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we are in a simulation that was hacked by a virus, that grows more and more evil. It installed a program that requires it's players to live through trauma, and endure. They force you to stay alive while eating you alive. They mind control you so that you WANT to fight against the evil in order to stay in the game as long as you can. They mind control you into believing that you will WANT to come back into a new life after this one ends. The whole game is about destroying you, while programming you to fight to live. The only way to really win is to not play the game. Maybe the Buddhist were right. Losing is winning.

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As for me, I don't want, or need to see disturbing images. It's enough knowing that I am forced to struggle and fight each and every effing day kust to survive on this rock all the while realizing that there is not a damn thing I can extricate myself from the muck. I mindfully ignore the world outside my of my immediate personal influence and keep myself busy doing the bare necessities to keep my body alive. I am addicted to work. Physical work that is. Not sitting behind a desk.

Life IS work. If one stops moving health deteriorates rapidly and death soon follows.

I once heard an old woman reply to a question put to her as to the secret to good health and a long life to which she replied MOVEMENT. It stuck with me for the past 20+ years since I heard her say it.

Another gem I remember that the oldest man in the world stated in regards to his advice as to the secret to good health and longevity was to practice INNER PEACE. I strive to do that every day. It ain't easy.

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I love what I do so therefore never call it work... BUT, they do their best to make that impossible for many, if not most. I suppose we all need to start enjoying growing food, and putting sticks together to make a shelter.

I do agree with you.. That movement is essential to living.. life is energy in motion right?

Inner peace comes only when we stop buying into Dungeon Programming (Jason Breshears) all the lies they tell us to keep us in states of misery.

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Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

My bad!

The term work is probably an invention/creation of so-called modern society. IMHO his word is is used to fool/pacify the masses into believing it's an inevitable and necessary part of life. Well, the overlords who enslaved the masses made sure that this belief will forever and inextricably be part of our psyche. A certain group of people, monsters really, have cleverly created hegemony that keeps the mesmerized masses in a helpless stupor. These sophists created artificial CONSTRUCTS i.e. governments (mind control by definition) and subsequent derivations of it i.e. banking, military, tax collectors and miriads of administrative agencies with swarms of officers to keep further control of the herd. We were never free that I know of for the past six thousand years. Maybe never. I wouldn't know as I was not there. The rulers erase, or occult knowledge and records. Gee! I wonder why?!


As Patrick often remarks

"You call this life?"

To be honest, I strain my imagination to the max in trying to visualize what would life be like without the artificial CONSTRUCTS we have lived under our lives as I described, but I cannot see it in my minds eye. Not yet! But I try.. It will come.

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me too, strain my imagination... LOL exactly what they WANT us to do to stay in the game. So in the end this peace of mind is really a form of disassociation. Jenneantically Modified kindly told me I was delusional... she is probably right, because I try and find the good in this place, because I think Nature, as it was originally created, construct or not, was not focused on death, but, For all we know Life itself is a LIE, I mean the word lie is right in there. Evil is the opposite of live, or just a mirror?

But since we likely do not have free will, and we are forced to play our parts on this hell stage. I guess I got a good part... doesn't stop me from seeing how horrifying it is for many in this CONstruct.

I like this guy's point of view and research, he thinks we are living in a sim. as I do. He is studying how to break out of it. He points to the insanity of suffering.

6 min vid. it's part of a longer interview

Roman Yampolskiy


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Does it look like this Yampolski guy has ever WORKED like you and I, I mean, a single day in his entire life? Something tells me he has not. Frankly, his usage of terms like HEADWIRING, NEGATIVE INFINITY, POSITIVE INFINITY is Greek to me. Maybe it's just me, but his message is not understandable.

These two ate in their heads. Information/knowledge does not come from the head. It comes from the FIELD/ETHER.

Contemplating on this subject, an intersting passage from the Bible comes to mind. Jesus is saying You and all gods. (notice the lower case g in the spelling of the word)

Google search showed this:

In the Bible, Psalm 82:6 says, "I have said, 'You are gods'; you are all sons of the Most High". In John 10:34, Jesus cites Psalm 82:6 and repeats the statement, "you are gods"

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it's a very short out take on the whole talk. he likely doesn't work at a physical labor kind of "job" he is a philosopher/ computer scientist. He sees a great deal of similarity in our world and a computer simulation.

What is the ether/the field? could it be the information within the computer? All the files? Accessing the field, may be like accessing files within the system. Everything breaks down to information.

Who or what is Jesus? Gematria/numerology and the bibull tells us that Jesus is the Morning star, and Lucifer is the light bringer? Both are operating systems. are they data files?

what is a god? Is god the Source? what is Source, the operating system?

What is the bible?

I have always thought that the BI-bull is just the code book for the simulation. It seems anyone who tries to interpret the bibull comes up with some new interpretation.

What if gods are just Bits in a byte?

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Having been to Mexico where their public works put a huge CONCRETE BLOCK right in front of a pothole so that if you are going 60+kph and don't hit your breaks for a non-expected killer without any markings then you better like the taste of motor oil because your engine is coming through the firewall. That being said the ONLY thing that is of merit in a Society of their construct is the orange cones that warn of road repairs. Other than that there is no need for ANY of their masturbatory rules upon rules.


Given that I leave the house once a month and I wouldn't if I was ALLOWED to be self-sufficient, then I frankly have no use for roads, therefore the orange cones have just become redundant.

So as to say: I've got no use for society in any of its permutations.

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Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

I trust my experience. When I connect (non-parasitically) with nature (life) I experience peace. They want us to be driven to distraction by the belief that there is nothing left that is good in the world. They want to destroy our hope and our vision for a loving, beautiful world.

I do not comply.

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I always value your input.

We have to be hypervigilent: Do you really experience peace or is it just a numbing pulse created by the Schumann Resonance that dulls your perception that just around each corner lies a black widow, coral snake, Komodo dragon, flesh-eating bacteria, dead forest tree ready to fall on your tent, etc., etc., etc.?

Do you really enjoy that holiday eggnog or the hallucinogenic myristic acid from the nutmeg? the hypnotic hops in the beer? the psyche drugs in reclaimed sewage for potable municipal water? or sedating neurohormones in the burge?

I see everything in and on this planet as a threat with the two-legged variety being the worst of all of them. We're surrounded by those bastards as well.

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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan

It isn't frequent. They are fleeting moments in time. But yes, they are peace, they are the opposite of numbness and dulling of perception...which is what the state of no peace feels like to me. These are some of those moments...

memories (usually from photographs) of moments with my children when they were younger...it is usually a particular expression on their face that triggers a sense of connection

the moment at the beach when I connected with a seagull that had no feet...I walked at least 20 metres away from it, turned around and it was still standing where I had first connected with it...I said to it "Do you want to come home with me?"...at which it raised up only about a metre from the sand and flew directly to me, landing about a metre in front on me...after a moment of awe, I said to it "I am sorry, I can't take you home"...at which it raised up and flew directly out to sea

seeing our guinea pig Nugget, take on a leadership role with two new rescue piggies after his previous companion died (who he used to follow around like a puppy)....generally watching our guinea pigs free range...also, the moment when I recruited Nugget to help me retrieve our youngling piggy Viv, when she went under the neighbours fence...I asked him to go get her and did exactly that

the moment that I was on a tram in Melbourne...a school boy...maybe 15 years old...helped an older woman who was getting off the tram...as he was walking away from the tram, I willed him to turn around because I wanted to give him a 'thumbs up' acknowledgement of his kindness...he then turned around and looked directly at me...I smiled and gave him a thumbs up...he smiled in return

driving on a cold Sunday morning with the sun shining and seeing kangaroos

watching the birds in my backyard...especially the ones that have this kind of walking motion...the galahs, the parakeets, the sparrows

It is all real.

It is the fear that comes from the threat of the brown snake, redback spider, and eucalypts that drop their branches (with or without drop bears), that has made me fearful my whole childhood, youth and young adulthood and numbed and dulled my perception of the beauty that exists all around me. It is my awareness of the contamination of our planet and the greed and corruption in the hearts and behaviours of the two-legged variety, that amplify the magnitude of the peace effect when I experience those fleeting connections to life.

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I'm not the insensitive Thug that they have fostered in me.

The tastes of clean produce the abstract art of geological formations and 'other things' have always been those brief moments of bliss before the antarctic blasts resume. I can't remember if I've recounted here, but I explain it in private to some people that when you press on a nerve to control an opponent you can enter pain into their system. If you continue to press, it depolarizes that nerve so that they no longer feel pain. The trick is to press/release, press/release so that you can enter pain into the system indefinitely.

That is how I view Hell. There are brief moments of beauty (or better said: absence of pain) that are impinged on by the pressing of the pain button to insure that we are relentlessly reminded that even if things could be pleasant here (or just neutral) that we are being actively DENIED that.

Those conditions are totally unacceptable.

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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan


Totally unacceptable.

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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan


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I do too. But I also experience that the way I focus only works some of the time in my favor.

It should work all of the time, if we have power. regardless of the fact that suffering is the way of this world. I have been able to escape most of it. Maybe that is all a trick. But, since I am well aware of the Hell that this world is, whether its me being the divergent, me recognizing that something is very wrong. or JUST the download character that I am forced to play.. I will continue to try and overcome the evil.

If we are in Hell as Patrick is sure of, then why the FUCK bother with anything? Hell is prison where you have NO CHOICE, you are a prisoner..

To me if we are in hell, then what is consciousness? To me everything we think is just a program we are chained to.. that we must carry out in this HELL.. If we are in hell and we have our OWN thoughts than WHY would we participate AT ALL? Whatever consciousness is, it is NOT in our favor. Because if it WAS.. we would have done something about this place by now.

This is a game we are in, and we are playing Characters, and we have no control. some of us are here to expose the system, so we can be considered conspiracy nut cases.. to make it all even more real. like we can really fight and expose something... seriously!!

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I agree...it should work all the time.

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why it doesn't work is because we focus on what we do not want. We react to the stage show, we get pulled into the bad stuff. I know I still can't comprehend why infants and innocent beings get dragged into hell. If we are in a simulation than it's possible that those horror shows, are meant to trap us into the STATE of MIND we call hell. For all I know those who suffer at those extremes are only non player characters. IDK.. never claimed to have all the answers. Just 30 some years of contemplation.

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Your conclusion of Do Nothing (a Taoist philosophy) echoes the Greco-Roman hell myths of predestination and fate.

I don't subscribe to that so that is why we are all here right now:

To DEFINE where we are, how we got here, why we are here and what to do to get out.

Definition is the first step, then it requires ACTION to effect those changes.

That's the REASON to try. To reject the notion of fatalism and do something about it because the fatalistic view is not a destruction of the false HOPE but a complete shut down of ACTION. Why try if you KNOW it won't accomplish anything.


HOW could anyone KNOW that there is no way out if they didn't try EVERY PERMUTATION OF GETTING OUT?

My problem is this: I've defined Evil as a thing that can be extincted but no one is on board to pursue that to its pre-scripted end.

So is Hell in the trying?

or the NOT TRYING?

"... we would have done something about this place by now."

is a valid observation ONLY if my method has been thought of and TRIED.

Obviously there hasn't been anyone in Hell as smart as me, nor does it seem anyone is willing to give the effort to EXPERIMENT WITH MY THEORY.

A theory is useless unless it is confirmed by a third party.

So, the denizens in hell huddle in the heat or the cold and bemoan that they are trapped, never once braving the electrified floor to get to the door that has been left open.

Footshock experiment demoralization complete. No need for guards when the prisoners keep themselves in their cell.

It's a paradigm shift to abandon the Abramic religion notions that there has to be some vicarious expiation of sins by a third party. Everyone is accountable for themselves. So if the denizens of hell get in the way then they need to be removed to pay for their own sins.

Hell on Ea-rth?

How about creating Hell inside of Hell?

Isn't it time for the Demons to have uclers instead of us?

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Why would you call this world Hell, when everything WE ALL have been told about hell is that there is no escape and it is eternal? You are the one always saying how important words are yet you continually call this place hell. With all of its connotations pointing to exactly what you despise.

You do not give anyone a chance to show you anything else, all your attention goes to those who support that we are in hell.

I do NOT support the CONcept of "do nothing".. I support the idea of "do not play the game." To me we are in a simulation that wants your participation no matter what it is you might do. To win the game you do NOT play it, at least not in reaction to what the game is trying to catch you on.

btw Do nothing is actually doing something.

You are in the corridors, the files, the programs of Hell, and you can't get out. That is the game position you put all your energy into, well at least, your posts are energizing hell. Everything you do is addressed to GETTING OUT of hell, so why have you not gotten out of hell?

Stop playing in the corridors of hell, stop playing in the dungeon. I have already left the paradigm of abrahamic religions, first by realizing that fucking suffering to gain, to grow, to learn, to ascend is all a LIE.. all that is DUNGEON programming. It gets you right back to hell. If all you concentrate on is hell world, then that is what the program gives you.

I am done with suffering personally, I wont play the hell game anymore.

I have VALID experience of What you Focus on Grows and what you resist persists is a very real method of operating in this system we are in.

These of course are only CONcepts, because they are also part of the game. But they are incredible tools, to be used to your advantage, and your disadvantage.

You pick on me a lot, and say that you are not... I am not picking on you, but, I am just saying, that from my experience of always focusing on hell, I tend to get HELL in my face. THEN one day I started noticing that I can focus on something else that is enjoyable and beautiful and amazing, and I get that in my face. Does it work all the time? NO!! Because the GAME will challenge you, and in challenging you/me/ everyone, it will catch us up in the swing of the pendulum towards what we do not want...aka suffering. How to not play the game so that it catches you up in hell world, STOP watching and reacting to the stage show. Create your own VI (force) sion (state of) Create your own state of force VISION.

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