I’ve often lifted comments from a previous stack to feature as their own Stack because I don’t want the topic lost in a stack of comments. Hence, this new name for my method: Stackments.
From my Chicken in Every Pot Stack:
Dee; 4 hrs ago; Liked by Patrick Jordan
Walmart's original tagline was Buy American. They are now the no. 1 importer of Chinese goods into the U.S. Their contracts with the steamship lines are that THeir containers are prioritized to load before anyone else. Right there begins the unfair competition.
To keep this all THematic (the TH is an interesting DEEcode that Dee can explain in the comments of this Stackment) keep in mind that it was the Clintons from Arcane Saw who orchestrated the Most Favored Nation trading status with China that served Wal-we’ve-got-a-yellow-six-pointed-star-as-a-logo-Mart to pimp child labor and cheep plastic that smelled like we had timewarped back to the 1950s.
Hillary was blamed for the fact that ANY cargo container from China was given free entry WITHOUT x-ray or physical inspection which means that ANYTHING or ANYBODY could be brought in those containers.
But did you know that Walmart just decided to eliminate hundreds of corporate jobs and any remote staff will be forced to Bentonville, ARKANSAS, if they want to keep their employment?
When I look at the name WALMART, I can see MARTial LAW. The timing of this move by Walmart is quite interesting now that you have pointed us to look in the direction of Arkansas for LITHIUM. So now we are looking at NC and AR with LITHIUM.
I see RAT MAL(L).
Quite a few years ago I found a website called DEAGEL. It showed the population of each country, the amount of money they spent on military, GDP. Deagel's projections for 2025 prophesized a substantial decrease in population for numerous countries, the US included. Here is a copy of the old Deagel info that you can no longer find on the Deagel website.
That’s not the only thing that Deagel has occulted. He’s a former Spook. He also sells or sold supposed monatomic gold. Early on there was a label that had other monatomics - if memory serves: Rubidium, etc. - but later offerings had those ingredients removed from the list. Now given that Gold has a reputation in Homeopathy to be one of the most Evil Elements in the chart, and that gold salts are nephrotoxic (kidney killers) and that monatomic gold binds IRREVERSIBLY TO DNA MAKING IT A SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERANTENNAE… then I would say: Run the hell away from Anything-Deagel. God Nose what rubidium does in the hu-man body. So much for the FDA being a psyop cover for letting bad things through and suppressing good things.
Around the same time that I saw the Deagel info I found a map that showed the US and the East Coast and West Coast were under water. The Mississippi River was shown to be a channel large enough to handle the Chinese supertankers. The map was entitled US Naval Map future America. Is the map legit? Hell if I know.
This was covered by Glen Kealey who said that the Laurentian Shield in Canada was going to be the only safe highground left when they flood this place, but it is reserved for their Amish experimental controls.
Historically the ENTIRE CENTER of the North Harmerican Continent was an ‘inland sea’ a swamp in the time of the Dyno Sores. I’ve seen maps that had water to the tips of the hills that just got warshed down in Northern Carolina.
But contemplating that THey always DECONSTRUCT with some form of dis-aster (including war) I have thought that THey might use a large earthquake to get the expansion required on the Mississippi River. But perhaps a volcanic scenario would be a bit more crafty.
You can’t mess with the crust without the crust getting crusty so the New Madrid Fault is now in the news where they are doing preparation drills for 9.0 quakes. The fault runs from the Chixalub Crater that carved out the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Great Lakes which, in my estimation was the Hop of the meteorite that Skipped over Birmingham then jumped into the Yucatan. Since the Chicago coast is built on bedrock it’s said that if a quake made it all the way up to Lake Erie that it would cause a Sue Nami up to 100-feet high that would wipe out the coast. Given that Hot Springs is close enough to be affected by a Continent Rifting Event, I think that you could get your Induced Earthquaker Oats that sets off a Vole Cane Hoe AND flood waters to make your map spot on even without Globe Hell Whore Ming the Merciless.
We've all seen the Tesla cars on fire with their LITHIUM batteries. It takes copious amounts of water to extinguish that fire.
Geek Alert: Metal fires CANNOT BE EXTINGUISHED. The tens of thousands of gallons of water is to attempt to cool down the rest of the batteries so that they don’t ignite and in absence of that to just keep things like the roadway beneath from not being crated by thousands of degrees of UNEXTINGUISHABLE FIRE. The whole thing being a collossal Oxygen Moron since WATER MAKES LITHIUM Ex-plowed worse than telling your ex-wife that you’re cutting off all I money.
The cocktail of chemicals in a LITHIUM fire are extremely hazardous to one's health. Your option....don't breathe or get yourself some kind of monkey respirator mask that makes you look like Darth Vader.
A half face or full face respirator with cartridges protects only down to nuisance levels of metal. The ONLY way to survive something like that is with SELF CONTAINED AIR WITH A LEVEL 3 HAZMAT SUIT.
Now… people should know why I was so upset when I posted the Chicken Pot Pie Stack.
Just wait, girl (Dee) until you see the repost of the website The Great Abyss. I know a significant number of folks that follow my Stacks will FEEL the significance of that that fellow posted years ago. Some of the genius-level folks just get no play in the media while your Deagel Doomsdayers are all the rage.
Yeah… Rage. I’ve got plenty of that.
Thanks for your caring and sharing of all the digging you do, PJ.
I sure love that brain of yours and appreciate the research and puzzle fitting you're capable of!
Interesting: “Gold has a reputation in Homeopathy to be one of the most Evil Elements in the chart, and that gold salts are nephrotoxic (kidney killers) and that monatomic gold binds IRREVERSIBLY TO DNA MAKING IT A SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERANTENNAE..”
I’ve seen a few people on SS suggest ‘detoxing’ with gold.
Mentality of homoeopathic gold: a tendency towards depression, gloom, and suicidal thoughts, as well as irritability and anger. These symptoms are often accompanied by a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.
Sounds lovely….Let’s toast to suicide…