Why does everyone get all of their In Formation from the Yahoodim?
We’ll, I’ve answered that by doing Opposite Day on the:
”There’s more of US than there are of THEM” myth.
There’s more of Them. Read the Protocols
By 1785 the Elders claimed that they owned the Press.
Against my better judge meant I started to play this. I hate economics as much as I hate politics.
Did I just repeat myself?
So it opens with the “EXPERTS” like:
Milton Friedman. FAMILY.
John Keynes. FAMILY.
The Fried Man says that if you put money in a system it will devalue it.
The money and the system.
That makes sense if you want to impoverish people first by convincing them that GENETIC LIARS would tell you ANYTHING other than Opposite Day enslaving nonsense. I can’t say how fucked in the head our ancestors were to have not snuffed out that figurative cigarette butt while it was still small before it caught Canada, Wyoming, Montana, Lahina, California and the rest of the world on fire. Any creature with a brain smaller than a dolphin should never have swallowed the Friedman bullshit then asked for seconds.
This is like Quantum Theory. Squiggles on paper or blackboards or greenboards (or Greenspans) tell us that Good is Evil and Evil is Good all at the same time because:
I stole those equations from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:
Butt, the Yahood never stalks prey without a Dialectic. So if the velociraptors in the tall grass don’t get you, the pteranodons will swoop down and do a Rachel Welch from behind.
So to befuddle the already brainless goy, they toss in a Keynes to say: Vait a minute! SPENDING PROGRAMS benefit THE ECONOMY.
Kenya see the utter bullshittery of this choice between being stabbed in the back or shot in the chest?
What the fuck is that? The Govern Mente DOES NOTHING. They do NO WORK. They produce no goods, services, or money whatsoever. Steal from the Poor to give to the Rich.
So, a SPENDING program funded with the life’s blood of the tox doll ears stolen increases the ARTIFICIAL ‘ECONOMY’ that was set in place by the Govern Mente that produces no goods, sercices, or money whatsoever.
What about the Peep Holes?
The presenter in this video (the $10 million in Africa one, not the 1 million year one in British Columbia) wants to promote the idea of: YOU giving money to uknown poor people an ocean and continent away.
Uh…. how is taking money from one group to give to another not exactly what the govern mente already does? Except not at ghunpoint.
And to prove what?
What we already knew without two fakeass Yahoods sewing dialectic to confuse the braindead tox payers?
If You have money - you fucking spend it.
Spending money circulates the curse that was applied to sigils that keep the Black Magick Spell in motion. They call it Current Sea because the CURSE settles on wherever the paper spells stop. Coins aren’t money. Heavy metals aren’t money. Paper (currency) isn’t money. Your LABOR is money. It ticks off the time of your life.
TIME is your LIFE.
So, if they are fucking with your money by restricting it, taxing it, or devaluing it - THEY ARE FUCKING WITH YOUR LIFE.
No one ever needed ANYONE to tell them that.
So why is the average ape so stupid?
No one ever needed an EXPERT to explain what was proven by this Private instead of Public money lawn during operation ‘analysis’. IT WAS SELF-EVIDENT to the village idiot. Which sets a new low-standard for those who spoon up the vomit of those like Friedman and Keynes.
The bottom line being: Leave the peephill and their money the fuck alone and nature itself will balance things out. There is no need for invented words:
Inflation = your LIFE isn’t worth anything.
Deflation = your LIFE isn’t worth anything.
Because some ugly-looking matriarchal intercourser Expert said so?
It’s all an Opposite Day lie.
The whole world and everything in it is.
Humans are running off the cliff like Lemmings…
They’re not.
That was ANOTHER LIE perpetraited by National Geographic where they caught a group of the buggers running towards a cliff en mass NOT to be committing Sue Eye Side but because they were going to jump into the river as part of WHAT THEY NORMALLY DO!
Feel like a duped idiot?
I just had to look up common law marriage. Did you know that NOW they are saying that: the cohabiting for 7 years is considered assured recognition by The State as you being married was and is a MYTH?
I guess like JFK, Moon Landings, and Round Earth every goddamned thing is a myth. Might as well throw Lemmings, Marriage and The Economy in there with it.
But Harmerica has such a long and rich history of righteous behavior and the blessing of capitalism.
I hung out with a Yahoody who had a degree in economics and anthropology. He traveled to Mexico and across the US in pursuit of answers on how economies operated.
They don’t.
Economies are all frauds, fixed-games. Manipulated; and because of that you have FORCED migration from Mexico, Central and South America. But the manipulation happens primarily from the New Jerusalem of the Yew Knighted States of Shumeria. So, the entire Immigration Crisis?
The Cunt Trollers created it!
I don’t call it: Problem, Reaction, Solution.
I call it: Problem, Problem, Problem.
I’ve often quoted the Florida Everglades Park Ranger:
When you try to stablize a system
it destabilizes it.
If there were no government, the retarded apes argue, then there would be Ann Archy.
Look around: you are immersed on Archonery.
What possible difference could there be?
Money is not the Root of All Evil.
Another one of those Lemming myths.
The LOVE of Money is the Root of all Evil.
Legend is: that the Yew Knighted States of Shumeria was founded because Family didn’t like the Tyranny of Family. But as Ralph Epperson points out, the trade was just from one branch of Family: I, The King to Congress (the Sanhedrin) who assigned to themselves power over all things including the REGULATION OF TRADE.
Once you see that in writing in the Constipation, then you MUST recognize that:
Free-Trade by definition would mean: ZERO REGULATION.
So: Lemmings, Money Love, Bison Skulls, “Illegal” Immigration, Common Law shacking-up, Economies, Inflation, Deflation, Conflagration, and Free Trade are just words masturbated in public by everyone all the time with nothing ever coming of it.
So what is Jordan saying contrary to the guy in the video who wants you to give them money for Po’ Folk in Afreeka instead of Po’ Jordan?
[Many thanks to my private gifters without whom these Stacks would be non-existent.]
In this age of See Eye Aye total information awareness and under the guise of Hu-Manitarian AIDS, they ‘needed’ the cellphones for their data gathering.
No one ever heard of paper and pencil?
Data gathering to come to a conclusion that my mythic Third Grade Class would have already known?
[Fuck Me With A Stick, for those new to my Stack.]
9:36 There is never in history, been an extremely rapid increase in the quantity of money without an inflation.
I argue that the bald-headed insufferable Yahood was…
Spellwork. Here at Below The Stack in Jordanville we are not subjected to Word Spells.
Never in History.
Those motherfuckers write history so his statement is accurate.
Rapid increase in QUANTITY of money.
Those fuckers of their mothers PRINT the money. It’s FIAT.
Fiat, Fiat, Fiat! Is how you end a black magicks summoning of a demon after you tell it what to do. So be it, so be it, so be it!
Money out of Thin Air.
So, again the Fried Man is 100% right. But in all of your years, and then we add them collectively together for those who read my Stacks, then adjust for Dog Years, has ANYONE EVER evaluated the problem with the glamour/enchantment/spell removed to see what I just said?
When a government has its CHARTER BANK (the Federal Reserve was set up by Congress the tyrannt-King-replacement) PRINT MONEY TO FLOOD THE ‘ECONOMY’ then INFLATION WILL INDEED BLOOM! Like a Ship of State Ice Berg. Bloom Berg.
That’s three for three of Pat agreeing with the balded mother huncher?
How can that be?
Because he told the TRUTH.
You were allowed to, and if you were stupid and blind enough, you will BELIEVE the Truth that he told NEVER ONCE deconstructing the LANGUAGE behind what he said.
What is Inflation?
Ben Bernanke said that “Inflation is totally artificial. With the stroke of a pen it can be raised or lowered within a half an hour.”
There is never in history, been an extremely rapid increase in the quantity of money without an inflation.
He didn’t lie. He told the truth. No one bothered to examine what that truth was: 100% control and manipulation of every aspect of what is falsely called money.
So OF COURSE they can call the shots on what happens to the money that they control.
Did anyone wiggle in their seat and wave their hand to bring up the glaring fact that Fried Man and Keynes all based their bullshit on the GOVERN MENTE controlling the pressure in the money hose? The money coming from DONATIONS for the ‘experiment’ in Africa was NOT PART OF THE GOVERN MENTE.
This is just like the bullshittery of Herd Immunity:
The term “Herd Immunity” was coined by epidemiological researcher A.W. Hedrich.
He studied measles in Baltimore from 1900-1931. He theorized from his observation, that people who had contracted measles naturally, were naturally immune from catching measles and therefore wouldn’t transmit it to other uninfected people because they couldn’t catch measles again after they acquired it naturally. Advocates for vaccination use this theory, but it is little understood that this theory doesn’t work for vaccination, only people who catch disease naturally. This is why when the argument is presented that the majority of the people have to get vaccinated in order to “protect” everyone else is a fallacy. In addition it is also a fallacy because vaccinated people can actually spread disease making them especially dangerous to the immunocompromised.
Hedrich AW. “Monthly estimates of the child population susceptible to measles, 1900-1931, Baltimore, MD.” Am J Epidemiol 17, 613-636 (1933).
Lemmings, Herd Immunity, Inflation, Money, Taxes, Donations, …
all bullshittery all the time.
That is the Method of the Madness. Baffle them with Bullshit.
Who’s going to argue with them?
They’re Experts!
This is why I do not dabble in politics or echo no mix or any other topic that is not rooted in reality and the Hard Sciences. I just turned those ‘established’ expert positions to dust in minutes! So it isn’t even worth our time to discuss politics or economics other than to do a vivesection in order to hear the screaming and possibly get sprayed by the fluids to convince us to stay the hell away from unseemly topics.
Here's proof that artificial infusions of grub men money causes chaos for all but the cashiers.
Just more fuckery. Money is an expression of your life force.
Government slavery systems exist for no other reason than to extort your life force, period end of sentence.