ok BUTT, I was being sarcastic about the intelligence part

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Sure I get you. I was attacking the word, not your BUTT.

Just us having conversations brings out the major points that need to be discussed because no one in or out of electonic media is even touching these topics with a 1-foot Pole, a 7-foot Czech, or a 1-yard Finnish.

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deletedJun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan
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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan


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deletedJun 9
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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Sounds like a bunch of New Cage bullshit to me.

"fate makes victims of us all, by embracing a new vision and destiny for all mankind. We are the lightworkers. We are here to bring light into the world and dispel the darkness. And in order to do this we must confront the ugly truth and still rise above it." PHOOEY!

Just like in Bible...Trying to encourage you to carry an extra load, turn the other cheek ...walk the extra mile.... COMMUNISM!

Decide whether to suffer or Not??? HORSE SHIT!

I dunno Kara, A simple "thanks for your support......May have to do. This could lead to lots of debate & wasted effort.... Their mind is clearly made up.

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I so appreciate you! And validating my own response.

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So, lightworkers is like that blinding flash right before the nookeer thingy singes the flesh right off the boneys?

I'm all for being a Light Worker. In fact most of my industrial life I've tried to do as much light work as possible. Kinda hard to do when you are in a barn with a tin roof it's 120F inside and the bales weigh 100 pounds.

And the "thanks for your support" thing:

Did they send Kara a jockstrap or underwire bra or diabetic stockings? I'm just not sure how she's being supported.

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I'm feeling like all of these strings of letter are like some secret code so if I continue to string them together I will get the message from the you knee verse.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Hey! I saw that comment about the 7 foot Czech. I'm only six foot two. Do I count?

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It all depends on whether you can 'touch that topic'.

If you are Gen Z or Gen alpha then you will be averse to doing anything that requires physical effort so, I guess the answer to the question is all up to you.

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as you can see by the topics I post I am passionate about getting to the Bottom of this bs.

it is nearly impossible to break through the programming... They either comprehend or they defend their training. I keep plugging away


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Separating Sheep from Goats from Real Beings.

It's all Stockholm Syndrome. Intrinsically they feel defeated and impotent so if they create a literary construct that THEY chose to have their asses kicked then it is all on them, therefore THEY have CONTROL to extract themselves from the reality by clicking their heels together and repeating some affirmative mantra.

Ain't gunna fucking happen.

The other part is cowardice, because EVERYONE knows were fucked just like Pal of Stienian civilians getting US made ordinance raining down on them against what is falsely called International Law, so everyone everywhere SHOULD be doing something about their imprisonment and abuse but they are too paralyze by the scope of being in Hell to act.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Patrick, you mentioned above that, this post is because you wanted to HAVE the conversation... So I brought this conversation from my stack here... to include it with the importance of IN TELL AGENTS! or was that intelligents... Anyway, the guy, Who by the way restacked your horrific meat video stack was how I noticed him... decided to restack HIS answer to my stack on suffering... Of course, he wanted everyone to know what an INTELL AGENT he was in putting me in my place about NOT accepting my CHOICE to come here and suffer. I would like to really have this conversation with him... Why couldn't he just have the conversation with me on my stack... NO! he went to show his superior bullshit kNOwledge to his followers that he TOLD ME.


anyway.. so NOW my post becomes HIS POST... and HIS wisdom.. SO interesting, this is coming from a guy who wants to CRUSH the EGO. my ego of course. Ego is the only thing that gets us through this carnival ride. If my spirit had any sense it would have NEVER come here.

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I get a kick out of how Little Red Hens at this level are able to decontaminate the bullshit that is slung at us:

"I'm here to crush The Ego." as you point out: everything is in the DEFINITIONS: they never said WHOSE ego....


Sorry you're caught in the Juggernaut over this. What it does, though, if we are diligent is allow a list of the Stackers who are either agents or just TMK victims. That's the thing about trauma, they say that those abused as children often grow up to be abusers.

Edward Jenner was traumatized by Variolation in a sickhouse as a child and almost died. His legacy is to come up with his own torture called Vaccination that he successfully with the help of his Family Relation Minions then abused the whole fucking world with - and here we are...

So, although I would like to help you out, my bullshit threshold has been reached for the past several weeks so if I do visit the professional nonsense, I will merely give a deconstruction of the MK techniques that people use to try to induce the weak minds into accepting fate like dutiful parents bringing their beloved children to be sacrificed to the Mayan or Aztec gods for the betterment of the whirled.

Shit's been going on for millennia so it will keep until I'm ready with my vivesection.

Keep in mind one thing: That if you and your work were NOT significant than clandestine services and the hysterically blind would totally leave you alone.

Back in the day all they had to do was whisper that some woman was a witch and off to the ovens she went. Thing of it is: It was the WITCHES that were turning in the NORMAL WOMEN. Since that has been going on for millennia that means that there isn't many normal people left because wars and witch crazes culled them out. Once again we have the figurative calling out that you are somehow The Other because you don't BELIEVE in suffering so you must be made known to the world and made an example of and put in your place.

Never take this shit to heart. They are either paid agents or idiots and comet-fodder. The law of unintended consequences is that your words might rescue someone on the fence in the Suffering Cult from getting an already stained white picket up their asses. So all is not for naught.


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Pee Ess...

When I save particularly interesting comment sections I have to name the files. I called this one:

Kara vs. The Suffering Cult.

One of us is going to have to Stack on that.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

We're going to have a global governance system which is run in a way that is similar to a nervous system cybernetics.

Governance cybernetics was fundamentally linked with Psychiatry & MK black projects . Taking over the host thru CYBORGenesis is the end goal.

The vast majority are living thru hypnosis & illusion. ....enter A.I. rendering the collective dream state of HELL in real time.

Let it burn....I'm over it.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Resistance is futile. I'm just waiting for the big asteroid to end all this hell.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

I hear THAT!

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oh right, just said this above.. those living by their MK programming.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

The programmed must learn to change the channel to a different network & to a different story on the tell lie vision.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

I wanna change the channel but I can't find the darn remote.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Haha,I have a remote, but NO batteries! Lol

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Well then, I guess we're stuck in hell forever.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

NOT forever... I'm making a break for it!

I'll see you on the flip side. :)

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My Dear Stackettes.

If it were a matter of channel changing then I would say: Give up on the DIGITAL remote channel changer and go analog with a few direct finger-pokes; butt...

My gig is pulling the plug on the TV and smashing the screen, bringing down the power source and then resting after a good day's work.

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Jun 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

I got a ten pound sledge hammer. It's a good workout using that thing. Best use for the sledgehammer ever - smashing the TV.

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Here at VF we are very concerned about safety.

When smashing things with wild abandon please make sure to wear the proper PPE.

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Jun 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

One word - one definition is GOOD!

One word - seven definitions is EVIL!

Who was it that was condemning certain rulers of his days of SPLITTING HAIRS or making up crap like HOW MANY ANGELS CAN FIT ON A TIP OF A NEEDLE?

Insanity is the rule of law. Always has been. Always will be. UNLESS, the man with the biggest brain in the uni-verse finds the kill switch.

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