Well would the host of men heed the scourge of the Plastic Mechanicals for they doth sully the blood.
Glory Be to re-assemblage! Thou shalt re-assemble in reverse order of which thou dids't dis assemble (the assemblage of Dis), but, yea! shoulds't thou haveth a left over washer thou cans't put it in the coffee can with yon other spare parts as an offering to the Asp.
Mathew 28:19 Go ye therefore , and teach all nations, BAPTIZING them......The churchmen sayeth the word of gawd calls for baptism, sprinkle, pour, plunge in a creek or pond. Yet the apostle of the "gentiles" (goy) IRS publican Saul Paul (Yosephus?) sayeth nay.....1st Corinthians 1:14,17 I thank gawd that I baptized none of you.....For christ sent me not to baptize....
And it came to pass in those days that those who were not baptized in the water of the Jordan (no relation) hath not the sign of the viral brain infection that all of the faithful hath. To wit: even the Roy AL Family of the Land of Angles doth dippeth from that source so that they might infecteth thy babies with the Brain Bug.
So when Publicans and Sinners who with Fabian deceit doth taketh over the reigns and rains of the Faith Full, wax awares of the lack or difference of the Viruses In the Stream, they doth ashew the Bap of the Tizing so that there be no conflict with the Hive Mind among the Full of Faith.
Great be the tool of Baptism akin to Awetism where dialectic can be sown like corns of wheat upon the field in order to Schiztomatically cause a Rift among the Full of Faith for doth not paradox give control to all those who weild it? Then the big electric arc in the sky cans't weld with it into the hearts of manunkind the immoveable bonds that align both factions to a single goal.
Mind control.
Since there was never any other practical goal than that in the first place.
(Pee Ess: you are really good at rooting out the dye cotta salamis in the Buy Bull !)
Point of clarification, brother or sister (one never knows from a screen name, butt, also, one never knows THESE DAYS...)
"Who THE Hell?"
"Who IN Hell?"
A subtile but poig nant differ ants in the character/identity of Comment Droppers. I often drop my pants at the drop of a hat, but I'm working out my incontinence in this continent.
My rage knoweth no bounds. As far as the the Middle East is from the Middle West the fire doth burn eternal.
I confess that my greatest vexation and grief can be found in one simple tragedy:
that there are so many programmable husks out there able to be steered by their Masters for nefarious means, however the means to REPROGRAM them to acquire Tar Get Loch Lomond ON their Masters ex scapes me at this time.
I maintain that it is better to give than receive so when they send their programmed packets of doom to us, if we re-gifted them, then we could lay back, relax and smile.
John 1:18 NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD at any time........Exodus 24:9-11 Then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel. And THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL; and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hands: also, THEY SAW GOD, and did eat and drink.
You are now officially (offish alley? Oh Fish Ali?) freaking me the hell out. These are awesome and SIMPLE Cognitive Donuts with the missing hole and the torus.
You keep this up and we'll have a bible study Stack going on every Sunny Day.
The exodus verse is plural elohim in both listings. Should be translated, they saw gods of IsraEL. This is EA, BA, ANU, the 72 hive mind names reworked and edited to elohim of IsraEL. As thou sayest, the greatest spell book of all time.
There is NO ROOM for interpretation or allergory even when "J"man taught in parables! Unless... the interpretors say that it is...
So there have never been many gods. It is merely the multiple personalities in the One God's Head.
There is nothing confusing or contradictory in the whole thing. If you don't understand it it is because God works his ways in the Mysteries Religion which is why he/she/it works in Mysterious Ways.
Side note: This stuff is as blatant as a neon sign once you have pointed out the eye-searing obviousness of it.
Isaiah 52:5 king haime's diverSION last portion....sayeth the LORD (yehovah singular) and my name (hashem) continually every day is blasphemed....Brenton's english septuagint (greek old testicles) Isaiah 52:5...On account of you (yahoodi's) my name is continually blasphemed among the gentiles...Romans 2:24 king haime....For the name of god is blasphemed among the gentiles through you (yahoodi's) as it is written....take note the "on account of you" was erased from hebrew text. The romans writer (yosephus?) quotes greek text "on account of you" by writing "through you" same thing......quite the "infallible" "inerrant" word of gawd sayeth fat slob churchman Hagee.
This is significant stuff. Worthy of a Stack and other preserving works.
When I was in Cat Lick Cat Eye Schism they taught the sins of Comission and the sins of Omission.
That's a glaring omisssion being commited on purpose.
Some skilled musicians I knew in the City of Lost Angels would listen to submissions that other band members had written.
"OK... OK... you got tired there didn't you?"
The Buy Bull is like a poorly organized Feature Film where the Continuity section Union Workers were asleep on the job of making sure that the Suspension of Disbelief is maintained.
When you see Bob's Big Boy Burger (John Hagee) prancing on stage shouting at the top of his lungs aribitering the fate of your eternal soul (fillet of soul?) it makes your eyebrows go up and disappear like a Warner Bros Cartoon. Had to have that janitor from Fractured Fairy Tales wiggle his moustache and sweep up my Peels of Laughter.
Book of Injectors!
A Classic.
Well would the host of men heed the scourge of the Plastic Mechanicals for they doth sully the blood.
Glory Be to re-assemblage! Thou shalt re-assemble in reverse order of which thou dids't dis assemble (the assemblage of Dis), but, yea! shoulds't thou haveth a left over washer thou cans't put it in the coffee can with yon other spare parts as an offering to the Asp.
Note to Self:
NEVER read a JD e-Pissle while eating. The vapor lock could be hazardous.
Funny stuff, man.
Mathew 28:19 Go ye therefore , and teach all nations, BAPTIZING them......The churchmen sayeth the word of gawd calls for baptism, sprinkle, pour, plunge in a creek or pond. Yet the apostle of the "gentiles" (goy) IRS publican Saul Paul (Yosephus?) sayeth nay.....1st Corinthians 1:14,17 I thank gawd that I baptized none of you.....For christ sent me not to baptize....
It's like getting stuck in a revolving door.
Thus sayeth the Word of The Jord:
And it came to pass in those days that those who were not baptized in the water of the Jordan (no relation) hath not the sign of the viral brain infection that all of the faithful hath. To wit: even the Roy AL Family of the Land of Angles doth dippeth from that source so that they might infecteth thy babies with the Brain Bug.
So when Publicans and Sinners who with Fabian deceit doth taketh over the reigns and rains of the Faith Full, wax awares of the lack or difference of the Viruses In the Stream, they doth ashew the Bap of the Tizing so that there be no conflict with the Hive Mind among the Full of Faith.
Great be the tool of Baptism akin to Awetism where dialectic can be sown like corns of wheat upon the field in order to Schiztomatically cause a Rift among the Full of Faith for doth not paradox give control to all those who weild it? Then the big electric arc in the sky cans't weld with it into the hearts of manunkind the immoveable bonds that align both factions to a single goal.
Mind control.
Since there was never any other practical goal than that in the first place.
(Pee Ess: you are really good at rooting out the dye cotta salamis in the Buy Bull !)
Hell yes. Who the hell drops comments like this in mere moments. We stoke the fire of thy rage against full spectrum control freak prison planet.
Point of clarification, brother or sister (one never knows from a screen name, butt, also, one never knows THESE DAYS...)
"Who THE Hell?"
"Who IN Hell?"
A subtile but poig nant differ ants in the character/identity of Comment Droppers. I often drop my pants at the drop of a hat, but I'm working out my incontinence in this continent.
My rage knoweth no bounds. As far as the the Middle East is from the Middle West the fire doth burn eternal.
I confess that my greatest vexation and grief can be found in one simple tragedy:
that there are so many programmable husks out there able to be steered by their Masters for nefarious means, however the means to REPROGRAM them to acquire Tar Get Loch Lomond ON their Masters ex scapes me at this time.
I maintain that it is better to give than receive so when they send their programmed packets of doom to us, if we re-gifted them, then we could lay back, relax and smile.
(imagine me: smiling? is that even possible?)
John 1:18 NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD at any time........Exodus 24:9-11 Then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel. And THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL; and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hands: also, THEY SAW GOD, and did eat and drink.
You are now officially (offish alley? Oh Fish Ali?) freaking me the hell out. These are awesome and SIMPLE Cognitive Donuts with the missing hole and the torus.
You keep this up and we'll have a bible study Stack going on every Sunny Day.
The exodus verse is plural elohim in both listings. Should be translated, they saw gods of IsraEL. This is EA, BA, ANU, the 72 hive mind names reworked and edited to elohim of IsraEL. As thou sayest, the greatest spell book of all time.
No! You got it all wrong!
It is the Literal, Un-erring word of God(s).
There is NO ROOM for interpretation or allergory even when "J"man taught in parables! Unless... the interpretors say that it is...
So there have never been many gods. It is merely the multiple personalities in the One God's Head.
There is nothing confusing or contradictory in the whole thing. If you don't understand it it is because God works his ways in the Mysteries Religion which is why he/she/it works in Mysterious Ways.
Side note: This stuff is as blatant as a neon sign once you have pointed out the eye-searing obviousness of it.
Yes! Religion is psychopathic! Thanks for fucking saying it!
Si(r)onically yours!!!
Isaiah 52:5 king haime's diverSION last portion....sayeth the LORD (yehovah singular) and my name (hashem) continually every day is blasphemed....Brenton's english septuagint (greek old testicles) Isaiah 52:5...On account of you (yahoodi's) my name is continually blasphemed among the gentiles...Romans 2:24 king haime....For the name of god is blasphemed among the gentiles through you (yahoodi's) as it is written....take note the "on account of you" was erased from hebrew text. The romans writer (yosephus?) quotes greek text "on account of you" by writing "through you" same thing......quite the "infallible" "inerrant" word of gawd sayeth fat slob churchman Hagee.
This is significant stuff. Worthy of a Stack and other preserving works.
When I was in Cat Lick Cat Eye Schism they taught the sins of Comission and the sins of Omission.
That's a glaring omisssion being commited on purpose.
Some skilled musicians I knew in the City of Lost Angels would listen to submissions that other band members had written.
"OK... OK... you got tired there didn't you?"
The Buy Bull is like a poorly organized Feature Film where the Continuity section Union Workers were asleep on the job of making sure that the Suspension of Disbelief is maintained.
“God Loves you so much! That he will burn your soul in Hell FOREVER you filthy sinner!”
This doesn't create cognitive dissonance, just peals of laughter.
When you see Bob's Big Boy Burger (John Hagee) prancing on stage shouting at the top of his lungs aribitering the fate of your eternal soul (fillet of soul?) it makes your eyebrows go up and disappear like a Warner Bros Cartoon. Had to have that janitor from Fractured Fairy Tales wiggle his moustache and sweep up my Peels of Laughter.
Fractured Fairy Tales....I was and still am a fan.