me know because I like to give them grief.

If you are in the united states and they haven't mangled this feature, then chosing Friend and Family eliminates any fees that they usuriously extract.

Much thanks.

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UK account I’ll give it a shot in the morning I’m in Asia presently. Thanks for getting back to me

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Got it. Thank you.

Don't hold it against me but I've always quote the Three Stooges:

"Oh Look! A dollar! We're millionaires! Now Little Johnny can get that operation that he needs!"

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Ha ha mad as a hatter you 😂. You guessed I’m English from my first comment, yes you have good Engrish too 😋. I rescue dogs in Thailand and I’d like to point out it’s not just the West feeling the tentacles of evil. I will go into details at another appropriate time. Also I’m still keen to get some of your books 📚

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Maybe you can treat yourself to a Fountain Pen and Midori paper ;-)

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Interesting: “Gold has a reputation in Homeopathy to be one of the most Evil Elements in the chart, and that gold salts are nephrotoxic (kidney killers) and that monatomic gold binds IRREVERSIBLY TO DNA MAKING IT A SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERANTENNAE..”

I’ve seen a few people on SS suggest ‘detoxing’ with gold.

Mentality of homoeopathic gold: a tendency towards depression, gloom, and suicidal thoughts, as well as irritability and anger. These symptoms are often accompanied by a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.

Sounds lovely….Let’s toast to suicide…

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Lettuce do this in the order that they appear in the Cast of Idiots credit rolls.

Mummia used to be offered across MANY pharmacies in the US and abroad. IT was ground up egyptian mummy dust. They were trying to get the monatomic gold that they figured the pharaohs poisoned themselves with.

So there is a long history of patent medicines and patent idiocy across the whirled.

If I were to say: Heavy Metal POISONING the only ones that TOP THE LIST ARE GOLD AND URANIUM!!!! Lead is a poor contender.

I'm heartened that you did the work to pull up the proving of gold in homeopathy because the stuff I spout is from over 40 years of experience, yet in a world of Wicked Peed On Us where they rewrite facts faster than I change my underware, I don't expect anyone to believe anything I say without verification.

As to your toast, I would like to beg-off on that since I'm gluten intolerant but I have some nice Kool-Aid left over from my time with Mr. Jones.

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Crikey. I forgot about Mummia - which I think you introduced me to in our very first interaction in 2023.

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Good on yuh, Luv for remembering that you forgot.

Memory has been under attack for a long time culminating in dementia that literally takes the soul from a person. Their methods are successful because my capacities since my youth have degraded concerningly. I used to have nearly instantaneous recall and now it is an effort to remember a word to finish a sentence. Without the anchors in continuum I would not be able to retrieve or collate the facts. In a way Continuum thinking is a shortcut. But you have to have the anchors: Gold = bug poo = mummies = monatomic craze = FDR recall = Fermi making radioactive gold from mercury in an atom smasher - you know: that kinda thing...

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People like to say THey worship Satan. I see a very strong connection to MERCURY...aka the TRICKSTER.

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The dialectic has been that Hasatan was the good guy (snake) and that GayHooVuh was the bad guy. But then you have the Lavey crowd saying that Satanism is only about Personal Power. Well, if that is the case, then the height of power that Lux Fere apparently tried to disrupt is to push all others out of the way: "I will be as The Most High" which means you are not a Satanist unless your goal is to dethrone Satan.

Kind of a logical/mathematical conundrum if you're worshiping the thing you should be overthrowing.

In the world of bacteriophages this is called: Kill the Winner. Oddly I met some occultists who - without knowing me or what I know confirmed the Last Man Standing motif of this video game!

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I read about that.....talk about unsanitary creepy ......

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There's so much hype about ressurrecting microbes from the Siberian permafrost, but they will always celebrate that wine in vessels and wheat seeds found in tombs were still 'good'. But they never talk about the mummy cooties.

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When I was in my 20's I had a friend whose brother made up songs in the shower. One shower song was to the tune of Down Town by Petula Clark. Here's the chorus

We're in Jones Town.

Drink up with Reverend Jim

Jones Town, your chances are mighty slim.

Jones Town people are dropping like flies.

One verse started out:

See him as he stirs his vat of kool aid that's so lethal.

Listen to the anguished cries of all the dying people.

No one survived.

Hell might have an alternate name of Jones. As there was no J I like to switch to G to see what I might see. GONES, yep "gone" seems to be a worthy substitution. Huh, I could break that to G ones. I did this switch with Judaism for Gudaism and GUDA translates from Hebrew to English as god. The god ones. Seems quite applicable to THem too.

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Anyone know which book has Zetta's puppet wood carver sitting at bench?

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I was thinking getting the Rise and Fall combo, still might, for now I go with Visions for the wood puppet masterpiece. All Hail Zetta's art and the Scribe of Doom (reality) from SION ILLI

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Franny and the Scribe thank you.

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Ordered Zetta's art book with prepaid visa. Card accepted. Tell Zetta the wood puppet carver is a masterpiece

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Thanks for your caring and sharing of all the digging you do, PJ.

I sure love that brain of yours and appreciate the research and puzzle fitting you're capable of!

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I Lichen it to my travels in the jungles of New Guinea where my guides could see things like bush-made snares for marsupials and bats hanging in trees (that they wanted for dinner) that the untrained eye could not see. I've always had a sense that I was the guy making the map that said: DO NOT STEP THERE. Because of the Land Minds.

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You need to dedicate a post to the part of the world you travelled and the Patrick Jordan before .....the one most people do not have a clue.

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I was in the Jungles of Los Angeles.

I felt Safer in the Headhunter territory of PNG.

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Around 2007 my brother sent me a book about monotomic Gold and it sounded great so I got some...a few bottles of it suspended in water...I felt AMAZING while taking it...just can't afford it...so maybe it damaged my DNA but at the time I loved how I felt on it...

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I've been writing for 25 years so I pay attention to words and the tense selected. So I have to clarify when you say I loved (past tense) how I felt (past tense) does that mean that the feeling diminished or went away?

I ask because the big unanswered question in physiology is if something gets into a cell but it cannot be removed, but then the cell dies and is recycled - what happens to the contents especially if they are toxic?

So the gene-hopping gold SHOULD have repopulated another cell and the cycle restarted since we don't know how to REMOVE gold from the body.

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Yes the feeling went away when I didn't take it any longer... so I have Gold floating around....just great. Sarcasm emoji needed.

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My larger point being: Why, when first consumed did you have the euphoric feeling but afterwards it went away? Was it the gold? Was it something other than the gold in the mix? (My meme: If you didn't make it - you have no idea what is in it.).

If it is liberated from a cell to relocate in another cell unless shuttled out of the body, then why doesn't that experience happen again every time it moves?

These are rhetorical questions because I have been asking the same questions of people who study biology and should know, but there are no answers.

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And don’t forget our minds placebo effect

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Expand on what you are referring to so that I can see it from your perspective.

and then, I promise to be gentle, I will destroy the notion of placebo.

I'm an Iconoclast so I really can't help myself. Smashing things is what I do. It's just so satisfying to hear that sound.

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Unless is gold teeth..... 😁

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Muslim men are forbidden to even wear gold. I have read that this is the law based on the idea that it weakens men...so only women are allowed to wear it. It is a sign of disrespect to Allah. So I ask, why is Allah so afraid of gold, and Why would Women be allowed to wear it?

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Because women are stronger than Allah? Heresy, I know....but I have zero respect for the Muslim cult...

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yes, but then that would mean that gold must weaken them?? See, some of the reasoning is that men should not adorn themselves, as that leads them away from their reverence to Allah... They cover women up for this same reason, so as not to admire them, and notice their beauty... yet women are allowed to wear gold.

Men are not allowed to wear silk either.. silk is made from the silk WORM, interestingly women are allowed to wear silk.

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Not necessarily weaken them...maybe they are strong enough to ward off the bad juju. Their beliefs are bonkers to me...it's about OTHER men not noticing their beauty...so women are a temptation to them...and they are so weak they can't control themselves...and besides their hatred of women, they hate dogs and are so cruel to them it makes me cry.

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This line of Ham is abusive to women because of the power they represent. Within the Abramic clans inheritance of genes and property comes through the woman. That's HUGE. So they have to beat them down physically and mentallly to keep the exertion of that control under the control of men. Legend is that behind closed doors the women are brutal to their husbands but in public they have to walk behind them and obey them in all things.

My take would be that gold is allowed for that one more measure of control to keep them subdued. I can't stand ANY metal on my body whatsoever. Even my teeth made that clear with fillings and crowns.

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what is in gold that weakens humans? What is really behind the story of the Annunaki coming here to mine gold?

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Native Americans called it: The metal that makes men crazy.

So is it energetics? electronics? or that it came from Bugshit so that the toxins or bugs or resonance of the bugs that shat it are still in/on the metal?

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I read a thing on Facebook yesterday in the Ancient Aliens group about that the bird men who we call the Anunaki had different blood than us and they needed that gold to function... no source material though...

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The Sitchin legend is that their home of Nibiru had its atmosphere fried so the only thing that could repair it was gold. So they genetically engineered humans to do the hard labor. But the gifts of Those who came from above lead to this atmosphere being destroyed as well, so it makes you wonder if these high tech 'gods' weren't retards.


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Same, never liked wearing jewelry and would have reactions to hold and silver despite their supposed purity. Have double pierced ears from youth but for the most part stayed away from jewelry, same for make-up and hair dye. Now I know why.

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Good on ya, Luv.

There really is an all-out attack on women. The origin of mascara in Egypt was Stibinite = ANTIMONY = as toxic as Lead. The ammonia used in permanent wave solution is an INSTANT BRAIN POISON.

So, although it is stereotyped that women are goofy, could they have been purposely made that way by instant brain poisoning. One of the fastest ways directly into the brain is via the scalp and the olfactory bulb that has ONE CELL LAYER between you and the outside world. This is why the swabbed people during ConYid to make their brains ooze cerebral spinal fluid.

The metal on skin thing is a two-parter. Gold is a toxic heavy metal so we have the chemistry of it, but it is (second to silver by some accounts) the MOST ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE METAL. Then, while not being considerd a Heavy Metal, silver is also toxic with claims of it killing up to 600 organisms and according to Polio Forever Jennifer Lake can harm some people's mitochondria.

Fun times in Hell while we try to look good.

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Islamic laws always make more sense to me than christian laws....do not eat portk, do not drink alcohol, not to wear certain things....Ramadaman fasting

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You find these same rules in different sects of Christianity and Judaism. Jews fast before certain holidays and sabbath. Hasidic jews wear specific clothes. Christians do days of fasting..and meatless days. They all have rules about alcohol consumption. The southern baptists, the Jehovah witness, the mormons have dress codes no alcohol. They all subject women.

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I'm a pattern recognizer. When something KEEPS coming up like a whack-a-mole then it emphasizes its importance.

Who was the author of the world's woes?

We are told that was Chavah = Eve = Ava = Mother of All Things.

Woman blame.

Who tells woman that they must be submissive? ALL of the Abramic religions.

Seems to me that women are the biggest threat to their power structure witches why the want a Woman With a Package in the White House and someone sent that video of Jacinda in Old Zealand.

We're living in Opposite Day Nightmare From Hell INSIDE Hell.

Oh... and don't forget the obligatory Talmudic prayer every time a Yahood wakes up:

"I thank God, I was not born a woman."

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Noahide is fast approaching. Check out ICD10 Y35 legal beheading is already written into law but waiting for trumpy drumpfy to enact.

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OK, that's just damned creepy.

From Urban Legend to something that the U.N. gets paid for every time someone writes that code in a medikill record.

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I argue that christians arr the least strict ....heck it is applied in a very loooooooose way.....but pork is eaten in christianity and the fasting is laughable...alcohol is drank in chuch during service too if one is catholic......I agree with the other religious branches mormons and jeovah witnesses......baptist are odd....imo.....I have a catholic foundation so I was indoctrinated to beilive that some of those "protestant" religions are not even religions but cults.

Anyhoo.....Islam def presses more on discipline than christianity.

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You make good points. My view has been that there has to be endless variations in religion to keep the dupes confused on which one of the nonsenses is 'right'. But if you want to jump ship for a stricter or looser one, there are endless variations available.

Hence, I created my own religion.

Hell, they all do it. The difference between Sunni and Shia are who they consider the successor to The Profit.

If that's enough to whack your own cousins over then Is Ra EL really wasn't needed to Jen No Side them.

Of particularly interesting note here is that D'Adamo said that ALL blood types should avoid pork !

If lectins weren't even involved I would do it just for the trichonosis!

Being 'born' Irish Catholic I HATED pork of any kind. Couldn't understand why the Red Noses fauned over it.

My mother's Hungarian Chicken and Rice made anything else pale in comparison.

Now I'm a confirmed Bachelor and Vegan so all of that is just a hazy tainted memory of confusion of parents over what DOOF is and how to raise kids (baby goats like me).

Christians are the ones that have the easiest Get Out of Hell Free card.

So they bend and break the rules because they expect to be: forgiven.

Rebecca Carley said that the Pope labels priests abusing children as a SIN so that it can be forgiven as opposed to being called a crime so that they can have their preistly bits cut off.

ALL religion is a sign of mental instability most likely from the invasion of spirochetes into what is called the God Module of the brain.


So, taking away the patina of religion, it is just RATIONAL to not consume alcohol that SHUTS DOWN CELL PROCESSES UNTIL THE ALCOHOL HAS BEEN REMOVED. Alcohol causes hypoxia to the brain. This is why people drink. Because this life is so unbearable they just literally want to shut off their Mud Pellet so they don't have to face it. Medically, that is called:


Taking away religion, it is INSANE to eat pork that has to be cooked TWICE just like the chinee Twicea Coohka Pork to get the trichonella to germinate from their cysts so that you can fry their asses before infecting yourself by eating something that smells like sweaty human.

Not wearing metals is a no brainer if you don't know how to find ore, smelt metal and shape it into adornment or technology, you have no business smothering yourself in the largesse of a cult that wants to have you kyll yourself with their spell-casting tools.

Whoops! Black Magicks may not be a religion - BUT A TECHNOLOGY!

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we can agree I bet, that they all WAGE WARS in the name of their GODS!!

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Whar is such a Harsh Word.


They are struggling against infidellism.

Just like Adolph's Meat Tenderizer. His book written by his Jesuit Handler was called: My Struggle....

The name Is Ra EL means: He STRUGGLES with God.

Struggle is so close to the world Snuggle that it just gives me warm fuzzy feelings if they could all be put on an island away from US and let them snuggle each other...

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All churches (and all RE-LEGION’s) were infiltrated long long long ago. Of course they are encouraged to live like a Babylon whore. Noahide will be beheading anyone who does bow to the chosen 1’s.

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You have closed the loop on what I read YEARS ago that the UN was going to make Blasphemy a crime. The Noahides hold that as a capital (capitus = head) offense worthy of having your capital cut off. Then the UN comes in with its ICD code remuneration for being the octopus that coordinates the ritual slaughter. Stackworthy.

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Here's the one that set it all in perspective for me: The Elders of Szion:

If they put it in the FIRST protocol it must be important:

22. Behold the alcoholic animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. It is not for us and ours to walk that road. The peoples of the GOYIM are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been inducted by our special agents - by tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others, by our women in the places of dissipation frequented by the GOYIM. In the number of these last I count also the so-called "society ladies," voluntary followers of the others in corruption and luxury.

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I live just a couple miles east from the Mississippi River. and about 20 minutes from FED EX. headquarters. FRED SMITH who is a freemason, and the OWNER of FED eX lives here too. What I have noticed in the 22 years I've lived in this dump of a town, is that bad storms always seem to go around us. We can get tornadoes and flooding to the east, west, north and especially south in poor Mississippi ST. But it all seems to go around the Fed ex hub (which is also the international airport) EXCEPT for the first summer that I was here, Hurricane Elvis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Mid-south_derecho) hit and it took off the tops of hundreds of trees. I woke early that morning to the sound of howling winds, I went out to my dinning rm and opened the blinds just as someone's huge garbage can flew past my window. I yelped in surprise and minutes later my neighbor's tree started bending my way, the ground started rising and next thing I knew, the top of it was coming right at me, when it landed with an earth shaking thud right outside my window. Since that day 21 years ago, There has never been another tornado or hurricane force wind that hit the Memphis area. We also have a pyramid on the banks of the Mississippi here in Memphis TN.. and St Jude's is here. Where they experiment on and work medikill magick on acutely ill children for free. the university has an Earthquake center.. Moving here from California, I've experienced several earthquakes but only One here in Mempus so far!

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I approve this message. I have seen and lived through some shit weather. There is a Masonic town west of me that NEVER has bad weather go over it. I can be watching stratified systems vector around that town and then as if directed by a joystick go AGAINST OR ACROSS THE WIND straight towards me, never rain until it gets right on top of me then dump the whole load, stop and then move on. I got one or two on the video recorder because no one would believe me. They must have Mason Jars full or Orgone buried in their basements.

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The Haarp that angels don't play?

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We came to the conclusion that the doppler domes were not to passively monitor the weather but to create it. So, HAARP, GWEN and Doppler are all terraforming tools.

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LOL .....but never thought of the esoteric and physical meaning of the name too....

HAARP = sound waves...

Also ....HARPY....a mythological creature with half bird half woman body who possesed special powers.....

[ " The harpies seem originally to have been wind spirits (personifications of the destructive nature of wind).[12] Their name means 'snatchers' or 'swift robbers'].....

So lets recap this brief parentesis...

The US military weather program "coincidencially" is named after a mythical destructive creature cited also by Homer....that is connected to weather specifically wind power.


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even nicer...

Homer, a carrier pigeon too.

a home run. The diamond plate... little did I know until today, that the whole game of baseball and the FIELD is all about a masonic ritual


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in the word Walmart I see MALWARE, and a WALL around the WARE too. FEMA camps are meant to wall us off. Are we programmed and infested with MALWARE?

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Malware, adware, ransomware, viruses, worms, and trojans.

Oh My!

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LOL.. Butt seriously! this shitz real!

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I AM being serious. Look at my reply to Heather. A yeast infection is a advertisement for all of the entertainment of the yeast: Eat donuts, have sex. Humans have always been plagued by viruses and worms. According to Glen Kealey we have a 'piggy in our heads' that makes us do things contrary to our will or good reason.

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all for seriousness here. thank GOT you can make us laugh through all this!

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It figures it would be something like this

1:19 min


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this was obviously made before smart phones, they are talking to their WATCHES... now the phones do it without us even picking them up or turning them on.

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I think we chose this crazy ass game. We are the bravest ones to wanna play the scariest game ever! So damn complicated too

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I can't imagine that some people chose the horrific suffering. It is complicated, no human being could have done this kind of synchronicity.

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WaterWorld and the Smokers... after the Quakers and Sue Namis my Friend...?

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Dude, now wait just a damned minute here!

Did we ever talk about WaterWorld?

The 3 hour DIRECTORS CUT ONLY!!!!! They removed the KEY SCENES that explained the whole movie for the cinema version.

One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIES despite being made by a guy who claims that he's trying to Save the Planet while lighting the biggest gasoline fires ON WATER in cinema history...

Have you seen that Jeannette and I are plotting to do movie reviews just for fun and to bust Hollyweird balls?

I'm thinking that we should have a Mystery Science Theater 5000 version with the three of us. We can have our own cartoon characters. I already have her's designed in my head.

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I like a lot this movie also!!

Yes we already talk about WaterWorld my Friend in last year and in this year...

i mentioned the movie and you tell me about the 3 hours Directors cut only, i never see it and i like to see it...

We also talk about the Master Mechanic's the one that you pass me a link in the reply last year.

Is this guy in the Green team also... ???


Bust Hollyweird balls? it see like a fun thing...

A Mystery Science Theater 5000 version in a like type DUMB City with the three of us look very good...

Our own Cartoon Characters is Magnific!!

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The TH is what ones sees when viewing the triple TAU=666 symbol of the Royal Arch Masons. Royal Arch=RA and Royal Arch Masons=RAM. The TH supposedly stands for Templum Hierosolymae (temple jerusalem). I believe the symbols are multi layered and what they tell you is but a stepping stone so TH can also mean Trojan Horse and TransHumanism. This symbol when viewed is made of up 7's and mirrored 7's. This is THeir number. I look at the 7 in articles as an identifier. I look at the 6 in stores as the hex or spell, the story one should NEVER beLIEve. Even in the case of war, upside down that word is jew, and there is a deconstruction event happening, the scripted story you are given by the Media is bullshit propaganda for your tax dollars to pay for THeir show that THey are enacting.

As I was reading your post with pieces of mine I noticed that NC and AR create NARC.... NARC...drugs, tattle tale, killjoy.

Yeah, I have seen monoatomic gold in homeopathy circles. Metals of any kind don't seem to be a good idea to put into ones body. I am aware the medical industry uses silver for burn patients as silver is supposedly an antimicrobial.

The flooding that Glen Kealey spoke of....I see that as perhaps THeir "endtime" script. As I think there are definitely 72-144 years left on the time clock, these "smaller" events seem much more likely to me.

Each minute on the astrological clock is 72 years. Imo, we are at the cusp of moving into the New Age but we are not there yet, but I could be completely wrong as THey have messed with the calendars.

It's just how I am viewing it at this moment in time.

They have been drilling wells for decades...fracking for natural gas, in the midwest to southern states. A couple of decades ago a client that lived in MO told me that in MO when people sold their farmland they were placing a contingency of keeping title to any found natural gas rights.

THey tell us what THey are going to do ahead of time. This is often done in what we call "entertainment". That word breaks down. Enter=to BEGIN or GO INTO, TAIN="Tain is a thin tin plate used for mirrors1234. It is also known as tinfoil for the backs of mirrors124. The word "tain" comes from the French word "tain" which means "tinfoil"3. The French word "tain" is an alteration of the French word "étain" which means "tin"3. The word "étain" comes from the Latin word "stagnum" or "stannum" which means "alloy of silver and lead" or "tin"3" (makes me think our mind might be some sort of scrying mirror, perhaps the scrying mirror of consciousness) and MENT=MIND. If THey tell you what THey intend to do, then it seems to me that we should be using our mind/.consciousness to vocalize our disapproval, opposition, resistance against THeir intentions. It just seems to me that we cannot be powerless, what fun would that be even for THem? For us to have the power to stop THem when THey tell us THeir evil intents and for us to just be ignorant, play victim and then have to scramble to pick up all the pieces after we paid for the phucking event to take place seems to be THeir glee point.

The metals associated with the planet Mercury are quicksilver, gold and silver. Yeah, it ain't Saturn THey worship. Mercury " is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld[2][3] and the "messenger of the gods". As the messenger of the gods Mercury is the BRIDGE between the upper and lower worlds. Mercury is the god of TRANS-itions.

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Oct 24Edited

Thank you kindly.

Speaking of flooding....New Mexico is now having "flash floods". Canada has had "flash flooding" this week too.

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Seems anyone that close to the southern border are having Flesh Floods.

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There is also a wildfire now in Wyoming.


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I love this decoding Dee...

There is a far fetched theory on times layers that coincide with the making of the classical mirror (backed with the silver tinfoi) and the begining of photography as image imprinting on a silverized plate.

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Very interesting! I look at this reality as having started sometime in the 1600's to mid 1600's. It makes me wonder is everything prior to that complete bullshite or is that information from a different reality/timeline.

I went to check the etymology of entertainment and this is what I found:

"1530s, "provision for support of a retainer; manner of social behavior," now obsolete, along with other 16c. senses; from entertain + -ment. Meaning "the amusement of someone" is from 1610s; sense of "that which entertains" is from 1650s; that of "public performance or display meant to amuse" is from 1727.

Take a look at those dates, it fits perfectly. Do you have any idea if the dates of the mirror and photography fall into this period?

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Clint Richardson said if memory serves that perhaps during the Revolutionary War that entertainment was the name for the WAGES paid to the soldiers.

that - on a more allegorical level - is damned creepy in its implications.

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That goes beyond creepy to MORBID.

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Since my teenage years when I could critically evaluate the shitshow called Life, I realized that people are really just poseable husks that are happy to take on ROLES that are prescripted for them. Why else would someone become a cop or a Dier of Sol? So, as ACTORS they are being PAID for their ROLE in entertainment of their masters BY entertainment (the ability to act on a stage prepared for them) and rewarded with entertainment in the form of money that a lot of those mindless fucks would piss away on gambling and sex.

Morbid, but makes PERFECT SENSE.

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I agree!

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The USA economic tactics was to outsource every piece of items used by the American people to China so that the Chinese would depend heavily on the US buying market.

Dont ask me who invents these idiotic economic strategies......prbly any of the financial cabal psychopaths.....we need to dispose of them asap.

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When I was in Turd Grade History class I saw a pattern: The Voyages of DISCOVERY were monopolized by: England, France, Spain, Portugal, and The Dutch (why didn't The Dutch have a country attached to it?). They divided up the world that they invaded as The Sea People. The pattern emerged as every so often in years past they would announce the next new BILLIONAIRE. One year it was in mexico. I got to thinking of that age-old pattern and thought: The FAMILY is spreading the wealth around among the clans (I didn't have Clan Theory back then) so that no one part of the cabal has more money/power than the other. So since China has always been Yahoodim probably since its inception but definitely since the Emperor LET THEM IN (my Substack on that was disappeared with the entire substack) then this is just another shuffling of the Monopoly Money piles of cash to the other FAMILY PLAYERS in The Game.

There never were any Countries. That is what Goyim means: Of The Nations.

Place Is Not Race.

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Well the countries designations as Mauro Biglino said.....they are boxes , cells......a system.established long ago tp keep prisoners citizens.

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The ships also dump chemtrail garbage into the sky and oceans

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