Here's proof that artificial infusions of grub men money causes chaos for all but the cashiers.


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Jan 21
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You are HOOKED UP Justin! That is soo cool.

Don't forget...The Who Memos can be used as weapon as well! Lol

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Jan 22
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Thanks for your View Outside The Fishbowl assessment of what indeed is a filter on my website. If folks can't face we're in Hell when they've been roasting in it since they were sluiced into it, then really, they ended up in the wrong bootcamp of Sgt. Jordan.

I really do like your business sign. I would still knock, come in and try to negotiate a mutually beneficial arrangement.

You could build a lot of guitars out of a single tropical tree.

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A dork like me reads that and thinks: Yeah! that's why I called it a deposition of crimes against the biosphere...

then I realized it was YOU who wrote it, then I realized that you were trying to practice Phamacisticide with half a tree.

Did you know that there are prisons in ILL Annoyed that banned any hard-covered books because they can be used as a we upon?

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But yeah, that happened. Imagine IF I got booked for THAT! OMG,THAT could have been a great marketing oppurtunity.... Well, we missed out on THAT one.

Had it been a hard cover ....it would be exibit A! Also banned in prisons up here. You can make a shank out of some hard cover books.....I've heard. I suppose, I've gotten nasty cardboard cuts before.

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Thank you for per chasing them.

Thank you for letting me be able to track Lulu's Honest Tea.

All of them were recorded.

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Just more fuckery. Money is an expression of your life force.

Government slavery systems exist for no other reason than to extort your life force, period end of sentence.

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My name is: Patinum Jordan. And I approve this message.

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I appreciate your what write it makes total sense

Keep on keeping on

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I'm a runaway mine train with worn out breaks.

It is my destiny.

I can't not do anything but that.

Thanks for the encouragement, wave, and kick in the caboose as I careen by.

I think I went to gradeschool with Careen...

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Surah 9:34 O ye who beLIEieve! Lo! many of the rabbis and the monks devour the wealth of mankind wantonly.....they hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah, unto them give tidings O MuHAMMed of a painful doom. What sayeth Napo lay on Boner part on religion?

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Ever considered a career in chiropractic?

You just whiplashed my brain with the Ham in Moo Ham It.

I never noticed it before.

We'll have to do a deconstruction.

Arabs are Hammites so it might be a geneology thing.

The dividing lines are SO TRANSPARENT when you have my Family Tree to guide.

Who are the rabid rebbis? Cousin Shem.

Who are the monks? Cousin Shem.

So this is Ham vs. Shem.

I'll probably feature a clip that was sent to me that still has the missed point that the Pah Ghans are STILL SHEMCLAN, Inc.

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Scottish-American philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre

"The modern nation-state, in whatever guise, is a dangerous and unmanageable institution, presenting itself on the one hand as a bureaucratic supplier of goods and services, which is always about to, but never actually does, give its clients value for money -- and on the other as a repository of sacred values, which from time to time invites one to lay down one’s life on its behalf. . . . it is like being asked to die for the telephone company."

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E've alwez bin fond of me kith and kin from the Emerald Isles, now, Lass.

We've gut a wey of sayin' tings thu way dey arr not thu way dey uppear to be.

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Part of the big spell is the energy of giving money & taking it away. If you have to pay a hospital bill or give your money away...you feel DOWNt. Now If YOU are that hospital...then YOU feel UP & good.

Money is just an e-MOTIONal. circlejerk.

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I'm with you. I get you.


Giving or having it taken is a loss.

Getting or stealing is a gain.

But there is always more to the dialectic:

an EVEN EXCHANGE leaves no one at a deficit.

That's the part that most people miss because as Artermix and I hammer home: except for mending broken bones these freakass motherfuckers got NO GAME. NO 'cures' for anything, so they take your money just to limp you along until the next disaster where they can delete you by attrition of stealing all of your life force then divide up your estate.

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I was TRYING to think up an example of EVEN exchange.

If you work minimum wage & you NEED to buy diapers ... you'll go without some other necessities.

If you make bucko bucks working for the establishment .... well, it's never really an equal exchange in the fiat whirled where you can buy a pallet if diapers cheaply & resell them for more fiat currency...The cycle repeats.

I'll trade you 2 dozen eggs for 2 cloth diapers ... seems fairer to me.

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Jan 21
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More than which end of the shovel to use, I'm more concerned about where the cord is to plug it in.

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Fair traders = unfair traitors

Fair is when everybody walks away happy.

"all is FAIR in love & WAR. ... warfare?

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Since I was a child, before I was even interested in gurlillas, I hated that phrase because I knew what it implied.

If you are willing to do ANYTHING to get at a woman that means you are unscrupulous (I typed louse), therefore an unsuitable suitor.

If a woman is so vain that she revels at a man doing unsavory things to get her attention, then run away from that beatch.



equating love that is associated as creation with war that is obviously destruction is Yahoody defined. Good is Evil. Evil is Good.



It is TRUE.

And it all MAKES SENSE!

While Fran Zetta and I were working overtime to make the body of work that is offered now, one of my projects that I never finished was the history of Syphillis USING the World Wars to disseminate itself.

I'm sure you two get the meaning of those carefully chosen words by now.

Syphilis (brain rot dementia) CAUSED humans to go to globe hell war on the pancake so that they could spread the disease more efficiently.

If you saw the background material I was working from you would let out an OMG squeek.

So, then we re-evaluate the All's Fare in Love and Whore in the lens of my Syphilis is godinsideyourbrain theory to find that The Bug will do ANYTHING AT ALL to conquer (infect) new territory and take over new people. So the Bug is at war with all lifeforms. The bug LOVES to possess us like demons and eat us like Twinkies. The Bug is literally at WAR with us so ALL of the parameters of that phrase are satisfied.

Problem is: All humans are now bugheads, they have neither the gray matter or even grey matter to do the deconstruction I did, let alone have the energy to rise against it, so they just shrug, and re-vomit a terrible phrase of conquest by an alien entity and go on with their pathetic bug-driven non-existence.



Stack Time...

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This is such a worthy Stack subject Pat.

Just the fact that they STEER the human to procreate themselvesAND that whole disgusting topic we talked about the the other day ... with the dewormer supplement ... & that horrible video that you sent me.

The whole thing grosses me out. THAT alone could end the human race.

At least the brain bug keeps the host "alive".

What people THINK is "human nature" is anything butt!

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OK... but how do you keep the eggshells on the baby's bottom?

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Handing YOU the "Baby" ... Figure it out! :)

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I barked like a dog.

I can see us married:

I gave birth: It's YOUR kid - you figure it out!

Then I'm shouting: "Which was is up? there's fluids coming out of both ends!"

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....Lolololol .... Baby ends up rolled up in bath towel!

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"You make a claim they get jurisdiction."

Those who want a hard look on just how valuable we are to them, one only needs to walk around in cemetery and read the headstones.

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I listened to the first 11 seconds of the Freire video and turned it off.

Long ago I rejected the Nangpa (Tibetan Buddhist) notion that our bodies are just empty suitcases that we discard when the 'jeernee' is over.

Total Fucking Bullshit. TFB.

Spouted by a bunch of Shavehead TOP ILLUMINATI hanging out on the mountain.

Those that claim that they know secrets or what happens after we've been suitcased are never to be trusted.

The In The World But Not Of It religious crowd is denying the OBVIOUS Opposite Day TRAP that was laid by those who think that even philosophers are idiots in diapers.

Let's play What if?

What if: our bodies WERE the most important thing because as you rightly point out THEY have shifted them to the cemetaries and beyond for at least 5784 years!

What if: our bodies need to be honored, not as a host for Neurosyphilis that produced all of the fuckshit posing as humans that we are literally surrounded with, but who WE are - the ones right here, right now, that fight agains EVIL ITSELF because our NATURE compells it to even though if we just went Full Metal Mason and kikt a few Bay Bays to the otherworld we would be given all of the amenities of this asbestos roller coaster ride in Hell?

What if: we honored our bodies then we would have the balance with nature, the sympatico that you WOULDN'T poison your planet or raype it of resources to extinction beause the planet sustains you so if you maintain homeostasis with it then it becomes a mutually beneficial perpetual motion machine?

So the What If's nullify any other view that the Gatekeepers and I dare say from just the accent the FAMILY controlled opposition that are suggesting that we just ignore the Husk.

Sounds barbaric. Sounds religious. Sounds like EXACTLY what the enemy would say!

Send and post whatever you want I'm just doing autopsies on the message not the messenger.

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You claim the name

You claim the rules

You work and work

And get used like tools

You claim the money

You claim the status

And that is how you die the fastest

You claim the status

Then you're a slave

By your own hand to this day

You become a slave

To something you claimed

You sit around and become deranged

You claim to listen

And then you yell to astound

You claim to be someone else

Better than everyone around

But at the end of the day

We all end up in the ground

While what we claimed gets shuffled around

Claim the name, claim the rules

Get chained up and then abused

Claim the money, claim the status

That is how you die the fastest

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What is money? The symbolic exchange of status and power printed on a piece of fabric.

Low money = Low Status

High Money = High Status

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I like the idea of fabric.

But what you are referring to is not, was not, nor ever will be: "Money".

So this Fabric of Our Lives (thank you) is threadbare and falling apart.

Lysander Spooner said that even silver and gold are mere commodities.

Aristotle said that money is time and value invariant. So especially gold ruined that 'claim' to fame since a gold piece used to be $20 then it went to $40 within recent times as the fixed price of trading between nations, while they were selling the bug-shit to the rubes for $2000. Value variation over time. Big Jeopardy buzzer sound.

What is money?

Our blood, sweat, tears, connected to hard work = labor.

Something that the Yahood are allergic to and that is the backing of a promissory note which is the only thing on paper that I've seen these ghouls take seriously.

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Did you hear what Trump just did with this Trump Coin & Melania bitcoin? No Barron Coin.... But anyways...It's a total TRAIN wreck! They screwed Americans out of BILLIONS of dollars in some sort of scam that I don't fully understand. ... First day in office & Trump pulls a Bernie Madoff of Blockchain.

I saw it here at the 37 minute mark...This financial dude breaks it down.


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The Game & The Lie, Just cuz I'm a curious person.... I'd like to know WHY you made 2 accts ... no posts, no data connected & both accts only follow one other account...Both accounts only follow Substack Writers?

Can you hook a girl up with an answer?

EDIT: And also the acct..... They don't care about us. Same M.O.

I mean, it's cool your here & if you want to add to the convo, Great.

Just make this make sense.

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I don't know if you were posting in general because we are all under the Yahoody fraud, or to me in particular, but in either case none of what you write applies.

The Protocols of Szion are clear:

They rule ONLY BY FORCE.

Where there is force there is no contract, there is no legitimacy so it doesn't matter if you claim or don't claim anything.

They will kyll you.


Because it is what they do. I is in their holey books.

It is clear from the Tall Mud that what they call the Goyim are LOWER THAN ANIMALS. Therefore although these so-called Sub-Human, Sub-animals are allowed to pretend to participate in everything that you labeled, it is a fraud. Where there is force there is no contract. Where there is fraud there is no contract. So claiming something is or is not is irrelevant.

The Slaves will be tortured and abused whether they play or not play.

Damned if you do - damned of you do.

The folks in these comments are exploring the notion that we are in Hell. The only way that you can get into Hell is to already be dead. So, that would require that your CLAIM that claiming something causes us to die the fastest becomes a paradox: How do you DIE in Hell if you had to be DEAD to get here in the first place.

The starting point then is to realize that the syphilitic mind of the Yahoodim cannot be reasoned with, it cannot be understood other than it is criminally insane to talking about any fine points of the insanity are unproductive. The infection needs to be rooted out and extincted then that will afford us enough rest and leisure time to assess just WHERE in Hell we are, HOW in Hell we got here, What in Hell we're going to do about it, and WHY in Hell we were here in the first place. When we get out of Hell is contingent on all of those other questions being answered.

5784 years.

No one's ever tackled those questions.

But they've spent 5 millennia arguing over minutia.

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Creation Of the Mythos

Creation Of the Narrative

Creation Of Power

The Mythos

Created the Narrative of Need

The Creation of Greed

To Feed

Control the Narrative

Control the Strings

Control How People Do Things

Creation of Illusion

To then step into Delusion

All to Create Confusion




Round, Round It Goes

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Art thou worthy to spar mit das landarbeiter? Ye be the 4th new subscriber in 24 hours. Art thou IDF unit 8200? Did Esther hofyahoodess send thee?

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Honest, guvnah, I ain't bitten no land - oy haffent !

Got a lot of dirt up my nose in moy day. (sniff) that I have!

It's hard to know without preamble if such posts are a lighthearted poetry Jam set up by human or a reconnaisance mission by Bot.

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On the record I want noted I do did read this article - since my quote from weak ey payd on US is on madness to the method thus on topic - beside this articles s coop..

*I enjoyed researching base chemistry linked in said weak ey pay dea of terpenes witch led to numerpus humerous interesting sides of this major fytochemical class..

Saponins as adjuvants in vaccines*..

"Saponins have also been used as adjuvants in development of vaccines,[8] such as Quil A, an extract from the bark of Quillaja saponaria.[7][9] This makes them of interest for possible use in subunit vaccines and vaccines directed against intracellular pathogens.[8] In their use as adjuvants for manufacturing vaccines, toxicity associated with sterol complexation remains a concern.[10.]

[10]Skene CD, Sutton P (September 2006). "Saponin-adjuvanted particulate vaccines for clinical use". Methods.

[7]Lorent JH, Quetin-Leclercq J, Mingeot-Leclercq MP (November 2014). "The amphiphilic nature of saponins and their effects on artificial and biological membranes and potential consequences for red blood and cancer cells". Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 12 (44). Royal Society of Chemistry: 8803–8822



[8]Sun HX, Xie Y, Ye YP (March 2009). "Advances in saponin-based adjuvants". Vaccine. 27 (12): 1787–1796. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2009.01.091

[9]"Quillaja". Drugs.com. 2018. Archived from the original on 26 December 2018. Retrieved 26 December 2018


Under every stone we find a yahood researched natural topic tested as for weep own ease-ation..

I found it interesting..

But my pea brain just passes it as a p on to the globe brain not in Spain..

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