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Dec 31
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I would remind you and others that when you visit a <dot> mil website you will probably have attached cookies that can never be erased. If you don't care then that's fine. We're completely compromised anyway, but I don't go actively seeking out trackers.

Everything that you shared is the millennial long culmination of ritually pure combat where none of the Chosen have to get filthy from touching the unclean as they have their tech do all of the dirty work.

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Dec 31
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The Societies of The Secret just like women who got too immersed in porn to the point where there was really no getting out of it, these creatures have no capacity or will to leave a system that is obviously eating or is going to eat them. You would think that if you were highly place in any order that you would have wealth and abundant health. The Elders use the Sword of Damocles against their minions in the form of health conditions to keep them under control. So, even if they 'woke up' or tried to get out they would be UV tasered while driving down the road.

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When they say "space" or "cyberspace" ... I automatically think they are speaking of our MINDS.... The space between our ears.

I'm currently watching the series VIKINGS ... same shit, different millennia.

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So that was the subtle but screaming TELL in the Matrix. the ONLY way to be a part of the Matrix was to be WIRED in. The pods were wired directly into central control but 'any hardwire connection' could bring you in, hence the old wired phones.

I've always felt that there was more to the meaning of it, but its below my ability to grasp.

What whiplashes the mind is that the entire situation as written by the woman from whom they stole the Matrix story is even after the trilogy adventures;


So, hard wired or not, what you say about the mind being the battlefield is true for 'our world' and the fiction.

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I HAVE to watch the MATRIX. Here in the land of the hardwired...minus a thermostat that tries to connect, I still feel under threat of wireless devices in my town's vicinity. I imagine the whole "dome"/mind matrix, is under constant infiltration.... We are all NEO ??

Perhaps one cannot LEAVE THEIR OWN MIND ...If that is WHERE the Matrix is?

Did the woman write it? OR was it Tom Althouse? I believe HIS story.

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I don't know anything about Tom. Tell HIS story.

Supposedly the woman that wrote Terminator which was part of The Matrix and Matrix was awarded a billion dollars in court so something somewhere doesn't track.

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Oh shoot, I don't recall many details. He has the scripts was given a handler... They used most of his stuff from original forms that werec stamped with the seal of hollyweird thing. They murdered his son to scare him & shut him up ... ruined him & ran him out of town & his other son fears for his life.

He explained about the lady they gave the money to & why....but damn my

molten memory.

I know that T-2 factors in ...I'll have to look into this further at some point. It's sooo interestingly crazy how they screwed this Tom Althouse character & he has ALL the receipts!

His script was called "The immortals" & they renamed it the matrix.

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Jan 1Edited

I find the MATRIX trilogy confusing! IMHO it is akin to describing the mythological dragon OUROBOROS, which is VOMITING (not speaking itself into EXISTENCE! A circular i.e. never ending EXISTENCE. where no new creation is either allowed, but more likely not even possible. This comment is not to be taken as philosophical or spiritual in nature. I am far from being capable of comprehending deep spiritual matters as I was raised in an environment where the word god was not even allowed to be a topic of private, or god forbid, public conversation for fear of persecution/punishment by the then type of INQUISITION aka the STATE!

I am still trying to figure stuff out even with my very damaged mind.

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The uninitiated are forced to call it the snake eating its own tail.

The initiated call it the serpent speaking itself into existence.

The Little Red Hen from another country that speaks several languages says that the garden hose (garden of eaten) is VOMITING itself in a function-generated endless fractal, that I have to say is the most insightful thing I've heard in a long time.

If you don't follow A.I. infiltration into this existence (and it's best not to) then you wouldn't know that they tasked it with 'creating music'.

You can find the machine trying to emulate djent riffs for 1-2 hours where most of it is senseless tedious MINOR VARIATIONS of the same theme (called Iterations in mathematics) as it tries to find feedback from humans that it came close to what a human might arrive at naturally.

The goddamned snake Vomits Eternal, and we must be covered in the ooze and stench just because vomiting is all that it is programmed to do.

Yup. We're in Hell....

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A sequel post....BERIA!

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Thanks Pat for letting us know about the radiation poisoning. I'm surprised you don't seem to get any trolls like I see alot with Agent, Ray the Source and Medicine Girl. Trolls love to drink urine BTW. I hate that 'Stay Safe' bullshit. My stupid quackcinated brother says that to me, mockingly.

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In general most people in alterNOTive media put out controversial stuff as 'information', or 'news', or so that people can 'learn'.

All of those ""s are MEANINGLESS.

Religion is the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game where you follow a script and pretend to navigate fictitious threats in order to 'win'.

This is lethal shit, I'm dead serious, and according to my Church Of The Mechanic: Things Must Work!

Trolls are #1 not tolerated so they are removed. They also know better than to fuck with a guy who has a mission because I'm not here to 'educate', tittilate, or masturbate.

Trolls are programmed to wast time arguing how many pinheads can dance on an angel. If they don't have fodder in that arena the like all cowardly stealth predators that are afraid for their own safety - they don't hunt here.

It was an academic instantaneous decision for me years ago to even contemplate drinking urine as part of my Take One For the Team experiment on yourself things that I do.


Damned stuff could kyll trees...

But a few years later I learned a word: Candiurisis = candida IN THE URINE and thought all of those trolls are drinking deth into themselves.

When ANYONE repeats the NLP trigger words that include:

Challenge, Opportunity, Moving Forward, Journey, Experience, Stay Safe of any other vomitus then you KNOW that their minds are not their own but they have been converted to throughput stations for Project Mockingbird.


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The weather is interesting to follow.. As is the angle of the sun at a particular hour of day compared to the season..

I sure see the "leaning hat" is like circling a leaning stick.. Versus its "maximum visible angle 180 degrees apart 90 and 270 (-90) degrees apart from this view point of cours you can not detect any visable angle..

Never mind that navigational point of view - even the seaoeople like the" 6 kings/vi-kings" they knew without knowing local time of the moment you are lost no matter what..

Following you Pat I though start to ponder - how would one proove a unicellar unut of life is destroyed" (aka cured).. Maybe that is the "terminator effect" creeps in and the bugger morphed our curv balls attempted at them and they just reformed..

Hwavy oxidizer is a nuke recipy - but the prions not possible to burn off even at thou sands of de grease.. That is fasci nating..

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At least the VI Kings didn't have to deal with Daylight Savings time.

I'm think that the bearded boys would have gone horned-helmet on anyone that suggested that you pretend that the time was not the time...

I'm at a loss. Reading Lida Mattman and her at least 8 evasive forms of spirochetes that can reconstitute the original from any bit of those parts, I think we're more in a scripted fantasy than real life.

Then when a read that baking doesn't KYLL E. Coli it just makes it go dormant, then the very notion of kylling organisms by boiling just because they stopped moving was obviated by the Bearden observation that you can burn the hell out of bugs with UV but if you put them in the dark for a period of time they reconstitute like a liquid terminator to keep fighting...

We are told lies, and when you spend the next 40+ years uncovering the lies you get the notion that there is no truth out there.

Prions can stand up to 1800 F before they denature. But, I think that the moved to alkaline hydrolysis to melt granny to feed her to GMO trees in parks because that reportedly breaks up the prions (and every goddamned thing else).

So you can destroy non-living prions and most likely all living things by ...

destroying all living things...

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Stay Frosty.

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I sent this out to friends and got a reply from Arlene who lives outside Charlotte on Lake Norman...

Arlene’s reply, “We've had terrible fog on Sunday and now today! Can’t see a thing across the lake WTH??”

It’s everywhere and the mind numbed, “Yaaaay, Trump won group or the “Biden’s economy was the best in history crowd” can’t see the forest for the fog!

At this point I’m starting to believe that the rat race is far superior to the human race... my heart aches for the children!

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I think you answered all of the questions within your own comment:

The fog is a brain numbing agent to make people bow to outside authority to save them from the fog that the outside authority rained down on them.

In some african nations there are gangs/militias that recruit children to fight for them by threatening (and/or kylling) their families or the kids themselves.

Childhood lost.

If the current generations are to survive they need to be raised as Whar Re Urs by their parents not conscripted by demons.

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Any one who sent their children to a public school = utter demoralization, or even to private school = 1% less indoctrination? is an effing fool! How many homeschool their kids? Not many is right. Even these kids must CONFORM and are expected march to the dictates of the STATE to a degree.

We are screwed! This civilization is already dead! This is not an opinion! 70 years of experience on this rock and the knowledge I amassed formed the big picture for me. Each day many new world events move the diagnostic measuring needle to the NEGATIVE side! The DANGER red light bulb has been ON for a long, long time!

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In the second video the female says "... me and my roomate...".

WOW! The old-fashion etiquette of not putting yourself FIRST is out the window with these moronic, and selfish creatures!

We are in hell!

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Isn't it interesting that way back when, all these farm animals were being cored out .... My guess is they (black op projects) were testing for an accurate radiation reading.in living tissues.

I was just telling Nuno last week that we have white out conditions here with 10 ft visibility in front of your face. When the air is that dense, it's like trying to breathe in a terrarium of who knows wtf. This is not lke morning fog that burns off the corn fields as the day moves on.

On a side note ... I remember back in the day....we used to see vehicles drive by with actual exhaust or condensation in the cold .... now it must all blend in, or the exhaust blends in with the "atmosphere" cuz I don't think they made anything cleaner with DOT smog regulations... just more restrictions & restrictor plate kill joys. Nothing is allowed to benefit US.

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Dec 31
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Does that not make one light-headed? I had that problem in my old 72 Chevy when the floorboards rusted out. Lol

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I never got light headed. My hair stayed the same color..

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Jan 1
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Jan 1Edited

MAN! I have a tough time just recovering from the muscle spasms caused by Patrick's rectus abdominus destroying humorous comments. And now you add to my painfull (in a good way) experience with your humor. It's as if I took a VIAGRA and I got a rectus abdominis hardon instead of the intended organ. HA! HA! HA!

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dude, you're going to LOVE this one:

Viagra was a drug that was designed to increase blood flow to the head (scalp) for use in restoring HAIR GROWTH. They found that it increased blood flow on a global scale to the OTHER HEAD and next thing you know it is being cross marketed and putting people in the grave from heart blow-out with FDA blessing.

Rectus? damned near Kilt Us!

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LAUGHING my ass off! AGAIN! PHEWW! That laughter session takes care of my aerobic workout and strengthening of my core i.e. RECTUS ABDOMINIS and TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS muscle group.

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New screen name:

The Abdominal Snow Man

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You are sooo Funny! THE ENGINE is THE CABIN AIR FILTER. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! HA! HA! HA!

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Jan 1
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You are such an altruist.

Can I call you: AL?

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very interesting observation about the car farts not being detectable.

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I've been thinking about this fog situation.... This whirled appears to be undergoing terraforming to accommodate the new demon inhabitants, "allegedly" released by the Vatican by opening five portals/doors during Christmas 2024.

Demons are said to be averse to light, thus the presence of fog makes 100% sense.

I'm sure radiation factors into this phenomena.

Additionally, the sky is being darkened by the obstruction of sunlight due to sky painting/geoengineering/terraforming This is merely an observation.

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Gives new meaning to the phrase: Brain Fog.

So the legend is that the earth has a molten core because of the Melt Down theory that when the 'ball' was formed all of the heavy elements migrate to the center of gravity so that when uranium accumulates and goes through chemical or nookier reactions it does what a Chernobyl is supposed to have done: bored a hole from the suface into the inferno below.

You might be aware of the Helium pockets that occur in places like Texas where there are a lot of oil and gas fields. Helium comes up from the ground because it is a lighter than air gass but it is generated from nookier decay...

So is the radiation being recorded on the surface coming from what they are dumping on us from above? or from what is belching from Inferno below?

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So, all radiation seems pretty natural minus the nookier kind & X-ray kind...& microwave kind ... Yeah, we're screwed.

Brain frogs will grow stronger & bigger in radiation soup?

No need to save the brain frogs ... they have this handled.

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When did anyone warn you about installing granite countertops where you prepared your food for increased background radiation?

Unless you are too close to a volcano then radiation is everywhere but at non-threatening levels of decay products.

Unless you are in Pharm Cuntree and they spread Phosphate fertilizer on everything along with ray dio active potassium...

Ever wonder why the Native Americans could be camped right above ENORMOUS piles of YELLOW METALS like GOLD and Your Anium but totally ignored them?

X-rays are, as you say, as artificial as microwaves unless they come from Cosmic sources = Cosmic radiation.

I remember all of the 1950s scifi about radiation making things mutate bigger. But have we ever SEEN that happen?

The question is have YOU ever SEEN it with your own eyes?

The only thing that gets bigger is the cancer cells...

You scooped me at the end. I wanted to start a Save the Irradiated Frogs movement.

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Actually, YOU were the one that told me about granite countertops in days gone by. :)

So, These solar flares or cosmic radiation .... Connected to the flu symptoms as a Detoxifier or grim reaper of the natural order?

OR, can said cosmic sun flares grow cancer cells? Stay outta the sun & wear your cancer causing sun screen. ...

HOW in a whirled of entropy does CANCER THRIVE??

Interesting about the Native Americans ... Although they say in order to get thru the VanHalen Belts, they need copious amounts of gold plating. Thats the narrative anyways.

I saw an expedition with my own eyes on VIDEO, many years ago of folks that went to Chi-noble ... the fish were bigger & had weird mutations & all the vegetation had grown above & beyond "normal". I guess that doesn't count. There were still old people living & thriving there, which I found fascinating. I don't recall IF there were children.

Haha, The scoop is the rub .... Gotcha!

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Hey we got history.

The biggest book that NATO put out was on Cosmic Radiation. It is the only text at the University of ILL Annoyed Lie Bury system, outside of a book on vitamin D that was ALSO as big as a Chicago phone book that I DIDN'T check out. I was too busy on another Big Rabbit. I've regretted that.

The Flu was tied to meteor and comet showers.

Extraterrestrial Bug Dust.

Cosmic rays are just tissue tearing vibrations/particles (Ken Wheeler says that wave/particle duality is a fraud) that can pass through an entire planet whether it is a platter or a soap bubble.

So it 'induces' cancer by DNA damage in the nucleus of the cell unless you are a virus-denying cultist that thinks there is no DNA and cells aren't what the textbooks say.

Cancer grows like ANY parasite.

The love-child of the VDE crowd: Peter Duesberg repeated Huxley from the 1950s to say that cancer is a separate parasitic life form that grows on the energy of the host. Cancer grows the victims diminish.

Yeah they need gold to repair the atmosphere of Knee Boo Roo too. Makes you wonder if that fantasy isn't true because our atmosphere is fuck'd as well.

Yeah, I saw that same VIDEO with my 4 eyes. I weren't there. Cain't con firm or deny or con soft whether it's all shit or not. The proof would be if the Colossal Man or the Amazing 50-ft Woman are hanging out with the giant goldfish in the YOO CRANE... iddn't THAT interesting?

I've had a frog in my throat but not in my brain, although I haven't gotten the x-rays back from chernobyl.

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So, In that big ole book you checked out, Did it mention anything about Corona Virus? Cuz when I look at that word...I see Sun flare virus.

I have an old rusty Lysol can that claims it can be used for corona virus .. so this is not a new thing.... which is why I connected it to cosmic confuckery.

Meteor & comet showers? Haven't we been promised one of those for ever now? Multiple outcome SIM?

Cancer as a parasite? or fungus ...or just a bad cell that doesnt know when to stop replicating? So many options. ... and Questions! (sorry)

I heard NIburu may just be a frequency band ... another radio show. Whatever it is, I feel like it really may be a thing. ... based on nothing but stories. Everything is based on something.(or nothing)

I think we may have had 50ft MoFo's in the past ...radiation was higher & we had a strange vapor canopy..... more stories that I believe cuz the Smithsonian exists. Terradactals of those days were probably the Chloe of today. Who knows? SIM living leaves multiple outcome variables.

Thank You! Chernobyl !! Spell check wouldn't hook me up cuz I wasnt even a little bit close, I was so frustrated, that I had to throw my hands up in the air like I just don't care!

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