I can't get over the monkey's memory!

Hueman beans just do not belong here. ...

nor should we be monkeying around with technology.

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Nov 27Edited

Who did give us the technology? We could not have come up with it in the last 250 years! This technology is either ancient, and/or beyond the capacity of mere mortal men. Something strange happened in our history. This video shows Earth was supposedly mined on a gargantuan/planetary scale in the past and we now live on a husk of what once was the original GARDEN of EDEN. Much of actual and visually verifiable evidence all over this rock is very compelling. Myths and legends of all past civilizations have a root cause in reality. These myths are not mere stories for children.



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Ever flown over the YewKnighted States of Shumeria at 40,000 feet?

When you remove the irrigation most of it is a damned wasteland.

I can believe they denuded it and left us with the husk.

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Capt. Janeway has re-entered my life for the second time today. Thanks for the clip, I have wondered the exact same thing. So much technology in the past few decades that span the majority of the baby boomers lives. They mine the planet dry for greed and the people line up to purchase their products which are always double edged swords that cause harm to the body and soul.

Upon reading your post it seems time for everyone to see how Capt. Janeway shows that at death, "the tunnel, the light, the portal" may very well be a reincarnation trick. P.O.E.


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Thank you Mary! Another luscious tidbit of supporting evidence.

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Because we are in Continuum, this circles-back to my post on the Royal Milkman being let in being the sole cause of the TB outbreak in the manor. It's an addiction. They can't help themselves. No matter how much you grab them by the shoulders (do bugs have shoulders?) and yell at them they are going for that buzz bar.

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Very good points indeed.

My current view is it’s all about:

Semiconductor Synthetic Biology or SemiSynBio @ NSF/NIST, quite the f’ing combo.

As for the antenna, I’m leaning towards the “Bruce Lee inspired” type, probably within the SemiSynBio “clots”.

“ Be formless … shapeless like water … now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup … you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle … put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot … water can flow … water can crash … be water, my friend. ”

Fluid Antenna System for 6G: When Bruce Lee Inspires Wireless Communications


For reasons displayed here.. of course the white papers etc feature clips from

Terminator II, very comforting 🙄


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We were either invaded by a parasitic alien which then capped and imprisoned us under a dome since we are now toxic....or we have always been in a simulation.. How do we explain how more and more beings, animals/humans keep coming in? Population stats could be a lie. Considering how the flying over looks like a wasteland below makes me wonder how billions of animals are raised for slaughter, or farms that raise produce for millions, or oil still exists in the ground for extracting, or forests are still there for the clearing and burning... All this can just keep on keeping on if we are in a sim.

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part of the problem is that we have no way of determining if Greepiece is right that the amazon is being erased. NASA says that it isn't. Both are suspect. It comes down to belief. Google Earth is a fraud, so there seems to be no independent third party source for confirmation of anything including counting the now-8 billion husks.

I like your idea of where all of the trees are coming from? since forest were clearcut soon after whitey came to indian territory. In a SIM you just repopulate with the swipe of a mouse.

The NUMBERS of animals and sacrifices recorded in the Buy Bull are so outrageous that you wonder how a troupe of bedouins could manage them let alone slaughter that many for their BBQ bloodthirsty god?

The DISTANCES traveled by those sheep herders ON FOOT is also suspect when most families can barely get to their vacations in modern tranportation on time.


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"You just repopulate with the swipe of a mouse" Exactly what I'm thinking.

I am in the lumber section of the home depot weekly.. How many TREES are chopped up on the shelves there on any given day in every store across the Nation, no make that across the world. HOW is it possible that trees are still standing anywhere when you think of how many are being sold, how many houses are being built.. It doesn't add up. I wrote about this in my post What's really on the grocery shelves.. Same goes for all the products, food and other items that are on every store in every town on and on. HOW is this production possible? Where is it all coming from, how is it all renewed?


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I luv this thread.


If supply&demand be market indicators, and if production furniture be same,Amazon rainforest mahogany has been on endangered list since 2004.

USA military used to make all the family base housing furniture from mahogany1930s to 1970s. Today, we gets a few narrow bands of true mahog which go to luthiers for fine violins and guitars. The pale whitish loose grain mahog you see in HomeDepot is Phillipine and not at all the dense waterproof red wood of the vapor canopy. I just got an appraisal for a bench got tossed off a 1960s yacht onto the dock in WA state as "old". $1200

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Lookey here!

We've got a wood girl on the thread.

That's like a Green Man but not ugly (those things creep me out).

Comment sections are always better than the posts.

Phillipine luan smells bad and has latex pockets in it.

When I worked at the guitar factory we would turn out a few solid body electric guitars made of one piece of Mah Hah Goany. Personally I never liked the smell and it is a nightmare to carve, but it does look and sound good.

Look at gurlfren all: Vapah Can O Pea's and stuff.

Chile, sound like yous nose what yous talkin' bout!


They cut down legacy tress just to make cabinets. AND some dumbass brought in ASIAN chestnuts (why in the hell would you do that?) that blighted them off the face of the plane it.


humans are total idiots.

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Look what I found at the bottom of one of the rabbit holes. This is from an unrelated video from the link you posted and which I found in the comment section. It's referring to a lost tribe from Appalachia called Melungeon whose ancestors were supposedly Phoenicians. History has indeed been occulted.


3 months ago (edited)

When I lived in WA State back in the late 1990's, I met a lady who raised Icelandic sheep. As we talked, the ancestry of sheep (and people) crept into our conversation. She was a striking woman. She was dark-skinned with dark curly hair & light eyes. She told me she was Melungeon from Tennessee. She said their ancestors were Phoenician."

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Abraham Link Colon was Melungeon in the Dungeon.

But he was also a direct descendant of Vlad Tepes III = Vlad The Impaler = Dracula.

But then he was also related to Princess Diana, and Brad Pit, and Winston Churchill.

Were they Melungeon too? or just the same Family line with a different first-cousin/sister-brother input?

Bottom Line: FAMILY.

Bottom Line: There has NEVER been More of Us Than There Are of Them. That's a fairy story they tell children to keep them calm at night. The Phoenicians were the 'Sea People' that everyone feared because they would kick ass and give names and wipe out people or the memories of those people.

This existence is like a sick computer virus where files are being corrupted, deleted, and the disk defragged.

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More info to connect the dots. It's long but it has a lot of information that will explain a lot of things.


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