I get amused by the contention that the Constitution separated religion and the state. It's kind of like conjoined twins denying they have the same body. All states promise magic like powers and gifts and a savior. President Oby-ama had no interest in the transcendent but played the messiah to blacks, who thereafter declined by every measure: violence, education, household income, ethnic group power. Crime syndicates have been using Jud-ism as a false front religion forever based on the Law.

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My favorite revelation within the hollow halls of governmente is that the purpose of a LEGISLATURE is to...


If they did not CONSTANTLY make laws then their reason for being ceases to exist.

There was never any need for anything beyond common law: Do no harm to any living being or their property.

Everything beyond that is the Talmudic nightmare where the Yahood is expected to study the law every day to make sure that they are not breaking a law that they didn't even know existed.

Talk about anal, ocd, schizophrenic madness!

So the perpetual motion machine insures loopholes or previous laws just aren't enforced which then has the kneejerk reaction of making 'new' laws to cover for the ones that already exist.

That anyone puts up with this shuck & jive is a statement against the herd.

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Laws make crime.....

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It is illegal to make a toilet that uses over 2 gallons of water to flush.

What a crock of shit!

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The original OG invented self-ID.

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Maybe you don't need to speak to do black magicks spellcasting with language.

What if SIGN LANGUAGE IS the original demon speak??

The Illuminutties throw up demon speak signs all the time.......👌

Sign Language=Black Magicks ??

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You always have a fresh perspective on things.

I've always viewed the 'signs' as a way of signalling others like the hand inside the jacket, but I'm open to ether manipulation by physical means.

The cistercian monks kept a vow of silence probably because the gnostics said that just pronouncing VOWEL SOUNDS you were invoking the Archons.

But contrast that to Hebrew that renders things like G-d not out of respect but because THEY ARE AVOIDING VOWELS.


Now, you've drug us into the realm of cymatics where shape alone represents the VIBRATIONS (I can't believe I wrote that) of the ether!

THAT brings us into the Devil's Horns sign that as near as I can estimate is the WAVELENGTH of the frequency of 666 Hertz between the average index and pinky finger.


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No vowels...Like how MLK became Molek ... Then they use a see eye aye OP of MLK to bring that vibration into modern times!

Yer blowing my mind! Holy Devil Horns! What's that they say about frequency, vibration & the other one that fell outta my brain?

My Antenna is being interfered with! In the meantime, ...VERY IMPRESSIVE on YOUR PART!

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If Molek had a son would he be MLK, Jr.?

When you study physics it doesn't get dogmatic about one thing to sell to a pop culture like JUST frequency/vibration. Those that pander to the masses treat them as if they are incapable of holding more than one thought in their empty heads at one time.

There's a reason for that...

When I've been around children I presume that they are information sponges so they can absorb as much as you can give them in any one setting. When kids play the Why? game I just keep it going indefinitely until their PARENTS give out and tell us both to shut up.

So... WAVELENGTH = the distance between the peak and trough of a particular FREQUENCY is INEXTRICABLE from the understanding of EMF that INCLUDES the spectra to light and beyond (cosmic rays). So it was a foregone conclusion of seeing all the kids at metal concerts with their devil fingers in the air, not knowing that they were like the 1960s when your dad would tell you to get up and adjust the rabbit ears on the TV for better reception.

I taught myself WWSD? instead of WWJD? and it made all of the difference.

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Words are funny and deceptive.

Admiral BYRD "flew" over middle earth. Birds fly.

BIRDS are not real.

See the Magick?

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Whatever glitched yesterday, yer brain gears are back in action.

Byrds FLY (insect) over the Rain Beau, why, oh why cain't Eye?

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoLiked by Patrick Jordan

It comes & goes .... Might I try throwing up some signage??

Very clever. There is something to that rainbow that I've been TRYING to figure out.

Lightning strikes... during reign ... Then we get a reign beau ..... Violins have bows. They make frequencies. Do rainbows change the frequencies on the color spectrum?

Language of the sky?

I may just be glitchin out.

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You always add a new perspective to old concepts.

I would encourage you to relax your mind instead of straining for new ways of seeing things to consider that the RAINBOWS ARE ALWAYS THERE! It is position/perspective that allows us to see them from the ground. The reason why they look like a semicircle is because they are indeed FULL CIRCLES but our vantage point truncates them.


There's a book called Gravity's Rainbow.

I never read it but I immediately got the reference. If there is anything that impinges on the Ether to make a perturbation that then orients itself into a coherent form like light on raindrops manifesting as a rain CIRCLE, then ANY FORCE could manifest a SIMILAR PHENOMENON.

Gravity (whatever the hell that is) could induce a 'rainbow' in the Ether.

Here's some flat earth boat oar upside the head.

For IDIOTS they represent the Spaced-Timed cuntinuum as being a FLAT SHEET of spandex into which the weight of their balls indents the fabric.

IF that shit was true then it is a fraudulent representation for idiots because you can be drawn into the gravity (whateverthehell that is) of a spherical planetary body (in their explanations) from ANY DIRECTION (VECTOR) IN ANY DIMENSION (3D).

So, you can see how the planar depiction of space-time WARP is just a total fraud. It is NOT planar it is everywhere all the time or not at all.

In their system.

I used their explanations to show the fallacy of their entire system and how they pretend to explain something by truncating the explanation.

Maxwell's equations for elecrtricity had calculations for effects on LOCAL SPACE-TIME but they were adjudged to be too trivial to matter so THEY WERE REMOVED BY THE ONES WHO WRITE THE TEXTBOOKS.

There are some who say that local-spacetime influences are THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.

Tracks - doesn't it? They would fuck with the most important thing and teach shit so that no one had access to their secrets.

This is worth its own stack if I had the time.

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But, THAT is exactly WHY I need YOU. I can't decipher old concepts from new, if I never heard of such said concepts..

My mind conjures this stuff up &ithen I run with it & I run it by you. Then I get THIS total construction of the reconstruction of the LIE. I LOVE IT! Lots to digest. Thank You!

I agree it needs to be its own stack....maybe someday? File it ........

I'm already pre imagining the comment section! This is mind bending stuff here.

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Whoa there, Nellie, slow down!

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Coffee was strong today. Neuron's may be false firing.... Tourette's of the fingers?

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Other than being insanely intelligent (ok, insane), good looking and magnetically attractive to women (I wear industrial magnets) the one advantage I have is a memory rooted in Continuum.

You've mentioned many times that your memory is either impaired or as we have discussed your left and right Hemmingway Spheres are not talking to each udder. You'd probably run circles around me with your out-of-the-box connections if you had an intact memory.

In 2008 I said that memory is a survival trait. This is why they try to wipe it in 'normals'.

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I'm LMAO. I was just picturing you with all your industrial magnets spinning round & round in your chair...into continuum. Kinda like your own personal MRI machine. 😂

Impaired? ....MISSING....MIA....LOL ... Maybe I'm just "touched" by the insanity fairy? Just a little bit? Haha How am I supposed to run circles around you when you keep spinning continuum??

Speaking of memory wipes .... Have you noticed this high pitched squelching in yer ear? My left ear only. Daily around 12- 2pm. I wonder if that's part of the mind wipe scenario? Just thinking out loud.

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