If you spray one apartment in a complex for roaches they simple move to all of the other open spaces. You have to treat the entire building to get rid of them.
People thrive on Hopium.
So, whereas this kind of thing purports to give a glimmer of Hopium that certain facilities were closed or moved or the Nipponese ‘stopped’ dealing with them (yeah… right… for the cameras…), there was one commenter who had the surgical-eye that caught what I noticed instantly as well:
Lmao all that just to destroy monitors, no hard drives or anything. The brainless idiots can’t even destroy property correctly 🤡
The premise was that this was a ‘high security facility’ and that they cut through three fences and smashed a window and then mamby-pamby dumped stuff on the floor without, as our commenter noted, destroying a goddamned thing of significance.
How did they get into a ‘high security facility’ without being met by dogs or armed gaurds? Why are their voices on the recording since A.I. can recognize a song from a few notes picked up on a cellphone and tell exactly where and when on the planet any given person was to have been at that location at that time for the music to have been playing. Voice-Recognition is OLD TECH.
None of this tracks so I will not take up the pipe. I will not pack in the Hope. And like Bill Clinton: I will not inhale.
Sometimes I think (and applaud) that you are channeling George Carlin, who still remains my favourite comedic prophet. After you, of course.
And by the by, you are my Hero, oh Great Bug Killer.