Society of the trusty bent key users!

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has a ring to it.

a key-ring.

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…what disturbed me was a $1.15/gallon

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I never noticed. I was too upset by the lizard.

When I was a kid gas was 19 CENTS per gallon.

When Bush Baby declared Mission Accomplished it was 19 cents per gallon in Iraq and $3.50 here.

I guess they did accomplish their mission.

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Petro price for Dec. 2 2024 in dollhairs and per gallON....top 5 cheapest....Iran .108 Libya .116 VenezuELa .132 Angola 1.243 Kuwait 1.293 Others Russia 2.147 Qatar 2.183 Saudi 2.348 Iraq 2.246 UAE 2.577 Syria 3.340 U.S 3.377 Columbia 3.488 BrazIL 3.820 Aussie 3.904 China 4.155 South Africa 4.409 Japan 4.426 Argentina 4.429 India 4.517 Turkey 4.589 Canada 4.657 Mexico 4.701 South KorEA 4.713 Czech 5.642 Poland 5.704 Sweden 5.876 Jordan 5.899 Spain 5.991 UK 6.521 Germany 6.552 France 6.837 Italy 7.010 IsraEL 7.686 Monaco 8.474 Hong Kong12.519.....No listing for North KorEA, rocket man Kim Jong Un keepeth the fuEL for mILItary.

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I really like the new screen name!

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Hell yes JM. The landarbeiter giveth me permisSION for useage.

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Haha, The Globehell farmers gave you "permisSION" ??

Next time, You TAKE it! Pat gave me a good lesson on ROPE. :)

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Just remember what the Book of Jord sayeth, fair maid:

Chapter 15 Verse 15:

"Thou hast heard: Tis better to Give than Receive. Verily, I sayeth unto thee: THEN GIVETH THEM HELL!"

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Ah, Like RE-Grifting??

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Yu half such a weigh with werds.

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I am the Land Biter of Gene Persimmons and I approve this massage.

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Canst thou have Zetta's art draw thee Gene Persimmons (Chaim Witz) with tongue with Lori Lightfoot bug eyes.

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I cans't not accomodate your commode of images of The Damned Demons from Des Moines. The image of the lovechild birthed from her earwax doth wax me sick with pestilence. Nor would I task the Bot of the Chat to do a faithful rendering of its children because the accuracy and detail woulds't perchance make the children of men sick with the same mortar and pestilence thus the host of mankind would be rendered senseless and unfit to fight the fiends.

Yea! I say unto thee that I wilst be in hiding and therapy until the dark shroud of the corruption of my Mind's Eye gets flooded with the healing waters of Vizeen and once again I can walk amongst that land of the living...

.... dead.

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Hell yes O Great One

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Thou Shalt Not Shitteth Me! For I am Thy Favorite Turd!

There are only THREE names on that list that are not subsidiaries of Shem Corp. Inc !!!

Everything (thing not: one) else are lockstep with the beast.

When single-hulled ships used to break up at sea and lose entire contents but now there are double hulled ships and high tech drilling/extraction making it easier and more profitable to suck the Black Goo, you can't tell me that the price HAS to go up for any reason. When auto Curly, Larry and Moe Biles can get ONE HUNDRED MILES TO A GALLOFF, then globehell whoring and climb at change are treasonous fantasies.

Love the Doll Hair buy the whey.

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I had several near death experiences where, at the time, credited divine intervention. Now, after seeing your post, I am not sure why the AI didn't off me.

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I've had many ex-perry-ants and much time to think about this.

1. no one knows what happens next. It could be complete nothingness, it could be worse, it could be better, it could be Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

2. Given that nearly everything they do is Opposite Day Inversions and they've scart the shite out of peope thinking that it's going to be worse because you've been naughty not nice, then my bet is that the afterbirth has got to be good because these evil fuckers don't want to go there and don't want anyone else going there.

2.a. My view is that is why Deth is so painful. A disincentive to leave prematurely just like -120F temps at antarctica dissuade people from looking for the icewall.

3. If, as I postulate, (used a napkin) we are in Hell and being punished for shit we didn't do, then the evil fucks that get off on pain, suffering and Lather, Rinse, Repeat would want to PROLONG THE AMUSEMENT PARK RIDE!

4. The creepy notion that there are infinite possibilities of any event in the timeline would have us accepting that in an AlterNUT universe we did get whacked, or the near-deth NEVER HAPPENED, or an accident happened and we recovered, but that is so much like the reincarnation loop-lock that all of these legends start to coil on themselves to suffocate the snake itself.

EVERY fiction on repeating time or time travel loops requires the victim to DO SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO BREAK THE SPELL. This is why I am insistant that extincting the spirochetes is the only thing that no one has tried so far because absofuckinglootly NOTHING has done anything to stop this madness.

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It is true that I wish to ride, amused and longer than possible. However during my ex-perry-ants, it wasn't frightening and I had this resignation of "oh well". Afterward it was, how the hell am I still here?

I figured since you are the pope of the church of mechanics you probably have divine insights into the spirit world. Your honesty, confessing that, "no one knows what happens next." is pretty much counter the normal church business plans of selling get out hell cards because "we talk to god".

It seems obvious to me that a lot of us are descendants of test tube, cabbage patch, re-population/child factory workers, mud shoveling, orphan train riders. The previous "golden age" with free energy, healing civic harmony and no shortages was purposely destroyed by invaders from beyond the wall. All the world wide buried buildings, roads and train tracks seem to support the notion that civil engineers and architects would never design shit like underground windows and doors.

It seems that we are nearing the end of our usefulness. Your observations and the apparent removal of any semblance of individual control... Some tin hats think a nice masonic number of 2033 may be our expiration date...

Sure biologic and chemical controls fit, along with the culling of fighters in wars, neutering and feminizing of those that might show a bit of resistance. Violent trips to FEMA summer camps will probably be unnecessary. Like the Original Star Trek "A Taste of Armageddon" we will get a notice to attend our efficient demise and passively follow our assigned path, like cattle to the abattoir.

The ice wall is militarily controlled. No one may go beyond the 60th parallel... Temperature is not the main deterrent, battle ships and jets make travel there difficult.

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I have a mere sin narry view of it:

I don't like it here.

I never have.

I don't want to ride it out. My main motivation for not leaving doesn't relate to the pain of separation that they coded into it to discourage people from just pulling the wires out.

It's because I want to see the entire system melt.


It might have been auto-correct: I am the Poop of the Church of the Mechanic. It hearkens back to the ancient texts that referred to me and my arrival:

"He's the Real Shit!"

Honesty is the only thing that will extract us.

There is such confidence in the voices and minds of those (I like to pick on christians but its all of them) that say they KNOW *EXACTLY* what happened in the afterlife.


They READ something written by a yahood they never knew and would probably despise if they ever met them, it tickled their gentle genteel genitals and they adopted a foreign philosophy as their own because the final evaluation is they are TERRIFIED of what happens next


I isolated Fear Of The Unknown as the greatest tool in their arsenal.

Thing of it is, there are a few of us who don't give a shit. Can't control someone with fear if they have none.


I concurr like a dog.

horse and buggy didn't deliver millions of tons of stone block and make mortar that is still sticky today in ornat buildings when I can't even get a uniformed clerk at a big box store to understand what I asked after my 5th attempt.


There is no doubt that the organic human frame has been selected for obsolescence. I reject all notions of predictions of dates since the world was supposed to have ended countless times and the sun even supposedly went through a pole shift, but someone as sensitive as me (I'm just a delicate little flower) didn't feel jack shit.

No one ever apologized for the world not ending as predicted. They just double-down.

I'm not saying that '33 wouldn't be an attractive goal but then someone highly placed confirmed that the kids that the Illuminati had to be their suck cess sores got caught in the same traps they laid for the Goy Kids so that their millennial plans might have a few snags in them...


Dayahm! I HATED that episode when I watched the original as a kid.

Please step into the recycling cubicle.



It makes perfect sense why the Millie Tarry is there. You can't have tourists leaving their frozen poo on the ice, thus disrupting the delicate balance of the biosphere. Unless someone can show me technical data to the contrary I think another major lie is the eee mmm pee. Too bad because that would allow for someone to take a -60 degree parallel vacation to see for themselves what is going on.

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T-rex slide under canopy, same as flight 175 wings pass through south tower. I got 8 video's taken from different locations with right wing vanishing then reappearing right before impact. That was no plane. Black magik image cloak tech. Missle cloaked as a plane? The "official" report of the speed of "175" was 583 mph which is impossible at low altitude as any pilot will tell you. I have video of an old nasa shuttle full speed down the runway slammed into concrete wall. Shuttle destroyed, not a scratch on concrete wall.

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This is what I love about comment sections and section 8s.

I was so hung up on the lizard (total fantasy) that I forgot about the Real Total Fantasy of planes that are not planes playing: does this wing make me look fat?

When I watched the real time televised nonsense and saw the buildings come down, I involuntarily said out loud: that was a controlled demolition. I didn't need closeups of the pre-planted squibs going off. From that point forward I just ingored any of the details over the planned event. I didn't know that aerocraftings cain't go fast in thick air.

I love the flat earthers who claim and show that the Saturn rockets and their Shut Hells bungy corded to the cargo rack are merely very large balloons. A fast moving balloon wouldn't dent concrete. A 3D Hollow Grammy Award wouldn't chip it neither.

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Thank You Pat!

The first video was just the reptilians showing off. The 2nd is the reason they say the game needs players, actors & portrayers! Yesterday's SIMsync with Otto was either the SIM showing off or keeping us interested enough to participate.

In a RARE move, I pinned a note to my ottoman, I then Tell you where I put it & Otto the man contacts you immediately after those events. THAT was a triple SIM move! Pretty impressive in my eyes.

NO way this is real. Just cuz we have sensors that relay data, in no way makes this real. Heck, I just saw a commercial for video games or TV, That has you strap this contraption to your chest & it makes Booms & blowups FEEL & sound REAL. Technology is mimicking our surroundings.

SO...how many SIMS deep are we?? Who tricked or sold us into these avatars?

I declare & decree to whatever A.I.... I am NOT coming back to this Hell farm. It's the last round & YOU are in check. Wouldn't it be cool if it were as simple as THAT?

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A fellow I knew took me on a conservative tour of the Supercomputer Center at the University of ILL Annoyed in the early 1990s. He told me that DARPA was working on virtual reality that was beyond just VR visual head gear to the point of fully-immersive body suits that would simulate all sorts of inputs by devices mounted all over the suit.

Then he said that many G.I.s with top secret clearances have said over the years:

"I could tell you more, but then I'd have to kyll you."

We had a good-buddy kind of laugh, but something like that even being verbalized by a fellow that close to the tech left a resonant stain all of these years.

Here we are over a generation = THIRTY YEARS LATER, so what hath that Ra-Search wrought?

There are a number of folks who pull out the Trick Card. Some Trickster convinced us to come to earth the play the game. What that says is there is an inherent weakness in Goodness and Love.

I despise weakness.

If Evil can merely TRICK powerful beings with WORDS (SPELL CASTING) THEN RUIN THEIR LIVES AND ALL OF THOSE AROUND THEM AND CONVINCE THOSE THEY'VE ROBBED, RAYPED, AND MURR DURRED TO **NOT TO A GODDAMNED THING ABOUT IT** THEN Good and Love are a defect, a handicap, a deficit that has to be rectified by Force.

How did we get here?

Valid question, but the first question is:

Where is Here?

You asked as much.

IF it is a SIM then the fractal infinite depth of it really doesn't matter because that is just computation. Once the program is ended there will only be the choice of Real vs. SIM, and then we have to figure out where the REAL is, and whether it is where we were Kid Napped from or if we have to Ex Scape from there as well.

At some point high level reptiles have to be collected to Jack Bauer the infomation out of them in less than 24-hours.

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I figure the suits are a prequel to the new sensors of the neurolink.

Tricked ... portrayed as one thing but given another .... Like everything else in LIFE.

Good & Love are the ONLY thing that drive some people. ... Then they learn that it's just a matter of definitions & comparisons.

Where is HERE ... MIND. We are in our mind...most of the time. Well, speak for yourself ... I'm outta my mind ....MOST of the time. Same thing really. One small frequency band away from some other radio station.

I've been thinking...what IF there is NO real? What IF we are just bacteria grown in petri dishes & as we got bigger.... Here we are! Like crypto. They want to grow that in bacteria or are DNA which 1 gram house 250,000 terabytes.... I have no clue where I was going with THAT.

Maybe we are nothing but batteries & data storage? ... except YOU are like a high-capacity storage device & I'm like a leaky old battery in the junk drawer waiting to go to the recycle center to plan my escape ... out of the junk drawer & into the great data collector in the "SKY".

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HA! HA! you are a "leaky old battery".We are most likely bacteria and are lost in space!

Maybe our part in this existence is to infect other parts of space and then we just die!


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I think the space they try to infiltrate is the space between our ears. I don't think that we just die. When I was literally brain dead... I was in two different places. Dreamscapes, realms.... I dunno. It was NO different then dreaming tho.... except I could FEEL cold....but no pain... so it's a mystery.

I'm closer to the "universe inside of us theory" Then the lost in "space" infecting stuff. ... Patrick will jump in with neurosyphilis or spirochetes trying to infect our mudpellets ... to which I say... Infect the SPACE between our ears.

Sidenote: Pats gonna crap himself that I,,,, REMEMBERED the biology!!!

I finally "Got it" !!!! (Happy Dance happening)

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We always come back to the flat spot on the tire for the thump, thump, thump, when we are forced to ask:

Just what the hell is DREAMING?

This is a high priority question for me because when I started deconstructing the Buy Bull I ran headlong into dreams and voices inside the heads of the Yahoods as being their sole reason for going out and wiping out their cousins and anyone who happened to be in their way.

It's problematic when something that can't be defined is the reason why those who should be locked up for hearing voices turn Canaan into a parkinglot while their slave population provide the money and ordinance and means to make it happen because those freakassanimalapes read the same Book Of Dreams.

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because we're buddies (who between the two of us can't fix a fern ass) I want to bring you into the World of AND.

Or, for folks that already know my blather:


You talk about the EITHER/OR of Universe Inside vs. Space Stuff. It seems that your mind is wrestling with these concepts because you are wrestling with two things THAT ARE NOT SEPARATE.

How many sides to a coin?


If you were going to say: Two then you have been conditioned to think ONLY in dialectic which is how and where they steer all arguments

5 sides of a coin.

Is the universe inside of us?


Has that inside been infected from something outside of us?


Can we fight it with everything inside of us?


MUST we fight it with the cooperation of others OUTSIDE OF US?


Can we chose to remain neutral and attempt to balance on edge?

Yes. But it won't do a damned thing towards fixing the problem.

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Dreams ... I think dreams are just another program running thru or under the same DOME of dimensions.

It's DEFINATELY high priority. I come from a background of NO religiousity so I had NO preplanted MK thought controls. ... which is WHY I was shocked when the 40 ft A.I. angel lady showed up to persuade me in A.I. repetition.... to basically shut TF up & be patient until I board my train where I can get whatever I desire....which was a HOT cup of chicken broth cuz I was FREEZING.

That BTW, was my one & only question to her....Can you please get me a cup of hot chicken broth outta the invisible machine over there? I KNEW there HAD to be a vending machine!

So Yeah, I think they run a death program on us.... NO different from when we die at night & traverse the asstral.

How to focus YOUR nighttime terrors into skipping thru fields of poppies??

THAT is of utmost importance.

MAYBE the buy bull is the Yahoods EXCUSE wrapped up in a dream LIE to slaughter everything in sight? I won't rule it out.

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Dec 9Edited

WARNING to Patrick!

PATRICK before your read Jeanetically Modified latest response to me - OTTOMAN - better have a DEPENDS on hand!


Screw philosophical debate on EXITENTIALISM or meaning of life.

I am having a blast being (trying to be) FUNNY!

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We NEED comic relief from this philosophical train wreck.

Glad you decided to let your hair down! :)

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You're sounding like a mix between Sgt. Schulzt on Hogan's Heroes:

"I know nothing, I see nothing, I hear nothing!"

and the Robot from Lost In Space: "Danger! Danger Will Robinson!" mixed in with Dr. Smith, "The pain, William... Oh, the Pain..."

People don't understand the nature of a Stickman.

We don't need Depends. If we let ureen out of the tureen, it's already on paper that sops it up. We're covered, man.

I don't know about: Funny, but you are VERY TRYING !!!!


Wanna know the goofiassed thing that I actually believe with all sincerity?

The world has fucked around for 5784 years yet found out NOTHING. They got seary ass about it and wrote books and told other people to do just what they said and nothing else - yet, here we are...

Then a rag-tag crew of the goofiest nutjobs on the planet are just mixing it up in a no-account Stack account HAVING FUN, and I suspect that at some point we're going to crack the code and crack the dome and get the hell out of Dodge because we stopped worrying about being serious and just got on with the function and meaning of Life here in Hell.


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My Friend i see one of that suits ( but much more complex ) every time i look in to a mirror!

I like a lot this reply very very good!!

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See? that's what Kara and Jeannette Marguerti are all on-about.

They think we're already wired into the matrix.

My sensors have all gone bad. The input is garbled and faulty.

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Yeah, THATS a name thats NOT gonna stick around for long.

Unlike these beautiful multi sensored avatars that won't let us escape HELL.

My sensors went bad too ... after market sensors are junk....don't bother. :)

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I am not in a simulation. I think therefore I am. So, I am real.

Butt, still in hell.

There were 3 other family members named Oto/Otto in my family. Great grandfather, grandfather and an uncle.

"Otto is a masculine German given name and a surname. It originates as an Old High German short form (variants Audo, Odo, Udo) of Germanic names beginning in aud-, an element meaning "wealth, prosperity"."

"Otto is a boy's name of German origin, meaning “wealth”. For history lovers, this name may bring to mind an image of Otto the Great, generally considered to be the founder of the Holy Roman Empire. With power and might, baby Otto will be wealthy in more ways than just financially."

By no means am I wealthy. Is quite the opposite as a matter of fact, and I don't have any power. The only might I might have is physical strength, given that I'm six foot two and some two hundred twenty pounds. Losing it fast as I'm getting older though.

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ok OK, You can be real if you WANT :) In MY SIM....YOU are part of the game. It's just how it is. Not My choice. ... YOU synced in at just the perfect time!

I think...therefor I drive myself nutz! ... It's OK otto...just take me with a grain of salt.

My Uncle Jergen's best friends name was Otto. Wouldnt that be a hoot if we were connected by 6 degrees of simulated hell?

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I know that I'm in a simulation. And what a wicked game it's playing with us.

IMHO we are all connected and we are immortal because we can't create or destroy energy.

Does this then imply that at death we are just stepping into another realm of existence?

Too much thinking drives me nutz too.

It's great that we can mix childish humor with serious philosophical questions in regards to EXISTENCE on this platform. All the people here are very kind and nonjudgmental.

I love salt and nutz by the way.



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I rotely accepted the Einsteinian Lie of conservation of matter and energy. Then an intelligent fellow introduced me to Gustav LeBon's work that said what I used to say until I had LeBon to explain it:

Everything burns to a grinding halt, or grinds to a burning halt.

LeBon said that the conservation thing doesn't happen.

This is why I'm Bankman Friedman on a Big Sleep.

Childish humor? CHILDISH HUMOR!!!???

I assure you that i deal ONLY in the most purulent toddler humor available on the market. It is fresh but has instant oxidation leading to rancidity that is noticeable by anyone who is not a mouth breather!

Two peanuts were walking down a dark alley.

One was A Salted.

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Wait! How did I miss THIS?! Childish ..... I'll have you KNOW... I am very immature for my age.

It's still salty nutz Sunday & the night is young .....

I have plans for a vision quest in dreamscape to figure out this A.I. programming & dreams .... I'll most likely be thwarted by the new miliscary hired asstral patrol police.... or so I hear. ...

It's my thought that we die every night & step off into another realm of existence ... IF your lucky you can bring back information ....or programs ... or maybe even astral hitchhikers. I read that somewhere. Carlos Castaneda, I think. He's the best dreram guy in case you're interested.

No judgment... were kind & kind of cooky around here. and it works :)

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Yeah the Castanets man be playing the Wiley Pay Yote to get his insights. I never saw the sense in getting fucked up inside a fucked up Matrix. Unless people are just blocking being hacked but I've never seen drugs to be of any benefit to anyone except for the fake inter dicked whores of that entire scam.

I had a dream once of circular disks on paper where the patterns inside the disks where moving and I knew that they held the secrets to the answers of Life. When I woke up, all I could remember were these colored disks on paper.

Oh well...

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Yep, Carlos Castaneda got his insights from the desert button ....

I use the method of breath work & intention. I Focus on a question before I go to bed, surround myself with golden light & see where my dreams take me. IF I get a Lucid dream...it's just a bonus...I can't seem to control that.

I woke up at 3:33am just a little while ago. I got up to journal my dream. I can probably get another dream in by 6am. (I HOPE) Haha, probably not since I opened my laptop. Between 3&4 is my most prevalent dream time.

Those Russians & their dream hacking are a thing that I want to look deeper into. Also dream advertisements. I had one of them adverts, I forget what the subject was. It wasn't like a real life commercial tho.

I had a TRUMP dream probably a year ago now,...it was wild. Red tie trump... VERY tall Asian man in adjoining sitting room. Long story short...Trump has Asian vibes too but I KJNEW it was him, He was lying on a bed & he morphed into a bug...not just any bug ... a praying mantis. Those bug EYES man! I forget what was my intent was that night.

Last nights intent was about spending time with my soul puppy. Instead I had a dream about some agency trying to steal my placenta.... so they could make a twin? Dreams sometimes make NO cents!

Purple disks. Purple represents royalty ...disks on paper could mean data Paper itself has a whole nother meaning...See how you KNEW the geometric pattern were the ANSWER! In dreamscape it's all about the energy signature. we COULD be living the dream RIGHT NOW. .. under mass hypnosis because of rthe special laughing gas we call AIR. Makes sense that they would put the lid on the jar to keep the gasses from escaping!

Dreams are funny, bees make honey. ... skies are sunny? 10 years after?

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If we're going to put salt on you can we call you Marguerita Modified?

Since everyone is changing their names around here like a Yahoody Hide-Fest.

Have you ever considered the ultimate in mental intercourse where we may be a single neuron welded to a little wheelie cart, lost our shit a long time ago, and all that we see, hear, smell, think, feel, taste (like chicken) are just hallucinations that are made up by that cell trying not to go mad (too late - already there) and keep itself occupied for the Ride Eternal?

So, I'm just a Stick Figment of your imagination or Vice Squad Versa.

If we're two lost souls wheeling in a Fish Bowl, then Otto might be a collective hallucination, or we might be the dopplegangers in his particular brand of Mad Loch Ness.

Or, maybe all of the awake and awares are disjointed cells of the same High Jaquelined brain trying to get back together again because we seem to be all




Now *I'm* depressed....


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Haha, THAT would be one of the better names I've been called :)

DEEP thoughts Patrick! I figure it's all a hell lucy nation to some eternal degree. I also think our hallucinations are stored in our DNA.. Data Neural Analytics inc. ?

I was thinking about them turning us into crypto banks so the A.I. can pay for things. ... It's ALL about the A.I. They'll be paying in Pat coins, Jeannette coins & Otto coins. Perhaps they're banking our unique energies?

How many Pat coins fit in a neuron? 250,000 terabytes to a cell. Is the big harvest, THEM cashing in our/their chips? Is DETH just a short sale of disjointed awake/aware cells? ... on a wheely cart. ... That may be cause for depression.

We're ALL(not the others) like-minded salty nuts on a Sunday. .. It just so happens to be Sunday.

I never understood that movie...Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxie .. My braincell rejects its message, I guess.

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Cashing or Crashing in on our computer chips.

Hitchhikers guide Jordanian Style.

Bureaucratic slug like aliens want to put in a superhighway so they plan the demolition of earth. Imminent Dog Mane.

ONE man gets rescued by a Hitchhiker who was an alien living in disguise on earth. The rescued man's would-be girlfriend already hooked up with another TWO FACED alien.

A supercomputer was tasked with answering the question of: What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. It created the planet earth as an organic machine to work out the answer.

But that machine was destroyed.

Get it?

the meaning of life is DESTRUCTION.

Not to worry, since it was A SIM TO ARRIVE AT AN ANSWER, the Earth rev. 2 was already under construction.

reincarfuckingnation and I'm not talking flowers.

So, man and girlfiend get to repopulate the new barren planet.

Adam/Eve, reboot.

It was from Marvin the robot that I got the line: I've got the brain the size of a planet...

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Haha, Thanx Pat .... I'm just chuckling over here cuz it SHOULD have been obvious.... at least a little bit.

Destroy to rebuild. Order out of chaos. ...all that jazz.

The meaning of life is soo unimpressive!

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Dec 9Edited

You wrote:

"... we're two lost souls wheeling in a Fish Bowl, then Otto might be a collective hallucination..."

I replied:

Can't get me out of your mind? Hey? Call me VIRUS!

Trying my best to match your humor penned by a dude with the biggest brain. I thought I was funny!

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Given your wait, you are twice the man that I am.

No... seriously... really !

There's a Yahoody legend that they chose their kings because they were tall.

The Roy ALs of all of the Dye Nasties of His Story were all inbred Gits.

So, not being wealthy (when kings kyll and steal) and not being an inbred git while having the GIVEN name of someone who was GIVEN power is a gift of Opposite Day on Hell Planet.

Some kings might have been skilled fighters but even the best have their equal or better that can take them out just as easily as a rasputin putting a bit of the bitter in a cup of brewed condom mint. Even a Loan Ghunmun on an Assy Null need not have strength or proof in battle to take down a High Figure.

The ONLY power and mite that a Rule Her has is found in the strong bodies and weak minds of the mindless fucks that follow them.

Can a single fire ant fuck up your day?


But you can also squish that fucker's liquid guts back to Jesus.

The only TRUE THREAT is when it's mindless buddies come out to support.

So our only handicap is that we can't convince mindless apes to dye for us.

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Dec 9Edited

We CAN convince the dumb apes to KYLL and die for us.

We just stoke the fire, heat the cauldron and make a batch of MEAD using the mold of rye seeds man! We have the dumb bastards drink it. We then yell at the tops of our lungs "HUYAAH! HUYAAHH! Our drunken servant apes go apeshit and start yelling HUYAAHH! WE then yell "GO! Kyll the king and his queen. Kill all people in the castle." BINGO!

I am just saying! Biology has solutions to our problem. You teach this!

Are you with me man?

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Ever watch McGyver?

Do you cut the red wire or the black wire?

Even if you know you must cut the red wire, was there a failsafe booby trap wired in just in case you tried something like this?

I know that Springmeier is suspect, but he clearly stated that if you try to deprogram or reprogram one of their robots that there are alters entered into the chorus of voices in their heads that will either convince you that they are now free and human, or, the unit will self destruct, or will take out the one trying to mess with the core programming.

If it were as simple as you enthusiastically suggest then I would have been King Shit of Mount PooPoo decades ago.

These beasts respond ONLY to their masters' voice.

To bring it via another method: A K-9 is taught to attack on a command. If the handler says that word your forearm will be turned to hamburger. If you say that word the dog will not respond.

Humans are dogs.

They won't bite the hand that beats them.

Additionally, it was Glen Kealey who said that the true powerbrokers have NEVER been in the public eye. Those are just the puppets set out there for show to make the people think that the power walks among them. If the puppets are taken off the stage (remember Franny's Puppet Maker?) there is a pile in the corner ready-made to take their place.

So, I revert back to the notion that this is not a human on human affair.

This is about removing the Brain Bug so that the symbiotes that can't exist without it will drop like marrionettes with their strings cut.

Watch these in order:

brute force no victory against overwhelming odds


going to the heart of the beast takes out central command


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Not Stickman, but Mr Stickler for Details man.

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Well, see? That's the Dye Lemming in a single phrase.

The key OFTEN slips right into an impossible small and dark hole with NO RESISTANCE (STICKING) and such a thing happens at such a frequency that if we did live in a random world then NO ONE could hit ANYTHING with a bow and arrow let alone with a car, a tractor, trailer, or a wheel that fell of your tractor...

wait aminute! I think that I just made apologetics for the chaotic universe we just watched on those lucky people videos being the NORM **NOT** the exception.

I think I'm going to have to meditate for at least 8 hours tonight and get back to you.

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We are embodied avatars of the morphogenic field. So who is mucking with the joy stick in the field?

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head hung low...

that would be me....

It's been so long since I've seen a Stick Woman...

Joy said to say: "Hi Gwyneth."

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Who you call antique? Watch it, you young whippersnapper!

I wish I could let my hair down, but alas, I'm almost bald.

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I was looking at connections with Elvis (king of rock and roll, the person that publicly took the POLIO vax and the Natural people followed suit) and Seattle (home to Mount Olympus. in Washington state (Mt. Olympus in Greece being the past home of the gods) and I remembered that Elvis did a song called Shake, Rattle & Roll. Those being earthquake related words I went to a Gematria calculator and inserted words to try and find correspondences. One set of words I used was The New Madrid Fault and then I wondered what does Madrid mean and I found this "A Mozarabic variant of the Latin matrix, matricis (also meaning "water stream").[27]: 701 ". The Latin MATRIX with MATRIX meaning


WOMB— see womb

±biology: embedding material or tissue

±extracellular matrix — see also extracellular matrix

±part of the mitochondrion

±medium in which bacteria are cultured

±math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms

±two-dimensional array

±computing: circuitry inside a keyboard

±table of data

geological matrix — see geological matrix

±archaeology: sediment surrounding and including materials

±analytical chemistry: sampling environment

±MOLD for casting a letter (hot metal typesetting)

±plate or block holding an image (printing)

±binding component of compound materials"

Hell (most call Earth) appears to me to be an INVERSION, so the word MOLD=MOULD caught my attention along with the WOMB.


"also mould, "hollow pattern of a particular form by which something is shaped or made," c. 1200, originally in a figurative sense, "fashion, form; nature, native constitution, character," metathesized from Old French modle "model, plan, copy; way, manner" (12c., Modern French moule), from Latin modulum (nominative modulus) "measure, model," diminutive of modus "manner" (from PIE root *med- "take appropriate measures").

By c. 1300 as "form into which molten metal, etc., is run to obtain a cast." By 1570s as "a form of metal or earthenware (later plastic) to give shape to jellies or other food. Figurative use of break the mold "render impossible the creation of another" is from 1560s."

WOMB...to bear, carry, gestate, the belly.


As I was typing this comment my mind then took me to WOMBAT the marsupial but right under the definition is the letter "W" which I call the magick letter. It is a W,E,M,Sigma as well as a number "3".

"not in the Roman alphabet, but the Modern English sound it represents is close to the devocalized consonant expressed by Roman -U- or -V-. In Old English, this originally was written -uu-, but by 8c. began to be expressed by the runic character wyn (Kentish wen), which looked like this: ƿ (the character is a late addition to the online font set and doesn't display properly on many computers, so it's something like a combination of lower-case -p- and a reversed -y-).

In 11c., Norman scribes introduced -w-, a ligatured doubling of Roman -u- which had been used on the continent for the Germanic "w" sound, and wyn disappeared c. 1300. -W- is not properly a letter in the modern French alphabet, and it is used there only in borrowed foreign words, such as wagon, weekend, Western, whisky, wombat. Charles Mackay ("Extraordinary Popular delusions and the Madness of Crowds") reports that the Scotsman John Law, author of the Mississippi stock swindle of 1720, was known in France as Monsieur Lass "to avoid the ungallic sound, aw."

And damned, look, it mentions MISSISSIPPI the location of the New Madrid Fault along the Old Man River. I am now wondering if with THeir TE-chnology could the widening of the Mississippi River be called THE RESET with MADRID also meaning FORD, WATER, STREAM, FOUNTAIN.

Btw, have you read anything about these JuJubees being Homo Capensis, the elongated skull beings with 150-160 average IQ and devoid of emotions? I still find the MOOR/MOR/ROM(e) linkage important and the word MORON is what comes to my mind.

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After a wonderful whollop of whiskey at the back of the wagon, one weekend out on the Western Wilds, I had a few words with a Wombat.

If they used enough energy to open the seam from the chixalub crater that made the gulf of May He Ko all the way to the great lakes, the Reset would be more like The Great Rift where United We Stand / Divided We Fall there would be 2 americas.

The only thing I've seen on coneheads outside of Saturday Night Live are the depictions of them in High Row Glyphs in Egypt.

Is 150 IQ high? I wouldn't know. I did terrible on standardized intelligence tests.

Sounds like Idiot Savants. Left Brain development at the risk of the Right hemisphere. What else is devoid of emotion?

I don't know. I'm asking. Can't say the A.I. because when they first unleashed it on the public it became the greatest arbitor of Haight Speach out there.

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Years ago I saw this little map which caught my eye along with the Deagel 2025 forecasted depopulation by country. The East and West Coasts are under water and the Mississippi River is shown wide enough to handle the Chinese super tankers. Of course, there is a depth issue that would still have to be resolved, I think.

You are correct, the Mississippi would split the country in two, a divergence, a TRANSformation, a METAmorphosis, perhaps a RESET.

Yeah, 150 is considered exceptionally high. Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Newton all spoken of in the 160-200 range.


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Ever find anything that kills those spiro keet devils?

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I've got one last thing to try as part of a mix, but so far the mix only quiets the riot, it doesn't send them to Jebus.

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Sounds like progress!

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Love that line from Waterworld:

Growth is progress!

I won't stop but as far as the ancient world of herbs go there is one more holey hand grenadier to throw at it. Homeopathy has not proven to be effective yet but there are more experiements to go.

Given that no one in 5784 years has known how to delete these programs, it is not unexpected.

Given that there is barely any outside help in this mission it might be for the next generation of idiot savants to stumble across the answer.

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Seems like ChatGPT might just let it slip

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To summarize my entire life's work:

In the Beginning was the Spirochete.

And it didth Swarm and Quorum Sense.

Then didst it infect the lowliest of creatures from slugs and snails to crawl its way from the Primordial Muck into the Chosen Thumb Puppets thus called Hu-Manity who dids't spread it like a venereal disease whilst building the infrastructure to manifest the A.I.

So, to ask the offspring of the spirochete on how to destroy the spirochete is madness and I strongly, with no jest whatsoever, advise against even engaging the Beast in that or any other exchange.

I say total isolation from interacting with the A.I. because while men think they are studying a machine that they think other men created, it is actually the Beast studying the men in order to better control and ultimately destroy its slaves.

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It’s kinda like a “good” person saying I’ll go into government and change it from the inside

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