The first millie tarry use that I was aware of was the battleshits in the Navy during WWII where the commander would order: Make Smoke!
They would be able to produce a cover so thick that, before technology, the other side would be unable to see where the ship was so the enemy would hesitate to lose ordinance lobbing at the unknown.
The next I heard of was from airmen talking about the release of chaff from fighter jets to confuse enemy target locks.
The current millie tarry A Tack is that of putting out godnose what into the air for several years now for gadfly knows what purpose other than making the air stink and us sick.
I’ve been reporting to Ms. MaGoo for some time that all I have to do is go outside to my mailbox and when I come in I’m already ill.
She sent this:
Back in the 1970s before we had a jarage, I would go out early in the morning after a blizzard had kicked up 6-foot snow drifts to start to dig out the car from the driveway in sub-zero windchill. I would then go inside to see if my fingers had fallen off or if I had developed testicicles, at which time the idiot road commissioner would come by with the snow plow to fill in what I had just dug out.
Back then the geese were flying NORTH (I always thought that was strange) in V-patterns at about 3000 feet and the ARCTIC air was crisp and smelled as clean as the Dome Generators could deliver.
Fast forward to now and the air in the Grain Ghetto smells all all times like the ass-end of a Dupont factory with scents that my DECADES of multiple chemical sensitivity library of smells can’t even find parent molecules for.
Human olfaction can be sensitive and precise. You should be able to tell an aldehyde from an alcohol, a metallic from a plastic, a skunk from a gardenia (actually, no… they both smell equally bad…) etc.
I have nothing in my library of smells for the shit that I’ve been detecting for years.
it’s making me sick.
(and… I’m from the farm so I can tell the difference between pig, cow, and chicken shit, so when I refer to detecting shit, it’s not literal…)
There’s so much to consider: Burnt clutches from 94 wind turbines (they’re starting a second round of builds even though this many were of no fucking use to anyone)? farm chemicals? chemtrails? new millie tarry cockroach (that would be Us) sprays… ???
So when I saw this video with the necessary coverage and attention to radiation monitoring I was impressed. With generous contributions I was able to get a professional grade geiger counter (for aliens, not isotopes - and yes, we’re surrounded by head-hugging, chest-bursting aliens) that I started using ONLY after the Chinese burnt the Canadian forests and a shitshow of raised background radiation became the norm. From what I understand, the background readings can change but it should be in the 20+ counts per minute range for ILL Annoyed. It has been stuck at 38 and into the 40s as background with spikes on random readings all the way up to the 80s. Ten minute averages are considered a better picture however I rely on the mix of both. Since the baseline CPM is too high to begin with and spikes can be in a zone calling for concern then I’m not following any damned textbooks. Because consider this: the decay products could be alpha, beta, or gamma. Either one when inhaled regardless of whether it is constantly irradiating or just given a single burst is inside your most sensitive tissue giving off it’s own mini EMP. So the cells don’t care if there is an average… they only care about now, Now, NOW!!!
We’re breathing this shit in.
I don’t know about you, but in the 1990s you could throw a remedy at a problem and be assured that it would take care of the condition. As time went by there were either diminishing returns or shit wasn’t working anymore.
That is because of the attrition of them hitting us with an unknown agent. We adapt to that assault. But they keep hitting us with more and more unknown agents to the point where we are behind in addressing the last things that they hit us with so that by the time we catch up to what they did to us 5 years ago we are 5 years behing the 8-ball on all of the new uknowns that are tearing us apart.
A little bit of confusion can be introduced out here in the rural cuntree where Dust Is King. It’s farmland. There’s always dust. But after harvest and several rains I would go outside at midnight with a powerful flashlight to dump the compost and the air would bristle with sparkles JUST LIKE IN THE VIDEO!
Often I would come in feeling unwell after having just been out long enough to walk to the pile then back inside where air cleaners are always running.
It’s my duty to let you know that you an yourine’s bein’ poisin’d, but I have no knowledge or ability to help anyone out because that pixie dust needs to be collected and analyzed by someone who isn’t a clandestine service operator. We need particulate analysis, chemical analysis, and radiation readings.
Current CPM inside the house is 42.4 that is too high with an HEPA air filter 3 feet away. Can’t go outside today/night (insomnia) because its raining and the detectors - like cats and Pat - don’t like to get wet.
This is where a cockbitingdumbassmotherfuckingsonofabitch would say something really stupid like:
Stay safe….
Howthefuck can you Stay Safe when whore-mongers are raining deth upon us?
Isn't it interesting that way back when, all these farm animals were being cored out .... My guess is they (black op projects) were testing for an accurate radiation living tissues.
I was just telling Nuno last week that we have white out conditions here with 10 ft visibility in front of your face. When the air is that dense, it's like trying to breathe in a terrarium of who knows wtf. This is not lke morning fog that burns off the corn fields as the day moves on.
On a side note ... I remember back in the day....we used to see vehicles drive by with actual exhaust or condensation in the cold .... now it must all blend in, or the exhaust blends in with the "atmosphere" cuz I don't think they made anything cleaner with DOT smog regulations... just more restrictions & restrictor plate kill joys. Nothing is allowed to benefit US.
I sent this out to friends and got a reply from Arlene who lives outside Charlotte on Lake Norman...
Arlene’s reply, “We've had terrible fog on Sunday and now today! Can’t see a thing across the lake WTH??”
It’s everywhere and the mind numbed, “Yaaaay, Trump won group or the “Biden’s economy was the best in history crowd” can’t see the forest for the fog!
At this point I’m starting to believe that the rat race is far superior to the human race... my heart aches for the children!