I just realized Frans art book I bought at the beginning of the summer, per your post never arrived. the purchase which I thought I was forced to make through google pay on the lulu site. I mentioned this in the comments of that post...

while reading this post, it really got me wondering when you said:

"This connection between UV radiation, microbes, and host defense via Vitamin D cannot be ignored. Keeping in mind that what comes out of a bottle is NOT vitamin D, but the precursors (if at all present or possible to be formed) in the body ACTIVATED BY SUNLIGHT are the only and true Vitamin D, so the most advanced thinkers out there have to keep in mind that artificial supplementation and host-created molecules may be totally and maybe purposely mis-represented in the literature."

Anyway, very thought provoking post, as usual, they all are... So, I wonder do you know about agent131711? He has done some posts on vitamins and supplements calling them all out as poison. He also did an interesting post on Cheese and using synthetic or lab grown molds.

a quote from that article;

"The moment I saw vegetables can be used as an alternative to make cheese, I immediately thought of my post WTF! How Vitamins are Made: It’s Not What You Think, and sure enough, this Vegetable Rennet cheese stuff is made in the same way these supplements are made.

What they’re doing to make this supposed Vegetable Rennet is not even using actual vegetables! They’re using the Vitamin process: microbial fermentation which means GMO mold. This means most of the cheese with the label ‘vegetable rennet’ isn’t even real vegetable rennet. Instead it's microbial rennet, made from GMO mold. "


2 other posts of his stand out

Vitamins are viruses:


Vitamin D is rat poison


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By all means contact Lulu and let them know that the book is missing.

If you run into ANY resistance I will get involved.

One of our people had their ORDER rejected because the shipping address was Israel when the person ordering lives in Portugal.

I think either the A.I. is messing with EVERYTHING or there is a chaos bug in all software everywhere.

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I am aware of the Agent series.

Connection Machine and I did a large amount of work on the dichotomy of vitamins some of which were taken down the very next day.


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ok the bottomless pit just got deeper. LOL.

I suppose the answers are NOT in that playlist?

What about this gmo'd microbes that they are using for rennet? Don't we find microbes in all our troubles?

I think you did talk about vit C in the Legacy book, of which boggled my mind...mitochondrial damage from vaccines at birth. gut biome too!

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This is kind of amusing in that I was pushing my Rise and Fall series of books.

Kingdom Plantae goes over the OLD practice of putting genes into plants to make:





some corn grown in greenhouses had pollen with genes that would make seed that had something analogous to human sperm (thus an antigen that would cause auto-immune sterility) that just happened to 'escape' the greenhouse....

so the Rennet = an enzyme that was put into plants by top Sorcerers to force the plant to make an ANIMAL molecule that could be harvested and extracted from the biomass. It is similar to the 5 story high stainless steel bioreactors that use microbes to make subtances grafted into them.

Microbes are currently at the foundation of the food chain that give us grief but since information and Nature have been manipulated for so long it is impossible to say if it has always been that way.

I had a booklet that I was going to produce called:

Vitamin C: the world's favorite Pesticide.

In the plant ascorbic acid was supposed to be an chemical that fended off insect attack. That mammals either make it or require outside sources of it aside, the fact remains that it was originally part of plant defense.

I get a kick out of all of these absurdities.

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the complexity of the Hue-man avatar...and they say this is all an illusion.

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Aug 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

Comment on missing/never arrived Fran Art book, will let you know when/if Assaulted and Same Pig arrive. Found out Lulu ceo Robert Young also owns Surge FC Canadian Premier League and Hamilton Tiger-Cats of Canadian Football League. The yahood's loveth to give the goy sportball distractions, ol bread and circus of the RA men's. Nothing you can do, they own it all.

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same pig --- different lipstick...

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Aug 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I wanted to send greetings to the author from Norway. Patrick, I bought three of your books recently and they arrived with no issues. They didn't make a difference in this country, which behaves like the lap cat of that evil guy in James bond movies. Your language inspired me to write a novel where they try to kill say tan unsuccessfully and everyone dies in the end. I still have a book left to read, and when I am done I'll ask you to advise me on who to read next! Keep up the good work! Thank you!

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Hyggelig å møte deg.

I'm glad that the unsocial discredit did not follow you to Norge.

LOVE the lap-cat analogy. But when I first read it without finishing the sentence at Bond, the first thing I thought of is Austin Powers which has the same sick non-humerous but still thinks their funny air to it that this current psychocircus puts off.

I'm glad your novel had a happy ending.

If you are serious about having it printed then you can consider Lulu because their process is pretty straight forward, then you too could rest in the knowledge that very few people will ever see your work because... well... guilt by association: You messaged bad old me!

You might get special dispensation since Say Tan does win in the end. Those Say Tannists have got to like that one.

Always feel free to email me:


and let me know what you have read, what you want to know and then we'll close our eyes, spin around in a circle until we're dizzy and hope we fall on a title that you don't already have.


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Aug 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

This is all recollection of conversational memories from long ago so I don't have any references or cited passages to offer you but my college roommate was a veterinarian medicine and I used to help her with her flashcards and my recollection was borellia is both visible in darkfield and all visible light spectrum microscopes including quarts halogen LED etc. it can be stained easily with multiple types of stains but is not required. The gold standard is a skin culture what is a delicate process because they're highly susceptible to oxygen.

It's not very distinguishable between oral spirochetes and syphilis but it is faster and more agile and seemingly more elegantly coordinated they move more like snakes rather than sporadic and they also will synchronize with one another when school together like fish using electrical impulse detection

My recollection was just like with TSH T3 T4 and reverse T3 there is a complicated step of conversion for vitamin d whether it is absorbed through receptors in the skin from sun or manufactured from cholesterol from the liver or processed from food. There were many pathogens and viruses that had the ability to interfere with the conversion of vitamin d125 and d 25 which is some sort of feedback loop. The pathogens interfere with the interpretation of levels needed to activate macrophages this has been known for decades according to the literature I saw it in and is similar to the strategy that viruses use it to inactivate gcmaf.

I don't remember which one is which but it basically tells the body you're high and one and low in the other even though you're not this causes the macrophages to stay in dormancy or standby.

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Excellent. References not needed. Basic concepts get us to the high science.

Isn't it interesting that a bunch of doctors were suicided over bringing GCMAF into popular conversation?

Messin' wit dah pet bugg.

What kind of insidious hideous world do we exist in where an invader can shut off the defender of the castle?

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Aug 28Liked by Patrick Jordan

I took gcmaf years ago in a topical solution and it was definitely powerful stuff the problem was my pathogen load was way too high so at the time it ramped up my immune system far beyond what I could handle and I couldn't tell if it was going into autoimmune it probably works wonders but I've been too scared of it since. I ran a low-grade fever each day for several days so it definitely kick-started something

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