KaraFree did it again. I was going to do a short answer to a comment that she made and the next thing you know it’s unravelling like a coil of cold-rolled steel fallen off the end of a flatbed in 4 lanes of traffic!.
To be clear:
Debate is not an intellectual engagement between thoughtful humans where fluids are required to be poured down sewers and the besmirched grin of the ‘winner’ declares who ‘won’ any given ‘argument’. It is for exploring in a safe, genteel ( TEEL - I said: TEEL !) environment two opposing concepts to bring clarity to each so that the spectator can decide for themselves. There need not be even persuasive arguments. The the Facts may be enough to give insight for someone who has held a particular view to at least see it from the other side if not adopt that view.
Here’s the thing about ‘facts’.
1962 Neil Bartlett made Xenon Platinum Hexafluoride. After decades of believing that these Noble gases were inert it was found that Xenon DiFluoride can be made by putting the mixture in sunlight. Krypton and Xenon were found to form compounds with Fluoride, Nitrogen and Oxygen.
Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Second Edition, Kotz, Purcell, 1991.
We don’t have any facts.
Not even the ape with the Brain The Size of a Planet. I operate from a position of: This is the most logical set of data from which to generate assumptions and formulate plans and countermeasures to unless until that body of data has been revealed to be faulty.
Lather (at the mouth) Rise (if desired) Repeatedly bite until the other side has rabies.
1898 when the Noble gasses were isolated to 1962 is SIXTY-FOUR YEARS of TEACHING something that wasn’t true. The testament to Science (the real stuff not the street-whore variety) is that they adjusted some of the textbooks to catch up to Reality.
Sow, lettuce go to Kara’s Komment that led me to my recent diatribe, which, as I opened with is not directed against our friend but a means to open up a lively discussion on the nature of Nature.
Karafree’s Substack
Well you know I'm a dreamer, and I think we are in a simulation of some kind, I also think that our thoughts and our focus MATTER. What we focus on grows, The current (energy/creative) path we are on can be changed when we stop agreeing to those who control our creative minds. I think those who have been in control are the very agents who KNOW that our Imagination is key in creating what we experience in this world, that is why they make every effort to control our minds, and to keep us in states of Fear
My response:
I know that you're a dreamer, Kara Lennon, but you're not the only one...
John Lennon was on something (so as to not imply he was onto something)
"You may say I'm a dreamer"
Pod Mate in a hallucination within the Matrix.
"But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us"
Hive Collective
"And the world will be as one"
One World Govern Mente.
"Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can"
JFC !!!! 1971 and this clandestine services asset was vomiting the WEF agenda!
“No need for greed or hunger”
How’d that work out for you Johnny? Especially with your wealth?
“A brotherhood of man”
Brotherhood of the Serpent. Man = Servant of a Feudal Lord, so I guess you got the language right.
“Imagine all the people Sharing all the world"
What’s mine is mine and what’s your’n is urine. So stay the hell out of my backyard your beady-little glasses-wearin’ commie freak. Stuff your WEFUN up your assun and get the hell offun this planet!
THERE! I know that *I* feel bettter!
So to the topic of Facts: What we have to define for the sake (saki?) of debate is:
Chemically induced hallucination?
Brain cell on a wheelie cart?
Disembodied spirit trapped in a Aetheric Kurzweil Wet Dream?
I’ll always default to Hell, because whether or not this is Reality or a SIM, Controlled or Chaotically Random, the Construct behaves as the accepted description OF HELL.
So my working definition regardless of any other parameter is: We’re In Hell.
Beyond that: the Fact of the Matter or the Fact of the SIM is open to discussion/debate.
You have no idea how you got there.
You have no idea of where you’re going.
I explored all six of the most important questions that have never been answered in 5784 years on the back cover and inside my book:
Where the Hell am I?
Why am I here?
Who am I?
What am I doing here?
How did I get here?
When will this end?
Until each question have been clearly answered then ALL is speculation by everyone. For any group or individual to claim that have absolute answers to ANY ASPECT of this hellscape is hysterical delusion so those nattering fools are to be ignored and avoided at all costs.
So to bring the sledgehammer down:
I concurr with Kara that no matter what situation we find ourselves that our Reality is being manipulated by forces outside of our CURRENT control.
I have opposed the idea for decades that our thoughts alone can affect the physical universe in any way.
My point being that if THOUGHTS ALONE could change the universe then the universe would have winked-out decades ago and you wouldn’t even have the oprah nudity to thank me because there would have been only nothingness so there would be no body and no memory of existence whatsoever.
So… my default conclusion is that the biggest brain in the world doesn’t have access to control of EITHER a face-hitting-pavement-fucking-hurts REALITY; or a SIM where the program runs independent of the ‘experiencers’.
This is an area where Kara and I have been working to codify just what is meant by Consciousness, Thoughts, and the Program running in the Game Space.
There’s the other hangup that the masses don’t delineate so they are not worthy of claiming that they are having a debate on any topic IF YOU CAN’T EVEN DEFINE THE WORDS USED TO DESCRIBE THAT TOPIC.
I prefer to make up my own words with my own definitions rather than re-tasking copyrighted words GIVEN to us by Magi who use words to cast spells.
God: That which is more powerful than I am at this moment.
So, when I view (without malice) what Kara says:
”I also think that our thoughts and our focus MATTER”
I have a visceral rejection of that from the aspect of a Real Physical world AND a SIM.
As I said: IF thoughts had relevance and the ability to shape the physical world, then us and y’all’s grannies would have been winked out long ago… Butt here we is…
So personal experience demonstrates that it isn’t discipline of mind that shapes reality.
That being said, I am an absolute proponent of: If you invent a sculpture in your head and even draw it on paper, then TAKE THE HAMMER AND CHISEL AND START CARVING WOOD: Then with effort, sweat, maybe a few blisters (unless you have callouses, or, like me, are just calloused) you will be left with a bigass pile of chips and dust and a FINISHED PRODUCT.
NOTHING in a Physical World CAN occur without PHYSICAL EFFORT.
We take that SAME EXPERIENCE that *IF* our thoughts could change a SIMULATED world then:
We haven’t been winked out by a gigantic Pissed Off Brain (that would be me)
Nothing in the Evil of this Hell has ever been dampened or changed by Me OR ANYONE ELSE IN 5784 YEARS.
The last one is the Tell, as they say in card games, that the Game is Rigged. The Outcome is Fixed. IF clicking our Ruby Heels together and thinking there’s no place like Canned Ass, could get us ANYWHERE then all of the good and wholesome and altruistic thoughts of all the world of all time coupled with the GODGETMETHEFUCKOTTAHERE! thoughts of those who have been and are in desperate Straits of Gibber Brawled Turd would have at least put the leopard at bay before it ate the baboon.
This photo bears explanation because it highlights the ENTIRETY of the Fuckedness of Hell not just the Woe Is Me humantitty of ego-centric self-pity.
Siddhartha Guatama said: “All Life is Suffering.”
I like that as a Zen Koan in that you can interpret it
As: All Living Things are in a State of Suffering,
if you skew your eyes the other way the cubes come out the other way as:
All that Life is about is TO SUFFER.
Works for me either way.
This is actually the first time that I have put that clearly into words although I’ve tried to convey that dual entendre of Old Sid for some time now.
Back to the Leopard and Baboon Show.
All ANIMALS are suffering.
That’s kinda sickass; in that the eastern Fill Loss So Fees maintain that we are locked into a cycle of coming back to Hell over and over again as different AVATARS.
So National Geographic documented a leopard hunting a pack of Baboons. It singled one out, started to chase it at breakneck speed, the Baboon started to run away but we all know you can’t out-run a leopard, so the monkey stopped, turned around, gave it’s would-be kyller the Scary Face (Baboons have some formidable fangs) and as you can see, it put the Fred Flintstone Skids on the kitty!
That act, was iconic for me and has stayed with me since the first time I saw the film air on TV until this day.
When confronted with CERTAIN DETH: You turn and face it with the most nuckleer hate that you can muster!
The monkey still got eaten.
but, BY GOD that was a moment to be reckoned with!
God: That which is more powerful than I am at this moment.
Leopard God ate the Monkey God.
Life sucks.
See what I mean, though? No longer acting on the FEAR generated by something chasing you to eat, you resulted in an HONORABLE, postive, aggressive action. But for all of the Honor, fear-destroying, meeting-force-with-force PHYSICAL RESPONSE - the Baboon was still on the menu.
Want to know the total bitch of it all?
While it’s buddies WITH FANGS cowered, watched, and thought: Glad it waddn’t me.
Fuck this geophagic planet and universe straight to Hell !
Whoops… already there…
“What we focus on grows” sayeth The Kara of Free.
I’m pretty sure one of her points regarding that is: IF you are confronted with the CRIMES that cops (demons in clown suits) commit on a regular basis and get away with (because that is what Hell is about) then all you will see are Demon Clowns and your ‘interaction’ with that thought-space will fuel the expansion of Demon Clowns committing MORE CRIMES.
Again, I reject this notion out of hand having studied video games.
It bears repeating this every time that I open this topic:
You can COPYRIGHT a computer program but you are not allowed TO PATENT A COMPUTER PROGRAM.
What that absolutely implies without ever saying it is:
This alone is evidence of a SIM.
So when I was trying to get to the root of video games and their control over at least the infantile adult male mind, I found that Audio Visual Entrainment = Flashing Lights & Pulsing Sounds, along with Silent Sound were embedded in ALL of the games even the ones intended for small children. Deth was a major theme in ALL of the games including ones for small children.
If you learned the game so that you could anticipate what was coming next and then act before the event happened there was LAG programmed into the response of the input so that you were at a disadvantage to what was coming next.
The Game was gaming YOU. They RIGGED IT FOR YOU TO FAIL.
The insult on the injury of that dialectic where it is your choice to be shot in the chest or stabbed in the back; is that even if you had a way to delay or work around those mutually lethal outcomes, that THE GAME WOULD NOT LET YOU.
Demon Cops/NPCs are PROGRAM ELEMENTS. We have no access or control over that base programming. The program runs independent of user (more like: victim) input. So whether you paid attention to them to ‘learn’ their ways to avoid or attempt to defeat them, the core programming is that they are there PURPOSELY for mayhem and deth and it will be dealt out whether or not your Ruby Slippers were allowed in the Game Space.
My entire trip (like a bad drug) through Life (what passes for it) that the new age cockheads call their Jeerrneeeyyy… (megatons just went off in my brainpan) has been about learning the actions of predators and threats for the purpose of avoiding or defeating them. This is what ANY WARRIOR would do. It is exemplified in the Maxims of Sun Tzu:
Know Yourself
Trying to get to know yourself is what most apes doo during their Jeerrneeeyyy… but never get there. Because they are locked into LEARNING a DIALECTIC and once they know the dangers/threats and how the basic level of the Game operates they think they have LIFE figured out (hacked) and their place in it (as PREY).
But this is NOT LIFE.
The way things ARE is NOT how they are SUPPOSED TO BE!
See where the first maxim has NEVER BEEN FULLFILLED?
Know myself?
I know that I lack sufficient power/force for godhood. Until that time I am prey to any number of forces more powerful than me. The Goal, since I have decided to accept it, is to persist until that power/force is attained and then swith the ENTIRE UNIVERSE OFF.
That’s who I am?
Who are you?
Do you just want to know that leopards eat monkeys because That’s The Way Life Is? and that if you just let them burn down your house with no insurace and put you in a 15-minute city that if you don’t make eye contact and don’t fuss that they MIGHT let you live our your sentence here in a modicum of comfort?
Know My Enemy?
This is where I re-defined who/what The Enemy is so that it fit MY goals not anyone elses:
Simple enough, if you get in my way, or exert force on me: You are my enemy. EVEN if that opposition/force is merely at the ‘thougtht’-level.
Expect the Unexpected?
That’s the one that removed my balls, put them in the meat grinder and didn’t even let me bid on the redemption (buying back) of said balls before they were tossed to ravenous dogs.
Rarely, I have been plagued with premonition. Knowing that some disaster was going to happen BEFORE it happens. A logical mind like mine rejects the very notion that in a Multiple-Outcome Universe that there can be anything that structured to the point of seeing it BEFORE IT HAPPENS; let alone what happened every time AFTER I was given the pre-warning.
Despite ALL BEST EFFORTS TO AVERT THE DISASTER the way that it originally plays out as was seen by mental-image flash does not occur in that way…
Yet another stake in the heart of “Reality”, in that the ‘thoughts’ / engagement that I donated to the revealed disaster and its outcome as Kara suggested would somehow matter…
If you ignore it, it will come to pass as was revealed.
IF you work your ass off to prevent it, it will come to pass but just in a different way.
PRE-DESTINATION. Pre-programmed. Default conclusion.
DO you see the dilemma here?
Don’t feed it mental energy: disaster still comes.
Feed it mental energy and try to make it disappear like Dorothy: disaster still comes.
Put physical effort into what is percieved to be a Physical World: disaster still comes.
No wonder people have become Eyore Fatalists.
The last UNEXPECTED result was the ball-remover. I’ve worked on machines and problems all of my life. Have the scars on my hands to prove it. See a problem / fix a problem.
Sure, there is thinking involved to understand the machine, what went wrong and how to go about fixing it, but the rest is slipped wrenches, hung universal joint sockets, laying on your back getting rust flecks in your eyes, etc.
What I didn’t expect out of life is a PROGRAMMED CERTAINTY that some of the astpects of The Game are immutable. This destroys any notion that Reality isn’t MANIPULATED. And completely eliminates the LIE of Free Willy. Knowing that the Game is rigged still doesn’t address whether it is Reality under the control of outside force or if we are in a SIM where only Their rules apply.
We keep coming back down to the flat spot on the wheel where the first question on the back cover of EVE’s ILL haunts us:
Where the Hell am I?
See how that SINGLE question sets up the basis for all of the other questions?
Since I’ve been doing just this for 25 years I have attempted to explore every permutation of the situation so that neither I or anyone else has to waste time identifying and codifying and EXPLAINING (NOT describing) the mess that we are in. 5784 years of dick-jerkers have been wasting their time and our time asking irrelevent questions, using non-defined words, regarding situations that may or may not be physically real. I can’t and won’t tolerate that level of infantile waste.
Wherever we are: the ‘rules of Reality’ whatever you define them to be, have no sway.
No happy thoughts, no heel clicking, no skinned knuckles have any effect here.
The Canadian epic CUBE was a goddamned documentary.
I can’t believe they are still offering this for free in some countries. It used to not be age restricted. If you ask me: Damned near anything that comes out of the Yahoody Mill should either NOT BE MADE in the first place or age-restricted with the issuance of MK blocking gear. Free tinfoil hats with every purchase of a ticket and a family sized bucket of popcorn.
LIFE is the epitome of the No Win Situation.
Occultists showed me that there is no sense of ‘winning’ in the Dark Side. There is only Last Man Standing.
That’s not good enough for me. I want to Win.
Definition of Win: THEY no longer exist.
See how very simple my life is?
Kara suggests: “The current (energy/creative) path we are on can be changed when we stop agreeing to those who control our creative minds.”
I’ve got ideas that could improve life here on this shitheap. But I know that if I even spent the THOUSANDS of doll ears for Pat Tents that the entirety of Yahoodiville including and especially China would simple steal the ideas, make extreme amounts of filthy lucre from it, and then I would be bankrupted in THEIR COURTS trying to recover my unrecoverable losses.
So at that level they control our creative minds because I refuse to give them anything.
But because we still haven’t answered question #1, then how do we know that there is Globe Hell Warming, or Cooling, or that resources are dwindling, or that the biosphere is breaking down, or John Lennon’s brotherhood of man isn’t starving because it was planned that way, or if those starving masses are avatars, or… or… or…
Because if this is a SIM then NONE of that is real, therefore NONE of it - including what we accorded being our Lives - fucking matters….
So the goal wouldn’t be to improve the SIM while getting rayped in the process, but to shut the SIM down. Answer the first question and that sets the course for thought that leads to action.
Kara concludes: “I think those who have been in control are the very agents who KNOW that our Imagination is key in creating what we experience in this world, that is why they make every effort to control our minds, and to keep us in states of Fear”
On and Offline Kara, I, and other big minds have hashed out these concepts so I know to a certain level where they are coming from and I know that Kara has different experiences than I do. That’s one thing that NO ONE can do: Discount Personal Experience.
My experience as outlined here is different than Kara’s so my filters, choices and therefore outcomes will be different. To emphasize again: When I see a broken machine I either study the physical unit in front of me or schematics. This is a cerebral interaction. Imagination. I rehearse the tear-down, and repair, and rebuild in my mind before ever starting. Therefore, imagination is an essential and inextricable part of it. But
WITHOUT THE RIGHT TOOLS, the right information (believe me some technical manuals are total fucking shit!), and the right technique, it will either be a nightmare that you can put back together and limp along — or it just won’t work.
That’s the PHYSICAL that CANNOT be separated from the intellectual doppleganger.
When you are REACTIVE to a stimulus you have lost all control.
We have been locked into Causal Loops.
So there is no consent, no agreeing to Them dominating us any more than that poor Baboon ‘agreed to’ or had any choice whatsoever to be hunted and kilt.
Should we make THEM RESPOND TO US then that puts us in control.
Those damned Monkeys are everywhere!
Begin: Debate.
Pat- thanks for continually reminding us we're living in a slave hell. You can't guess who told us this in the mid 1800's. Karl Marx - but he has been so demonized by oligarchs and hit men paid by oligarchs that we really don't know who he really was and what he meant in his writings. More on this in due course. Nothing in this world operates the way we think it does and there is always more to the story than is told.
I think we should build and ASHRAM in honor of STICKMAN where pilgrims could go to learn the TRUTH! I am good with my hands. I can chisel the stones! Life is suffering anyway, so I might as well be doing some good while enduring the pain of smashed/bruised knuckles and seering pain of bleeding blisters on my hands! AAUUHMMM!