Jun 18Liked by Patrick Jordan

Sometimes I think (and applaud) that you are channeling George Carlin, who still remains my favourite comedic prophet. After you, of course.

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George says to say: "Hi"


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Jun 18Liked by Patrick Jordan

And by the by, you are my Hero, oh Great Bug Killer.

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I kept hearing about Hero Sandwiches but the only thing they were offering were gyroscopes.

The Great White Bug Killer.

Like it. Makes me feel impotent.

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Jun 18Liked by Patrick Jordan

Are you sure you aren't missing an "r"?

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honest, governess, I ain't no pirate type.

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Protesters are not wannabe arch criminals, Patrick. Breaking and entering such a facility is a serious enough crime which can incur years in jail. Add criminal damage to the wrap-sheet and we are talking more than a decade lost behind bars. The point of the action is to draw attention to the unethical business activities, NOT to become a martyr. Be fair.

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Your first failing and that of everyone below Little Red Hen level of thinkers is that these are NOT cointelpro.

What is the motto of the Mossad? By DECEPTION make War!

That goes all the way back to Father Abram.

4010+ years of perfecting their 'art'.

"Protestors" (a fiction) have access to everything that we do on the internet and real people who work in tech. If they wanted to disable a high tech facility then they could have LEARNED how to do it.

You and others are caught up in the Theater of this 'protest' not the practical reality. JUST LIKE IT WAS PLANNED.

If it was such a serious offense then what they left behind as voice recordings and traffic cams that can reconstruct how they all arrived at the facility in the first place would have put them under the rubble in Gaza. This is why I feature the PUBLISHED technology of the survelliance state since all millie tarries are 5-50 years in advance of what they let the plebes be aware of.

So if they are not disappeared that means they are crisis actors.

The point of the action?

Are you a member?

Did you draft the manifesto?

What you and everyone else at this level of deception are doing is PROJECTING your wishes onto complete unknowns (unless you are an insider of that group) by HOPING that 'awareness' will change a goddamned thing!

Ask the women and children in Gaza: WCC resolutions and they're still balming the holy fuck out of them.

These non-martyrs give excellent cover for their masters by NOT CRIPPLING the actual business but just giving the likes of you and what seems to be the rest of the world that buys their shit and ask for seconds the already smoldering pipe of Hopium.

Put the pipe down.

With a few searches of technique and a few well placed actions they COULD have made a MINOR difference in the whar machine. That it did NOT happen is PROOF that it was never INTENDED TO HAPPEN.

Be fair?


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Rest your raging keyboard, get off your arse and do the job yourself if you imagine you know so much. I can tell that you have never even once taken part in a direct action. It is written big and loud in your arrogant superiority.

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