From AI...."there are approximately 393 million firearms in civilian possession in the United States. This includes a wide range of types such as handguns, rifles, shotguns, and other firearms. This figure represents both legally owned and registered firearms"

Rewind to 2020, the plandemic, the restrictions, the events after, the everything else but the very thing all the patriotards were pissed with.....I sided with them too.

Now lets go back to the number above: 393 MILLION weapons.

Nobody did or will ever do anything. Even in the event some militia would have, could have, should have ....done something.....it would have ended fast.

Revolutions come always from the inside not from the people.

If anyone think it is the people who revolt, you are still in Morpheus world.

Keep on dreaming.

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"United States population on June 18, 2024 is: 336,603,777"

so... like the other 56 million fyre harms are in baby's cradles?

Thats more than the total population of the plantation.

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I know!!! Isnt crazy??

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As our beloved Jo Mamma would say:

It be Cray-X, Cray-Y, and Cray-Z !

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Yuh huh. You just wait , them maga triots are gonna rise up against them

F-15’s and the people will rise against tyranny. … Or they will be killed waiting on Jesus Trump to ride in on the huwyte horse of the apocalypse and save them from the pedo Abbadon deep state army.

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Since I used to 'study' the Three Stooges for life lessons, this is a clear case of:

"Why... I oughtta....!"

Of course Moe never did rip out Curly's esophagus.

Hope was the last demon inside Pandora's Box. Hope PARALYZES because the Hoper is always waiting for SOMETHING TO HAPPEN....

"Why... I oughtta....!"

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The weight class does matter in boxing generally speaking, however it is possible to have someone throwing a punch of an inferior weight class.....speed would determine the power. But weight it is definetely a factor for the person of the lower weight class RECEIVING the punch.

Also the objective of boxing is to avoid punches of the oponent just like other martial arts....that alone it is not easy task. My son was a boxer since age 12 up until 25 (he was pro for few years).

The weight class is placed for protection, safety(??)....boxing is a very dangerous sport.

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I'm not at the top of my game lately, but that is why you Hens keep me honest.

Boxing is a SPORT with RULES.

There are no rules in whar.

So no weight classes.


Hitting below the belt = allowed.

Biting, eyegouging, and any other dirty trick is... well... fighting.

So if any of those were thrown into the mix and were able to be delivered without something like the World Criminal Court as a lameass referee to interfere, the fight might go to the fastest and meanest bastard or bastardess regardless of who or how many showed up.

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Well im not sure about your perspective… we didnt win against the VC in nam. Yea we killed many but they didnt stop fighting. We’ve lost more ppl to fentanyl in one year than all the US casualties for all 14 years of vietnam. Look at afghanistan, 20 years fighting goat farmers in curtains and sandals that wipe their ass with their left hand without toilet paper in it and we still didnt win shit. Granted most americans dont have as much fight as a chihuahua in them but I cant say that taking out those of us who still have active testosterone and working bodies will be as easy as droning us to hell. Problem is over half of us are poisoned fools and walking meat sacks occupied by the spirit of consumerism. Our biggest challenge is ending the divide so we can focus our efforts.

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You'll have to be more specific on where we differ.

Also consider that when you say: "WE" you are associating yourself with the supreme Tear Your Wrist State.

I know straight from the vets that made it back that that campout was never meant to be "won". First worlders who didn't even know why there were there never had a chance against Gurr illas defending their home turf, families, and way of life. The VC had no reason to stop fighting and the Chinese Regulars that backed them up put more fear in 'our boys' than the VC.

It's always been stated by the Dee Oh Dee that kem eye cull and buy oh logical wharf air is MORE COST EFFECTIVE than Con ventional whar. So, although i didn't know the numbers behind fentanyl - it makes perfect sense.

Iraq or Afghanistan the situation was the same. One Girl iller could do as much damage as 10 men. So they used tech that had a force-multiplier of 10X. That means that they were now EQUAL. All you have to do is add another Griller and the balance is shifted again. That is just tactics and logistics. You bring in the factor of kids from the suburbs wearing diapers under their helmets in 130F heat wondering what the fuck they were doing there and the fact that it was Buy Den's intent to GIFT THEM WITH ALL OF THE EQUIPMENT THEY LEFT BEHIND and the DEFAULT CONCLUSION IS: it was just a meat-grinder to eliminate americans because there was never any INTENT TO 'WIN'.

It's Sylvester Stallone crying: "They wouldn't LET US WIN!"

As well as Patton who was denied everything he required to end it.

I can say - because I know the level of tech involved in cataloging every living thing on this planet for the SIM - that it is EASY to take out people who are already flagged for removal. If you don't know how, as Jim Cameron would say, to be able to "Fight Metal" then people will perish in their beds just like Maui.

There is no ending the divide. Small minds cannot be recovered from the Swiss cheese holes etched into their brains by their masters. This is it. Curtain call. Either people are ready and do what they can the best that they can with what they got or it is Dinosaur Time.

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incredible comment

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In most of the south there are minimum of 3 guns per person…

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Not to mention the thickness of the metal on a modern car is about as thick as a tin can of beans. I could likely fart a hole that big in any vehicle of today aside from the tesla minecraft truck…

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