Ivermectin potentially could undo decades of intentional parasitic infection by the handlers. Dr’s only look to diagnose what they are told to be looking for. IMO they/them stood to lose quite a bit of revenue for bs medical alleviation of symptoms caused by parasites of the helminth variety, thus the warnings to avoid it and the fact they cant skip extensive vaccine testing if anything that already exists works for the problem. Id say todays ivermectin is most certainly laced with extra function. In the heat of the plannedscamdemic, ivermectin likely was only as harmful as the original spell caster intended. The new shit is certainly a new formula. Dont get me started in on meat. Please show me your vegan sage living to ripe old age and beaming with health… they dont exist. Strictly vegetables will leave you ill and malnourished. Change my mind.

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The talking point is forced to be a dialectic:

IVM or No IVM.

The history of mankind has been about using natural substances for parasite removal so when you take the sorcerer's potions out of the equation then the academic question is what natural parasite destroyers are most effective in an age when they can create superpathogens in labs?

Get started on meat.

Yet another dialectic:

Eat meat No Eat Meat.

My Hens and I should have gotten a No Bell prize for our CytoMitoGeno Pathology work:


Of the FOUR major food groups:

Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Alcohol, if you can't digest them or metabolically process them, then NO energy source will maintain health.

So the dialectic talking points of:

Carnivore vs. Keto vs. Vegan vs. Town Drunk are not even in play until the metabolism and gene damage is mediated in some way. Efficient food/energy processing is SECONDARY to the existing damaged pathways.

Case in point: Industrial farm and semiconductor poisoning leading to gene damage where even eating meat all day every day left it impossible to gain weight or have health improvements in ten years.

What is the definition of: Old Age?

Beaming with health due to stealing the life force from a hebrew sacrifice is a Devil's Bargain I'm not willing to take.

In fact, I'm healthier now than I was in my 20s. The defects that were inflicted in me prevent me from achieving god-like status, which is what they have done to all of us on purpose. So, regardless of dietary intake the end result is a stunting of the human genus so that it will always be Assymetrical Warf Air.

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It might be more relevant if you refer to the holocaust of September 11, 2001 instead of 18 whenever.

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The Apocalypse/Hollow Cost is not AN event or a few events - it is one continuous 5784 years of unending hell.

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May 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

This is no attempt to flatter…I just want to say your communication reflects for me a truly brilliant mind. Peace 🧘🏼‍♂️

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I truly am a Stick Man so I'm glad to not be flatterer than I am.


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May 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Another great article, Patrick. Thanks.

According to Dmitriy Kalygin and Conrad Franz from the World War Now podcast -recently interviewed on Greg Reese's podcast- the murder of the Romanov royal family was a ritual sacrifice carried out by Bolshevik Jews.

After they rounded the royals and a few of their servants up, they attacked them in a basement; shooting them in the lower limbs; stabbing them; and wrapped them in white linen. Still bleeding but alive, they victims were transported outside the city. The victims were hung upside down as in a slaughterhouse and their blood was drained. The bodies were chopped up; partially dissolved in acid; and burned completely. The blood soaked sheets were also burned and the ash was collected and sprinkled on boiled eggs and eaten.

(Hard-boiled eggs are used in rituals and at funerals to recall the sorrow at the destruction of the second Holy Temple.)


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Thank you.

And no reflection on you or your comment,


that's just fucking weird.

Even if we really WEREN'T in Hell where anything goes and it's all bad all the time, in a Real World where there were choices to do anything that you wanted

[Do what thou wilt]

that's just fucking weird.

Thing of it is: I've been doing this for so long that the dissociated part of my that merely analyzes it in a dispassionate objective way goes:

Yeah. Sounds about right for cannibal, vampyre, zombie cults.

Who needs scifi or horror movies?

We're LIVING (you call this living?) IT !

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It is utterly sickening.

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May 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

I was raised on Universal Studios horror movies:


Historically Vlad Tepes III = Vlad the Impaler. Ancestor of Winston Churchill, Princess Diana, Brad Pitt and others.

Wolf Man.

The Black Nobility of England are Black Guelphs = Black Wolves.

Even Dr. Who had an episode that the royalty of england were Werewolves.


Based on the yahoody legend of the Golem written by a Yahoodess Mary Shelly. Abdul Fayed said in open court that the royal family name was Frankenstein.

Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Everyone keeps callin them REPTILES. It seems that the original big four movies of Universal were merely Family Home Movies.

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How long a word has to be used before is transformed to meaning something else? If you lie long enough 25 years later nobody will remember the true meaning. And I am sure it was not Hitler who should take credit for that saying “if you lie enough people will believe the lie”. Those were words placed in his mouth. He probably was given psychedelic drugs to be used as a puppet, that is why he was having nightmares.

And now my usual Gematria spread analysis…….nothing is a coincidence in this universe.

“Holocaust”……(33 on reverse reduction)

has same cyphers of the following

-Half Truth

-Second Sun (that would be ye’ good old Saturn. Saturn in mythology ate his own children….casually).


-the masons


-les serpent

I just picked few that made sense to me.

Holo is another word for Whole, this is because English is a spell casting language.

As you nicely explained it Patrick, "whole burning". A sacrifice. See Old testament Genesis 22:1-19 ESV. Abraham sacrifices Isaac. This is the story that channeled me in atheism and agnosticism way at the tender age of 10 years old. Thank "God" I was raised catholic and we are only traumatized half way compared to some other ….religions.

The Old Testament is a book of war. A sacrifice is not somebody else children, it is YOUR CHILD!!! How that would be a sacrifice then?? And this is the part people do not get, the level of psychopathy behind this. If you are willing to sacrifice your own children as in DEATH to please some …entity talking in your head, then you stop to nothing.

Sacrifice in Gematria has the same cyphers of “War IS Peace”, let it sink in.

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Which Adolph meat tenderizer? I've seen an expose on there being 4 Hit Leers one of which was a woman (hence the stylish baggy pants at the hips so as not to give away Jen Deer. There were 40 body doubles for Sadman Insane and You Sahmuh Been Missin' was kilt at least three times.

Legend is that Bernaisse told him that if you're going to lie - tell a whopper - because if they believe that, then you've got them hooked on everything else. Freud and Bernaisse were Yahoodim.

Love it when you pull out the "GEM"s.

Most christians have been conditioned to hysterically exclude everything but the Kind Jamed DiVersion so they don't get the full scope of what is out there. There are Hebrew, Persian, and Araby stories that go like this:

Abraham DID sacrifice Yitzhak but the kid rose from the dead. (saviour myth).

Abraham brought Ysmael to the altar but was stopped by the angel.

Abraham sacrificed Ysmael but the child was raised from the dead. (saviour myth).

Take your pick.

They keep telling the same story over and over again but no one can prove ANY of them.

Did I ever ask you to gemmatrize:



to see what the difference is?

It is Qain not Cain

Habel not Abel

Chavah not Eve

Hadam not Adam

We're brow-beaten that alliteration makes a huge difference in the 'morphic' field so the consonantal/vowel mix should modify the outcome.

The Gnostics said that the use of vowels evoked the archons.

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The Island of Dr. Moreau is a great movie. Wow I cannot believe you posted this clip!!

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Check to see if you have auto-correct on.

It's a great DOCUMENTARY. You typed out: movie...

(hugs. I like being an ass. it's my native state of being)

I've got an associative mind and the line: Are We Not Men? came to mind to post, but I was grinning from ear to ear when part of the law was not to eat flesh because that wasn't in my memory banks.

I like the original movies better than the remakes.

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well assess are trendy now….expecially big ones.

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May 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

The Island of Dr. Moreau is where we all are...

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You would think that people would have gotten that by now just by looking at Egypian High Row Glyph Flicks.

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

I think that people never gotten nothing Patrick...

The 'controlers' even make fun of us making false hi-story like the Ancient Egypian and put in there Hu-man Chimeras so we think its ancient Goods ... but who this chimeras realy are ...: We are ... they chimerayze so much our genome that the ability to see the obvious are gone...

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It takes a brave person to admit to that.

You are what you eat.

If you are eating herd animals you become a herd animal.

If you eat vegetables you become a vegetable.

If someone shoots monkeys and cockerspaniels and black women and babies into you, then there might be a drawing inside a pyramid that gets close to that.

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

It takes a rational logical observation... then the brave part is to put the ego apart

Or realy WHANT to see the TRUTH no mater what!!

In one of your stacks you ilustrate this part of eating herd anaimals so well my Friend!!

Impossible not to see...!!

Diferent types of food/Doof diferent types of energie... when i tell people that : do you think a cow have the same energie as a duck or a chicke or a fish... or a bean... and when you eat them the energie is still the same...??

they look at me like... Fluride/chemtrailing eyes and i can almost start to smell Brain frie,

but after a wile is so obvious that they do a yes... probably to not thinking about, or for me to stop smashing their egos...

Even before i came across your work i observe some Hu-mans i was thinking hummm this one have horse genes , that one have chipanzes genes... even our signals in the skin, black Women genes manifesthing...

It became completly obvious when i see your video Chimera 8 times... the one that the mental retards whit the large intestine directly linked to the brain sensured 1984 style.

They already have the anubis... not realy a cockerspaniel but do the job.

Big foot or experiences in a lab or fake history to mock on us or the 2...

In india we can find some of the chimeras that you mentioned... even in reproduction postures to imortalize the corruption...

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Fluride/chemtrailing eyes...

What a pickup line: Darling you have such lovely Fluoride-Chemtrail Eyes...

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May 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

The deatailed Art By Fran is always impressive in show so many messages in one image!

Like your capacity to see the continuum in this Full spectrum Assimetrical warf Air ( binary false choice... the shoot in the chest or the stab in the back...) that we are in this Dr. Moreu Island.

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We both appreciate that.

She and I would talk through the details like little kids:

Hey! put THAT in there!

Could you make it so that it looks like this?


Fun on Curly, Larry and Mo reu Island.

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May 25Liked by Patrick Jordan

When i look at Fran's Art i always see You Work/knowledge imbeded in the images my Friend.

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