Didn’t I just do a Stack on Giant Parasites inside soft-cuddly puppies?
It was the premise of my book, my prediction, my prophecy (profit see?) that ONLY WOMEN can change the world. Sure, a massive intellect like mine can facilitate that woman or women to get the job done, but it won’t be done by me.
My mind (that massive tumor on my head that I brag about all of the time) ALWAYS goes back to the story of housewives in the 1960s Bouy Kahtting Pork because the prices were too high. The market responded by lowering the prices for the trichinella-eaters.
Back in those days I was Nigh Eve and thought that was the power of mass action and economics that pressured the kosher pork producers to cave to pub lick pressure.
Oscar Meyerstein and Bros. have been feeding stinky white meat to their goypets going back thousands of years not just when the He Brew Temple system went commercial-industrial to cover for the overflow of ‘clean’ animals that were sacrificed by Cohen ritual slaughter priests (you didn’t think that label on the meat was just a label and not a Magickal Sigil that put a Spell on what was to become a Burnt Offering - DID YOU?). You are ‘communing’ with ritual sacrificed beasts.
holocaust (n.)
mid-13c., "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering," from Old French holocauste (12c.), or directly from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston "a thing wholly burnt," neuter of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" (from PIE root *sol- "whole, well-kept") + kaustos, verbal adjective of kaiein "to burn" (see caustic).
Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," given wider figurative sense of "massacre, destruction of a large number of persons" from 1670s. The Holocaust "Nazi genocide of European Jews in World War II," first recorded 1957, earlier known in Hebrew as Shoah "catastrophe." The word itself was used in English in reference to Hitler's Jewish policies from 1942, but not as a proper name for them.
English chronicler Richard of Devizes in his contemporary account of the coronation of Richard I in 1189 used the word holocaust when he described the mass murder of the Jews of London, although he meant it as "a sacrificial offering."
Immolation being when they put babies in urns in Carthage and cooked them for Molech. im MOL ation. They, of course, beat on drums and other musical noisemakers to insure that the parents who had volunteered their children to the God of Death-War couldn’t be heard as they screamed in agony before expiring.
Wicked Peed On Us:
A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire, also known as a burnt offering. The word derives from the ancient Greek holokaustos, the form of sacrifice in which the victim was reduced to ash, as distinguished from an animal sacrifice that resulted in a communal meal.
Holokautein (ὁλοκαυτεῖν) is one of the two chief verbs of Greek sacrifice, in which the victim is utterly destroyed and burnt up, as opposed to thúesthai (θύεσθαι), to share a meal with the god and one's fellow worshippers, commensal sacrifice.
These are the two ideal types of Greek sacrificial ritual; they are appropriate to different divinities, done for different purposes, and conducted by different methods. Holocausts are apotropaic rituals, intended to appease the spirits of the Underworld, including the Greek heroes, who are spirits of the dead; they are also given to dangerous powers, such as the Keres and Hecate. One of the earliest attested holocausts was Xenophon's offering of pigs to Zeus Meilichius.
Jewish sacrifice
A "burnt offering" is a type of korban (sacrifice), specifically an animal sacrifice in which the entire sacrifice is consumed totally by fire. When the Jewish scriptures were translated into the Koine Greek Septuagint, the translators used the Greek term holokautein to translate the Hebrew olah.
This form of sacrifice, in which no meat was left over for anyone, was seen as the greatest form of sacrifice and was the form of sacrifice permitted to be given solely at the Temple by Jews and non-Jews.
Nothing left for anyone…
The "whole offering" is believed to have evolved as an extreme form of the slaughter offering, in which the portion allocated to the deity increased to all of it. In slaughter offerings, the portion allocated to the deity was mainly the fat, the part which can most easily be burnt.
The animals, having first been checked to ensure they were free from disease and unblemished (a requirement of the sacrifice), were brought to the north side of the altar, and killed by either the offeror, or a priest. The animal's blood was carefully collected by priests and sprinkled around the altar. Unless the animal was a bird, its corpse was flayed and the skin given to the priest, who was permitted to keep it. In later times more powerful priests took possession of the skins from the lesser priests, and it was decreed that the skins should be sold, with the proceeds being given to the Temple in Jerusalem (Tosefta 19). The flesh of the animal was divided according to detailed instructions given by the Talmud (Tamid 31), and would then be placed on the wood on the altar
(which was constantly alight due to the large number of sacrifices carried out daily),
Modern Meat Processing plants are the extension of the overflow of the CONSTANT sacrifices that were going on back then. It was industrialized, then commercialized because the Yahoodim do not believe in a waste stream (think: MDF and OSB plywood put together with toxic glues).
and slowly burnt. After the flesh (including any horns and goats' beards) had been reduced to ashes, usually the following morning, the ashes were taken by the priest to a ritually clean location outside the sanctuary, and dumped there.
Ashes to ASH = The Ancient of Days plus his consort ASHerah.
Dust to Dust.
Goat Beard to the acrid smell of burnt hair and goat piss.
Remember this bit?
One of the earliest attested holocausts was Xenophon's offering of pigs to Zeus Meilichius.
Remember this bit?
Oscar Meyerstein and Bros. have been feeding stinky white meat to their goypets going back thousands of years…
Based on what Josephus said that ALL of the nations and peoples of the world after the cataclysm were yahoodim of the three clans of Noea, then even those who war-shipped Zeus Meilichius: “… the Olympian of Greek mythology subsumed as an attributive epithet to an earlier chthonic daimon; Meilichios, who was propitiated in Athens by archaic rituals…” were yahoodies doing the Hollow Cost thing even with piggies.
yeah… yeah… bloody hell - all of those big and confusing words and all of those past, historic concepts that have no bearing on our modern world like:
Chthonic Demon = Lesser God of the Underworld that was satiated (pro-piss-I-ated) by TOTAL BLOODY BURNT SACRIFICES…
… of pigs…
since you can’t get a canned smoked ham today by paying Hell Money for a pre-sacrificed worm-carrier that are the favorites of everyone from New Guinea Natives to Irish Catholics across the whirled.
Continuum, my friends.
I see the entire picture all the time swirling like a computer graphic in three dee that I only have to reach out with my mind - not even my finger - to connect each fact to every other fact.
The PERFECTION of the Spell is seen here in a Substack post by one Stacker that calls Ivermectin a Bait & Switch that prompted a comment on meat-eating by someone who is so innured
inure /ĭn-yoo͝r′/
transitive verb
To habituate to something undesirable, especially by prolonged subjection; accustom.
To apply in use; to train; to discipline; to use or accustom till use gives little or no pain or inconvenience; to harden; to habituate; to practice habitually
that they can’t even tell that they are under the Spell…
Wait til "Agent" finds out about oxalate poisoning. There's a deep dive for you. And as for his broccoli, apparently he is unaware of goitrogens. Yep if you want to eat poison free it takes quite a bit of work
LIKE (9) REPLY (1)
Animal protein & fat is were its at! That’s why tptb don’t want us to have it.
Agent is another Substacker who was referred to way up the comment chain that the first reply referenced that the second commenter countered with her childlike response on chosing sacrificed animals to get around the Broccoli Problem.
The thrust of the Bait & Switch stack was that the Controllers create a Kid & The Cookie Jar scenario where they TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN’T HAVE IVERMECTIN TO ‘CURE’ A DISEASE THAT THEY PREVIOUSLY GAVE YOU.
What does that do?
It makes the weak mind WANT IVM in order to SHOW THEM!
So, the child mind goes out of their way to get what?
No… I mean it: WHAT?
Jordan Maxim: If you didn’t make it - you have NO IDEA WHAT IS IN IT!
It SAYS I’ve Her Meck Ten on the label.
Do you have a lab?
Did you do an assay on it?
Do you even KNOW what is IN it, or did you just take it out of FAITH that the very Sorcerers that released the Dread Plague on you in the first place are going to have the benevolence to taunt you into NOT TAKING something so that you’re going to take due to child-reverse psychology, that may or may not help you with the damage from the FIRST WE UPON?
When I was told by the fellow from the Pentagon:
Assymetrical Full-Spectrum Warfare
I knew INSTANTLY what that meant, what it does and why they use it.
When the Arabs and Is Ra Elis were first going at in in earlier times, the US was selling the best fighter jets and best small harms to their Parent Is Ra EL AT THE SAME TIME they were selling substandard non-functional harms to the Arabs.
Assymetrical in order to weight the outcome.
Full-Spectrum by selling arms to both sides since Is Ra EL is the parent of the Yew Ess it was making money both ways AND weighting the outcome.
So whether IVM was a Miracle Cure or silently took out some of the population as part of a binary We Upon delivery system, it was a win/win for the Harms Dealers.
The successes of using IVM would be seen by the unawake and unaware as PROOF that what Mummy and Duddy said to NOT TAKE WORKED and THAT IS WHY THEY DIDN’T WANT US TO HAVE IT!
Do NOT eat any cookies before supper!
and the kid’s hand is inside the jar as soon as their backs are turned….
These presumed successes using IVM will spur others to seek out the Full Spectrum drugs, thus increasing the sales of THE potions to the people who claimed that they were initially injured by the Sorcerers’ ORIGINAL POTIONS
while, at the same time, the same drug, OR !
(since you don’t know what is in the goddamned pills in the first fucking place) a different Lot & Serial Number that is either neutral or harmful is consumed by those that never survived long enough to blog about how it DIDN’T WORK.
Do you SEE?
Because most people that I deal with these days are so INURED in the Mind Kontrol that they are totally UNABLE TO SEE.
Were you looking at me or were you looking at the IVM? The Meat Diet? The Scarlet Harlot in the bloody sacrificial gown?
Look again.
Animal protein & fat is were its at!
That’s why tptb don’t want us to have it.
Really? That non-thought is the product of an infantile mind.
THEY set up the Temple sacrifice system.
THEY control the sacrifices as either holo caust or commensurate.
THEY control your access to it.
You didn’t grow it - you have no idea what is in it.
You didn’t make the final product - you have no idea what is in it.
But you DEMAND that you must have it, just like the child is made to demand the the cookies or the IVM or the meat-cookies laced with IVM.
Protocol 2:21. These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such time can easily be riveted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they will not sleep and continue to struggle.
The Controllers Giveth and Taketh Away.
ANYONE who studied the work of the shill Fritz Springmeier would know that the way that you break a target’s mind is to GIVE THEM EVERYTHING - THEN TAKE IT AWAY.
Hamerica had its prosperity despite being based on a ponzi scheme of a silver doll ear that then became paper money that then became electronic ledger acounts that will then DISAPPEAR in the greatest crypto magick trick the whirled will ever see.
So, now the El Atys (Princes of EL) have glutted people with flesh and blood and are now posturing to take that away from the meatasauruses. They then respond with:
That’s why tptb don’t want us to have it.
Are You Fucking Goddamned Serious?
The analogy of IVM as a Bait & Switch was seemingly accepted by this commenter who then fell into the SAME trap of Bait & Switch with The Controller’s OTHER offering of ritual sacrifice. What the fuck could they possibly mean: They don’t want you to have it? They GLUTTED you on it. Put you under its SPELL. Made you DEPENDENT on it, then in the Fritz-Springmeier-already-predicted-fashion will TAKE IT AWAY TO BREAK YOUR WILL AND PROBABLY YOUR PHYSIOLOGY THAT HAD BECOME ADAPTED TO THE BLOOD AND GUTS.
I’ll say it again because I get increasingly let down by the folks I am interacting with:
Go back to fucking sleep.
Have you noticed that I didn’t make an appeal (Apeel?) based on Those Poor Animals? or any other talking point that a Vegan might make?
I’m not a Vegan. I eat a Vegan Diet. I do so because I will not participate in the He Brew Temple sacrifice spell-casting where you realize by reading the Tractate Niddah that the thing that they are sacrificing to is an iron-deficient, BBQ loving, Mad God that doubles as the Devil (remember the two sides of Zeus = Deus = God = Jove = Yaveh?) that has an insatiable blood lust that has been pandered to for 5784 years non-stop with slaughtered animals AND HU-MANS.
There is power here that defies scientific explanation, so if we have to wage whar at the level of the most skilled Magi in the history of the world then it must happen at the level of breaking the spell:
These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood
While bearing the name 'Zeus', Zeus Olympios, the great king of the gods, noticeably differs from the Zeus Meilichios, a decidedly Chthonian character, often portrayed as a snake, and as seen beforehand, they cannot be different manifestations of the same god, in fact whenever 'another Zeus' is mentioned, this always refers to Hades.
Zeus Meilichios and Zeus Eubouleus are often referred to being alternate names for Hades.
Same God - Different bloody Lipstick.
With a taste for pork….
Zeus Meilichios is also identified as Agathodaemon, or Agathos Daimon, meaning a 'noble spirit', which was a sort of a household god. Zeus Meilichios was invoked in an Orphic Hymn to Zeus as the Daimon. This represents an old serpentine aspect of Zeus associated with fortune.
The ‘good’ Zeus INDISTINGUISHABLE from the ‘bad’ Zeus?
Where have we seen this before Dr. Zeus?
Snakes of Fortune?
Lordy, where HAVE we seen THAT before?
Continuum kids. When I was given a concept in ancient chinese medicine called The Gu:
Venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue Gu or jincan was a venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China…
The disease states and the agents of those states in the form of what would be clinically recognized parasite infections today was said to be ‘overcome by internal SNAKES’ by the ancient chinese
I ask you just to alliterate the different consonant and vowel-sound permutations of the word: Gu
to put yourself in your own swirl of what it is like to be immersed in Continuum to see that this sickass universe has always been giving us the UNDENIABLE puzzle pieces to put together so you only had to have open eyes, open mind, and a residual capacity to match those images up with the 3 million apartment addresses for the same conclusion.
The Island of Dr. Moreau is a great movie. Wow I cannot believe you posted this clip!!
How long a word has to be used before is transformed to meaning something else? If you lie long enough 25 years later nobody will remember the true meaning. And I am sure it was not Hitler who should take credit for that saying “if you lie enough people will believe the lie”. Those were words placed in his mouth. He probably was given psychedelic drugs to be used as a puppet, that is why he was having nightmares.
And now my usual Gematria spread analysis…….nothing is a coincidence in this universe.
“Holocaust”……(33 on reverse reduction)
has same cyphers of the following
-Half Truth
-Second Sun (that would be ye’ good old Saturn. Saturn in mythology ate his own children….casually).
-the masons
-les serpent
I just picked few that made sense to me.
Holo is another word for Whole, this is because English is a spell casting language.
As you nicely explained it Patrick, "whole burning". A sacrifice. See Old testament Genesis 22:1-19 ESV. Abraham sacrifices Isaac. This is the story that channeled me in atheism and agnosticism way at the tender age of 10 years old. Thank "God" I was raised catholic and we are only traumatized half way compared to some other ….religions.
The Old Testament is a book of war. A sacrifice is not somebody else children, it is YOUR CHILD!!! How that would be a sacrifice then?? And this is the part people do not get, the level of psychopathy behind this. If you are willing to sacrifice your own children as in DEATH to please some …entity talking in your head, then you stop to nothing.
Sacrifice in Gematria has the same cyphers of “War IS Peace”, let it sink in.