Schism means To Cut or Split, hence: The Split Mind of Schizophrenia.
Or, as Stephen King would have: Shitzofuckingphrenia.
I would have expected, but have been proven wrong every time, that those who have been afflicted by narcissistic sociopaths would recognize right off that RELIGION is based on narcissistic psychopathy.
The Encyclopaediae Jordanica defines the difference between a
Sociopath = someone who hurts others with words.
and a
Psychopath = someone who hurts others physically.
Norman Livergood dropped the Scales from My Eyes on the topic of Paradox perhaps around 2006. In the realm of non-physical traumatic mind control, you only have to do a John Hagee sermon to whiplash someone’s brain in order to get them in line like a Dominatrix actually cracking her Cat ‘O’ Nine-and-seven-thirteenths Tail on you.
“God Loves you so much! That he will burn your soul in Hell FOREVER you filthy sinner!”
Livergood explained that the human mind cannot hold two disparate thoughts at one time. Paradox causes what is popularly called cognitive dissonance.
Most people don’t know noffin’ bout noffin’s so dey say: Kognitiv Dissidence.
I grew to like that Miss Pro Nun See A Shun.
dissidence /dĭs′ĭ-dəns/
Disagreement, as of opinion or belief; dissent.
Disagreement; dissent; separation from the established religion.
The state of being dissident; dissent
Close enough.
Here is a highlight of Paradox that was offered as a comment in one of my other Stacks by none other than our illustrious Dictionary.
Jman was paralyzed from taking action, yet boasts. Think not I come to bring peace on earth, nay, I come not to bring peace, but the sword. But for those mine enemies, who would not that I rule over them, bring hither and slay them before me. Here jman tell his followers to do the slaying, can't have blood on that "seamless robe." On another occasion, all who take up the sword shall perish by the sword. Yet in the garden before the arrest, he that hath no sword, sell thy garment and buy one (self defence) Saint pete takes the advice, buys one and lops off the ear during the arrest only to get blasted by jman. This is a biological defect of a man hearing voices in the head yet worshipped as god by millions of churchmen. All hail the landarbeiter of SIONILLI.
Patrick Jordan
Good Grief! Charlie Black!
There's more turn-arounds there than Linda Blairs neck in the Exorcist!
Norman Livergood called Paradox the top method of non-traumatic mind control.
However, my Little Grey Cells seem traumatized by this.
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…
Kyll muh lanlor…
He who done pop a cap in he neighbor’s ass be gittin’ a cap pop in he ass…
Sell yo stank Nikes en git me some STEEL, bro! Cut off he ear, like Mike Tyson!
Whut dah hell y’all go cuttin’ dat man’s ear off fo?
Definitely Pair of Docks. Definitely Cognac Dissidence.
Definitely Do as I say - NO I DIN’T SAY THAT! GASLIGHTING !
Son of God?
Son of a Bitch!
This is exactly what the Gnostics wrote about. A petulant child Yaaldabaoth the Child of Chaos who thought it was god = Yahweh described as a Demented Alien Mind Parasite.
Why people exposed to narcissists who FINALLY see the patterns (especially women) CAN’T see that ALL RELIGION is just paradoxical MK, reveals that although they are aware of it on a human-to-human level they can’t conceive (most can’t these days which is why invitro substitutions of unknown Germ Lines is rampant) that a God-Thing would pull the same shit on them.
Same Old Shit. Different Day.
John 1:18 NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD at any time........Exodus 24:9-11 Then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel. And THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL; and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hands: also, THEY SAW GOD, and did eat and drink.
Mathew 28:19 Go ye therefore , and teach all nations, BAPTIZING them......The churchmen sayeth the word of gawd calls for baptism, sprinkle, pour, plunge in a creek or pond. Yet the apostle of the "gentiles" (goy) IRS publican Saul Paul (Yosephus?) sayeth nay.....1st Corinthians 1:14,17 I thank gawd that I baptized none of you.....For christ sent me not to baptize....