Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Mountain woodsmen know its blackrock, bibull churchmen call it wrath of gawd

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Have I gotten more Liberal (???? !!!!!) in my old age?

I'm willing to concede that it is of Gawd based on my personal definition that I came up with for these difficult situations:

God is that which is more powerful than me at this time.

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Unbelievable....Thank you Patrick and Ms Magoo

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

“An Act of BlackRock” HARRP Land Grab

"..what is falsely portrayed as the fascism that is called Capitalism in the United States with the totalitarianism communism of the Soviet Union: they are one and the same..One is Brave New World. The other is 1984 in their style of application."

Great conversation. Thanks.

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thanks for the cute summary association with the bible verse:

John 10:34-38

King James Version

34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

I was going to stack on that.

My response has always been that the legend to achieve salvation is that you have to kyll god...

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

The Black stone was inside the "kaaba".. In me pondering some unconfirmed hearsay I figure the "Blackrock" cube symbolism is a "daw vidvs tar hex or a hyper dimensional code for 6 6 6.. .. an ancient meteorite it is said..

A "fallen star"..?

Kaaba (from wicked peed on us)

"Ibrahim holding divination arrows, and of Isa (Jesus) and his mother Maryam (Mary), which Muhammad spared.[23] Undefined decorations, money and a pair of ram's horns were recorded to be inside the Kaaba.[22] The pair of ram's horns were said to have belonged to the ram sacrificed by Ibrahim in place of his son Ismail as held by Islamic tradition.[22]

During its history, the Black Stone at the Kaaba has been struck and smashed by a stone fired from a catapult,[24] it has been smeared with excrement,[25] stolen and ransomed by the Qarmatians[26] and smashed into several fragments.[26] "


Black stone

The Black Stone (Arabic: ٱلْحَجَرُ ٱلْأَسْوَد, romanized: al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) is a rock set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba, the ancient building in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.


Thus Elohim woreship cult..

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They call it: Baytullah

which Lenormant rendered Betyl from the Greek.

Betyl Heim = bethlehem

Bethel = Betyl = Beth EL = House of God = the God in the Rock.

Were they getting Voice to Skull from a crystal radio?

Was an ET bug in the meteorite that infected their brains and then spoke to them?

Interesting that it was broken/stolen by a Shia faction. This means that if they kept some of the pieces then the secrets of that stone of power is divided and the other holders have some of the mojo.

Could the Suni/Shia divisions be just a plot by Shem Inc to keep the Arabs divided?

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A swell they would be caped well..


A well is code for (-ce) source..

My bad..

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

The House of Saud was a British creation - They are Wahhabists (extreme Sunnis) used specifically for Divide and Conquer. It seems they might not even be Muslim....but Crypto J's....

"King Faisal (1906-1975), who ruled the Kingdom between 1964-75, confirmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals. In an interview to Washington post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said “We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews."

"It is claimed that the roots of Saudi ruling family have also been described in detail in a book written in 1810 by a researcher Ibn Rushed (not the Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd of Cardoba, Spain who lived during 1126-1198). He mentioned about an individual Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe Al Dounami, also known as Merkhan, a trader from Basra, Iraq and how he had claimed that he is from Arabian Peninsula but his father had fled earlier to Basra and changed his name for security reasons. He married a bedouin woman and had children. One of his sons name was Saud. Mohammed Ibn Saud (the son of this Saud) later became the founder of Saud dynasty in Arabia.

..."There is an official Saudi account of the ancestor of al-Saud Clan. Saudis claim the ancestor of current Saudi Royals was Mani Ibn Rabiah al-Muraydi who had settled in Diriya. The ancestry of Mani Ibn Rabia is not known; except that he was the descendant of Aniza (Anza) tribe. Mani was invited by a relative named Ibn Dir. Ibn Dir was the ruler of many villages that make up modern-day Riyadh. Ibn Dir gifted Mani two small villages where he settled and renamed these villages as al-Diriya.

The researchers have found out the ancestor of al-Saud to be Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe, a Jew from Anza tribe who lived in Basra, Iraq and moved to Najd and settled in Diriya. The official account of al-Sauds claims their ancestor to be Mani Ibn Rabia al-Muaydi, from Aniza (Anza) tribe who settled in Diriya. Probably both these accounts are referring to the same person who is the ancestor of Saudi Royals."

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

Fine comment

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This is its own Stack.

I'm subbed to you but I don't see any posts in my inbox.

Do you write Stacks?

The legends I heard was that the house of Saud were arabs but since they were dumb sand-farmers that din't no noffin bout oil, that their 'cousins' came in to run the oil fields for them. Seems that cousins were already in the woodpile. Not really cousins when Bin = Ben = son of.

Son of Ibramhim !?

Son of Moses !?

You don't get any more Dye Nasty than that!

Our friend Dictionary came up with BNC = abbreviation for my Babylonian Name Change. You don't get any more BNC than Bablyonia itself = Iraq and the name leger domaine of this half-assed pay no attention to the yahoody behind the headdress.

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

I have so much material compiled over years, my hard drives are groaning.

I really must knuckle down and put some together.

A lot of my stuff was destroyed when I was banned from Twitter in 2021.

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Your material is essential and concise. You MUST start a file to backup anything that you post. Substack disappeared my other stack without warning but I have the nearly 200 posts saved offline because I EXPECT them to do that.


Expect the unexpected.

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

Fink co-founded BS - and was searching about for a name for his new criminal enterprise and considered “Black Pebble” before settling on BR.

Black Pebble…lol.

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Help us out for those who don't do Cult of Personality:

Who is Rat Fink?

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Ms Magoo is a DOLL! This was a great convo. I LOVED that you put FEMA on notice! If I recall properly, didn't Trump hand over the reigns to FEMA during Convid? What a nightmare!

My people in NC are mountain folk & they pick fancy mushrooms to sell to restaurants & dig out ginseng root that they sell locally to be sold to bigger entities. People don't realize the ways they contribute to the economy that has been DESTROYED. & Their animals need help!

Nuno sent me a great link that helped me realize more things to donate. Animal crates, food bowls, bedding etc. https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/rescue-in-the-eye-of-the-storm/comments Donna made a great point to use the health ins. benefits to pick up more supplies.

Also, LOVED how she brought Energy & frequency into the convo!


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She is special - but not in a Short Bus sorta way....

You just reminded me that when an EMERGENCY is declared that it suspends the constitution because it is a declaration of Whar!

That's why they are acting like Narcissistic Psychopathic Thugs!

No law during war


With all of the emergency orders from every fake president that ever sat in the be-farted chair there has never been a time when Hamerica hasn't been under the rule of FEMA.

Think about that!

I keep forgetting to call it Biocide because they kilt the people, animals and plants.

Jen No Side isn't just for breakfast anymore.

When I heard her pick up her favorite topic I knew: JM's gonna love this.

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Yep, lawlessness to the peril of the people.

ALWAYS under the rule of FEMA? Holy balls.

I keep hearing more & more about BlackRock getting a 91Million dollar GRANT... NOT a LOAN....A FUCKING GRANT.... from our corpseration.....60 days prior to the hurricane to mine the lithium!

There may be PEOPLE tunnels under there too ... who knows anymore.

I think that You & Donna should make this a habit. It was enjoyable :) Set aside an hour here & there to talk shit about the parasites at large & whatnot. Good times to be had.

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I think it should be a three-way CALL/podcast and you and I could gang up on Patrick about energy/frequencies! We can cut his mic and not be able to hear him because his voice/frequencies/vibrations can’t be heard! Just thinking 🤔

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Hahaha, How did such a southern belle think up such evil genius??!


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As my grandpapi would say as he pointed to his temple… “kidneys, darlin’, kidneys”!

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

There's alot of good resources in the video.

Thanks Nuno! xx

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

You know my Friend... you are Always Welcome ...!!!

I 'HOPE' it Help in some way...

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I am passing along the info as we speak,

You are ALWAYS helpful !! :)

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

You tell ‘em, friend! I’ll be right beside you every step of the way! The time is nigh, “I’m made as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore “ shout it from the roof tops and the highest mountain! This is W A R... in my opinion, of course!

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You're such a lady rebel! Hiow cute is that?... To make such a bold statement to be shouted from the rooftops & highest mountain.... Then to be very Southern Bell style.... "in my opinion of course".

Love it!

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Could you imagine a Southern Belle being told that she would be arrested for helping and couldn't go back for her family?

"Let me introduce you to my rotor tips..."

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That would be a sight!

Let's hope no introductions need to be made!

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This will put a bee in your bonnet!


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What the hell! And then my family says, “it’s not political “ ! Is there a place lower than whale shit?? If so they are there!

Thank you for sending...

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No probs, ... Now you at least have quick & easy political ammo to arm yourself with. :)

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Mad as hell not made as hell 🙃

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Maid Made Mad.

I liked it better in the original:

I am made: As Hell...

Mayest the flames of thy righteousness consume all the damned whose misfortune it is to be caught in your presence.

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

… all 5 elements of nature purposefully used against a man is a witchcraft and it wouldn’t surprise me if some twisted sick head is at the helm of the ouija board.

The use of vocabulary is not an accident, biblical, historic, October surprise….After all, we’re approaching a Halloween so we may reach a climax at the end of the month.

(Plus, someone mentioned to me yesterday that we will see 2 “moons” this month on/around October 12-14)

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So many threads to keep organized.

All hallowed Eve... yeah forgot about that one. Mainly because they buried it in commercialism.

Tell more about the lilith moon.

That twisted sickhead at the helm is the A.I.

This has it's signature all over it.

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… you can put it on 1.75x


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Not to a southern ear!

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Patrick I’m still amazed with your ease to get into people’s head! Bringing a Southern voice into the conversation just solidified your talent... “damn, if she gets it anybody should!” Keep poking at ‘em’ poking at em! You and your red hens ARE making a difference! I love you, Man!

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Lawdy, Mizz Donner, whud I do now?

Iz jus pickin dem peas, and dems cottons, and dem nits.

Bin a Nit Picker since I was knee-high in knee pants to a porkupine.

Din mean to be pokin' no ones, but thar be that stick in the farh yonder an...

"When Polyphemus returned to his cave, he found the intruders and became furious. Odysseus and his friends could not escape because the giant had rolled a huge stone against the mouth of the cave to close the entrance. The furious Cyclops grabbed two of the men and ate them. The next morning, the giant left the cave to graze his sheep. When the giant returned in the evening, he ate two more of the captive men.

Odysseus offered Polyphemus some strong and undiluted wine given to him earlier on his journey. Before passing out, the giant asked Odysseus’ name and was told the Greek hero’s name was “Nobody.”

As Polyphemus was sleeping, the Greek hero took a wooden stake in the fire and drove it into the giant’s eye, making him blind. Polyphemus screamed for help, and the other Cyclops on the island came running. They asked him who had done this to him, and the giant replied, “Nobody.” Hearing this, the other Cyclops all returned home laughing. They thought Polyphemus was afflicted by divine power and recommended prayer as the answer."

If'n folks be dune dah Right Thang like Spike Lee and Odd Dee See Us, dens ebben preyin' tain't gonna hep dem bassards. Noooo.... Ma'am.

Love's you too, Mizz Donner.

I's gots ta gets back to pokin'. I sees Pokeweed in da field, and smell some poke rinds (deys cosure pigskins), and all da Pickin' Ninnies running round tryin' to find Poke Mon on deys hand-helt, gubment-isshu, spy Dee Vices.

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

You are so full of... yourself!

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Mmmm.... hmmmm.

Das right, Mizz Donner.

Yous done gots da right dige nosus!

I jus wen to da Dock Tuh duh udder day.

He say: Wuz rong?

I say: Land O' Goshen! Muh belly's swole like's I's given buif ta TWINS!

He say: Dat's naht unusule dees days...

I say: Whut is it Dock Tuh? It be gas?

He say: Uh - unnn...

I say: Cain't be Thu Sugah! Say it ain't Thu Sugah, Dock Tuh!

He say: Uh - unnn...

I say: NOT Thu Cansuh! Say it ain't Thu Cansuh, Dock Tuh!

He say: Uh - unnn...

I say: Thin whut it be? Yuh gots ta tell may!

He say: Yo just full uh yo-seff.

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Oct 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Howdy Patrick, I have missed you my friend. I burned out on small talk many months ago which is only a reflection of me & on me. I have known for years (& not as many as you) that they were coming for us all in this manner. Their decades of data collection has shown them there is no opposition of ANY ANY ANY consequence. It is going to increase rapidly in scope and speed from here on. Words, prayer or threats lost any significance (if they ever had any) by the Civil War. They have only known one way and it is coming to a front door near you. May we all meet on the battlefield before we all meet in a mass grave.

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Yeah, that's why me and MaGoo said that this was just opening ceremonies.

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

This isn't a farewell response but it is a just in case response. I have told you countless times on here that your body of work is second to none, I can't begin to imagine how many folk you have helped. You helped my wife a dozen years ago to narrow down her Celiac diagnosis......thank you again for that! When I say I am done with small talk this is what I mean.....at this current time being in my early 60's with foreign troops here on the ground and cities being wiped out.....I will not live long enough to anymore worry about a white smile, toenail fungus, re-growing my hair, hard abs or increasing my penis size. We are at fucking war and that is all that matters.

I do not care how many different or concurrent corporations are running US Inc......I just see that whoever is holding the debt has decided to take their spoils. When San Francisco is a literal toilet for decades but can become pristine overnight for Mr China to visit......you just met the owner of California. Now these cocksuckers are much smarter than Dubya also.......they are not from Texas. They don't have to exaggerate their penis size and watch the bombs drop on TV. They are efficient and the best bombs are bombs the folk don't know are bombs. Wild fire bombs, train derailment bombs, factory explosion bombs, hurricane bombs etc....

We have enough law enforcement in this country to arrest every single politician, banker, attorney, CEO and anyone else who is betraying the folk and causing all this but they are too busy jacking-off their secret handshake brother for their own advancement to act...... fuck me (not literally)

I am a true pacifist and have no desire to ever look down a barrel or point a barrel......but my non rock hard abs tell me my chances of discovering my g-d given involuntary response of self-preservation is running high. If it does end up being a mass grave we all meet in I hope I am next to you Patrick.......being a stick man you will provide my beer belly a lil more wiggle room. Thanks again for all the knowledge, courage & laughs. JJ

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

Fine comment J Johnson....planet Port au Prince Haiti is here since 5784

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dude. You're a poet.

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

I got bnc from thee, its in Assaulted book or Silent weapons. If I remember you wrote Karl Marx bnc Mordechi Levy....

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Dude. Iddn't that hilarious. I was giving you praise for making up such a cool acronym but I didn't even know that I had done it myself.

There is a story about a chinese archer that goes along those same lines.

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My pleasure to meet you!

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Dude, I feel yuh.

But the Fat Lady ain't sunged yet.

It is really just us, but I'd take a few rough country bumpkins over an entire planetary millie tarry any day.

Fran Zetta and I wrote down the makings for HUNDREDS of illustrations. One of them was about how warriors don't always wear military uniforms. It was populated by doctors and nurses, etc.

My mission has been to raise people up to the level where they could fyte. If you are sick or dying you can't even get out of bed to raze Hell.


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Cheers back at ya my dude and I don't think anything is over or lost yet.......I just know that it is HERE!!

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You two were talking about the $750 bullshittery payoff & now there are stories on "X" , That those who take the $750 from FEMA, & if they do not pay it back in 1 year, That they can then take the people's property and any assets thereon.... THAT is WHY I was afraid to cash that $700 Convid check. I felt it was a buyoff in case we got sick... That was the payoff for that induced illness.

I wouldn't put it past these evil twats.

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From a commenter on truth stream media:


2 hours ago

So far this year

$25 Billion to Ukraine

$11 Billion to Israel

$2 Billion to Ethiopia

$1.5 Billion to Jordan

$1.5 Billion to Egypt

$1 Billion to Somalia

$1 Billion to Yemen

$1 Billion to Congo

$1 Billion to Syria

$700 Million to support illegals in US

$9000 to each illegal alien

… $750 to each of these affected, tax-paying citizens

Our government is not incompetent. They know exactly what they’re doing, and we are simply in the way of their plans.


small sound of hammering in the distance as gallows are being built.

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I have a woodpile of warped lumber in the back & some nails.

Would buy rope, but they gave away all our money.

It's a start.

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1. Place nails in boards.

2. Start swingingly wildly.

It'll have to do until we can get rope.

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Oct 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

Farm boy it to the farm village council..

Rule by ra ad.. (*)

This is one of the greatest bon-bon-stacks ever - or reads I ever read..

The read the read meter flashes red red ultissimo red as top-notch-peak..

Though the last book of WE-ZION'S might get a tug of necessity spoke-speak dredged through the plausible prosle-zionism tie's in..

Big Mike Tyson fettered as the Heifiestolian eagle liver feed for fought..

A sound clip unable to mp3-download is a sound recording unsaved..

Clif High abondoned his beautiful subarctic stacked mp3-downloadables provided by a substack sound file function for a silly video non downloadable I am showing how my lips move and how the sea looks behind me even though a plain downloadable mp3-file would save us the day and free us from performing a forced secondary recording of a unloadable form ate..

Though an actual Pat-rimonized mp3 was a brilliant addition on Pat's horizon means I will go easy on Pat and thats That.. Phat! Not to inply Pat is Phat tvough! He ids stickman for a reason I assume.. Vegan is me not me phink for phatties..

*Ra="the limits that count.. Like the Ra or sun/son in its angle rising and setting a specific day of the year..

*Ad is selfevident.. But ingeniously clever.. Imagine Norse languages having Da (or da-a)=då=" then/flow of time down stream) as a logic complement to Ad!!!


Even more brilliant..

Ancient folk law or "law of the land" is held in conscience and by moral responsability of accounting responible for a council's decision privately held by each member of the council/råd of eldrts in a villige council.. The councel conveens openly for all members to be able to hear and partake in in order for to be accepted..

The Norse word for a council is ra+ad=Råd.. ..ingenious!

Even more "striking" is the decided topic in question is made with a "rådslag" where "-slag" means it is being (prefferably a club made of hazel wood) done/declared by the strike of a club announcing the council agreed to decide its internal matter at hand discussed for to be decided..

As in an auction..

First (.. silence - if no objections heard; declares).. second.. (.. if silence after a pause is present: comes) BAM!!! .. The sacred hazel club strikes a divinely self ruled matter is settled..

By necessety any trusted bearer of honour to sit in the counce had his head pawned in trust of his service to be by necessity having him a head shortened if he betrayed his own villagers faith in his duty to fend for his own..

Goda råd är dyra - as they say in Sweden.. .. "Good councel is costly!"

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I had no idea that the Sub Suckers would make an embedded file that could not be independently saved. I'll have to formulate a workaround. Thanks for letting me know.

Pat The Phatless.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Patrick Jordan

My definition of gawd. The top tier cult followers of the religion The Castrated Gawds that have some kind of tight relationship with Judaism. Surnames beginning with CO and EL are clues for who THey are regardless of race and country.

I find it very interesting that Asheville was a target. Asheville has been labelled the climate haven. Asheville is also the destination for LGBTQ visitors as many residents fall into the acronym. At one point it was ranked 12th gayest city in America. This city, however, seems to have an unusual outlook of the TransGender. They had a ruling called HB2 that restricts TransGender people to using the bathroom that corresponds to their birth gender. Makes sense to me.

Remember Trumps statement in 2017 of "it's the calm before the storm" and when asked what he meant he said you will see? Has the storm just begun?

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Ash is the Ancient of Days. Called one of the Forgotten Ones. Ash and Asherah. They always came in pairs until the Yahoody started exporting their psychiatric sickness to the whirled.

Ash Village.

Most 'gods' were hermaphrodites so Ash Ville and a high hermaphrodite population makes sense.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Patrick Jordan

These may be places to watch for future deconstruction as recently seen with Kings Mountain. It would be one way to bypass a bunch of environmental concerns that could put off the mining for decades.

As an aside, for years I have been wondering what is underneath the Denver Airport with it's apocalyptic murals, Blucifer the Horse, the talking gargoyle etc.


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