Oct 4Liked by Patrick Jordan

Musk (Haldemann) bragged on twatter that they pulled a coup on Morales in Bolivia to rape it of Lithium

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Oct 4Liked by Patrick Jordan

I didn't realize he was Pennsylvania Dutch either! WTF, mofo is Am-ish? Welp, I think Patrick is right. The mustache shavers are Yahoodim.

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Hens like you restore my faith that Mankind has a fighting chance.

Not because you 'agree' with 'me', but because you have the capacity to see the truth.

I guess he's top of the food chain of what they call Electric Amish.


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agree…..but I am super anti-religious.

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Mankind will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

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just had a talk with someone where we agreed that:

ALL narcissistic sociopaths are salesmen, and

ALL salesmen are narccisitic sociopaths.

Given the jen no side and biocide and rape of the Natural World we'll upgrade that to psychopath in Mr. Haldemann's case.

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The "people" need a way to detect 3.6 MW signal in the 2.8 to 10 MhZ band to heat up the Ionosphere transmitted from a facility in Gakona, Alaska that has 180 antennas. A billionaire is needed to fund monitoring facilities to determine if storms have been created and steered by HAARP.

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sorry to say that its much worse than that.

Gakona was just the pilot program and has since been sold by the Navy to a 'private industry'.

My old maps show that there were 14 such installations around the world allowing for triangulation coverage of the entire platter. But urban legend is that they created the earthquake and thus the Sue Nami at Fukashima with a HAARP on a US Navy ship.

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And that is what we can search... they have that plus This: https://odysee.com/@KILLUMINATI13420:9/lv_0_20240928112638:8 and even more that we cant even imagine...

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Oct 4Liked by Patrick Jordan


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This feels so ritualistic. Leave the bodies so the earth gets its blood sacrifice before raping it of the lithium & quartz. Maybe they believe this absolves them of any karma or cosmic justice.

OR they get more bang for their buck in the loosh harvesting dept.

Just thinking out loud.

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Oct 4Liked by Patrick Jordan

🎯 all of the above

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Patrick Jordan

You are a genius in putting together pieces of the puzzle. I have a weird piece. For a few years I have been following a fellow name Mike Wann who makes vids concerning the Susquahanna River.

What I call the Religion of the Castrated Gods and the cult followers (Trannies) are nomads. I don't care where THey are born, THey are the wanderers, Globalists is a word that can be substituted. The goddess Sequana was venerated in the River Seine. The Olympics did all kinds of weird shit along the Seine River this year. You can see the name Sequana in the name Susquehanna. This is not a coincidence. The Susquahanna River runs on the 40 degree parallel. I happened to get caught in a DEW fire 4 years ago while visiting a friend. When I looked up the address I found it is on the 40 degree parallel. To this day the home has not been rebuilt as one problem begets another starting with the county. This land was in the past gold mining country and my friends owns around 90 acres. There is a shaft on the land as we tossed a rock and heard it eventually land. So again, we have land being targeted. Looks to me like minerals and elements are playing a key role.

So this morning I go to send an email, glance at YT and see Mike has put up a vid. He is making a resonant comparison of Hurricane Helene and the 1896 Cedar Key Hurricane. Add to that he is using words like frequency and 128 Hz. I am going to link the vid, watch at 1.5 speed cuz he's a relaxed kind of guy.


p.s. The hospitals in NY ( I looked up 4 of them at the time) used in the CoV invisible dis-ease story are all located on the 40 degree parallel. 4 is the Dalet and the Dalet is the DOOR.

I haven't looked this up yet but I think the 40 degree parallel and/or an important point on the Susquehanna River might be the divider between the North and the South during the Civil War.

And let's not forget, areas are targeted and taken down (DESTROYED) so that THey can rebuild with THeir new technology. I wonder if this area is shown of importance in the main document, Agenda 21, the hundred year plan.

Did you catch the name where the LITHIUM is located? On KIN-G Mountain.

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Have you compared the 40th parallel with any Ley Line Maps?

With just a FEW WATTS of power remote sensing balloon satellites can map ALL METALS, and oil, and other deposits DEEP in the earth.

HAARP puts out GIGAWATTS of power.

They KNOW where all of the gold is if the dwarves gave up pickin' away at a seam that petered out.

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No, I have not. The fire I got caught in was the Zogg Mine Fire. We were going to go to the lake but I looked outside and there was a bear outside the kitchen window. A wind picked up and made a funnel shape out of the dirt swept up from the ground. It scared the bear and he took off like a rocket across the pond. The fire broke out around 2 hours later.

As we were all evacuating, I stopped and looked back and I saw a line of fire making a VERTICAL straight line up the very dry grassy hillside.

I was just watching this interview with a fellow who wrote "Sound the Alarm" about the technology. They show weather maps of the storm and anomalies. I listen at 1.5.


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Oct 4Liked by Patrick Jordan

Patrick- Burnsville, North Carolina was where Dr. Patricia Jordan, DVM had planned to relocate before she passed away. She desperately wanted to be in that area because of the lower EMF and fairly large group of EMF sensitive people also resided there so there was support. Burnsville was decimated as well as many of the small towns. In preparation for her move, she stocked a storage unit with SHTF supplies. We can only hope those supplies helped some of those in need. We still haven’t heard from some of her friends who lived in that area.

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Patricia was always in-tune with herself and her environment so it makes sense that she had a connection to the land. As you say, I hope others can benefit from what she did. Let us know if you hear from the other folks.

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folks ….lets remember that the Americas and the US of A were never never made to stay for ever but to be destroyed and re-descovered, because we are at reset #5 of this “simulation”. So this is why all homes here are made like cookies.

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If my house is a coconut maccarroon (don't know how to spell it) with macadamias in it, then I'll bring down the house myself!

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Not sure the specific method of construction for your living quarters. But generally speaking NATIONWIDE in North America construction technology as methodology and materials is what we had in 1200 AD in rural Europe.

No offense to anybody reading this. Behind the entire concept there is a perpetual money pouring in keeping up the lumber industry......but the more nefarious goal imho of is that the wipe out of the PROOF that people lived in the land . Best way to achieve this is with climatic events that leads to permanent land changes. Geographical boundaries can and will be changed. Sadly we do not count anything.

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conversely, I like the stories about the brick and marble structures that were reported to have 'burnt to the ground'. I've always wanted to see marble burn to the ground.

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