Jul 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

Exodus 32:27-28 And he said unto them, thus saith the LORD God of Israel, put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor. And the children of Levi did according tp the word of Moses, and there fell of the people that about three thousand men. Moishe had just recieved the 10 commandments moments before this event and probably was illiterate and could not read THOU SHALT NO KILL

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Ahhh.... but another spelling Spell.

It was explained to me by a black preacher's son that it was rendered: Thou Shalt Not Murder.

Given that Goyim are lower than animals and only Yahoodim are Humans then you aren't supposed to do your own kind but it is open season on everything else.

10 Cunt Amendments.

It's all a Grimoire that has everyone enchanted by cereal kyllers.

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Jul 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

The goy on bitchute rail against the talmud but can't see the bibull is the blueprint of everything in the talmud.Kealey said Moishe heard voices in his head at the burning bush. And thanks for tip on Kealey.I saw they gut your other substack, if they purge this one the web is dead.

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Tisn't it inner resting that VaccineFraud 2 was the one that hosted the Stack that showed that the Yahoodim were let in by the Emperor of China so Sino got Sionofied?

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Jul 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

Yes, I remember reading it before it was purged. The emperor of China let them in just as the white house lets in Chabad Lubavitch rebbe's. Was the China post backed up? I would like to read it again. I remember a portion how the talmud is admired in China.

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Purged. Good word. Commie Purge.

I back up everything against being raped by insane slaves of the Mosheen.

email me:


and I can send you a copy.

China has always been closet capitalists. The CCP were fascist that merely subdued the worker in order to steal their money communist so that they could distribute the wealth among themselves capitalism. This is why I say that the labels of economics and governments are deflections. The Yahood employ all of the traps of each all the time everywhere.

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Jul 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

Genesis 28:14 And thy seed shall be of the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west (hamerica) and to the east (china) and to the north (angle saxon gotha) and to the south(solomon queen sheeba) and thee and thy seed shall all the families of the earth be tributaries.

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The International Yew.

They've pissed on the entire world and claimed it as their territory.

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Jul 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

And to the west (south shumerica) Genesis 2:12 And the gold of that land is good.

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There was a lot going on in the Stack on dogs of war but the driving force behind conquering the americas was that there was a shitload of gold here too.

These creatures are magnetically attracted (physics joke) to bug shit (not a joke. gold veins are laid down by bacteria).

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Jul 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

The dogs of war post and They've pissed on the entire world and claimed it as their territory is classic. Your posts on this pure evil biological parasite AI controlling it's thumb puppets and that no man could possibly be smart enough to invent this control system is spot on.As you say, it was given to them.

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Jul 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

Protocols Our modes operandi is, force and cunning. Only force give you power. This may be considered evil, but remember, evil is justified when used to achieve our plan. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery if it helps us attain our goal. In politics we must know how to seize of the goyim without hesitation if it allows us to gain power over them. Through the media we have gained the power of influence while remaining invisible. Thanks to the media we now have all the gold in our hands. Mind you we also needed to use a awful lot of violence and underhanded tactics to achieve this. But it was worth it even though we had to sacrifice some of our own. In the eyes of God one yew is worth more than a thousand goyim.

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Jul 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

We appear on the scene as alleged saviors from this oppression.The aristocracy, which enjoyed the labour of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite, in the decline and killing of the goyim. Our control of food and medicine to make the worker weak and sick because by this he will become our slave. He will have neither the strength nor the energy to oppose us.

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Pat, Pat, is that you down there in that sewer pipe? Look what I brought you. A cute pitbull and a rottweiler. All you have to do is take them to the vet to get their rabeees shots. And their master can not be without shots either.

Oh, and that cat you already have in your yard. If you as tiny as rat, the cat would eat you!! Yup, your affectionate little cat. Remember the cat vs. man scenes from the movie The Incredible Shrinking Man??

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Wayne! Wayne! Can you hear me up there?

I can deal with the dogs and the cats - it's the crocodiles the people flushed from their kids' terrariums that has me up to my ass in alligators.

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You are nothing short of brilliant. Am listening.

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Jul 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I really have nothing worth typing here so I will just stick with holy guacamole, your large brain amazes me daily! ❤️

Thank you for still sticking around to teach and inform people like me who were clueless about the world until fauxvid happened.

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Thank you for your kind words and avocado stew.

I'm a Know A Lot, not a Gnome It All. So, I highlighted the shit that I had never known on the way to showing folks what I was aware of and ended up living one of my core maxims from back in 2008 when I started sharing my particular madness in this zipcode in Hell with y'all:

If you think things are bad - don't worry - they're worse than you could possibly imagine.

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Lies, Lies & MORE LIES ! You uncover the most fascinating in depth truths.

I'm going in for a REread.

Loose dogs will bite!

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Are you implying that sexually immoral dogs bite?

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Hahaha ..... Promiscuous Pups!

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Love it.

Carnal Canines.

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Gotta love man's best friends:) 💖

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