Your closing comment about NIGHTCRAWLERS, reminds of a horrible book ... How to eat fried worms!

You're RIGHT tho, This is ALL by invitation. The REST of the whirled, even with invisible borders... is still the same old, Old World Horror.

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Bless you my Childe!

So often I feel like a voice crying out in the wilderness who was pointed towards the wind and got a throatful of some desert dust.

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Sep 16Liked by Patrick Jordan

The Family claim ownership through discovery doctrine and then after the conquest claim rights to benefits of such property i.e. USUFRUCT. They are the usufractuary(ies). And since I'm only TENANT IN COMMON, and I don't have an ALLODIAL TITLE, but only a FEE SIMPLE TITLE i.e.subject to zoning laws I don't get unlimited/unrestricted use of benefits from said property, this makes me just a peon tending (paing property tax or RENT) for the use of the property, i.e. a SLAVE. What a scam. I hate the vermin that fixed this wicked SYSTEM.

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In your best Monty Python english accent:

"and what do we doooooo with a Witch?"

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick Jordan

Gather lots of kindling, nicely aged hardwood and bring marshmallows.

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The Mallow of the Marsh is a nice touch.

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick Jordan

Watch Ammon Hillman on yt. Title :

“jesus christ was using children as drugs” the guy is a greek translator and has uncovered some crazy things hidden in greek science/ medical literature. Wild stuff.

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I've seen about half of it and he makes compelling arguments but I would need to see his source material.

I don't have time so I just file it in the Interesting folder.

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick Jordan

Yea he only shows a bit of the text that is all greek to me. He seems legit but definitely has a few issues ive noticed after watching other content on YT. I had to question everything he said with extra scrutiny.

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick Jordan

Also a recent discovery has verified the crater earth theory and totally destroyed the stars galaxies and nebula etc. anything you want to name in space let me know and I can prove it to be bullshit. A constellation or whatever you like. Its all bullshit. Im leaning towards there being no space at all at this point but there is a super massive rest of the world out there so who really cares about there being a vast infinite space we cant reach. We can reach the rest of the world that being guarded by many nations so we dont escape the world holocaust. Spreading disease and nanobot infections outside of our holding pen would be a terrible thing.

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Post whatever you want. This space is a free for all in freefall.

I'm not as keen on a hollow earth as I am a platter with a nice terrarium dome,

Crater earth is compelling. I'm open to all ideas since I started a novel years ago where I put in EVERY theory out there as part of the construct. So it wasn't denominational in the world-structure but every hairbrained theory was all part of the cobbled whole. So the more wacky the idea the better.

My contention is that Dyson could NEVER have pulled the notion of a Dyson's Sphere de novo out of his ass. People like that have to have SEEN it and then the release it to the frogs slowly while turning the temperature up.

My view is that this really is a prison colony and if there is intelligent life elsewhere they don't want anything to do with the contagious crazy happening here.

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Sep 18Liked by Patrick Jordan

Crater earth compelling. Agree. The maps are false also, in the bering strait 60 mile crossing to russia are two islands, big diomede and little diomede. Little diomede closer to Alaska, big closer to russia. These 2 islands are only 2 miles apart, yet sunrise and sunset is 4 hours difference all year. The international date line runs through the area, but the sun don't give give a shit about a imaginary dateline. There are videos from the islands where filming on one you can see the other at only 2 miles, so a 4 hour difference in sunrise and set is bullshit.

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I dub thee the King of Obscure Facts.

Never heard that one. It's so strange that I'll have to put it in my flat earth novel.

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Either the maps are lies or they are lying on the sunrise/set times. If you go to ports.com and type in a seaport in Alaska with destination to east Russia example Anadyr a far east siberia port the ship will avoid the bering strait short route but takes long route sailing east over Canada ,Greenland and Siberia.

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Would godgevlamste Belgium be your crater earth authority or is there another?

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He set the path. Ive followed along and have found something that all will appreciate and proves without doubt there are no stars, galaxies, nebula, none of it. Also that there is without a doubt water outside of the crater. Examining our own crater Ive matched the sea floor around the antarctic to known sea floor maps we have available. Ive found a place that shares science data of the stations in the antarctic along with maps, satellite imagery etc that is a fantastic resource for information that isnt available anywhere else and opens the door to things we wouldnt ever likely find otherwise. Ive done my own investigations and in different ways, using other tools to confirm or deny Wim’s various theories. He has been right about a lot of things and some things not so much. Either way he has paved the way to discovering a new world for all of us. I hope my contributions will help catapult everyones own investigations and understanding further so we can make new leaps in this fascinating revelation of our reality.

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Keep posting on your findings on crater earth and fake space. A massive earth beyond known lands is compelling.

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