One of our Stackarinos was gittin’ all woodsy in the comments of a previous stack so I wint a lurkin’ for this and other videos on how the invaders dun cut down all the trees.
Some asshole named Parsons
parson /pär′sən/
An Anglican cleric with full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law; a rector.
A member of the clergy, especially a Protestant minister.
A person who represents a parish in its ecclesiastical and corporate capacities; hence, the rector or incumbent of a parochial church, who has full possession of all the rights thereof, with the cure of souls.
was so PARSimonoius that he brought in ASIAN chesting nuts because…
they were CHEEPER.
You cannot serve God and Mammon with roasted Chestnuts.
The Protest Ant was indeed a Wreck Tor, who was in full demonic possession, and couldn’t cure a soul let alone a fungal disease as he was solely responsible (soully?) for wiping out
1. FOUR BILLION Chestnut Trees
2. Moths, Mice, & Men
3. Exfuckingstincted the Passenger Pidgeon
4. Destroyed aquatic life
5. Changed the water chemistry
6. Called the greatest ecological tragedy in the history of the plane it.
So what of the ‘architect’ of this Dis Fucking Aster?
A ‘draft’ from Wicked Peed On Us:
Samuel Bowne Parsons (1819–1906) was an American horticulturist who established the Parsons Nursery in Flushing, in the New York City borough of Queens in 1839, located in present-day Kissena Park. He was also a participant in the Underground Railroad, and the father of architect Samuel Parsons. Parsons Boulevard in Queens was named in his honor.
Well, there you go…
FAMILY. Not only was he NOT pub lickly X-eye Cute Ted for the WORST ECOLOGIC…. FUCK THAT:
in the history of HISTORY
They fucking named a street after him!
Parsons was born to Quaker
Early on when I started writing my first book
I had to confront the notion of Quakers and Shakers. It appeared to me that whomever started these bowel movements had to be the first to be infected by a possible fungus that led to the dystonia.
You then get a bunch of other gullibles to buy into your religion and put them in a closed room so that the fungus can spread and all of a sudden you have a ‘movement’ of like-minded (infected central nervous systems) that all quake and shake to where the only thing that people remember about them is their Oats and the Pegs they put their hats on.
I find this very curious that the very person who is attributed to wiping out an entire ecosystem might have been part of a Fungus Cult and that the We Upon used against the entire Appalacian biosphere was a FUNGUS!
The fungus was Made In China, but the Maiden/Virgin American Chestnuts were not capable of fighting off the invasion.
I can’t make this shit up. That’s why I quit writing science fiction.
abolitionists Samuel Parsons (1774–1841) and Mary Bowne Parsons (1784–1839) and had five siblings; James Bowne Parsons,
Famous Blues Man? Leader of the Blue Cheese Band? Alan Parsons Parmesians?
Mary Bowne Parsons Jr., Robert Bowne Parsons, William Bowne Parsons, and Jane Parsons. Samuel Parsons was a minister who married into the Parsons family. The couple passed down their abolitionist beliefs to their children, inciting the involvement of their son, Samuel, and two of his siblings, in the Underground Railroad.
Parsons Nursery of Flushing
Parsons founded the Parsons Nursery of Flushing in 1839 within Kissena Park.
He traveled extensively to find rare, non-native plants to place there,
Why in the Name of Australianfucking RABBITS would you go BIOPROSPECTING when the entire YewKnighted States of Shumeria is one of the most biodiverse continents out there?
such as Japanese maples (Acer palmatum),
Pretty. But serves NO FUCKING PURPOSE.
and the weeping beech (Fagus sylvatica).
See above.
He also sent collectors to Asia
Admission of guilt.
and Europe. He enlisted the aid of Frederick Law Olmsted (1822–1903) and Calvert Vaux (1824–1895), who helped order many of these rare trees and plants for his parks.
As the city obtained more land over time, the boundaries of Kissena Park were reestablished in 1950.
After the Parsons Nursery was rediscovered in 1981 by Shelly Stiles, it was cleaned and preserved. Today, the nursery is known as the Historic Grove and contains many of the rare species it originally held in a 14-acre plot of land. It is now located at Rose Avenue and Parsons Boulevard.
And what is pregnantly absent from the Wicked Peed On Us propaganda piece?
That this freak was part of a biocidal campaign to PERMANENTLY ALTER one third of the North Harmerican Continent.
NO PUNISHMENT. No mention of the crime. Honorarium for the perp.
I’ve posted this before:
They just take and take and take until there is nothing left, then they move on.
Take and take until there is nothing left, all for greed. And then blame us!
Holy shit!