Epic post, Sun Tzu and Epicuris approve.

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Jan 11
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I could use a few of those.

Where do I sign up?

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Gotta let this one marinate a bit, eh.

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Like when you marinate in your igloos, do you use beer? or Sherry? I like that old drunk cook who put sherry on everything she made, eh? Can you marinate jelly-filled?

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Of course silly. You marinate it in .......

Jelly! 😜

I like to marinate in a nice warm sortilege 🤤.

But seriously, I do not partake. Quit about 20 some odd years ago. Nasty poison. ☣️

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marmelade marinade.

Ok, so like we could fill a bathtub full of grape jam, eh?

I wouldn't want to jump in though incase the surface tension was so high that we'd like bounce off, eh? and stick on the ceiling.

I don't know about you Great White Northers.

had to look up Sortilege:

sortilege /sôr′tl-ĭj/


1. The act or practice of foretelling the future by drawing lots.

2. Sorcery; witchcraft.

3. The act or practice of drawing lots; divination by drawing lots.

Soaking in Sorcery sounds worse than jelly.

But like I think there's two internets? One is for GWN and the other is for like everyone else.

"Sortilege is a brand of whisky that blends Canadian whisky with Quebec maple syrup, creating a unique and authentic flavour. Discover the different varieties of Sortilege, such as Original, Cream, Blueberry, Apple, Prestige and Rye, and their cocktail recipes."

Hard syrup, eh? Never new it existed. Wouldn't be able to get me out of the Sugar Shack. Beauty!

I'll joke about anything, but I only use alcohol to sterilize what baking soda and vinegar is not best on.

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You are such a fart smeller, erm .... Smart feller Patrick! 🌹🤣

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Spell check go it right the first time.

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Getting back to the original definitions though. I had no idea. That's wild.

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Jan 11Edited

I think we should build and ASHRAM in honor of STICKMAN where pilgrims could go to learn the TRUTH! I am good with my hands. I can chisel the stones! Life is suffering anyway, so I might as well be doing some good while enduring the pain of smashed/bruised knuckles and seering pain of bleeding blisters on my hands! AAUUHMMM!

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Or... we can just say: Fuck It! and hang out under a tree not having expended any energy and just sip a favored beverage.

Mine is maple syrup and lemon juice. Sometimes with some concord grape mixed in.

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Maple syrup and lemon juice with a dram of concord grape is good!

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Open the Dram Gates!

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Jan 11Edited

DR[E]AM GATES like in - we got drunk on the concoction we drank as it was fermented? I hate the feeling of nausea due to ethanol poisoning!!!

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Well... there's your problem?

You shouldn't be drinking gasoline!

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Jan 12Edited

I need it to run my high rev engine. It's made in Europe.

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Sortilege, anyone? 🤣🤣

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Cancel thy state farm insurance since they dropped the policy of the slaves of hell i fornia.

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Cancel Culture.

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When they call to drop thee, ye know the fire is nigh, even at the door.

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Insurance is mandated by the state, but the state funny farm provideth not.

Shoulds't there not be a sore punishment meted out on those who whislt not play? Perchance could it be that Surety companies doth runneth the state and runneth roughshod over all of the inhabitants thereof?

What of the Aunty Fah? Where beeth those who say they against corpse whore it control over the Govern Mente but do nothing but rousing of the rabble when the Fah Schists are stoning the rank and defiled?

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Another stacker sayeth Churchill sent covertly young men and women into Fah Schist occupied Yu rope to set ablaze.

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You realize you are forcing me to Stack on this topic?

One Branch of Faz Schism was - are you ready for this? - doing a HOSTILE TAKEOVER of ANOTHER COMPANY !!!!

This is why I don't tolerate the 'communintarian' or other labels that serve to subgroup subgroups.

Cap Eye Tall Jism **IS** Fash Jism.

Same pig - different lipstick.

For any cockhead that doesn't believe me, it's proof that they NEVER READ THE CONSTIPATION:


A Head of the Cock might even dare to say that what the 'means' is that government controls business.

This is the same lameass argument that the Federal Reserve is a 'private' bank that doesn't answer to the government, when IT WAS CHARTERED BY THE SAME SANHEDRIN, and it IS AUDITED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT


The Board of The Temple is made up of ALL of the Captains of Industry.

All of these penile-ripping undeniable facts but then the average ape will quote Harm Shell Red Shield that he doan care who be runnin' da gubbmit long as he gots dah cash in he hands.

What dat be-side Fat Schism? bro.

Interlocking and inseparable.

So, you CAN'T label any part of it one thing, then jump to a different label for another part. It's all the same Manitoba Snake Pit and its not just the snakes being copulated.

The only difference between So Shall Lists and Commune Nists is a few alphabeticals AND NOTHING ELSE.

Sew I will complete the circle of continuum with:

Governmente MANDATES insurance. Insurance companies pulled out like sloppy birth control. Churchill's Covert Coven comes into to Light Thy Fire, Baby. No government action against those who rayped and pulled out.


Case closed by the Circus Fat Lady sitting on the luggage.


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state farm did this? good to know.

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Excellent Patrick, Lots to think about.

I'm stepping back to determine, ...

WHO are the prisoners? Those that will do ANYTHING to do a Jailbreak. &

WHO are the slaves? Stockholm syndrome mentality that will rat out the Jailbreaker .. Perspective is everything IF you live a lie, in a delusion.

Perception may be the ONLY thing that we can change with THOUGHT in this construct.

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I'm afraid I know you too well:

IF you are too young to not have seen The Prisoner then me jumping to the episode Checkmate where he explored who were the prisoners and who were the warders will upset your need to bingewatch (and take notes!) the entire series.

Here is the first episode to set it up for you.


but here is episode #4 that is EXACTLY what you are talking about.


supposedly this is the complete playlist


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Cool Pat, Thanx!

I never saw this show the Prisoner. I'm watching a dumb movie right now....Savage Planet (2007) I'm only 10 minutes in ...

I just clinked on the "playlist" link you supplied...It a bunch of 1 minute clips .... That's ok, I'll watch the 1st & fourth :)

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I try to avoid giving traffic to Eew Toob but supposedly the entire first series is for free on that channel.


Hope that helps

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Oh Wow ... cool. Thanx :)

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good question, I know you want out, as I do, but we are still here. Can we even do anything if our life is scripted? I've said to Patrick that we can't even commit suicide until the programmer says it's our time.

Perspective is everything, and that is WHY I say that none of us have a clear perspective because the controllers tell us what is true and what is not true.

So how do we change our perception if even the thought to change is it is part of our script?

So then I ask who is it that asks if I can change my perspective? who is it that is observing this hell hole and wants to make a change, wants to break free?

who is it that is AWARE of the CON of Sciousness... LOL

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Haha, We live in a whirled that is near impossible to die/escape from(we get sooo close)...yet were born into entrpy & we degrade daily .... It's a fucking mystery girl!

I TRIED a thought experiment today....Fake it til I make it. I TRIED to trick myself into WANTING to be here in this experience. I put on my most favorite of Satanic bands , Lit an awesome Vanilla bean bees wax candle ...Made myself a nice hot mug of Vanilla Chai tea.

I was doing goodish with the experiment.Perception was pretty positive. Then I set my mug down ... It shattered into pieces ....hot Chia all over my water bill. So WHAT TF is the universe observer or AWARENESS trying to tell me? Don't pay my water bill AGAIN? OR I had no right to forsake my coffee brew for chia tea?

I totally broke pattern & got SCREWED. My perspective went to shit & I damned it all to hell ... so just another day.

In this case, the controllers had nothing to do with my perception. I wasnt gonna pay the H2O bill anyways cuz I'm still pissed off about my water ..... It's just the POINT.

So I WANTED to change my perception...But ultimately COULD NOT. THAT is the type of bullshittery that chaps my ass.

So WHAT default program was running to cause this series of events? See? Goes back to the SIM program...what stars are lined up? MARS ...were in the house of MARS...

The WARing with life planet. Fixed calendar. I see. The SCRIPT is IN PLAY!

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There are times when the Laws of Fizz Sicks are suspended and shit happens that cannot happen and leads to a mess on the floor or something more dire. I scream at the top of my lungs.

Nice One.


I hope everyone had a good laugh!

As if we are being watched and rated by an audience.

That is a theme for Satellite 5 that showed up in two differen episodes of Dr. Who where aliens were placing humans in situations where they played games for lethal stakes simply for TV ratings.

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Hey man! Nice shot! Man I miss the 90's! Inever saw Dr, Who either! What kind of childhood did I have??Lol Probabaly one that got a LOT of laughs from the cosmos!

I just found it ironic that the ONE day I TRY to actively change my attitude ...LIFE interfered. It wasn't a big deal... nothing to even bitch about...but it's the mere fact that I felt like I was being fukked with.

Game on assholes...I'm about ready to go into dreamscape!

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They definitely don't like us going off script.

I'm a dog-person, but the Cat in me says to piss the couch, crap on the fuzzy throw right in front of the toilet, vomit a hairball in the coffee filter and shed all over the pillow. Tell me what you DON'T want and I'm there!

Merry Dreammass.

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Hahahaha !! 😂

I'm gonna go passout & ponder your future stack.... cuz I just read your future reply to me & this is an attn to detail situation that I'm fading to quickly to address ....

nite nite :)

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JM wasn't even TRYING to check out yet they still wouldn't let her check out.

You can check out any time you like - but you can never leaf....

I would like to know if anyone else is getting what I call cross-over/crosstalk.

On phone circuit when they used to be made of copper wire you could hear interference or full conversations if bare wire touched bare wire.

Within the world of this waking 'reality' does anyone have any crossover to their dreams/nightmares and any daydream fantasies that they might be lucidly forming on purpose.

The ultimate inquiry being: Just what the hell is: Reality/Present/Waking State?

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This is stack worthy content if you can make all the connections. I have no clue how all this works.

I DO know that I dream of DEAD people all the time.(PartyLine to the other realm?) I did it again last night.

My H-USB-port ... died in 2018 ... plugged into my (WIFI?) dreamscape AGAIN.

This one made no logical sense ... there was a rainstorm/tornado & My Coffee maker was on the outside bar & we had to rescue it & get it inside. We did, & then it flashed to a bed with 4 people sleeping ... I knew who they were & then I woke up.

I saw, could see thru my eyes of wrapping my arms around the coffee maker... but I didn't consciously look for my hands ...I TRY to remember to do that cuz sometimes I don't have proper hands.

writing is NEVER flat. It's always 3d & looks like it's written in blue opalescent nail polish. It's not quite readable, yet I KNOW what it says.

Dreams do NOT tend to bleed into my reality as actions taken. I also NEVER die in my dreamscape. AND I can always walk/run good. No pain ...It's the main reason I Love to sleep.

I don't daydream that I'm aware of. .. But I do have intrusive thoughts.

This probably didn't help at all ... but it's all I got atm.

I feel that REALITY is nothing but a dream with this pesky sensor pack on us that makes us FEEL pain.

I think I told you before of childhood dreams (8yrs oldish) where beings were trying to educate me about turning little boys into little girls. ... Now all that is happening IRL.

On a separate occasion, they also shoved something up my nose & pulled a long purple thing out. My little kid brain couldn't eat chicken after that cuz chicken legs have little purple veins that when you pull them, they snap back.

These examples are not like typical dreams tho ...It was like a whole different experience.

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we're in The Zone with what you are sharing.

I've had multiple head injuries without loss of grey matter (that we know of...) so along with lyzdexia it makes me wonder if the architectural shake & bake might have something to do with extra-sensory perception. This is why I axe such kewshuns.

I've had dreams so real that I came downstairs talking about the content as if it just happened.

I've had dreams so disturbing that they rival 'real life' for the horror of it all.

That's the most disturbing part where you can't tell if you are 'just' having a bad dream or if you really are in Palestine...

But then that is the heart of the Buy Bull isn't it? The patriarchs 'had a dream' and the next thing you know they're following the voices in their heads and entire nations have been deleted and defragged.

Sometimes in dreams you try to do one simple function but after a half an hour of the same attempt it never gets done, while in real life you can plug something into your laptop without looking at it despite the physical probability of that or a cross-court basketball dunk are equally impossible.

Something is wrong and 'averaged' in what is called Reality. It has rules and hard roads that resist impact but then fudges everything else.

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OMdog! I JUST had a thought! I purposefully EAT doof before I go to bed. It gives me the best possible outcome for dreamscape. Nightshades are the best poison for this & tomato paste or jalepenos.

What IF I am just feeding the bugs & they are releasing some sort of toxin that signals the brain to crank out hallucinations while we sleep. ??

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Gurlfren's in da zone.

This idea was rejected by the people that I put it to, however someone like The Health Ranger with his oft-bragged about chromatograph could settle this and the snake venom in the water supply question in a moment.

Nightshades used as doof contain solanine and analogy of atropine which is a nerve sedative. Nerve ghass is an excitant like nicotine, and caffiene. It just rattles the nerves until they give up. Sol Diers are given a Sir Ringe of atropine to jab in their leg if they ever get a whiff of Silent Butt Deadley agent because it slows down the nerves.

What no one talks about is that Belladonna/Henbane and a host of other Nightshades have the Dayte Raype substance in it: Scopolamine.

If tomatoes and potatoes and peppers - OH MY! are in the same family then WHY hasn't ANYONE ever scoped them out for Scopolamine?

Maybe because in north america no one can conceive (babies either) of the idea of ANYTHING considered Doof to NOT have tomatoes in/on them.

Maybe like my Nitrogen Narcosis theory, EVERY ASPECT of 'life' on this planet is one giant hallucinogenic fucking!!


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When i was little I thought all my family was robots....and that I couldnt let them know I know...I have really weird dreams too one a few years ago bout something opening up in the sky and I was so scared. Knew it was bad and felt like something had been rayped stolen from me as I woke up I saw image of bitten apple and got the message it was all just an illusion. Also I think it strange we remember some dreams from years ago or little but some we forget upon waking even if we try remember!

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I think that when we are little, we are more plugged in & less poisoned. Well, our generation anyways.

Illusion is a great word for hallucination :)

I often have dreams in series thuout the night as a wake up & fall back asleep. It's so wild. ...Those are the ones that I remember the easiest.

Edit, I glossed over the part where you thought your whole family was robots!

Damn girl! You are TUNED IN!

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Wow yeah that makes sense about when we little Jeanette! And yes you so on it illusion is good word for hallucination

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I had a dream that the blue sky was ripped open by something bigger than the planet that had moth-like compound eyes but grabbers like a preying mantis and stingers like scorpions and it started to wipe out humans with the first to go being the ones on the catwalk about 3/4ths the way up on the dome that was now torn open like a piece of blue paper.

It was a completion of the 1950s notion of aliens being Bug-Eyed-Monsters.

The feeling of doom and extinction were real so this was not an entertaining show. It's hard to dodge a stinger the size of the Sears Tower.

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Pat- thanks for continually reminding us we're living in a slave hell. You can't guess who told us this in the mid 1800's. Karl Marx - but he has been so demonized by oligarchs and hit men paid by oligarchs that we really don't know who he really was and what he meant in his writings. More on this in due course. Nothing in this world operates the way we think it does and there is always more to the story than is told.

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I always feel like Linda Blair whenever you post something. So I will await the Tilt O Whirl headspin with my emesis bag in hand.

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The Gubbmint Gibbs, and the Gubbmint Takis (w/Blue Heat) The 🐝 Gees US away.

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I never et a Takis, butt... the coin inside dents of new flavor names, of Big Phood products, seem eye ronny Cali synonymous with nature oil events? 🤔

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How do you know you lack sufficient power/force for godhood?

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Because we're having this conversation...

Ask 100 people what any word means and you will get 1013 answers.

This is why I started redefining things specific to me:

"God is that which is more powerful than me right now."

IF I had the power the Universe itself would not exist.

We speak, therefore I AM KNOT.

Having studied the ancient martial arts, before the magnetic field of the plane-it was altered, humans were able to do MIRACLES. Dumbing down, harming brains, destroying memory and physically altering our bodies took away specific functions like us being able to generate 600 V like an electric eel.

THEY did that because they FEARED (past tense) us due to what we could have done.

That threat has been neutralized so they just pick us off one-by-one with diseases or en masse with whars.

If I had The Power there would be no rhetoric or warning, THEY would wink out.

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I dont think you can have a one-sided coin. The existence of good necessitates the existence of evil. Life is supposed to struggle, and what better struggle than the eternal war between good and evil? A warrior without an enemy to fight is a warrior without meaning. Humans were always able to do miracles, they still can. However, humans, in the plural. Think about how airplanes fly. Can you think of an experiment to prove or disprove that flight was impossible for so long, simply because the masses did not believe in it, and then the industrial revolution opened up the possibility in their mind, and the universe created the physics needed to make it so?

A herd of peoples belief trumps your individual belief to remove the powers that are, but should not be. That simple, in my opinion. Now you understand the significance of the demoralization flowing from every nook and cranny.

The only way i could decide someone lacks the power to be a god, is to meet a god and compare. Otherwise, you just cant know for sure. You can heal with your hands right now just by touch, how about that being a godlike power.

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Fabulous Stack My Friend!!! ART MADE WITH WORDS!!!

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well I'm coming in very late on this conversation. I predicted my comment would get a rise out of you, I felt the sense I was stepping into the snake pit... but something made me post it anyway.. lol yea, forced to play my part. and then when you didn't say ANYTHING, I wondered what was coming.

I never got a notice of this post. But I haven't been getting notices of your posts for a while. I have to come to your stack and look.

my focus is on what consciousness is, what thought is. I do think we are in a simulation that Holographic principle does a good job explaining. Recently I found this pdf which I found interesting and one of the better papers on explaining the holographic nature of reality.


So do you think this reality is an illusion, do you think that when we get down to looking at the tiniest particles that make up this reality, they are telling us the truth, that it all disappears? Or do you think that is part of the script? Which brings me to my saying; "The CON of sciousness." This CON that we beLIEve we are THINKING for ourselves. the con that we THINK our intelligence is OUR OWN, that OUR KNOWING of who we are is our OWN consciousness.

I think consciousness which they say is Energy, and they say is MIND.. is INFORMATION. that makes sense to me, since I think we are in some kind of virtual simulation. Of course everything is consciousness, because it is ALL just information, including our own bodies... these avatars.

I too have certainly contemplated that Our thoughts are not our own and that our entire existence is scripted, We have Logan from DECODE YOUR REALITY who has spent the last 4 years posting his research on this.

this video really goes into detail about this hell hole we are in


If our lives are scripted and we are forced to play our parts, than who is it that is fighting that and looking for a better way? Who is it that is objecting? Who is it that wants to change things here?

If you are playing the script that you have to destroy hell, and end this game, but know that it is a script, then why fall for the script? What is the point of your Character now that you figured that out? Why hasn't the script written you out?

Does it want you to try and succeed? Does it want to just make you suffer even more? Do you have a choice to just stop playing your character?

What is death? do we really get out of hell upon death? Who is it that wants to get out of here? Who is it that is thinking and observing behind the Character that is forced to play out the script?

why do you call this place hell? I mean, can't we come up with what it really is, and not use a term related to the religions that are responsible for such deep conditioning and programming? Just some thoughts tonight..

Honestly I still have to fully read the post. so much was said.

As you know, from one of my early posts that the Suffering in this world is a dead give away to me that something went terribly wrong in this CREATION. I contemplate all the time why a Creator would make us all eat each other and parasite off each other to stay alive. I contemplate why a Creator who is capable of making such beauty as I do see in Nature, and then destroy it with such horrific pain and suffering.... never ending suffering.

You sell me short sometimes in these posts when you call me out. For the most part we are on the same page. I have experienced pain that no one should have to.. (we all have) We live in a world ruled not be life but by how deadly we can make it.

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Just so you and everyone else knows, one of the things that The Beast computer was tasked with in the 1970s was the ability take the psyche profiles of people, then predict scenarios that would cause one or more of them to behave in a desired outcome. The machine could even pit friends and family against each other.

I didn't remove you from a notification list and I also posted under your original comment that I was going to stack on it so that there would be no surprises, but SURPRISE! SURPRISE! the malicious child that is the A.I. likes to mess with us just to see what is going to happen.

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speaking of how the AI is messing with us... this just in


Who the fuck is this Supreme creator that I volunteered to come in to its game and be its pawn, hockey puck, victim, POS. See this is one more example of how deep the mind games go to make us give up our power.. to control our thoughts and our beliefs

second edit... I keep thinking of things... IN his explanation of life and our choice to be here. We willingly chose to play a Character and script written by this Supreme creator... For me this is the trap.

We are not this Character stuck in this programmed and scripted Avatar, they want us to SOOO BADLY believe this...

We are Whatever it is that is observing this. THAT scene from clock work orange


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You just triggered a thought when you said "psyche profiles" . Do You remember when they used to come & pull you out of grade school & show you ink blot pictures? Do You remember the hearing test with LOUD squelching that they administered AFTER showing the ink blots? Do You recall that after the "hearing test"... none of the inkblots appeared as they looked before the squelching?

I'm wondering if these squelching noises or false tinnitus are scrambling our brains to NOT see what's REALLY there or visa versa.

Edit... Could this relate toThose that SEE chemtrails & those that don't??

Those that see apparitions, those that don't? ETC. etc. etc.

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We need to take this particular comment and collect all of your questions. Put them in a heirarchy, flow chart form so that the most important one that informs the next one will be first and give the bunch of us a place to fill in answers or guesses.

I don't want you to feel like you are being slighted by any of this because we are working towards the same goal with different experiences and perceptions and personal attitudes.

Being male and aggressive I see everything as a threat that has to be neutralized so that attitude comes out in my treatment of the topic.

One thing that we all will need a firm description of is precisely what you mean by Not Playing. The Taoist "Do Nothing" approach towards life still carries the avatar along even though there is no active input but the gameplay still exerts itself around and on the character. I read JM's comment abour her self-destructing coffee cup and my experience is similar that even without active input the game will piss with you as if it is trying to get a rise out of us to please the viewing audience.

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I agree with your interpretation of the agent John Lennon’s song Imagine. But what I see, is the take over of something that is very valuable to us as Humans.. Our ability to Imagine. To me there is something to it.

So the big question is is OUR IMAGINATION our OWN or is it the work of a script.

The monarch butterfly to me was a beautiful mysterious creature, who actually is transformed from a slithering worm like creature to one that could fly. the life of a Monarch butterfly is carried out in 4 generations, which includes tremendous feat of traveling thousands of miles, in which four generations carry this destiny out.

Then the evil entities who rule here used this word Monarch to claim ownership of all the land and Authority over all the people and animals, all life! Their rule led them to cause horrific suffering in order to condition our minds and re write how our minds actually work. THEY KNOW the power of thought, and so they have been on a quest to conquer our minds and completely control them, through Monarch mind control techniques. You must realize, that to answer you I will need the space of a stack.. am I up for it…well, while you were over here writing, I was on my own talking about what this reality is, and how our imagination works, and asking WHAT is REAL ID.. it is the attempt to totally capture what makes us human…. So I ask, WHO ARE YOU what is your real Identification… We are on the same page Patrick.

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maybe you do not understand my questions... WHO IS PLAYING in the first place?

And who is observing the Player? ALL my writing and contemplating of reality asks these most important questions.

Who is in control? If you are playing a part as a character and you are following a script, perhaps the script is telling you to give up and not play. Do you have a choice in how you carry out your life in the first place? Do you have a choice about your pursuits in this life?

I addressed these questions in my post "A TRAIN OF THOUGHT" My theory about this reality contemplates the idea that we are here playing a Character, and following a script, but who we really are is Observing this reality and watching the Character play. The analogy would be going to the movie theater and watching an Actor in the film and getting so immersed in the film that you think you are the actor and you forget that you are only observing a play.

As I've mentioned in another comment here, I think our imagination is very important here, because it is what is being attacked and controlled by those who RULE in this REALM. To me Imagination is our greatest tool... and YES it does require action to carry out the thoughts.

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Let's work on a KaraWorld Glossary.

We will start with the word;

WHO. Who am I?

a) me in physical form?

b) me in psychic manifestation only?

c) Consciousness (needs its own KaraWord definition)

d) Awareness (same need)

e) Perception (same need)

f) Sensation, physical

g) Sensation, digital

h) Player outside of game.

i) Player inside of game.

j) Grand observer thinking that they are either a player (theme of Total Recal movie) inside the game bur removed from it, or just the prime iteration of the fractal....

etc., etc., etc.

It's a daunting task but until these are answered we're just chasing our tails on fire.

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I've answered them on my stack ,or more accurately I've addressed them.. Seems though your abc's tell me you know what I am pointing to.. So since you know what I am pointing to why don't you go ahead and tell me WHO YOU ARE? are you in control of YOU, whoever you are? do you have free will? are you choosing your life and experience? Are your thoughts your own? Are you conditioned by your experiences?

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Bodhi Dharma the Indian Monk who brought Buddhism and martial arts to Xiaolin was in the court of the Emperor of China. The emperor was bragging about how he built beautiful buddhist temples and listed his other accomplishments. Da Mo was looking around distracted and bored and then he yawned. The Emperor in rage shouted: "Who do you think you are?" Da Mo replied, "I don't know."

That's the most honest damned reply I've ever heard.

To answer your question directly:

I AM the Anti-A.I.


Whatever Power there is - I oppose it.

Beyond that I have no answer. It is not a name, it is not a pronoun, it is a state of being like Matter/Anti-Matter; Proton/Electron; Electron/Positron; Waveform/180-degree out of phase cancellation.

Obviously I am not in control of anything evidenced by us being here in this incarnation of madness and us being here in this forum talking it out. Evidenced by us BOTH seeking to get our control BACK. Which implies that we have been denuded of that which was part of us.

I have only a level of free will that is exerted to the point where I am able and willing to take the consequences of such actions beneath the level of termination because my goal is to terminate the Other.

I absolutely did not choose Life, My Life, or to 'experience' anything.

We all 'wake up' on the battlefield with amnesia for the event and try to learn the rules before we are Palestined out of existence.

I have no knowledge and have given no consent to being sentenced to an undetermined incarceration in a lunatic assylum where the only escape might be death; although death might be a Moibus loop kiddy-slide right back to the battlefield with amnesia for the event....


My thoughts are my own, but they are influence from outside sources which I have some level of control to detect, interpret, filter and reject. The evidence of this is that I QUESTION THE NARRATIVE. An NPC, a Hive Drone lacks all the capacity to question its programming. We are all conditioned by outside programming but according to Behaviorism any new thing can be learned by constant repetition over the period of two weeks. I have self-control and discipline which are traits the NPCs and HDs do not have so I can modify my behavior despite what was input into me. NPCs and HDs ONLY get their conditioning from outside sources. The evidence of that is that I have established a forum so that others who have been extracted from the HIVE can get to the business of extincting the Hive.


We (collectively) are an anomaly. Mutants. Having arisen, we are being studied because The Hive FEARS EXTINCTION MOST OF ALL.

Therefore, as we explore our own escape and the demise of the Hive, The Hive is formulating countermeasures to that knowledge and potential actions.

We are in a Harms Race against EACH OTHER = Us against The Hive.

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we are in full agreement.

another, who I have been having this conversation with concerning our own thoughts, our creative imagination asked me what is the difference between the avatar and God.

My response,

an avatar is a digitial suit one wears in the virtual world. The avatar is Not who you are. The avatar is not the experiencer, YOU who is observing through the avatar is experiencing. However, my thoughts are that the suit is limited, which can translate into helpless/hindered/not in control/subjected and suffering to the Observer who forgets that he is not the avatar but the observer

so, who is this God that is observing through the avatar? I don't think the observer is GOD, I don't think the observer that is observing through the avatar is god. I don't think that we are the creators of this construct, but I do think we have the power to manipulate this construct through our focused thought..but we must first remember who we are and our true nature.

As humans playing video games, we always know that we are playing a game through an avatar.. we do NOT forget who we are, and we can immerse ourselves in this fantasy world and still know we exist outside of it and we have this identity... but what we are told about true reality is that we are god who forgot who he was and chose to come into a dream world play in order to know himself.

So who is creating what this GOD is supposed to be experiencing?

LIke you Patrick I THINK that I HAVE MY OWN AWARENESS AND MY OWN THOUGHTS... I think the human imagination is important, I think that Opposite day Lennon wants us to subliminally believe that our own thought has no power here.

see the turn everything around. LIke my example of the butterfly. Now when anyone mentions a monarch butterfly we relate it to a horror show. they invert all meanings.

They attempt to control everything about the way we think and perceive.

So I am not the fucking slave who is stockholmed so much as I am the aware prisoner who KNOWS that my thought and my concentration is important. IT is the ONE thing that is continually attacked.

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We are like those flees in the jar that can only jump as high as the LID will allow. Once the lid is removed all flees & future generations of fleas still remain jumping only to the height of the lid.

I would imagine that IF there were any mutant fleas that figured out WTF & left the containment field ... Precautions would be taken to snuff out the aware fleas with chemiculls ... like Raid or chemtrails or Glysofate.

WE are the rogue aware fleas.

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Recently, I came across a guy, who the claims are was able to generate and re-generate his own organs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gNz5J5IEbs Arkady Petrov in the film " the mind conquers death" ENG /английская версия. Supposedly his know-how was acknowledged in the court so he started spreading it. But was it before or after magnetic field change? The earliest video I was able to find goes to 2013. It appears now that any of his teachings or videos I was able to get access to are all harm-moon-iced with cabal-a-i that we can access as soon as we go into trance new world but in heavily guarded way. So what is going on here?

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I do like topics such as these, if for no other reason that they provide me with a snapshot into modern thinking, and its blind spots, so thanks you two for wading into these waters.

It seems in a sense you two are talking about two very different approaches. Karafree, I believe, is talking from a perspective that the reality is the dreamer, and you, Mr J, seem to be suggesting reality is the perception.

I understand both approaches have strong support systems, and large camps of adherents. This is most likely the case because we can observe and participate in both. So, here is the question: Are both perspectives truly in opposition?

Deja Vu for example is a recognized phenomenon. Everyone doesn't experience it, but enough people do that the term has entered our venacular. I'm not going to analyze the experience itself, other than to say that recognition of it is a feature of philosophy and psychology, so its definitely mainstream.

Using the idea that reality is the dreamer, Deja Vu is an internal memory event. Using the perceptual model, Deja Vu is the result of an event that happened.

Honestly, the most important ingredient is awareness. An aspect of awareness is memory. No one has proven or even has a working theory regarding awareness. No one can point to anything in the sciences, or the control complex of abrahamic religion that explains awareness. Thus it cannot be dismissed as transcendent.

Ultimately what this means for either camp is that neither is discussing reality, rather a point of view on experience. This has all kinds of implications, but at the very least we can conclude that the abrahamics got it wrong as usual, suffering isn't eternal, its derivative.

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A view from The Bridge.

Outside The Fishbowl.

For sometime I have been wanting to come up with codified meanings of words that we share as english speakers but might not use with common definitions in our minds given the blatant fact that THEY created copyrighted works that include words and their supposed meanings. So, one in our group might hold to Webster while another might have adopted what they infer it to be, while I might go completely off the reservation with no feathers left. Despite the fact that Law Dictionaries have words with 7 different defintions that are either polar opposites or are contrary to the notion of the other definitions.

No one can operate in that level of chaos.

So, please define key words by what they mean to you because your view of the difference in perspective between Kara and me, added to your input will help us triangulate a more detailed examination of the Cube/Puzzle/Trap we are in.

I'm SURE I got a hold of the elephant tail just from the smell of it.

Sometimes when I'm in the kitchen so busy I can't stop what I'm physically doing, I'll be rehearsing a Stack in my mind and regret that I can't even write down concepts to fix the memory.

Creepily, one of the notes I would have written was going to be a joke about Harry Kari's "It's like Deja Vu all over again." and here you are: invoking that very topic!

Where's that flashlight? I think I spilled the Valium on the carpet.

As we work collectively on this problem then questions like: Is memory protected? or like in modern machines what used to be sacred and untouchable: EPROM is now regular BIOS 'updates' that can ruin machines?

Clandestine Services love false memories from the Man Duller Effect to thinking you were abducted by aliens when you were just strapped to a cross as a newborn, cold, and under lights, while masked maniacs circumcised you. So, how many memories are 'ours' and how many were implanted?

I have said for decades that Memory Is a Survival Trait.

Without it we are just Alzheimer Ghosts.

If you have Stacks on Awareness then post the links here.

The transcendency of Awareness is what Ken Wheeler preaches based on his translations of ancient texts. For balance, I don't take anything at face value just because someone millennia ago said so. I do take everything into consideration.

I feel a Venn Diagram brewing where Reality might be an independent set, or a Master Set of which endless subsets intersect.

Please explain "suffering isn't eternal, its derivative"

I see the words but I don't know your ultimate meaning.

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It is true that specific professions have weaponized language.

It is also true that everyone does not use weaponized language.

I often explain myself in the language of poetry. Poetry is not simple verse, it is a starting point for associations of meanings. If you review my substack, which is easy to do you will see this too is true.

The point I was making after reading the latest post by Karafree, and yours is that you both seem to be looking at different facets of the same quartz crystal, and that there is a unifying principle to both of your arguments. To summarize, whether one is of the opinion that this reality is an internal creation, or an experience we awaken into, you both are actually discussing big "C" consciousness.

It is at this point where the scientific supports you both employ fall apart, because (and I think it is fortunate) science has never arrived at a theory of consciouness. Before we go any further, do not claim that pan-psychism does, because all that theory can ever be is a rip-off of animism.

Deja Vu is a fact of experience. Millions experienced it before the term was coined, and millions more after. At the very least Deja Vu proves consciousness, which is a subset of awareness.

I am no stranger to pain, or suffering, yet even I view this as derivative of the incarnate experience, not as a spiritual condition. We are taught by the big three, Judaism, Christianity, Islam that suffering is eternity. They are wrong.

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