My job is to pull teeth out of Pat Jordan's mouth and pick his brains by writing stuff he can straighten us all out on. Open wide........

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Cam oy geb sum ize greme whem wher dum?

You and I have chosen to go down a difficult road to dig to bedrock for the foundation of the truth that has been covered up. Along the way we might find gems, the bones of slaughtered/buried truth, and, unfortunately, a gigantic backfill of shit that has to be sorted through by hand just to make sure we aren't missing anything.

I told Gilbert Ling after reading his modern book: Life at the Cell and Below Cell Level, that I had been digging in the dirt so long I forgot I was looking for gold.

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I feel like this is what you and I are swirling in:


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OH SHIT... I wonder what the uptick in diverticulitis is all about?

there are just so many parts to this post.. that we need to make a lot of fish bowls out of this tank of information to get to the answers.

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I've heard of dog ticks and deer ticks but not up ticks.

I've read about up quarks and down quarks, butt you know I've never seen a cogent medical definition for diverticulitis.

Just what is it? precisely.

I think you slid your finger over the keypad to fast: It's: Lot of fish BOWELS out of this tank.

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there are worse places to slide my finger, but someone needs to get to the Bottom of the bowl or is that bowel (speaking of Spelling) and see what this swill is all about

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Jun 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

You're darn right about the conclusion

"Therefore, if they are not forthcoming the ONLY DEFAULT CONCLUSION is that you are working with the enemy who is limping you along while STILL LYING TO YOU ABOUT THE CAUSATION AND REMOVAL OF HUMAN DISEASE."

Speaking of lying and hiding the truth.

Today's civilization's level of knowledge compared to that of the civilization that was capable of constructing megalithic structures like the great pyramid over five thousand years ago is pitifully low.

The immense level of technology that humans achieved and be able to build the great pyramid in Giza is astounding and has always intrigued me.

Why did they build it? The almost incomprehensible expenditure of energy to achieve such a gargantuan structure can only be that the purpose of building such a complex structure must necessarily have been of the utmost importance to the builders. They knew that it must survive the ravages of time.

My next question is - where is there any evidence of the machinery that the builders must have had to build these megaliths?

History shows that the Earth goes through cyclical cataclysm such as floods and eartquakes. Were these cataclysmic events of such magnitude that they destroyed the machines that the builders used? ALL of them? Come on! I don't buy it. The infrastructure to build those machines must have been greater then I can even imagine. Where is this infrastructure? Where is even one machine? Something does not add up.

Remember the strange fires in California and Lahaina fire where the metal was damaged and glass melted, but not the plastics? The conspiracy theorists say some type of direct energy weapon or DEW was used. The buildings with blue colored roofs did not burn mind you.

Is there a DEW that was used to annihilate the metal based technology of any and all past highly developed civilizations? A RESET? Who,or what is causing this?

My conclusion is that we have been lied to for a long, long time.

More colloquially- WE DONT KNOW SHITE!

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You, my friend are in a primed position to accept what Agent Mulder called: Extreme Possibility.

We are told that meteorite strikes are responsible for deposits of minerals that then attract the Yahoodim like black magicks magnets. The Sudbury nickle deposit in Ontario, the diamond deposit in Siberia, quartz (and gold?) all along the coasts of Hamerica, etc.

Consider that during WWII in order to make the plebes feel like they were part of the Whore Effort there were drives to collect pots and pans to make Aimo and other things for Our Boys. Of course the piles of people's sacrificed rare utensil built up into enormous piles because what kind of fuckwad left over after 600 years of killing innocent women under the guise of witchhunts WOULDN'T fall for something as stupid as that? after all... they burnt their own kin because a witch whispered that she was a witch...

Turns out the motherfuckers had no intention of melting it down to use for ANYTHING.

So what if a previous generation that had even more advance tech based on ColTan had all of their rube toss their high tech into one landfill (say... Congo) and then millennia later that slagheap is REDISCOVERED as a 'mineral deposit'.

Were they 'natural' to the geology of Hell Planet?

Were they 'natural' to the interaction of extraterrestrial impacts with chunks of the Dome?

Were they PUT there as part of a regular RESET so that the next phase of the video game can continue without having to program for new/novel resources every time a new level is achieved?

I know: Jack Shite.

He said to say: "Hi"

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Jun 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Dammit! You got answer for everything. He! He! He!

Figuring why the

Great Pyramid was built, is my prime directive.

Later my friend.

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I can help you with the HOW:


WHY will have to be left to those who talk about pure white lime casing with gold titties at the top to be used as cosmic energy scoops and/or long distance phone booths.

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Ah that is the kind of topic I like. An energy source part of a counter rotating system of 2 pyramids positive and negative.....they form the star of david 3d.......

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Jun 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

Christpher Dunn, an engineer, wrote a book about his theory on the Great Pyramid's purpose. He thinks it was a type of energy generating machine. He wrote that there were two copper wires located in one of the shafts. I have never read anywhere about this. He also wrote that there is evidence of repair done to the pyramid. A visible crack about an inch was patched. Evidently there was an explosion that caused it. They had to tunnel inside the pyramid to get to the crack to patch it. I believe Dunn thinks it was due to hydrogen gas explosion. I have to read the book again.

The Egyptologists are lying about the pyramids claiming they were tombs. They are NOT tombs.

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All conclusions/speculations aside.

I demand one answer before all others, then we can go into the Unknown:

How in the HELL did a cluster of ants with COPPER TOOLS dig into the BEDROCK to fix the foundation of the pyramids?

You CAN'T build a lasting structure on sand let alone something that weighs megatons with immoveable precision.

All else follows the question of the bedrock/cornerstone because the Masons were an ancient egyptian cult and this was their domain = stone masonry.

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Jun 23Liked by Patrick Jordan

Wayne triggers such great ping-pong-posts with you Pat..


Exquisite gourmet dish!

3 Michelin stars minimum..

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He's a digger only interested in the truth.

For the things that I am aware or conversant in, I can offer the journalisitc Other Side of the Story and let someone like him and the rest of the readers sort out what they know against what we've all been lied to about.

Often at this level of deconstruction we find that after a good round of tearing the clothes off of rhe circus freaks we find we have more questions than before we started.

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