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Nov 30
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My sister is Liz Dexic, so let's get together and have an unFamily Reunification, mate.

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Nov 30
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I'm very conservative and hermetic.

I'm right behind you.

No... really... I turn sideways so people can't see me. I was behind you the whole time.

I'll go home now. The stitches fell out of my shadow. I have to sew it back on.

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Nov 30
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Sound advice.

Beware the BMX. They're everywhere!

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This hurts the heart.

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Just in time for when I was about to decorate my petroleum based fake Christmas tree..

Some say if we all went for fake trees to stop the destruction of Living trees for a materialistic Santa aka Satan hell-a-day! well then we would actually put an end to the Growing of trees..

I mean, trees are renewable,, RIGHT???? They grow again and again.. so planting trees for the X-(Christ) massacre.,, is a good thing, because it keeps the land prime for growing Trees instead of Strip malls and more factories. That's a good thing, right?

kinda like we treat dogs, they are expendable, throw them out if you get tired of them, more will come along.

Interestingly OIL is like trees , It just keeps being produced, and extracted, like the trees and EVERYTHING that we use in this material world is connected to that oil. especially those magical pHARMaceuticals.

Sooo, like I suggested, we are in a SIM..

what you focus on GROWS!!! Grow those trees!

Anyway, I love my version of this time of the year, because I personally do choose to appreciate LIFE, and relationships with others! Folks we are in this world together, no matter how much they want to make us HATE everything.

BUT, What the hell, why do those who want to rule this place always want to destroy what is most magical, astonishing and beautiful about this reality... Because I LOVE the TREES...

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Take and take until there is nothing left, all for greed. And then blame us!

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Holy shit!

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Rendered in the original Chinese:

Ho Li Xiait

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